Donghuang Taiyi was naturally overjoyed, not only beheaded the corpse, but also his dominance had finally achieved some results!

"I'm afraid the demon emperor and the demon master are about to kill their corpses!" Dong Huangtai laughed.

The demon emperor Fuxi and the demon master Kunpeng complimented Donghuang Taiyi, and then stopped talking.

Because both of them felt a kind of anger, they both looked at Di Jun inadvertently, and sure enough, Di Jun's face is not very good-looking now!

Donghuang Taiyi was in a good mood because of his breakthrough, so he didn't pay attention to Di Jun's expression for a while, so he didn't see Di Jun's deep expression either!

After a while, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi realized that this is the Lingxiao Palace, so he might affect Dijun's deterrence, so he even looked at Dijun!

But at this time, Di Jun had returned to normal, and his face was overjoyed. It seemed that it was not Donghuang Taiyi who killed the corpse, but Di Jun!

"Second brother, you cut the corpse, and our heavenly court's plan has been sped up a lot!" Di Jun said happily.

Donghuang Taiyi also showed joy, and said: "Brother is very right, when the elder brother kills the corpse, it will be the day when the Heavenly Court is established!"

Those great powers below were very excited when they heard the words of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. Once the Heavenly Court is established, they will be the officials of the Heavenly Court from now on to control the prehistoric world!

This time, the meeting in Lingxiao Palace ended quickly, because Di Jun didn't want to continue, and he was dissatisfied in his heart.

In addition, Taoist ancestors have only finished preaching for thousands of years, which is a good time to understand the way of saints.

All the great powers above the heavens have retreated one by one.

In the land of extreme heaven, the Twelve Ancestral Witches neither listened to the preaching of the Demon Ancestor nor the Taoist Ancestor, so they were very free and did not need to comprehend the way of saints!

Of course, it's not that they don't have the method of cultivation, and how can Pan Gu's legacy not have a special method of cultivation.

Both Dijiang and Houtu's physical bodies have reached the level of low-grade innate spiritual treasures, and they have become quasi-sages!

The remaining ten ancestral witches are also about to break through. I'm afraid it won't take long before they can break through to quasi-sages!

Also, they got a formation, and now their main thing is to understand the formation!

Fortunately, this formation does not need to be comprehended, otherwise, their ancestor witches are really helpless!

Pangu Palace!

Di Jiang looked at the Zu Wu who was sitting there, and said lightly: "All the Wu Clan gathered in the extreme place of heaven is not a long-term solution, otherwise, how would the Wu Clan control the prehistoric land?"

"What are you going to do, brother?" Gonggong asked.

Houtu didn't say anything, she knew what Di Jiang was going to say, because she had discussed with Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin to disperse the Wu Clan!

If it had been before, he would definitely not have discussed with Houtu. After all, among the twelve ancestor witches, Houtu was the smallest, and it was impossible for him to join the decision-making circle.

But Mozu once said that Houtu must prove the Tao!

This sentence changed everyone's views on Houtu and raised Houtu's status infinitely.

Tian Wu, Xuan Ming, and other ancestral witches also looked at Di Jiang, they didn't understand what Di Jiang meant!

"The Witch Clan is divided into twelve tribes, which are distinguished by the innate attributes and supernatural powers of the brothers and sisters. Then, the brothers and sisters choose the location of the tribe in Honghuang, let the tribe move there, and gradually control Honghuang!"

Di Jiang said lightly.

This time, all the ancestral witches understood that they wanted to disperse the witch clan in order to control the prehistoric world!

There is no objection from the ancestor witch, because what Di Jiang said is right, all the witch clans are in the sky, how can they control the prehistoric land?

"Brother, what about us?" Tian Wu asked.

"When the Twelve Ancestral Witches have no major issues, they can go to the tribe or stay in the Pangu Palace, but if there is an emergency, they must stay in the Pangu Palace!" Di Jiang said in a deep voice.

All the ancestral witches nodded their heads, they knew what Di Jiang said about the big event, it was undoubtedly a battle with the monster clan!

In the last battle, the two clans of the Lich formed an irresolvable hatred!

After a while, the eyes of these ancestral witches showed worry,

After all, the physical bodies of those witch races are not very strong. If they are scattered, what if they are bullied by other races?

Houtu saw the thoughts of these ancestor witches, and said: "There are great witches among the witch clan, and they all have cultivation bases above the Taiyi Golden Immortal. In today's prehistoric times, nothing will happen. Brothers and sisters, don't worry! "

Speaking of great witches, these ancestral witches are very pleased, especially the few great witches among them, which made them very happy!

Xingtian, Kuafu, Jiufeng, Houyi, Xiangliu, Chiyou and other great witches have all reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian!

After the last catastrophe, the Wu Clan has now recovered its original strength, even surpassing the number of millions!

Without Zu Wu's objection, everything was done in accordance with Di Jiang's instructions.

The Witch Clan was divided into twelve tribes. Except for the Time Tribe and the Space Tribe who remained in the Land of the Extremes of Heaven, the other ten tribes were scattered around the Land of the Extremes of Heaven.

They dare not separate too far at once, after all, there are too many variables in the prehistoric world!

