Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 68 A Word from the Great God Pangu

Buzhou Mountain is no longer in turmoil, the flood has calmed down, the waters of the four seas have receded, the cracks on the continent are all fused, and the stars in the starry sky are all returning to their places!

If it weren't for the aftermath of the turmoil, it would have been as if nothing had happened before, and Hong Huang had always been calm.

"Friends of Destiny Daoist, please go to Zixiao Palace with Pindao to have a talk." Daozu Hongjun said lightly.

The ancestor of fate nodded. At this time, he was full of doubts in his heart, why there was such a turmoil in Honghuang!

Just now, the Great God Pangu almost came back to life, just a little bit, if not for the great power of the whole Honghuang to stop it, I am afraid that Honghuang will perish because of this!

The land of extremes!

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches were furious, and looked towards the Zixiao Palace outside the chaos!

"It's so vicious, you can't be a son of man!" Di Jiang's growling voice resounded throughout the entire sky.

Don't worry about anything at all!

"Heaven, Hongjun, from now on, the Wu Clan and you are incompatible!" Houtu shouted angrily.

Houtu has always been the most rational among the ancestral witches, but now Houtu has lost his mind.

It can be said that all the ancestor witches have lost their minds!

Gather the evil energy of the earth and strengthen the earth's veins!

Is this what their ancestors should do? What they have to do is to break the leylines, so that the entire Great Desolate Continent can be broken as much as possible!

When Pan Gu is resurrected, they will definitely fall, but they are willing, Pan Gu is their father god, and they are extremely happy to be able to resurrect!

When he felt the wrath of Pangu's will, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were already shattered!

However, after gathering Earth Fiend, they felt that their consciousness had been imprisoned. The action that was supposed to shatter the Great Desolation turned into a consolidation of the Great Desolation!

"It must be the fault of Tiandao and Hongjun, brother, what should we do?" Zhu Jiuyin asked angrily.

At this time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have lost their minds, or they are now the most rational. They can pay any price for Pangu, even if it is perish, even if the entire witch clan is wiped out!

Dijiang looked towards the sky.

If this matter is not clarified, the whole prehistoric people will think that the twelve ancestor witches are soft-hearted and have betrayed God Pan Gu!

Other great powers can stop Pangu Great God, but their twelve ancestor witches can't, they can't get over it in their hearts!

"I, Emperor Jiang of the Wu Clan, from now on, the Wu Clan will not respect the way of heaven, nor Hongjun, and heaven and earth will not be at odds with each other!"


The voice of Dijiang spread throughout the prehistoric world, and the voice of Dijiang resounded in the ears of any creature!

This time, Houtu did not stop him!

What saint?

The big deal is to perish, what is there to be afraid of?

This time, it is equivalent to Tiandao, Hongjun Daozu, and Destiny Patriarch indirectly killed Pangu Great God. If they still greet each other with a face, they are not as good as animals!


Above the prehistoric world, the sound of thunder resounded, and endless clouds of scourge converged towards the extremes of the sky!

The infinite god thunder condensed began to gather, and it turned out that it was pregnant with the purple sky god thunder and the chaos god thunder, which was to destroy the witch clan!

Dijiang's words can be said to be despising the way of heaven, not only that,

This is against the sky!


At this time, Mount Buzhou began to vibrate again, and a strong coercion surged out, scattering the boundless cloud of scourge.

Daoist Hongjun and Ancestor Destiny in Zixiao Palace both felt their hearts sink, they were afraid, if Zhoushan was in turmoil once, they would not be able to stop it at all!

"Immediately, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not allowed to attack the Wu Clan. Anyone who violates it will be killed!"

A phantom of a huge ax appeared on Buzhou Mountain, as if there was a pair of eyes staring at the prehistoric world!

The scourge of heaven dissipated, and neither Hongjun Daozu nor Destiny Patriarch appeared.

This is the voice of Pan Gu's will, it is a warning, and at the same time, it is also a threat.

They dare not compete with Pan Gu, no one is sure whether Pan Gu can be resurrected or not!

What if it is resurrected?

Hunyuan Big Luo Jin? saint? Or heaven?

Can it survive under the ax of Pan Gu?

A saint is immortal, but that is relative. Facing Pan Gu, a creator god, can he still be immortal?

"I'm not filial, Father God will punish me!" The twelve ancestor witches all knelt down to Buzhou Mountain.

Fangcai Dijiang's words offended Heaven, if not for Pan Gu's will, the Wu Clan would have been wiped out.

Of course, if Tiandao and Hongjun hadn't controlled the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and the earth's veins shook, Pangu's will might have been revived!

The phantom of the ax above Buzhou Mountain dissipated and returned to calm.

But a ray of light shot to the extreme of the sky, divided into twelve, and entered the hearts of every ancestor witch.

