The Heaven Demon Ancestor and Ao Zheng both opened their eyes, saw Luo Hu, and hurried forward.

"Brother, did you find anything unusual on this island?" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor asked directly.

He has been here for a long time, but this island is very ordinary, but the dragon clan in the West Sea insists that this place is different, and there is chaos aura!

Rahu's spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire island in an instant, and he didn't find anything abnormal.

Ao Zheng took a step forward: "Master, it seems that only Ao Bai can see the unusualness of this island. He captured the chaotic aura from here, and he also saw another scene."

Luo Hu nodded, and walked out with the Demon Ancestor of Heaven and Ao Zheng first. Since this island only has special signs for Ao Bai, there must be something unusual about it.

Let the demon ancestor of the sky and Ao Zheng wait for him outside the island, Luo Hu entered the island alone, his eyes were shining brightly, obviously he had opened the magic eye.

Everything has shown its prototype under Rahu's magic eyes, and there is nowhere to hide!

But, even so, Luo Hu didn't find anything abnormal, it was still the ordinary island before, and there was no special scene, let alone the chaotic aura!

Sitting cross-legged, his spiritual thoughts penetrated into the entire island, and Luo Hu wanted to inspect the island in all aspects.

For that Ao Bai, Luo Hu still has some impressions, he should not tell lies, then there must be something unusual on this island!

It's just that Luo Hu hasn't found out the reason yet!

If it is really Yingzhou Island, then everything is relieved now, how can it be so easy to see the true face of an island that has been transformed into chaotic fragments!

The original Penglai Island and Fangzhang Island also had unusual features.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years...

Rahu sits for a thousand years.

At the same time, a voice appeared above the prehistoric world.

"A Yuan Hui has passed, and anyone who is destined can come to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon!"

This is the voice of Daozu Hongjun, obviously it is time for the second sermon.

Rays of light shot into the chaos, and those great powers entered the chaos excitedly. They were thinking about Daozu's second sermon.

Because Dao Patriarch had already made it clear last time, this time the preaching is the way of quasi-sages.

Among the great powers of Hong Huang, except for the alien ancestor Styx who became a quasi-sage in the early stage, the other great powers are only at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

It was as if they were imprisoned at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian and could not break through, but in fact they knew that it was not that there was no way to break through, but that there was no way to break through!

This time, by listening to the sermon, you can get the breakthrough method.

Therefore, these great powers will be excited!

In the Zixiao Palace, most of them are still the last listeners, but there are also some new faces. After all, in the time of Yuan Hui, many great powers have fallen!

No matter how many great powers are lost, there will always be three thousand Zixiao guests gathered in Zixiao Palace!

If a great power dies, new ones will naturally come to listen to the sermon, but once the Zixiao Palace reaches the rank of 3,000, the gate of the Zixiao Palace will be closed!

Those mighty ones who almost entered Zixiao Palace had no chance to hear the sermon.

When I first preached, there were still many Taiyi Jinxians, but this time the preaching was mostly Daluo Jinxians.

Although many of them are in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian,

But the last sermon gave them some breakthroughs.

On top of the futon, there are still the original six powers!

Taiqing, Yuanyuan, Dongwanggong, Zhunti, Randeng, Kunpeng.

When the demon master Kunpeng saw Zhunti, his eyes burst out with a strong murderous look, but this is the Taoist dojo, so he can't do anything, otherwise he will definitely let Zhunti fall here!

In the end, the guide still did not come to Zixiao Palace.

Daoist Hongjun appeared on the main hall, did not say anything unnecessary, and directly gave a lecture, this time it was the three corpses avenue!

"Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beautiful, and that evil is already there. Everyone knows that good is good, and that's not good. Existence and non-existence, difficulty and difficulty, long and short, high and low, sound and sound, and front and back follow each other. Eternity .It is the sage who does nothing, teaches without words; all things do not start, they are born, they are not built, they are not relied on, they are accomplished but they are not. The husband only lives, so he does not go."

"Supreme goodness is like water. Water is good for all things without fighting for it, and it can deal with the evils of everyone, so it is more than Tao. Living in a good place, having a good heart, being kind and benevolent, speaking kindly and trustworthily, governing well, doing things kindly and capable, and mobilizing good times. Husbands do not fight, so Nothing."

"There is a mixture of things, and the birth of heaven and earth. Lonely and lonely, independent without changing, traveling around without perishing, it can be the mother of heaven and earth. I don't know its name. The name of strong is Dao, and the name of strong is Da. Da is called Da. Passing away, passing away means far away, and far away means turning back. Therefore, Dao is big, heaven is big, earth is big, and people are also big. There are four great things in the domain, and people live in one of them. People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature."


The West Sea is close to the North Sea, Luo Hu opened his eyes, and calculated that there are still a hundred years before he will preach, and he cannot delay here any longer.

After leaving the island, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven and Ao Zheng came over.

"Brother, how is it?" asked the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

"No abnormality was found, but we can't delay here, the second sermon is still a hundred years away." Luo Hu said lightly.

