Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 65 Luo Hu's Thoughts, West Sea Strange Island

Luo Hu looked at the Root of Creation in his hand, it was such a treasure!

Great God Pangu is full of treasures, especially this treasure, which is the treasure of treasures. It not only has powerful attack power, but also has infinite power of creation!

In terms of attack power, this root of good fortune will definitely not be inferior to the best innate spirit treasure, or even higher.

In terms of the power of good fortune, this root of good fortune is stronger than the twelve good fortune green lotus!

This is the power of the root of creation.

Once you have obtained the root of good fortune, you must not waste it in your hands in vain.

Even if this thing is not refined into a treasure, it can have great power, but if it is refined into a treasure, then Rahu doesn't know what power it will have.

And Luo Hu has always wanted to refine the Nine Demon Pagoda, and has been worrying about the main material. Now the root of creation is the best choice!

In this way, although the root of good fortune will be refined into an acquired treasure, Luo Hu has a tripod of heaven and earth in his hands!

In addition, Luo Hu has such precious innate materials as Chaos Stone, Star Sand, Void Spirit Stone, etc. in his hands. It can be said that Luo Hu can start refining the Nine Demon Tower now!

The cultivation base of the saint is enough to refine the Nine Demon Tower. At the beginning, Luo Hu was afraid that the Nine Demon Tower could not be refined well, and it would cause some bad things to the magic way, but now, he has this strength.

The Qiankun Ding can turn the acquired into innate, and the Nine Demon Pagoda is bound to become an innate spiritual treasure. As for the grade, it is difficult for Luo Hu to calculate!

But now that Luo Hu has infinite merits, he can completely turn a quasi-sage into a saint!

It's just that Luo Hu now wants to use this merit to join the Nine Demon Tower, making the Nine Demon Tower a treasure of merit!

There is no powerful innate meritorious treasure on the prehistoric land, and Luo Hu wants to give it a try, to see how powerful the Nine Demon Pagoda is refined.

I pinched my fingers and calculated that there are still about 30,000 years before the sermon will be preached. During this time, it is completely enough for Rahu to refine the Nine Demon Pagoda.

Luo Hu sacrificed the Qiankun Ding, and the aura of the innate treasure was released instantly. This Qiankun Ding was born from chaos and has supreme power!

Luo Hu was thinking in his heart, wondering if this Qiankun Cauldron could be refined into a congenital treasure, if the Nine Demon Pagoda was refined into a congenital treasure, then this would greatly increase Luo Hu's combat power!

The Nine Demon Pagoda, one of the treasures of the magic way, is even more powerful than the Beginning Demon Seal!

The Beginning Demon Seal is the chief master of the Demon Dao, representing the supreme authority of the Demon Dao, and the Nine Demon Pagoda is in charge of the Demon Ancestor, representing the Demon Dao!

To refine the Nine Demon Tower, Luo Hu still needs to pour all his understanding of the magic way into it, so that the Nine Demon Tower can be transformed into a magic treasure!

When the Qiankun Cauldron appeared, Luo Hu hesitated a bit. This root of good fortune is a part of the Great God Pan Gu, and he refined it to become a treasure. Isn't this a little blasphemy to the Great God Pan Gu?

But thinking of his situation in the wilderness, if he fights alone, if he doesn't have a hole card, it will be difficult to survive in the wilderness!

Nowadays, almost all of Luo Hu's hole cards are known to Hongjun Daozu. If there is no new hole card, this will be in a very dangerous situation!

Luo Hu didn't allow himself to fall into a dangerous place, so he could only blaspheme Pan Gu.

With a flip of his hand, the root of good fortune disappeared, and Luo Hu put the chaotic stone into the Qiankun cauldron.

The Chaos Stone is the Chaos Strange Stone, the hardest stone, even if Luo Hu attacks with the God Killing Spear,

It just left a white mark.