Suddenly, a mysterious formation appeared in the depths of their hearts!

All the ancestral witches were stunned. They all sat cross-legged and sorted out the formation from Buzhou Mountain.

In the Zixiao Palace, everything that happened in the land of extreme heaven was presented in front of Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch.

"The Great God Pangu's will is too strong. If it happens again, I'm afraid the whole prehistoric world will be shattered!"

Hongjun Daozu said with some sighs, this is the first time he has faced Pangu's coercion directly!

The ancestor of destiny shook his head, and said softly: "Pangu in the chaotic period is the peak, and this pressure is less than one-tenth of that at that time!"

"The ray of light condensed by the great god Pan Gu bestowed on the Twelve Ancestral Witches. What exactly is it? Is it a trump card to save the Twelve Ancestral Witches?" Daozu Hongjun was a little confused!

What happened this time was very sudden, why did Bu Zhoushan's Pangu will riot?

Also, does Pangu's will still have the independent consciousness of the Great God Pangu? From the moment he sheltered the Wu Clan, it has been affirmed that the Great God Pangu still has this consciousness!

Even if a creation god falls, it is impossible to completely fall.

Daozu Hongjun looked at the Witch Clan in the mirror, and with a wave of his hand, wiped away the water mirror. It was impossible for him to attack the Witch Clan. Even if he wanted the Witch Clan to perish, he had to let the Monster Clan do it.

The Great God Pangu just said that the powers above Hunyuan Daluo and Jinxian can make a move, but he didn't say that other races can't destroy the Wuzu!

This time, Di Jiang announced the prehistoric situation, causing that Daoist Hongjun to lose all face, and he couldn't do anything himself!

"Why didn't Luo Hu appear? Is this Pangu's fury related to Luo Hu?" said the ancestor of Destiny.

Daoist Hongjun's heart moved. During the whole process, there was no trace of Luo Hu. It can be said that Luo Hu seemed to have disappeared!

In that situation, even if Luo Hu was ruthless, he would still make a move!

After all, there are so many disciples of him in Mount Sumeru!

But Luo Hu just didn't show up, Hongjun Daozu also had a guess, maybe Pan Gu's fury really had something to do with Luo Hu.

"What exactly did Luo Hu do? He was able to make Pan Gu so furious that he almost destroyed the prehistoric world!" Daozu Hongjun was very puzzled 1

The Ancestor of Destiny began to calculate again, he really wanted to know what Luo Hu was doing now, if they hadn't stopped the catastrophe in time, I am afraid it would be an immeasurable catastrophe!

How could they know what Rahu was doing? Rahu, who was at ease in the sky, didn't know that the world was collapsing outside!

Even if someone of the highest class wants to enter the Dazizaitian notification, but seeing Luo Hu's current situation, they dare not disturb him!

After the refining of Rahu is completed, things above the prehistoric world will definitely be shocked.

Above the prehistoric world, many great powers are waiting. They helped the sage protect the prehistoric land, and there should be some meritorious deeds!

But after waiting for a long time, there is no merit!

These great powers still think about the merits of the Heavenly Dao, but they don't know that the Heavenly Dao Golden Wheel at this time has already consumed more than half of its energy in order to suppress Pangu's will, and it cannot be recovered without a few yuanhui!

Fortunately, there are Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch, otherwise, Tiandao Jinlun is likely to fall into a deep sleep, the heavenly way will not appear, and the whole prehistoric period will return to the dark period again!

Killing does not involve karma!

All causes and effects will dissipate, and the prehistoric rules and order will also disappear!

By that time, the Great Desolation will be even more chaotic than the time of the beast!

On the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Minghe stood on the twelfth-grade karma fiery red lotus, looking at the sky, the way of heaven has not sent any merit for a long time!

This made Patriarch Styx very dissatisfied, but he withstood the water of the South China Sea with his own land!

It can be said that this time, Patriarch Styx did his best!

"If you have merit, maybe you can go one step further, alas!"

Patriarch Styx sighed, but when he looked at the land of extreme heaven, there was a look of admiration in his eyes!

"The Twelve Patriarchal Witches are really temperamental. I thought they were also preventing the birth of the Great God Pangu. It turned out that they were controlled by the Dao of Heaven. Hehe, I'm afraid this time it's really at odds!"

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

"The Twelve Patriarchal Witches are savages, they don't respect the way of heaven, they don't respect Hongjun, they are rebellious and immoral!" Taiqing said coldly.

"Eldest brother, I'm afraid we will have more discussions this time when Siqing is in the prehistoric world." Yuan Yuan smiled wryly.

They are not fools, they are transformed by Pan Gu Yuanshen, they should help Pan Gu revive, but they didn't, not only didn't help, but also stopped Pan Gu!

