Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 73 Luo Hu calculates, Hongjun is furious

In Zixiao Palace, Daoist Hongjun Wannian finished his sermon, and he looked at the great powers below, all in various states.

The way of a sage is broad and profound, and those with high comprehension can clearly understand the truth, but those who lack comprehension cannot understand it!

Therefore, Hongjun Taoist preached that among the many great powers, he can only comprehend two or three of them. If he wants to comprehend them all, he must progress slowly, not in a day.

Thousands of years passed.

All the great powers in Zixiao Palace gradually woke up, their faces showed joy, and they all felt that the bottleneck that trapped them seemed to be broken.


At this moment, three flowers appeared on Taiqing's head, and then the Taiji diagram appeared, and with a wave, a figure walked out of the three flowers!

"I've met fellow daoist." The figure gave a salute to Taiqing, and then entered among the three flowers.


All the great powers were shocked, this is the beheading of the corpse, the Taoist ancestor just finished talking about the three corpses, and Taiqing beheaded the evil corpse!

Directly became the mid-term quasi-sage!

This makes all the great powers envious!


When the bell rang, Donghuang Taiyi also sacrificed the Chaos Bell, showing the three flowers on the top, and beheaded the evil corpse!

Surprise again in Zixiao Palace!

Another great power cut out the evil corpse!

All the great powers did not speak, but were waiting, they wanted to see if there would be any great powers to kill corpses!

These great powers all looked at each other, obviously they didn't want to cut out the three corpses.

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can come here as much as you want, and the poor will answer it for you." Daozu Hongjun said lightly.

In fact, Daozu Hongjun was also a little surprised. He knew that Taiqing would kill the corpse at this time, but he didn't expect Donghuang Taiyi to kill the corpse!

This is a bit shocking!

Hearing the words of Hongjun Daozu, all the powerful eyes showed joy!

"If you dare to ask the ancestor, whether cutting a corpse requires the entrustment of the innate spirit treasure!" Dong Wanggong asked respectfully.

The other great powers all looked at Daozu Hongjun, but they had no innate spiritual treasures.

If the Xiantian Lingbao is needed to kill the corpse, it is necessary to find the Xiantian Lingbao, which will be troublesome again.

If you don't use Xiantian Lingbao all the time, it will save you some trouble!

After all, most of the innate spirit treasures in the prehistoric world already have owners, and there is only one way to get the innate spirit treasures, and that is to snatch them.

"The way of the three corpses, good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions, need to be entrusted by the innate spiritual treasure to cut them out." Daozu Hongjun said lightly.

Immediately, Hongjun Daozu said again: "The one corpse cut out is the middle stage of the quasi-sage, the second corpse is the late stage of the quasi-sage, and the three corpses are the peak of the quasi-sage."

All the powers came to a sudden, they knew that Patriarch Styx was an early quasi-sage, but they didn't expect to cut out a corpse and become a mid-sage quasi-sage!

Sure enough, it is the Way of the Saint, extremely mysterious!

"Dare to ask Zu, whether there is a difference between the strong and the weak among the same level when using the innate spirit treasure to kill the corpse?"

Donghuang Taiyi's words made the atmosphere in the entire Zixiao Palace tense up!


They all use the Xiantian Lingbao to kill the corpse, but the Xiantian Lingbao is divided into three, six or nine grades, and it is impossible for all of them to be the same!

It is impossible to use the power of the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao to kill corpses,

Why don't you use the low-grade innate spirit treasure's ability to cut corpses!

Everyone looked nervously at Hongjun Daozu, because what Hongjun Daozu said next would determine their future direction!

It even made some powerful people give up the idea of ​​beheading corpses with middle and low-grade innate spirit treasures!

Hongjun Daozu looked at Donghuang Taiyi, he didn't expect Donghuang Taiyi to ask such a topic!

At this time, Daozu Hongjun understood the reason for his fear.

When he first preached, he had a feeling of being calculated.

It stands to reason that Luo Hu should preach first, why did he preach first?

Even if Luo Hu entered the chaos, with his power as a saint, it is impossible that he could not come to the prehistoric world before he preached!

Why did Rahu have to wait for him for a thousand years?

Daozu Hongjun felt a little guilty, looking at Donghuang Taiyi, he suspected that Donghuang Taiyi was a spy sent by Luo Hu!

"Innate spiritual treasures are divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and extreme grades. There are three, six, and nine grades. Therefore, quasi-sages who use innate spirit treasures to kill corpses also have three, six, and nine grades!"

Daozu Hongjun said expressionlessly.

For a moment, all the great powers were stunned. This sentence undoubtedly sentenced those Taiyi Jinxians to death!

After all, good Xiantian Lingbao will definitely fall into the hands of these Da Luo Jinxians now!

There is bound to be a bloody storm on this prehistoric place.

Donghuang Taiyi showed joy. He used the Chaos Clock to kill the corpse, so he naturally belonged to the most powerful quasi-sages.