Of course, this chaotic stone can be refined, otherwise, it is impossible to become a material, after all, it is so hard, there is nothing to do!

The Qiankun Ding is an innate treasure, and the tripod is a flame of its own.

Looking at the flame, a sneer flashed in Luo Hu's eyes. The Qiankun Patriarch wanted to use this flame to refine him back then!

But in the end he perishes.

It cannot be said that the flame is not strong, but that Luo Hu is too powerful. The Qiankun Patriarch faced Luo Hu like a child, without any power to resist!


The Demon Ancestor of Cangtian sat on the cloud platform, looked at Sun Yuan below, and said calmly: "Yuan'er, you have already cultivated to the Daluo Golden Immortal, and it is only a matter of time before you become a quasi-sage, but your junior is only a Taiyi Golden Immortal. If one day the teacher is gone, you have to protect your junior brother."

Sun Yuan felt a bit of pain inexplicably, and looked closely at the Celestial Demon Ancestor, why would the Celestial Demon Ancestor say such words?

"Master, where are you going?" Sun Yuan asked anxiously.

"There is a great fortune for my teacher, and I may leave after a while, so Hong'er must practice Panyuan Nine Revolutions, you know!"

"Yes, the disciple must follow the teachings of the master." Sun Yuan understood that there was no way for him to practice the Nine Turns of Pan Yuan.

But his junior brother still has hope, as long as there is hope, he can't give up. They belong to the sky, and there must be someone who can practice Panyuan Nine Revolutions!

"Go!" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor gave up.

Sun Yuan wanted to say something, but seeing the Heavenly Demon Ancestor like this, he didn't say anything, but turned and left the hall.

But in Sun Yuan's mind, he was still thinking about what the Heavenly Demon Ancestor said.

After a while, the Demon Ancestor of Cangtian will be leaving, and only him and Yuan Hong will be left in the Cangtian lineage of Mount Sumi from now on.

Although the Tai Shang and others have never suppressed them, their right to speak from the heavenly lineage is very weak. This is not what Sun Yuan wants to see!

The only thing that can increase the right to speak is to improve one's own strength. Now that the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is still there, they may still have some right to speak, but what about after the Heavenly Demon Ancestor leaves?

A Da Luo Jinxian peak, and a Da Luo Jinxian who is the most newcomer?

How the two of them compete for the right to speak is simply impossible, so both Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong must work hard!

"To the North Pole, it's time to go there once, and wait for the uncle to give a sermon and come back with the younger brother!"

Sun Yuan thought that he had left Mount Sumeru!

When Sun Yuan left Mount Sumeru, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven had already noticed, and when he saw the direction Sun Yuan was headed for Beihai, he felt a little relieved!

This is very good, if you have a motivated heart, the Demon Ancestor Cangtian will be relieved.

In the Dragon Palace, Ao Zheng entered the teleportation array.

There was a flash of light.

next moment.

Ao Zheng disappeared in the East China Sea, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the West Sea Dragon Palace.

At this time, the teleportation formation in the Dragon Palace of the West Sea was already full of Dragon Clans, and there were some other Aquarium Clans. These were the rulers of the West Sea.

Ao Zheng walked out of the teleportation array.

"Meet His Majesty the Dragon Emperor!"

Ao Run, the Dragon King of Xihai, led all the high-level officials in Xihai to kneel down.

Ao is the dragon emperor, the emperor of the entire dragon clan, and the supreme emperor of the world.

"Get up!" Ao Zheng's face was indifferent, without any expression.

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, couldn't see Ao Zheng's joy and anger, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he invited Ao Zheng to the West Sea Dragon Palace.

In the main hall, there are not so many people. After all, the Dragon Emperor is not everyone who wants to see it.

There are only four people in the entire hall!

Ao Zheng, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, and Ao Bai, whom Luo Hu admired at the beginning, and Prime Minister Turtle of the West Sea.

"I am here, you must also know why, tell me about the situation on Yingzhou Island." Ao Zheng said solemnly.

