Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 72 Introducing Madness, Lecture 2 by Rahu

What Ao Zheng said was not wrong, the chaotic aura overflowed from the sacred tree, and the entire Yingzhou Island was filled with chaotic aura, which showed that Ao Bai was not lying.

The chaotic pentaethyl gas stone can emit chaotic aura, but that chaotic aura is not very pure, far inferior to this chaotic aura.

Rahu looked at the sacred tree, and with a glance, he seemed to see the crown of the sacred tree. The infinite space was unveiled layer by layer in Rahu's eyes.

"This is the tree of the heavens, also known as the world tree!" Luo Hu said lightly.

Cangtian Demon Ancestor and Ao Zheng were startled.

I have never heard of it, and it is not shown in the secret!

"What power does this tree have? It can be as beautiful as the thirty-sixth rank Chaos Creation Qinglian?" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor questioned it very much!

What kind of treasure is the thirty-sixth-rank chaotic creation green lotus, you must know that the great god Pangu was conceived from the thirty-sixth-rank chaotic creation green lotus!

This is not to say that a spiritual root of chaos level can be beautiful with it!

No matter whether it is the Azure Demon Ancestor or Ao Zheng, they only think that the World Tree is tall and can exude chaotic aura. As for the others, it is far inferior to the thirty-sixth rank chaotic creation green lotus!

Even Taixuan's main body, Huang Zhongli, was not as good as him!

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven and Ao Zheng, Luo Hu knew that they had many doubts about the World Tree!

As long as it is not the Chaos Demon God, no one who can see the World Tree will know nothing, even Daozu Hongjun!

The world tree, the period of existence and chaos, at that time, Luo Hu remembered the endless years of chaos, the world tree only appeared once!

It was that time that all the Chaos Demon Gods saw the power of the World Tree.

Thinking about that scene now, Luo Hu could still feel the shock!

In the infinite chaos, the boundless chaotic air flow is filled, and a huge tree trunk runs through the entire chaos.

With a slight tremor, great changes have taken place in the chaos, and phantoms of worlds appear on the chaos.

The various laws became incomparably rich, which shocked all the Chaos Demon Gods, because this kind of rich laws can completely allow them to comprehend and practice!

But the next moment, the World Tree disappeared.

Like a flash in the pan, after releasing the power, it disappeared.

Even the joint search of the four great demon gods at that time could not find the World Tree!

It was also at that time that Luo Hu understood the horror of the World Tree!

Because the world tree also has a name, that is, the tree of enlightenment, the real tree of enlightenment.

There are three thousand branches and leaves on the world tree, which are the three thousand worlds and the three thousand laws.

"The tree is connected to the great thousand, and the law manifests itself. It is called the world, and it is also called enlightenment!"

Luo Hu said lightly.

Both Cangtian Demon Ancestor and Ao Zheng were lost in thought. After a while, Cangtian Demon Ancestor's face showed horror, and he stared at the World Tree in a daze!

"Brother, the power of this World Tree is really powerful!" said the Azure Demon Ancestor in shock.

Ao Zheng didn't comprehend Luo Hu's words, but the Demon Ancestor of Heaven did, he was in the most holy realm!

"Second brother, you practice here, break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible, and go back to Mount Sumeru first for brother and Ao Zheng.

" Luo Hu said solemnly.

At this time, Luo Hu didn't touch anything on Yingzhou Island, because he wanted the Demon Ancestor of Heaven to enlighten here!

Once it breaks through on Yingzhou Island, no one will know that the Demon Ancestor of Heaven has broken through.

There are still many powers about the World Tree, and it is difficult for Luo Hu to explain them to them now. The time for the second sermon on Mount Sumeru is coming soon.

"Brother, don't worry, my little brother is here on Yingzhou Island, and there won't be any loss." Cangtian Demon Ancestor said firmly.

He can know why Luo Hu didn't take away the World Tree at this time, because the World Tree is called the Enlightenment Tree, and its power is indescribable. Luo Hu stayed here to let him become the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian as soon as possible!

Luo Hu took Ao Zheng and left Yingzhou Island. From the outside, Yingzhou Island was still an ordinary island. Even after other people entered, it was an ordinary scene!

Only people like Ao Bai can see another scene. Of course, Luo Hu and Ao Zheng can also see it today.

Entering Yingzhou Island once, you can always discover the difference of Yingzhou Island. Perhaps the three overseas islands have unusual places.

With a wave of Luo Hu's hand, a force of heaven and earth enveloped him and Ao Zheng, and then disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it had already reached Mount Sumeru.

At this time, there were less than ten years before the preaching, and a lot of great powers had gathered on Mount Sumeru, but they were all waiting outside the Palace of Freedom!

And when he came to Mount Sumeru, he didn't dare to act rashly, and stayed where he was obediently.

The Seven Emotions and the Six Desires are at the gate of the Zizai Palace, watching these mighty powers covetously, who dares to wander around on Mount Sumeru?

You must know that the cultivation base of these two devil boys is higher than most of the monks present.

Now the Seven Emotions and Six Desires also have the cultivation base of the late Da Luo Jinxian, and there are a few present who can surpass the late Da Luo Jinxian.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe's cultivation has become profound again, it's really gratifying."

Jieyin was relatively close to the ancestor of Minghe, and they started to communicate.

"Pindao's cultivation is no better than that of fellow daoists. The demonization of fellow daoists makes the poor dao envious. It's a pity that even now, the poor daoist can't comprehend the demonization." Patriarch Minghe sparked an outburst. envious!

