At the beginning, Luo Hu got sixty-two empty spirit stones in the West Sea. Originally, Luo Hu thought that he would use thirty-six empty spirit stones to combine with the chaotic stone and star sand to refine the Nine Demon Tower!

But now the situation has changed, Luohu got the root of good fortune, which is a very important part of Pangu Great God, it can be said that this thing has infinite good fortune!

It is most suitable for refining the Nine Demon Tower.

Therefore, Luo Hu no longer uses thirty-six empty spirit stones, he will use all the empty spirit stones to refine this supreme treasure!

As for the star sand, there is no need for it.

The star sand is no longer needed, even if it is added, it will not have any effect, and it will even lower the rank of the Nine Demon Tower, so Luo Hu will not use the star sand!

This kind of innate talent can also refine other spiritual treasures in the future.

One must know that the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven only accepted two disciples, and these two monkeys did not accept them!

Rahu can completely refine sticks from the remaining star sand and give them to these nephews.

Sixty-two empty spirit stones were thrown into the Qiankun cauldron, and the golden liquid rushed up, gradually corroding the empty spirit stones.

Luo Hu didn't care about these, because he knew that this was the characteristic of the chaotic rock.

The Void Spirit Stone is also a top-notch innate material, but compared with the Chaos Obstinate Stone, it is still a lot worse. Being so corroded by the Chaos Obstinate Stone, the space power of the Void Spirit Stone can be maximized!

The refining techniques in the Beginning Demon Sutra can be said to be the most prehistoric ones. Luo Hu's tricks were inserted into it one by one, causing the sixty-two ethereal stones to spin rapidly in the Qiankun cauldron.

The ten thousand zhang golden light emitted from the Qiankun cauldron, with a strong aura, filled the radius of thousands of miles.

Luo Hu was immersed in the refiner, so naturally he didn't know about this strong breath, which corroded the spiritual roots around him!

Bai Lian appeared, looked at the strong aura, and felt a shock in her heart. If these auras were allowed to corrode, after Luo Hu woke up, the spiritual roots on Moxin Island would all be scrapped!

Sitting cross-legged, the white lotus gradually turned into a lotus flower with twelve petals, which is the twelve-grade pure white lotus!

This is the spiritual root of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​with supreme power.

Its defensive power is no less than that of the four great lotus platforms in the prehistoric world, and the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus appeared on Moxin Island.

The milky white gas sprinkled down, forming a chic light curtain.

This directly traps those auras in it, and can't emit any violent aura at all, let alone destroy the spiritual roots of Moxin Island!

These spiritual roots are extremely precious, and Bai Lian knows that these are the heart and soul of Luo Hu, and they must not be harmed in any way!

Over time, a thousand years have passed.

Tiny cracks appeared on the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus!

Although it is very small, it covers the entire lotus platform!

How powerful is Rahu's ability to refine treasures, even the leaked breath cannot be resisted by the twelfth-rank pure world white lotus!

You must know that the main material this time is the root of good fortune, and the auxiliary material is the chaotic stone.

The twelfth-grade pure world white lotus is still not the four great lotus stands of the prehistoric era, and they cannot all resist these powerful auras.

Luo Hu knows nothing about the outside world, he is manipulating the holy fire of heaven and earth, melting the ethereal spirit stones, and making sixty-two ethereal spirit stones form a space!

Every ethereal stone has a space,

Today, the sixty-two ethereal stones are joined together with the help of the chaotic stubborn stones!

Although the ethereal stones are not together, their space is connected one after another.

Another thousand years passed.

Luo Hu printed out a handprint, and infinite demon energy poured into the Qiankun Cauldron. Luo Hu is casting demons, he is the ancestor of demons, and his spirit treasure is naturally a magic treasure!

After Luohu poured infinite magic energy, the ethereal stone changed its color, and the golden liquid became pitch black.

The chaotic stone, under Rahu's demonic nature, can hardly escape the result of being corroded!

Luo Hu's demonic nature can corrode anything, even Daoist Hongjun, without precaution, will be corrupted by Luohu's demonic nature!

Of course, Luo Hui wanted to corrupt Hongjun Daozu, but Hongjun Daozu would not give Luo Hu a chance!

Demonic corrosion is stronger than demonization, it can make a living being truly enchanted, but it is the puppet of the demon ancestor!

The spaces within the Void Spirit Stone are connected together, and the next step is to smelt that treasure.

Luo Hu sacrificed the root of good fortune, and felt a little helpless in his eyes. Although he was suspected of blaspheming Pan Gu, in the prehistoric world, everything was beyond his control!

This is the only way to make yourself stronger.

Luo Hu looked at the root of good fortune in his hand, without any expression fluctuations in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, the root of good fortune entered the cauldron of heaven and earth!