Ao Zheng never dared to neglect anything about Luo Hu.

The Dragon King of the West Sea naturally knew why Ao Zheng came here. There was indeed an island on the West Sea. It was very strange. In order to verify whether it was Yingzhou Island, Ao Run went to the island himself!

But when he arrived on the island, Ao Run didn't feel anything unusual, unlike the situation he explained at the beginning.

Luo Hui explained at the beginning that the aura in Yingzhou Island may be chaotic aura, which is different from innate aura!

Ao Run was the first to enter, there was no chaotic aura, only innate aura.

But the second time, it was Ao Bai who entered. Ao Bai is Ao Run's confidant. Because he was appreciated by Luo Hu, it can be said that Ao Bai is the number two person in the West Sea Dragon Palace!

It is famous in the whole Dragon Clan!

After all, it is a supreme honor to be appreciated by the Demon Ancestor.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, when Xiaolong entered, the island was just like an ordinary island, but when Ao Bai entered, it was different."

Ao Run said respectfully, not daring to tell any lies.

At this time, it is impossible to tell half a lie because he wants to claim credit, but he knows Ao Zheng's character!

Once found to be lying, then the next step may be to perish directly!

Ao Zheng nodded, and then looked at Ao Bai. Ao Zheng's face softened a little for this Dragon Clan who had been praised by the Demon Ancestor.

"Ao Bai, tell me."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Ao Bai is extremely grateful to Luo Hu, because everything he has now was brought to him by Luo Hu. If Luo Hu hadn't gone to the West Sea, he might just be an ordinary patrolling dragon soldier!

But now it is different.

Don't you see, even His Majesty the Dragon Emperor treats him differently.

"Eight hundred years after the Dragon King came out, Xiaolong entered that island again. After entering, he found that it was completely different from what the Dragon King said. These are two different worlds!"

"Tell me specifically!"

Yingzhou Island was transformed from chaotic fragments, even Luo Hu couldn't figure it out, and Ao Zheng couldn't figure it out, so he could only listen to the words of those who had entered the world!

"When the Dragon King entered, although the island was not desolate, it was a very ordinary island, not even a middle-grade innate spiritual root!

But when Xiaolong entered, he found that the island was not simple, with a rich aura. Although Xiaolong had never seen the chaotic aura, this aura was definitely not innate aura! "

Ao Bai paused, slowed down, and organized his words. After all, he was facing Ao Zheng!

Ao Zheng didn't interrupt either, waiting for Ao Bai to continue.

"The almost atomized aura made Xiaolong feel as if he was taking a breath, as if he was improving his cultivation, and in it, Xiaolong also felt the existence of a top-grade innate spiritual root.

But then, Xiaolong felt an inexplicable sense of fear, and then withdrew from the island, and then reported back to Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea. "

Ao Bai explained it in detail, and Ao Run, the dragon king of Xihai, was very satisfied. This time, they will make meritorious service in Xihai. If the ancestor Mozu comes again, their status in Xihai will be greatly improved.

Ao Zheng pondered for a moment, then looked at Ao Bai, this is not a lie, a little Taiyi Golden Immortal Early Dragon Clan dare not lie in front of him!

"Very good, if it's really Yingzhou Island, and your first achievements in the West Sea, the emperor will definitely ask for more rewards for you in front of the master!" Ao Zheng smiled!

From Ao Bai's narration, it is basically certain that this is Yingzhou Island. Next, Ao Zheng needs to go and see it himself.

"Thank you Your Majesty, I will do my best to serve the Dragon Clan and Your Majesty!"

Both Ao Run and Ao Bai were so excited that they quickly knelt down and bowed down.

Ao Zheng stood up and said calmly: "Let's go, take me to this island to have a look."

"Although this island is floating around all the time, Xiaolong has already arranged guards, so let's take His Majesty there!" Ao Bai said respectfully.

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