At this moment, Cangtian Demon Ancestor and Ao Zheng remembered that it was time for the second sermon, and Dang even said: "Brother, you go back first, and I will continue to guard here."

Luo Hu shook his head. If nothing can be found, it is useless for the Heavenly Demon Ancestor to continue here. There is no need to waste time on cultivation for an ordinary island.

Moreover, the Celestial Demon Ancestor is one of Luo Hu's trump cards, and he must become the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian as soon as possible.

Become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in Dazizaitian, then the whole prehistoric world will not know about it, so the Demon Ancestor of Heaven also has to leave here.

"But if it's really Yingzhou Island, wouldn't it be..."

"I have my own ideas for my brother." Luo Hu interrupted the words of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

Afterwards, Luo Hu took out a mirror, which was the Kunlun mirror, with powerful laws of time and space.

Running mana, a mirror light shot into the island, but it changed the island.

Another scene emerged.

Luo Hu wanted to freeze the time and space just now, but it was too late, the speed of the scene transition was too fast.

"Master, it seems that this is really Yingzhou Island." Ao Zheng said.

"It is indeed Yingzhou Island. It seems that it is even more mysterious than Abbot Island, hidden in two time and space." Luo Hu said lightly, not worried because of this!

Seeing Luo Hu like this, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven knew that Luo Hu might have a way to resolve it.

Luo Hu took back the Kunlun mirror and took out another mirror. This mirror is even more simple than the Kunlun mirror, and it has an indescribable Taoism!

It is the void mirror!

"The void opens, and all things appear!"

Luo Hu let out a deep drink!

Suddenly, the void mirror turned into a thousand feet, and a beam of light shot into the island.


It was as if the island had been lifted, and another scene emerged.

As Ao Bai said, the rich chaotic aura, the aura of top-grade innate spiritual roots, and the aura of many treasures.

Luohu can be sure, this is Yingzhou Island, because only three islands have the aura of chaos, namely Penglai Island, Fangzhang Island, and Yingzhou Island. Now both Penglai Island and Fangzhang Island have been turned into islands under the law of heaven by Rahu .

Dingduo can be regarded as a fairy island, and Yingzhou Island in front of him is the only island with chaotic aura.

The three of them entered it, and Luo Hu's spiritual thoughts once again enveloped Yingzhou Island. This time, many spirit root treasures appeared in Luo Hu's spiritual thoughts.


Luo Hu flew towards one place, followed by the Demon Ancestor of Heaven and Ao Zheng.

A huge tree stands between the sky and the earth. If Yingzhou Island is not under the law of heaven, this giant tree may be able to pierce the sky.

Luo Hu pinched his fingers and deduced, and knew the origin of this giant tree.

"Brother, what kind of tree is this? It's so huge!" Cangtian Demon Ancestor asked in shock.

Such a huge giant tree is not as good as even the laurel tree above the lunar star!

The laurel tree has lush branches and leaves, covering half of the lunar star, but this giant tree is different, infinitely high!

Even the Divine Sense of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor cannot see where the crown of this giant tree is!

Ao Zheng turned into the main body, and the ten thousand-foot dragon body flew up along the tree trunk, as if to see where the crown was!

Luo Hu naturally saw Ao Zheng's actions, and pointed at the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky, asking the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky to watch Ao Zheng with him.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor smiled, this method is undoubtedly the best, how fast is Ao Zheng? You must be able to see the crown of the tree.

After a hundred breaths passed, Ao Zheng returned, transformed into the Innate Dao Body, his face was full of shock.

"Ao Zheng, what's the matter? But did you see the crown?" Asked the Demon Ancestor of Heaven.

"Second Master, you don't know that a hundred breaths can already make that little dragon fly a million miles, but you can't see the crown of the tree, and the more you get to the top, the more clearly you can feel the tree's power. great!"

As Ao Zheng said, his face was full of shock.

Luo Hu nodded, further confirming that his calculation was accurate.

Seeing Luo Hu's expression, both Heavenly Demon Ancestor and Ao Zheng knew that Luo Hu must know the origin of this tree!

"Brother, what is the origin of this tree?"

"Do you know that there is a tree above the wilderness, which is a building tree?" Luo Hu asked back.

Cangtian Demon Ancestor and Ao Zheng made some calculations, and instantly knew about Jianmu.

But comparing that tree with this tree, the difference is too much. Although the tree is huge, it may be as high as Zhoushan, or even higher, but it is far inferior to the tree in front of you!

"Master, I'm afraid this tree is not Jianmu!" Ao Zheng said.

"Of course, this is not Jianmu. The origin of this tree, in the infinite chaos, there is only one thing that can compare, and that is the thirty-sixth grade chaos creation green lotus!"

Rahu speaks amazingly!


Cangtian Demon Ancestor and Ao Zheng both took a deep breath, and they were at the same level as the thirty-sixth rank Chaos Creation Qinglian. No wonder they couldn't figure out the origin of this tree!

"Master, it seems that this chaotic spiritual energy is overflowing from this tree. What kind of sacred tree is this?" Ao Zheng was puzzled!

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