Outside of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​amidst the wilderness, a powerful aura appeared from Buzhou Mountain. This was a kind of riot, a kind of anger!


The roaring sound can be heard throughout the Great Desolation!

Countless great powers were shocked, and they all looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain, wanting to see what happened to Buzhou Mountain!

Daoist Hongjun of Zixiao Palace trembled in his heart, and looked at Buzhou Mountain suddenly, but found that Pangu's will on Buzhou Mountain was gathering!

The entire Buzhou Mountain was trembling, and even Honghuang was trembling with it!

Especially the Thirty-Third Heaven has begun to change.

The ancestor of destiny came directly from the starry sky to Buzhou Mountain to suppress the changes of the Thirty-Third Heaven, otherwise, it would not take long for the Thirty-Three Heaven to become a head again!

Once this happens, then the Yaozu has lost its foothold, and the Yaozu will fall into a passive position in the future!

The gear of destiny is sacrificed, and the infinite law of destiny appears, covering the entire thirty-three heavens, excluding Pangu's will!

But how strong Pan Gu's will was, when the Great God Pan Gu was alive, hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods fell with one blow of the axe!

The last ax made all the Chaos Demon Gods die and be injured!

It can be said that Pan Gu's will is stronger than Heaven's will!


The whole prehistoric trembled.

The Great Desolate Continent, the Great Desolate Sea, the Great Desolate Starry Sky, and the Great Desolate Sea of ​​Void!

Everywhere is trembling, the water from all over the world is pouring into the Primordial Continent, and in an instant, the entire Primordial Continent has become a world of water!

There are no more continents, nor the four seas, because the four seas have been connected into one piece, except for Buzhou Mountain, where the top of the mountain is exposed, and the rest, even the Mount Xumi and Kunlun Mountains, have been submerged!

In the starry sky, the galaxy hangs upside down, and Yin and Yang are reversed.

The small stars revolving around the sun star are all scattered, either collapsing or dying.

The Lunar Star shifted its position, and I don't know how many stars it smashed into pieces, until it finally hit an ancient star and stopped.

Cracks appeared in the two ancient stars.

The void collapsed, and the space storm in the sea of ​​void seemed to be gushing out. Fortunately, the golden light of the three thousand laws of the golden wheel of the heavenly law shrouded in golden light, which consolidated the void and calmed down the storm in the sea of ​​void.

"what's going on!"

Daoist Hongjun in Zixiao Palace looked at the chaotic Honghuang, his eyes were full of doubts, anger, and shock!

As the ancestor of Dao, he didn't even know what happened in Honghuang now, and at this time, the heavenly secrets were in chaos, and it was impossible to calculate the heavenly secrets at all!

At this time, Hongjun Daozu didn't dare to be negligent, and directly appeared on the prehistoric land, sacrificed the jade plate of good fortune, and began to sort out the prehistoric laws!

The most important thing is to prevent the fusion of Pangu's will!

Above the Great Desolation, every great power can see that on Buzhou Mountain, with the integration of Pan Gu's will, a huge face slowly appeared, it is Pan Gu Great God!

Hongjun Daozu didn't dare to delay, and used the fortune jade plate to suppress Pangu's will, and let that Pangu's will dissipate!

If Pangu's will is fused at this time, then its power cannot be resisted by any existence on the prehistoric world!

The good fortune jade plate has turned into a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, with Buzhou Mountain as the center, spreading infinite coercion, and sorting out the ecology above the prehistoric!

Let the water of the four seas recede and restore the original appearance of the prehistoric world!

However, Pangu's will is not so easy to be suppressed. Although Pangu's will has not been fully integrated, its power is no longer something a saint can resist.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, you still haven't summoned the Dao of Heaven!" the ancestor of Destiny shouted anxiously!

At this time, I am afraid that only Heavenly Dao can face Pangu's will. Needless to say, the entire prehistoric riot now knows that Pangu's will is at work!

Whether it is the ancestor of fate or the ancestor of Daoist Hongjun, they all have a terrible idea in their hearts!

Is the great god Pangu going to be resurrected?

If it is resurrected, will the prehistoric world still exist?

You must know that Honghuang is Pangu's body. If Pangu is resurrected, then the whole Honghuang will not exist, and everything will dissipate.

This is the immeasurable calamity coming in advance, and their saints may be able to save their lives!

But under the saints, all will perish!

"Where's Luo Hu? Where's Luo Hu!" Daozu Hongjun yelled frantically!

At this time, the Demon Ancestor Luohu didn't even show his face. Could it be that he didn't know that now is the moment of life and death for the prehistoric people?

"By the way, where is Luo Hu?" The ancestor of Destiny was also furious!

Honghuang has become like this, and Luo Hu hasn't shown up yet?

Could it be that he wants to destroy the prehistoric world?