In the prehistoric northern region, a giant beast breathes here, and every time it breathes out, it will cause the climate of the world to change!

This giant beast is exactly the fierce beast 'Chaos' back then, and now the strength of the fierce beast 'Chaos' has improved a lot, much more powerful than the last time!

Last time, the comprehensive combat power of the fierce beast 'Chaos' was in the middle stage of quasi-sage, but its physical body, even the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, could hardly kill him!

Now, the strength of the beast 'Chaos' has been raised to the late quasi-sage stage. I am afraid that there are only two or three quasi-sages in the whole prehistoric world who can deal with him!

Cangtian Mozu is one, and Wangshu is one. These are two on the bright side. As for whether there are still others, it is unknown!

The current Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Ao Zheng and others are not opponents of the beast 'Chaos'.


The fierce beast 'Chaos' has been sleeping, because if he is not sleeping, he needs to devour living beings!

Otherwise, he would have no way to maintain his current state!

Fierce beasts have a great weakness, that is, they maintain a state of devouring life, except when they are asleep.

Even the fierce beast emperor Shen Ni from back then liked to devour living beings!

The beast 'Chaos' is not a fool, he knows that the current prehistoric is no longer the previous prehistoric!

If he dared to feast outside, there would be only one end, and that would be to be killed!

I'm afraid the saints will take action!

When the saint was born, the beast 'Chaos' felt the coercion. I'm afraid he won't even be able to resist, and he will be wiped out!

Therefore, the beast 'Chaos' is very honest now.


Outside the prehistoric northern region, the space fluctuated slightly, and a blood-red figure stepped out, with a trace of evil on his handsome face!

This is the evil spirit that fled far away!

Looking at the Great Snow Mountain in the Northern Territory, the demon showed a smile. He knew that there was a fierce beast 'Chaos' in the Northern Territory!

Although the demon has never been above Honghuang, he is still very concerned about Honghuang's affairs.

When the fierce beast 'Chaos' broke the seal, the demon had already paid attention, but he never came!

Of course, the demon is afraid of Luo Hu, but as for Daozu Hongjun, the demon is not afraid!

Because Hongjun Daozu couldn't keep him, even the saint Hongjun Daozu couldn't keep him!

But Luo Hu could easily keep him, because Luo Hu's magic way is more pure than his!

The evil spirit used the method of celestial demon avatar to separate an incarnation to come to the Northern Territory, so there is no worry about falling down at all!

Even if he was beheaded by Hongjun Daozu, so what, he would not be able to hurt the main body!

But if it is seen by the demon ancestor Luohu, then he can use the secret method of magic to kill the main body directly through the incarnation!

The Heavenly Demon Clone Dafa is actually a weakened version of Rahu's double image of the Demon Dao!

Demons can create nine incarnations, but Luo Hu's demon ghost can create ten thousand incarnations!

At the beginning, the demons listened to the preaching under the seat of Rahu, and only then did some of the current secret methods, although they are not exactly the same as Rahu, but they are also very similar.

Taking one step forward, the demon entered the Great Snow Mountain in the Northern Territory, and looked at a huge mountain in front of him.

The demon made a handprint and formed a Taoist script, which is the magic word!


The word 'magic' was hit on the mountain peak, and a powerful failure erupted, causing the entire mountain peak to tremble violently.

"Hey~~~Who dares to sneak attack on me!"

Rocks and layers of snow fell, exposing the entire body of the beast 'Chaos'.


The beast 'Chaos' turned into a young man and looked at the demon.

"Where are you!" The fierce beast "Chaos" stared at the blood-robed youth in front of him!

Because this blood-robed youth gave him a dangerous feeling.

"You can call me a demon. The purpose of this seat is very simple. You have a destiny with this seat, and I am here to accept you as a mount." The demon said in a deep voice.

"Presumptuous, courting death!"

The fierce beast 'Chaos' let out a rage, opened its huge mouth and swallowed the demon!

The beast "Chaos", as we all know, looks like a fish, but it doesn't look like it. It only has a mouth and a body, not even a head.

After transforming into its main body, the ferocious beast 'Chaos' opened its huge mouth and could devour a mountain of ten thousand zhang!

The evil spirit showed no signs of fear, but took out a jade slip, which had the incantation engraved on the evil spirit's body.

Come to subdue the fierce beast 'Chaos', the evil spirits have made sufficient preparations, otherwise they would not take the risk to come to the Great Desolate Continent!

I saw that the evil spirit sacrificed the jade slips.


Jade simplified into a huge light beam, rushed to the sky, and then fell like a giant umbrella, covering the fierce beast 'Chaos' within it.

Then it turned into a beam of light, formed a jade slip, and fell into the hands of the demon.

"An ignorant beast dares to disobey me." The demon smiled evilly.

After subduing the beast 'Chaos', the demon looked at Mount Sumeru, and he felt that Rahu was not at Mount Sumeru at this time.

But he didn't dare to go to Mount Sumeru, because Luohu's strength penetrated into his heart, and he didn't dare to face Luohu as an enemy if he didn't become the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian!

"Luo Hu, it won't be long before I come to the Great Desolate Continent again!"

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