Pangu Siqing is no longer the authentic Pangu, at least, they can no longer act in the prehistoric world in the name of Pangu, but because Pangu wants to be resurrected, they not only do not help, but also add insult to injury!

It can be said that the reputation of the Pangu Siqing in the prehistoric world is much different from that of the Wu clan, and these things can no longer be made up for.

Today's Pan Gu Siqing is only occupied by Pan Gu Yuanshen, as for the others, it no longer has any relationship with Pan Gu.

Luo Hu watched the Supreme Master leave, and then also left Mount Sumeru. He wanted to go to Yingzhou Island, at least to see what treasures were inside.

Also, Luo Hu needs to take a good look at the World Tree!

It was rumored in the previous life that the World Tree is the sacred tree leading to the heavens and worlds, the sacred tree of chaos, also known as the tree of enlightenment!

Luo Hu wanted to see if the World Tree really had the power of the previous life!

Another point is that Luo Hu really doesn't believe that there are other worlds in the chaos.

Although Chaos claims to have three thousand great thousand worlds, but Luo Hu is a great power born in the Chaos Period!

Back then in the chaotic period, Luo Hu didn't see any world. The only world was the prehistoric world opened up after the birth of Pan Gu!

Under Pan Gu's axe, Chaos was not infinite in size, and Luo Hu felt the size of Chaos first-hand!

Pangu's ax didn't just split chaos, the power of the Dao of Power was indescribable.

With one axe, the entire chaos was shrunk infinitely, and then split open. If there were not three thousand demon gods to stop it, the Great God Pangu might have turned the entire chaos into a prehistoric world!

If that were the case, I'm afraid Honghuang would not be as big as it is now, but an infinite size!

Therefore, in the chaos at that time, Luo Hu can be sure that there is absolutely no other world!

So the appearance of this world tree made Luo Hu very puzzled!

He even had a feeling that this World Tree might not be as powerful as imagined!

The ability of a sage cannot be described in words, and Luo Hu came to Yingzhou Island with a single thought.

Entering it, Luo Hu didn't bother the Cangtian Demon Ancestor. This is a critical moment for the Cangtian Demon Ancestor, and he can't put pressure on the Cangtian Demon Ancestor!

Luo Hu walked around Yingzhou Island, he didn't go to the World Tree first, he wanted to see how many treasures there are in Yingzhou Island!

A feeling appeared in Luo Hu's heart!

Yingzhou Island may have more treasures than Penglai Island, and it is more mysterious than Fangzhang Island!

Under his spiritual thoughts, Luo Hu sensed no less than ten top-grade innate spiritual roots!

What is this concept?

You must know that there is no great power in the prehistoric world, who can possess ten top-grade innate spiritual roots, not even Luo Hu!

Innate spiritual roots are divided into ten innate spiritual roots, followed by top-grade innate spiritual roots, and then top-grade innate spiritual roots!

Luo Hu looked down on the spiritual roots below.

Of course, if you can get it, Luo Hu will not let it go. In the current flood, the middle-grade innate spirit root may not be precious, but after the flood is broken, the middle-grade innate spirit root is also a rare treasure!

Luo Hu got twelve high-grade innate spiritual roots and dozens of middle-grade innate spiritual roots after this round.

This undoubtedly expanded Luo Hu's family fortune.

Luo Hu has never encountered the best innate spiritual roots, after all, this kind of spiritual roots is infinitely close to the top ten innate spiritual roots.

There are even top-grade innate spiritual roots that are even more precious than the top ten innate spiritual roots!

For example, Phoenix Nirvana Fruit is much better than Fenglei Xianxing!

Rahu put these innate spiritual roots in the lotus space, and waited until Mount Sumeru, and then put them in the Great Freedom.

After all, today's Da Zi Zai Tian has a chaotic aura, which is of great benefit to the innate spiritual root!

Not only that, but it is also good for the improvement of the world!

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the small thousand world to give birth to spiritual roots, and even the middle thousand world can only give birth to innate spiritual roots below the top grade.

Innate spiritual roots can condense luck and help the world improve. Luo Hu looked at the World Tree!

This is the root of chaos, and it is at the same level as the thirty-sixth grade chaos creation green lotus!

If it turns into a spiritual treasure, it is also a treasure of chaos!

This is equivalent to Luo Hu getting a Chaos Supreme Treasure. If the World Tree is really as powerful as rumored, then this is a bit stronger than the Chaos Supreme Treasure!

Luo Hu did not find the chaotic pentaethyl gas stone, obviously there is no such stone in Yingzhou Island.

Think about it, anyway, with the World Tree, it can also overflow the chaotic aura, and it is normal without the chaotic pentaethene gas stone.

As for the innate spiritual treasure, Yingzhou Island does not have a single innate spiritual treasure, and Luo Hu was not disappointed, a World Tree can completely replace all the spiritual treasures!

Luohu lowered his head from the clouds and came to the World Tree step by step. He looked at the thick trunk, which was about a hundred feet in diameter.

Standing under the World Tree and looking up, there is no end in sight. It can be said that the World Tree is an infinitely tall sacred tree!

There are densely packed runes on the trunk, Luo Hu couldn't recognize it, but he could feel that it seemed to be similar to the runes on the small crystal sword!