Now is not the time to be entangled with Luohu, Hongjun Daozu has already transmitted the sound transmission of Taiqing and Yuanyuan, let the two of them come to Buzhou Mountain immediately!

The ancestor of destiny also notified Donghuang Taiyi, asking him to come from the prehistoric south as soon as possible.

At this time, all the great powers above the prehistoric world have fear!

That's right, it's fear!

This is the fear of death!

Taiqing and Yuanyuan quickly rushed to Buzhou Mountain.

"Eldest brother, what's the matter, is Hong Huang going to be destroyed?" Yuan Yuan said in horror.

At this time, Taiqing also looked at Buzhou Mountain in horror. At this time, there is no such thing as a powerful gesture.

"Pangu's will merged, is Pangu Great God going to be resurrected?" Taiqing said in a low voice.

If Pangu's will merges, then the first group of great powers to fall will be the Siqing, after all, they are Pangu Primordial Gods, and the second to fall will be the Twelve Ancestral Witches!

Above Mount Sumeru, Taishang was terrified, this time he was really terrified, the fear that came from his heart.

"Eldest brother, what happened to Hong Huang!" Taixuan asked in horror.

Tong Tian, ​​Queen Mother of the West, Xiong Ba, Sun Yuan, Kong Xuan...all showed panic!

Saying that you are not afraid at this time is impossible at that time, so it is more than just fear?

"How could this be? Is the Great God Pan Gu going to be resurrected?" The Taishang's eyes showed unwillingness!

Pan Gu was resurrected, he was the first to perish, his ambition was unfulfilled!

His magic career has not been completed, he has not carried forward the magic way, and the revenge in his heart has not yet been displayed!

Tongtian left the main hall and looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain with firmness in his eyes.

When Pan Gu is resurrected, he is bound to perish, and the four Qings will perish, and Pan Gu Yuanshen will gather again!

"Eldest brother, it's time for us to contribute to Hong Huang!" Tong Tian said.

At this time, the water of the four seas has not receded completely, and there are cracks in the Great Desolate Continent, which need to be repaired!

Their great Luo Jinxian's great power is fully capable of repairing them one by one.

All of a sudden, all the great powers on Mount Sumeru came out of the mountain. It is true that they are demons, but the prehistoric world cannot be destroyed, otherwise, where would the demons exist?

The Twelve Ancestral Witches unite to condense the earth evil spirits and consolidate the earth veins.

On the Longevity Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi used the earth's fetal membrane to stabilize the foundation of the entire prehistoric world!

Above the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Styx summoned 460 million blood god sons with supreme mana to stabilize the momentum of the South China Sea and let the sea recede!

The holy beasts of the five directions all appeared on the prehistoric, and the five great arrays of heaven and earth were laid down to stabilize the prehistoric.

Eastern ancestor dragon, southern phoenix ancestor, northern Xuanwu, western white tiger, celestial unicorn!

An extremely powerful coercion appeared above the prehistoric, this is the coercion of the most holy, covering the entire prehistoric, the power of the large array, began to sort out the laws of the prehistoric, and suppress the turmoil!

On Buzhou Mountain, too clear and primitive, Donghuang Taiyi arrived.

Hongjun Daozu sacrificed a picture of Taiji, and a golden bridge appeared in the prehistoric, spanning the mainland and the void sea, to suppress the prehistoric riots!

The Pangu flag waved, suppressing Pangu's will, and dissipating the fused part of Pangu's will!

The ancestor of destiny condenses supreme mana and activates the chaotic clock.

The bell rang, and the earth, fire, feng shui were all fixed there. Afterwards, the Chaos Clock emitted infinite power and began to restore the prehistoric world!

The Golden Wheel of the Heavenly Dao and the Eye of the Heavenly Dao appeared at the same time, and a huge coercion descended on Buzhou Mountain, suppressing Pangu's will!

If Pangu's will is fully fused, then even the Dao of Heaven will not be able to suppress it. Fortunately, Pangu's will is only partly fused!

Under the suppression and repair of the entire prehistoric power, the riots in Buzhou Mountain began to slowly decrease.

But the whole prehistoric still has a kind of furious emotion!

It seems that something angered Pan Gu, causing Pan Gu to revive and shatter the prehistoric world!

"Luo Hu is not a son of man, he is not a son of man, he should be punished!" Daozu Hongjun shouted angrily.

In the prehistoric crisis, Luo Hu, who is a saint, did not appear, not even to help restore the prehistoric times!

The ancestor of destiny looked at Mount Sumeru, but found that Rahu's disciples were repairing the west, but Rahu was the only one missing.

"I really should revive Pangu's will and kill Luo Hu first. We are exhausted, but he is nowhere to be seen!" The ancestor of fate was extremely dissatisfied!

As the riots in Buzhou Mountain subsided, Honghuang gradually stabilized.

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