In the Qiankun Cauldron, the root of good fortune has not changed at all, and it is still the same as before. Neither the holy fire of Qiankun nor the magic fire of Jiuyou can smelt the root of good fortune.

The only way now is to refine the embryos in Luohu and let the heavens and the earth conceive them!

In fact, the heavens and the earth are the Great God Pan Gu, and it is naturally the most suitable thing for the Great God Pan Gu to conceive the root of good fortune.

However, before allowing the heaven and the earth to conceive, Rahu needs to inlay sixty-two ethereal spirit stones to open up the space world within the root of good fortune!

The Nine Demon Pagoda naturally has many spaces. In Luo Hu's vision, the Nine Demon Tower has nine spaces!

There is still no problem with the construction of the nine-fold space with sixty-two ethereal spirit stones!

What matters is what formation Rahu engraves, that's the main thing.

The root of good fortune turned into a tower shape, this point, Luo Hu can do nothing, but the formation he engraved must be a magic weapon suitable for the tower shape!

After all, only in this way can heaven and earth be able to breed treasures in the shape of pagodas.

The Nine Demon Pagoda must be a treasure in the shape of a pagoda, otherwise, it would not be called the Nine Demon Pagoda.

Luo Hu pinched his fingers, and the ethereal spirit stones flew up one by one, forming a special pattern in the air!

The root of good fortune also flew out at this time.

Luo Hu took back the Qiankun Cauldron.

At this time, he had already used the Qiankun cauldron to refine the other materials, and the heaven and earth oven would suffice for the root of good fortune.

Moreover, the treasures conceived by heaven and earth are all innate spiritual treasures, but I just don't know if they can reach the level of innate treasures!

Logically speaking, it is possible, after all, the main material is the root of good fortune, which is a very important part of Pangu Great God!

It is precisely because of the root of good fortune that Luo Hu thinks about innate treasures, otherwise, Luo Hu can only think about the best innate treasures.


Even the best innate spirit treasure is not bad, because Luo Hu still has these eighty mu of merit and virtue Qingyun on his body, which can be injected into it!

This has become the ultimate innate merit and virtue spirit treasure, which is the first thing in the world, and there will be merits and virtues at that time!

Its power will definitely not be lower than the innate treasure!

But it’s different now, the main material is the root of good fortune, plus so many merits and virtues, if it can become the innate treasure, this is the innate treasure of merits and virtues!

One must know that the power of the Acquired Merit Treasure is already comparable to the Innate Treasure.

What if it is a treasure of innate merit?

Honghuang never appeared, and Luo Hu couldn't guess it!

However, one thing is certain, at least it will not be inferior to the innate treasure, which will be of great help to Luo Hu!

With a finger in the void, a void spirit stone was shot at the root of good fortune, a mysterious and mysterious energy that combined the two together.


At the same time, a thunderstorm sounded above the prehistoric, shaking the prehistoric!

Rahu is in Dazi Zaitian, he doesn't know this, he continues to be inlaid with ethereal stones.

However, every time Luo Hu inlaid a void spirit stone, there would be a sound of thunder in Honghuang, which seemed to be the sound of anger!

After inlaying four pieces, Rahu set up a large array of four elephants.

The four great beasts appeared in the root of good fortune, and they appeared according to the position of the four beasts.

Suzaku in the south, Xuanwu in the north, Qinglong in the east, and white tiger in the west!

Luo Hu didn't comprehend the Yin-Yang Tai Chi formation, nor did he comprehend the three-talent formation, otherwise, he would have arranged these two formations!

All kinds of big formations, with the root of good fortune as the foundation, will not be chaotic, nor will they be broken, but will be endless. Even if they are attacked, some cracks will be filled in an instant!

When there were eight empty spirit stones, Rahu laid out the eight great formations, and when there were nine pieces, he laid out the nine palace formations.

At 12 yuan, the Infinity Formation was laid out, at 24 yuan, the Great Formation of the Heavens was laid out, and at the thirty-six Ethereal Stones, the Great Formation of the Reincarnation of the Heavens was laid out!

When Rahu was inlaid with sixty-two ethereal stones, the entire root of good fortune burst out with strong light, and the entire Great Freedom of Heaven was filled with infinite good fortune.

At this time, Luo Hu finally paid attention to everything outside, and first waved his hands to restrain his aura of good fortune.

Afterwards, the white lotus was transformed into an innate dao body, but at this time, the white lotus was a little weak, and there were so many cracks in the twelfth-grade pure white lotus in the main body, which almost broke the main body!

At that time, even Luo Hu could hardly save Bai Lian.

But this time, Bailian is for the spiritual root on Moxin Island. In other words, it is because of Luo Hu that it became like this!

Such an injury has already damaged the foundation. If she doesn't cultivate well, Bai Lian may also fall in a short time.

At this time, Luo Hu didn't have time to take care of Bai Lian, he just used the law of good fortune to stabilize Bai Lian's injury, and then continued to refine treasures!

All sixty-two ethereal spirit stones have been inlaid, and the interior of the root of good fortune has initially formed a nine-fold space, but these spaces cannot be opened yet!

It can only be opened after the refining of the Nine Demon Tower is completed, that is, after the birth of heaven and earth is completed!

Luo Hu tried his best to refine the embryo of the Nine Demon Pagoda and incorporated his most powerful formation, all for this treasure to reach the level of innate treasure!