Thinking of this, Luo Hu hasn't properly comprehended the small crystal sword or the void mirror until now!

You must know that these two treasures are also one of Luo Hu's trump cards. If you can fully discover the power in them, they will definitely be no worse than Xiantian Lingbao!

I made up my mind that after Da Zi Zai Tian became Zhongqian World, I must study these two treasures carefully!

Luo Hu reached out and touched the World Tree.


Luo Hu felt as if his hand had touched the Chaos Divine Thunder, there was a powerful numbness, and there was also a tingling pain.

Hastily withdrew his hand back.

Rahu cast his magic eyes and indeed saw a layer of dark thorns on the world tree.

When a foreign object touches it, it triggers a powerful sense of paralysis.

Black air gradually appeared on Luo Hu's body, and the black air became extremely thick and gradually spread all over Luo Hu's body.

The body of the ancestor of demons, the ancestor of all demons.

When Rahu's hand touched the World Tree, the tingling sensation did not disappear, but there was still some numbness, but it was much better!

The next moment, Luo Hu stepped forward, and every time he took a step, a black lotus would appear under his feet.

Luo Hu is going to go up the World Tree, as if he wants to see what is at the end of the World Tree, and also seems to want to see if the branches and leaves of the World Tree really lead to the Great Thousand Worlds!

Luohu was on Yingzhou Island, and the demonic energy on Mount Sumeru was indeed vibrating, and a powerful coercion permeated Mount Sumeru!

This kind of vast coercion is approaching the late quasi-sage!

Go to the ancestral hall!

In Taishang's palace, at this time, Taishang is comprehending the essence of the magic way, it can also be said that Taishang has entered a state of epiphany!

The Taishang is completely ignorant of the changes in Mount Sumeru!

This made those great powers above Mount Sumeru very puzzled, because they could feel that this was the coercion emanating from the Hall of the Ancestors!

Taixuan looked at the ancestral hall, with doubts in his eyes: "What are you doing, senior brother? Are you going to cut out your desires again!"

There is shock in the tone!

Tong Tian walked over with shock in his eyes, he knew what the Supreme Master was doing, because the Supreme Master told him one thing!

At first, Tongtian was terrified, because the Taishang said that the way of the seven emotions and six desires was not perfect, and he wanted to perfect the way of the seven emotions and six desires!

You must know that this is disrespectful, the seven emotions and six desires were created by Luo Hu.

Rahu is their master!

This act of the Supreme Master is undoubtedly doubting Luo Hu's way. This is a serious crime. No, this is no longer a crime.

"Eldest brother has really taken this step." Tong Tian looked at Zizai Palace while speaking, he wanted to see Luo Hu's reaction!

But now Luo Hu is not in the Palace of Freedom, not in Mount Sumeru, but in Yingzhou Island!

And Luo Hu is also very supportive of the Taishang's approach. If he doesn't take this step, how can he be called the ancestor?

Is it only by saints?

If you want to be honored as the ancestor, if you don't create a new one, how can you be the ancestor!

As the head of the Demon Dao, Luo Hu has great expectations for the Supreme!

"Second Senior Brother, do you know what Senior Senior Brother is doing?" Taixuan asked quickly, this coercion was like a breakthrough!

If the Taishang really cut out the third desire, it would be a big event for the Demon Dao!

As we all know, the Seven Emotions and Six Desires of the Devil's Dao and the Three Corpse Avenue of the Taoism are puzzled by all the prehistoric powers, and they are not sure whether they can really lead to Hunyuan!

"Eldest brother is realizing his own way, third junior brother, let's go back, comprehend well, and try to cut out desires!" Tong Tian said lightly.

Taixuan was stunned, to be precise, shocked!

If he realizes his own way, does it mean that Rahu's way is not suitable for him?

Taixuan left with Tongtian, but he seemed to lose his soul along the way, and couldn't believe what Tongtian said!

Above the Thirty-Three Heavens, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is in high spirits!

Duzun successfully cultivated together and cut out a corpse with the Chaos Clock, although Luo Hu told the disadvantages of using Lingbao to kill the corpse!

But the ancestor of fate has already told Donghuang Taiyi, don't worry about not being able to become Hunyuan!

As long as he can cut out the three corpses, then the ancestor of fate will help him prove the Hunyuan!

Above Lingxiao Palace.

Di Jun looked at Donghuang Taiyi with a complex look in his eyes, but it passed by and no one noticed!

In the past, the differences between the two brothers may have been deliberately pretended!

But this time, Dijun really had a gap with Donghuang Taiyi!

Because Donghuang Taiyi is much stronger than him, even if Di Jun kills the corpse, he is far inferior to Donghuang Taiyi.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, now that a corpse has been cut out, coupled with His Majesty's words, I am afraid that in the entire prehistoric world, under the saints, His Majesty is the strongest!" Taibai Jinxing complimented Donghuang Taiyi.

All of a sudden, all the great powers of the monster clan in the entire hall congratulated Donghuang Taiyi!

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor for beheading his corpse and becoming a quasi-sage, one step closer to Hunyuan!"

Demon Emperor Fuxi and Demon Master Kunpeng also congratulated Donghuang Taiyi.

"It's really a joy to congratulate the Eastern Emperor on beheading the corpse!"

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