On the contrary, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were not afraid of falling, and they all dared to help God Pan Gu!

In times of crisis, all the great powers in Honghuang will think that Siqing is doing the right thing, but after the crisis is over, no one will think highly of Siqing!

Honghuang is more realistic!

On Mount Sumeru, Tai Shang, Tong Tian's face was very ugly.

But they didn't blame the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but they blamed themselves, they were afraid, they were afraid of death!

They have always regarded themselves as authentic Pan Gu, but when the Great God Pan Gu needs them, they are fighting against the Great God Pan Gu!

This is the so-called authentic Pangu?

They used to look down on the Twelve Ancestral Witches, thinking that they were not worthy of being the authentic Pangu, but from now on, it is self-evident who is the authentic Pangu!

From now on, if Siqing says that he is the authentic Pangu, this is their own slap in the face.

"Tongtian, maybe we were wrong." Taishang said lightly.

Tongtian looked at Buzhou Mountain, feeling a little guilty, "Brother, we will not be able to make up for it this time. The Siqing is still the Siqing, but it is no longer the Pangu Siqing."

Somewhere, a connection was broken!

This is the break of the connection between Pangu Siqing and Pangu Great God, and it will be difficult for them to enjoy the grace of Pangu Great God in the future!

Although luck can still be enjoyed, it can only be enjoyed.

If the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in Tongtian's hand is taken away, there will be no cause and effect!

Similarly, if the Taiji diagram in Taiqing's hand and the Pangu Banner in Yuanyuan's hand are taken away, there will be no cause and effect!

Because it no longer belongs to them, it has become a treasure shared by all, and whoever gets it belongs to them!

"It's ridiculous!" The Tai Shang smiled wryly.

In the past, the Taishang wanted to obliterate Taiqing and turn Pangu Four Cleans into Pangu Sanqing again, but now, even if Taishang killed Taiqing, it was impossible to add the word Pangu.

"Eldest brother, what exactly is Master doing? Why do I feel that the anger of God Pangu this time has something to do with Master?"

Tong Tian is not a fool, the powers of the entire prehistoric world have appeared, and they are all resisting the will of Pan Gu!

Only Rahu, who is the ancestor of the devil, did not appear. Why?

If it is said that this matter has nothing to do with the Demon Ancestor, who would believe it?

They have primordial spirits and can perceive powerful moves, but the Twelve Ancestral Witches cannot. Otherwise, they would definitely be able to guess what Luo Hu did!

I'm afraid they will be furious when they find out!

"Tongtian, don't talk nonsense, we don't want to ask about the matters of the master, let alone speculate!" Tai Shang's face darkened.

Tong Tian nodded, not thinking about it anymore, after all, in his heart, Luo Hu is the sky.

Great freedom in the sky!

The root of good fortune cannot be smelted. After five thousand years of smelting, Luo Hu discovered that the root of good fortune cannot be melted at all!

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to refine the Nine Demon Tower by smelting!

The Chaos Stone has been attached to the Void Spirit Stone, sixty-two Void Spirit Stones, shiny black.

A kind of mysterious energy connects these ethereal spirit stones together.

Now, it is only the smelting of the root of good fortune.

It cannot be smelted, which means that the root of good fortune cannot become what Rahu imagined.

Although it can also be refined into the Nine Devils Tower in this way, it looks a bit ugly.

At that time, it will be sacrificed, should it be said to be a tower? Or what about sticks?

After all, the root of good fortune looks like a short stick. Even if it is inlaid with sixty-two ethereal stones and engraved with large formations, it is a bit indecent!

The good fortune of heaven and earth is infinite, and the god Pangu's root surpasses the good fortune of heaven and earth, and cannot be smelted. This is not surprising to Luo Hu!

So in the future, we can only use the method of heaven and earth to conceive!

This is the same as when Luo Hu refined the Four Swords of Zhuxian!

Embryos are refined by Rahu, and the birth of treasures comes from heaven and earth!

But Luo Hu also has some scruples, this is the root of good fortune, the god root of Pangu, if it is conceived by heaven and earth, will it eventually become a living creature and run away!

If this root of good fortune turns into a living being, then its heels, I am afraid that no one in the wild can match it!

This is what Luo Hu is worried about!

But if the heaven and the earth are not allowed to conceive, Luo Hu has no way to smelt the root of good fortune, which makes Luo Hu have no way.

"It seems that it can only be suppressed with a void mirror, so that the world can give birth to the Nine Demon Tower."

Thinking in his heart, Luo Hu was going to start inlaying sixty-two ethereal spirit stones and engraving the formation.

The Nine Demon Pagodas are the most important treasures of the Demon Dao, and they cannot be lost in any way!

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