In the back of Luo Hu's head appeared immeasurable merits, eighty acres of merit Qingyun, if a quasi-sage pinnacle can obtain this, he can directly become a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

But now Luohu wants to inject all these merits into the root of good fortune. What Luohu wants is not only the innate treasure, but what he really wants is the innate treasure!

The existence of more than innate treasures is not allowed in the prehistoric world, so Luo Hu can only find another way to refine the innate treasures of merit!

In this way, it must be stronger than ordinary innate treasures!

Eighty acres of merit and virtue Qingyun were all injected into the root of good fortune, and in an instant, the root of good fortune exuded a powerful coercion!

The spiritual roots of the entire Demon Heart Island have been nourished by the Qi of Good Fortune, and the growth period has been shortened a lot. It can be said that this time the treasure refining has also given these spiritual roots a chance!

The embryo of the Nine Demon Tower has been successfully refined, and the next step is to find a place to conceive it!

It is specified that it cannot be conceived in Da Zi Zai Tian. The current Da Zi Zai Tian is only a small thousand world, and even in the middle thousand world, it is impossible to breed innate treasures!

Therefore, it really can only be conceived in the wild.

"Is it still conceived under Mount Sumeru?" Luo Hu thought to himself.

Mount Sumeru is not suitable for breeding the Nine Demon Pagoda. When the Four Swords of Immortals were conceived, the spiritual veins of Mount Sumeru have been slightly injured.

Luohu stepped out one step at a time, out of Dazizaitian, and released his divine sense, he saw the disciples on Mount Sumeru with gloomy faces on their foreheads.

But now, Luo Hu didn't have time to ask these questions, he was going to find the place where the Nine Demon Pagoda was bred!

Afterwards, Rahu disappeared in Mount Sumeru.

The moment Rahu appeared, all the direct disciples on Mount Sumeru felt Rahu's aura, but when they came to the entrance of Dazizaitian, Rahu had disappeared.

"Master has left." Taixuan said helplessly.

Originally, they wanted to ask why Honghuang was in turmoil, but now that Luo Hu was gone, they naturally had no choice.

"Go back, Master will be back soon." Taishang said lightly.

The Queen Mother of the West said at this time: "Elder brother, my younger sister wants to go to West Kunlun."

"Go, but this period is prehistoric and unstable, so don't stay too long." There was no emotion on Taishang's face.

For Taishang's cold face, all the disciples of Mount Sumeru are immune, they know that Taishang is like this!

Basically, I have never laughed. Of course, when I laugh, it is better not to laugh, because it is more terrifying when I laugh!

Taiyuan Mountain!

Wangshu's dojo.

Wang Shu and his disciples are practicing in seclusion. They all have one goal, to kill Xi He!

Some time ago, Chang Xi went back to the starry sky, and was almost chased to death by Xi He, who has been chasing him for thousands of years!

"Wang Shu is there?" Luo Hu's voice came to Taiyuan Mountain.

Wang Shu suddenly opened her eyes, so she could naturally hear that it was Luo Hu's voice, and this was the second time Luo Hu took the initiative to find her!

Chang Xi walked into the main hall, saw that Wang Shu had woken up, and respectfully said, "Master, the Demon Ancestor is here."

"Well, let's go out to meet the teacher!"

Wang Shu stood up and left the hall with Chang Xi.

"I have seen the Demon Ancestor, and my life is boundless." Both Wang Shu and Chang Xi saluted.

After all, meeting a saint is necessary. This is the prestige of a saint, as well as the prestige of heaven and earth!

Luo Hu waved his hand and helped Wang Shu and Chang Xi up.

"Pandao interrupted."

"Mazu, please." Wang Shu made a gesture of invitation to Luo Hu.

Luo Hu nodded, followed Wang Shu into the main hall, Chang Xi brought some fairy fruits, and then stood behind Wang Shu respectfully.

"I don't know what's the matter with the sudden arrival of the Demon Ancestor?" Wang Shu asked.

Regarding Luo Hu's character, Wang Shu knew very well that he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and would never come to see her for no reason.

"Fellow Daoist can still be as before, you don't have to be so cautious." Luo Hu said indifferently.

"Mo Zu is now a saint, how can I be rude." Wang Shu said.

But Wang Shu was also angry, and it was no wonder that she was always the one who took the initiative to find Luo Hu, and when Luo Hu came to her, he was always asking for something other than asking for something!

Luo Hu has already repaid the previous karma, and the two of them are not in debt to each other.

"The poor Taoist wants to ask fellow Taoist for help." Luo Hu's voice softened.

After becoming a sage, Luo Hu's thoughts are clear and his heart is like a mirror. He understands what Wang Shu's friendship with him belongs to after so many years.

In the past, he was not sanctified, so he didn't know about this, after all, he had never experienced it in his previous life.

But now that he has been sanctified, he understands Wang Shu's feelings, and Wang Shu has fallen in love with him.

Now that Luo Hu thinks about what he did back then, it's really ridiculous!

At the beginning, he actually thought of taking Wang Shu as his apprentice to repay Wang Shu's karma, no wonder Wang Shu was furious at that time.

"The devil ancestor is a sage, omnipotent, what can I ask for?" Wang Shu asked doubtfully.

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