This sentence is not false at all, demonization is not something that anyone can achieve, even Patriarch Styx who is in the quasi-sage realm cannot be demonized!

It all depends on the fate with the devil, and the comprehension of the first preaching of the devil ancestor.

It has to be said that Jieyin still has a predestined relationship with the Demon Dao, and Jieyin's understanding is above the prehistoric, I am afraid few can compare with it!

"Huh? Why hasn't fellow Taoist Houtu come yet? Could it be possible that you won't come?" Jieyin said intentionally.

He has been looking for Houtu for a long time, but he has not found Houtu.

The last time I preached, Jieyin saw that Houtu didn't listen to the preaching at all. How can an ancestor witch hear the preaching without a soul?

Come to think of it, it might not come this time.

Such a person as Old Ancestor Minghe can naturally hear the meaning of receiving the guidance, but after thinking about it in his heart, he also knows that this Houtu should not come, after all, he can't listen to it at all.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

"The time for a Yuanhui has come, and the Zizai Palace is open, all fellow daoists, please!" Qiqing said in a deep voice.

For those who listened to the sermon, Qiqing didn't have a good face.

The door opens on both sides, but there is no power to rush in, because the seven emotions and six desires have not yet entered!

After the seven emotions and six desires entered, these powerful abilities followed.

It's just that the scenery in the Zizai Palace surprised them!

Seven futons are not too many, but now instead of four people sitting, five people are sitting!

The first one is Taishang, in order, Tongtian, Taixuan, Queen Mother of the West, and on the fifth futon is a cute boy.

This is Xiong Ba, the last time he heard the sermon, he had something to do, so he didn't come to the sermon. He is Luo Hu's direct disciple, so he naturally wanted to sit on the futon.

Nuwa was taken aback for a moment, and without saying anything, she sat directly on the sixth futon, and Patriarch Minghe sat on the seventh futon.

Jie Yin was stunned, how could there be one less Hou Tu and one more Xiong Ba? Could it be that this futon really has nothing to do with him?

At this time, Jieyin thought of what Zhunti said at the beginning, and immediately felt ruthless in his heart. With a wave of his hand, an extra futon appeared beside the ancestor of Minghe.

The guide even brought his own futon!

This shocked all the powers.

This is the Zizai Palace, the Dojo of the Demon Ancestor, how could he do anything wrong, but Jieyin really brought a futon with him, isn't this seeking death?

Patriarch Minghe glanced at Jieyin who was sitting next to him, showing admiration, which he would not have dared to do.

This futon is not placed randomly, but there is a great fortune in it.

For this point, any great power already knows a little bit now.

No noise is allowed in the palace of freedom, otherwise, these great powers have already begun to discuss.

Sitting on the first futon, Taishang opened his eyes and looked at Jieying with complicated expressions in his eyes.

I wanted to take a shot, but in the end I didn't do it.

Because Luo Hu sent him a sound transmission, he was not allowed to expel him.

In fact, Luo Hu in the inner hall did not expect that Jieyin would do this!

But this also saves Luo Hu some trouble, otherwise, he would still need a futon!

In the past, Luo Hu wanted to send him to Hongjun Daozu as soon as possible for the introduction, and then divide the Taoist sect!

But knowing that Jieyin turned into a demon, this changed Luo Hu's thinking. Splitting the magic way is not good for the magic way, but dividing the magic way and opening up the magic way are all in one thought!

Above the main hall, the twelfth rank Miserable Black Lotus appeared, and Luo Hu's figure appeared on it.

Seeing this scene, all the great powers quickly knelt down and bowed down.

"Greetings to the Demon Ancestor, the Demon Ancestor's life is boundless!"

With a wave of Rahu's hand, all the powerful men stood up.

Afterwards, Luo Hu looked at Jieying sitting on the futon, his eyes were extremely sharp, although there was no murderous intent, but it made Jieying feel as if he had fallen into an infinite quagmire, frightened physically and mentally!

The other great powers are all gloating, and they all want to watch Jieyin be obliterated by Luo Hu!

But at the next moment, Luo Hu was not looking at the reception, but scanned all the great powers present.

Every great power who looked at Luo Hu lowered his head for an instant.

Without further delay, Rahu began to preach!

"It is the essence of change. It is neither born nor destroyed. It has no form or image, no beginning and no end, and everything. Forcibly call it: Dao."

"The undecidedness of the chaos, the unimplantation of the gods, are the essence of the mysterious."

"One qi is turbulent, nothingness opens and closes, male and female inspire, black and white condense, existence and non-existence shoot each other, chaos is chaotic, rushing to the emptiness and holy, enveloping yuan and containing spirit, gods change, trance and retribution, it is too easy, it is for existence The beginning of the beginning. The beginning also means that the Dao produces the one, and it is called the beginning of the Yuan."

"The Taiji of heaven and earth is analyzed in one breath, the real ruler judges himself, and the list is reflected, all spirits are guarded, and Yin and Yang are judged. This is Taiji, which means that there are two in one life, and it is called the Emperor of the Void."

"Yin and Yang are judged, the status of heaven is determined, and human beings are nurtured. It is said that two give birth to three, and it is called Hunyuan."

"Must bee Dao Gu, demons are enamored, all things are demons, and three thousand dao demons are all demons!"

The Dao that Luohu talked about this time is the Dao of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and it is also the Dao of the Quasi-Sage, because at this time, Hongjun Daozu has already finished talking about the Dao of the Three Corpses!

This is a part of Luo Hu's plan to plot against Hongjun Daozu, but I don't know if Hongjun Daozu is on guard!

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