Taiqing's face was also happy, he also used the Tai Chi Diagram, and for the next corpse beheading, he can use the best innate spirit treasure.

Putting it all together, his combat power is definitely at the forefront of the wild!

Quite a few Da Luo Jinxians have ugly faces. They have innate spirit treasures in their hands, but most of them are middle and low grade. Do they want to use this spirit treasure to kill corpses?

Is it inherently inferior to others?

This caused desires in the hearts of many Da Luo Jinxians!

Evil desires come to life, killing robbery appears!

Daoist Hongjun could clearly feel that Shajie was born from Zixiao Palace.

"Master, how to become holy?" Taiqing asked.

Daoist Hongjun didn't have the time to answer questions anymore, he was tricked this time, and he was killed from Zixiao Palace!

This has greatly damaged Hongjun Daozu's luck, and also has karma.

Although he is a saint, he is not afraid of karma, but this karma will come to Taoism!

"Three corpses are united into one to become holy."

Seeing that there is still a powerful person who wants to ask, Daozu Hongjun waved his hand directly and said: "Ten thousand years of preaching has passed, and the next preaching will be after a Yuanhui."

Hongjun Daozu issued an order to expel guests, and all the powerful people were a little disappointed, but they had no choice but to leave. As for the problems in their hearts, they could only be saved until the next time.

After all the great powers left, Daozu Hongjun pinched his fingers and began to calculate. He wanted to see how Luo Hu was plotting against him!

Originally, there would be no results for a sage to calculate a sage, but this time, Daozu Hongjun was able to clearly deduce what Luo Hu meant!

"If you are not a son of man, how dare you calculate the poor way like this, Luo Hu, after the third lecture is finished and the way is united, I will definitely let you pay back the karma!"

Daoist Hongjun was furious. He didn't expect that Luo Hu's thoughts were so meticulous that he could even take advantage of preaching. Such a calculation is impossible to guard against!

Mount Sumeru, in the palace of freedom.

Rahu Wannian's sermon ended.

Looking at Zixiao Palace, Luo Hu's eyes showed a cold look. Luo Hu will not soften his heart towards the enemy. Not only will he have calculations when preaching, but there will be more calculations in the future!

Daozu Hongjun set off a robbery of spiritual treasures, which made all the powerful people in the whole prehistoric world enter the competition for innate spiritual treasures.

Then Luo Hu will dissolve the Lingbao Killing Tribulation, although it cannot be completely resolved, it must be resolved in name!


A wave of air surged in the Zizai Palace, and the Taishang's demon heart appeared, and two demon shadows appeared on it.

At this moment, the Taishang actually cut off two desires in a row!

You must know that only Luo Hu can slash two desires in a row, and even the Heavenly Demon Ancestor can slash one by one!

The two imprints on the demon heart brightened up, proving that the Taishang cut out two desires and became the mid-stage quasi-sage.

Immediately afterwards, another wave of air surged.

All the great powers looked at Tongtian, but they found that Tongtian didn't show his evil heart, obviously it wasn't Tongtian's breakthrough!

Under this observation, they discovered that it was a breakthrough in the reception!

Just like Taishang, he also cut two desires in a row and became a middle-stage quasi-sage!

For a while, many great powers became jealous. The Taishang was able to cut two desires in a row. They were not jealous, after all, the Taishang was the chief of the Demonic Dao!

He is the eldest disciple of the Demon Ancestor Luohu, so there must be a Demon Ancestor who can cut two desires in a row, which is reasonable!

But how can Jieyin kill two desires in a row?

He is not a disciple of the Demon Ancestor!

Just between those powerful thoughts, there was another wave of air fluctuations, but Tongtian cut out a desire.

After Tongtian cut out his desire, there was no one in Zizai Palace who cut out his desire. This time, there were three people in total.

Luo Hu looked at Jieyin and nodded secretly. Sure enough, his understanding was excellent. His choice was not wrong. This Jieyin can take on a big responsibility!

"The way of the seven emotions and six desires, Pingdao has already explained all of them, so do you have any questions?" Luo Hu said lightly.

This time, all the great powers were cautious. The question asked last time caused Luo Hu to directly blast them out. This time it must not be like this again.

"Dare to ask the demon ancestor, is the demon's heart entrusted with the seven emotions and six desires, is it the only way to become a quasi-sage in the prehistoric world?" Jieyin asked respectfully.

This made all the powerful people look at Jieyin, they all thought that Jieyin was just trying to please the public!

Someone went to Hongjun Daozu to listen to the sermon, so he was naturally not the only one.

"There are three thousand ways, all of which can be proved, and the way of quasi-sages is more than three thousand." Luo Hu said expressionlessly.

Luo Hu knew that this rebellious boy deliberately had other ideas, but Luo Hu was not angry, he knew that Yingying would become a Buddha in the future!

Demon cultivating the demon heart will definitely turn the demon heart into relics in the future, but now Luohu doesn't care about these things, these are all things in the future.

It will not happen until at least three lectures later!

"Dare to ask the Demon Ancestor, is there a difference between strength and weakness among fellow practitioners in the way of the seven emotions and six desires?" Ancestor Minghe asked.

He was originally a quasi-sage in the early stage, but now after listening to the Tao, he was unable to cut out his desires, which made Patriarch Minghe a little annoyed, but he knew that as long as he went back, he would definitely be able to cut out his desires.

"The way of the seven emotions and six desires is the same, but the rules are different. Cultivating one kind of law alone is different from practicing multiple laws. One is the best!"

"One more thing, if you can realize demonization, your combat power will be even higher!"

Although Luo Hu clearly stated that the principles of the seven emotions and six desires are the same, how could they be the same?

A little bit of these two points, let the seven emotions and six desires be distinguished, and there is a distinction between strength and weakness.

At this time, Nuwa's eyes were a little hesitant. She had a question, and she didn't know whether to ask it or not, because once this question came out, it might cause disputes between Taoism and magic.

Luo Hu looked at Nuwa, and seeing the hesitation in Nuwa's eyes, he knew one thing. It seemed that his calculation was about to be fulfilled on Nuwa.

"Nu Wa, why are you confused?" Luo Hu said majesticly.

Nu Wa showed a firm look, and said: "Dare to ask the Demon Ancestor, which one can be holy?"

At this remark, all the Da Neng felt a thump in their hearts. They said in their hearts that if they were about to finish, they might be ordered to be expelled by the Demon Ancestor again.

But what they didn't expect was that Luo Hu didn't issue an order to expel the guest, but answered Nu Wa's question!

"The way of the seven emotions and six desires and the way of the three corpses have their disadvantages. The way of the seven emotions and six desires, if you want to cut out the six desires and become a saint, you need great perseverance and supreme luck."

"The Way of the Three Corpses requires the sustenance of the innate spirit treasures before they can be beheaded. It is even more difficult to become a saint. How can the three different innate spirit treasures be combined?"


At this time, Luo Hu's voice spread throughout the prehistoric world.

All the living beings heard Rahu's voice, and those powerful people who came out of Zixiao Palace could hear it even more clearly!

Everyone froze in place, listening to Luo Hu's words in a daze!

"Seven emotions and six desires require great perseverance and great luck, while the Three Corpses Avenue requires a complete set of innate spiritual treasures to kill corpses."

Hongjun Taoist Ancestor in Zixiao Palace's face was ashen at this time, Luo Hu was slapping him naked in the face!

Daozu Hongjun didn't know what Luo Hu said?

But the way of the three corpses is like this, unless you have the treasure of chaos, you can entrust the three corpses together, otherwise, it is completely impossible to prove the way with the three corpses alone!

It is enough to know about this matter, but speaking out, especially after Hongjun Taoist has just finished speaking about the Three Corpses Road, isn't this breaking the path of Hongjun Taoist?

But then, Luo Hu's words became even sharper.

"Pindao has some understanding of the road of three corpses, and he doesn't want to see the saints of the prehistoric world fighting for their spiritual treasures, so he opened up another road of three corpses!"

"Using the law to entrust the three corpses, the three corpses can be cut out, and the three corpses can be merged. Although it is not as good as the top-rank Lingbao, it is better than the middle-rank Lingbao."

When he said this, Luo Hu's voice disappeared in the entire prehistoric, obviously Luo Hu's next words would not be heard by all prehistoric creatures.

"The seven emotions and six desires are as difficult to become holy as the Three Corpse Way, but the seven emotions and six desires have a glimmer of life, and you can realize it by yourself!"

"The ten thousand year sermon is over, one yuan meeting after the last sermon."

When Rahu's order to chase away guests came down, all the powerful came forward reluctantly, saluted Rahu, and then left Mount Sumeru.

Nuwa flew towards Buzhou Mountain even more quickly, she wanted to tell Fuxi about the disadvantages of the Three Corpses Avenue!

Fuxi cannot be allowed to join the battle for the next Lingbao!

Luo Hu has already created another avenue of three corpses, entrusting the killing of corpses with the law. Although it is impossible to be as powerful as the top-grade innate spirit treasure, it has a chance of becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

The same is true for Jieyin, he wants to tell Zhunti about it.

All of a sudden, all the great powers became nervous, and they all wanted to tell relatives and friends about this matter!

Just at this time!

Nine days away, a cloud of merit and virtue descended on Mount Sumeru!

Luo Hu resolved the catastrophe of the Lingbao. Although he did not completely resolve it, he pointed out the way to resolve it.

Although there are not many Gongde Qingyun, it is also five acres in size.

In Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun's face was as deep as water, and his gloomy face seemed to be able to drip water. He looked at Mount Xumi with infinite murderous intent in his eyes!

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