Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 78 Demon Saint Bai Ze, the first mouse in the wild

In the Lingxiao Palace, all the great powers of the monster race left the Thirty-Three Heavens under the arrangement of Donghuang Taiyi. This time, Donghuang Taiyi made a big move!

In the empty hall, Di Jun came from the inner hall with a deep expression on his face, looking at Da Neng flying away one by one from the Nantian Gate, his expression was even darker and terrifying.

Donghuang Taiyi didn't care about his elder brother, and pointed out the country in the Lingxiao Palace, what does this mean?

This didn't take his elder brother to heart at all!

This made Di Jun think that Donghuang Taiyi's strength was high, and he could stand on his head and dictate!


As soon as Di Jun slapped the table case, the table case on the emperor's platform was shattered in an instant.

Then the real fire of the sun appeared, and everything disappeared in smoke!

There was fire in Di Jun's eyes. This was dissatisfaction with Donghuang Taiyi, and anger towards the Demon Emperor and Demon Master!

He could see that Donghuangtaiyi's strength was profound, and then the demon emperor and demon masters were all around Donghuangtaiyi!

"Okay, very good!" Di Jun's voice was extremely cold.

Anyone here would surely notice that Di Jun's face has changed, becoming ferocious!

"It's a brother, why don't you!"

Di Jun turned around and entered the inner hall. Before the establishment of the Heavenly Court, Di Jun was not going to be in charge of the Yaozu. He understood that the most important thing now was to improve his strength!

Cutting out a corpse, or cutting out two powers of desire, it is estimated that none of them is an opponent of Donghuang Taiyi!

Then Di Jun is about to chop off the two corpses, and then take charge of the Yaozu again. This time, Di Jun will be on guard!

Donghuang Taiyi didn't know that what he did made Di Jun take precautions against him!

Of course, even if Donghuang Taiyi heard some gossip, he would not take it to heart. In his heart, brotherhood is far above rights!

Donghuang Taiyi left the Thirty-Third Heaven and flew to the south. The Tianhu Lake is located in the south, so you can know the location by pinching your fingers!

Donghuang Taiyi's speed is so fast, especially the unique supernatural power of the three-legged Golden Crow, the art of turning into a rainbow, is extremely fast.

When it comes to talking about it, even the flying technique of the demon master Kunpeng is incomparable!

Only Feng Zu's flying skills can be slightly better!

As for the flying skills of magic and Taoism, I'm afraid it won't be able to reach this level, after all, there are specialties in the art industry.

Donghuang Taiyi came to the Tianhu Lake alone, looking at the Tianhu Lake with a radius of a million miles, Donghuang Taiyi smiled.

Bai Ze, went to Zixiao Palace for the second time Hongjun Taoist preached. Although he didn't go there for the first time, his heels are extraordinary!

It was heard in the Zixiao Palace that Bai Ze's cultivation was at the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, and now more than ten thousand years have passed, Bai Ze should not have reached the level of quasi-sage!

But even if he reaches the quasi-sage, Donghuang Taiyi is sure to let Bai Ze join the monster clan!

Bai Ze, the beast of heaven and earth, understands the emotions of all things, knows the appearance of all things in the world, has a lion body, two horns on his head, and a goatee.

Moreover, Bai Ze is deducing a divine beast, knowing five thousand years before and five thousand years after!

This pre-knowledge of five thousand years is nothing, after all, there are more or less things that happened before!

But this five thousand years of hindsight is different. This is a kind of innate supernatural power of deduction, which can predict the future!

Although it's a bit exaggerated, but you can also know the sevens and eights!

It is impossible to know everything, even a saint cannot know everything in the future, the future is so variable!

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ze, please meet again!" Donghuang Taiyi's voice went straight to the bottom of the lake!

At the bottom of the lake, Donghuang Taiyi has discovered a mansion, which should be Bai Ze's mansion!


One is wearing a white robe and a white cloud crown, with a handsome face, eyes full of wisdom, and a feather fan in his hand!

"The one who should come is still here. I didn't expect that the poor Taoist hid in the lake, but was found by the Eastern Emperor!"

This young man in white was Bai Ze. He looked at Dong Huang without the slightest fear, on the contrary, he looked very indifferent.

It seems that everything is only under control!

"You know that the emperor is coming?" Donghuang Taiyi showed surprise!

"Ten thousand years ago,

When Pindao came out of Zixiao Palace, he should be in the dojo. He stayed away from the previous dojo just to avoid his fellow Taoists, but he didn't expect that his fate would be like this, and he couldn't avoid it! "

Bai Ze's tone was full of helplessness!

His innate supernatural powers can see the future, but he can't change the future, which makes Bai Ze very helpless!

"Fellow Daoist is indeed a beast of heaven and earth, able to deduce future events!" Donghuang Taiyi exclaimed.

"Since Fellow Daoists already know that the Emperor is coming, they should also know the reason for the Emperor's coming!"

"Pindao can leave with Donghuang, but there is a request, I hope Donghuang can agree!" Bai Ze said.

Donghuang Taiyi was silent for a while. Although Bai Ze's cultivation had improved a bit, he was still within the rank of Da Luo Jinxian. If Donghuang Taiyi wanted to, he could wipe out Bai Ze with a wave of his hand!

It's just that the purpose of Donghuang Taiyi's visit is to make Bai Ze submit, not to kill Bai Ze.

"Fellow Daoist, please tell me."

"Pindao can submit to the monster clan, but he needs to be the head of the top ten demon sages, and as long as he hears your orders from the Eastern Emperor, as for the orders of others, Pindao will not listen to them at all. If the Eastern Emperor agrees, Pindao will have to die It's gone." Bai Ze said calmly, shaking the feather fan in his hand.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Donghuang Taiyi's eyes, if he only listened to him, wouldn't it be clear that he would have trouble with Di Jun?

Divide the feelings between their brothers, kill them!

But thinking about it again, this Bai Ze has supernatural powers, and his method of deduction is much better than that of a quasi-sage!

"Yes, I agree to your request, and you will be the head of the ten demon saints from now on."

What made Donghuang Taiyi change his mind was that Bai Ze was able to deduce the position of the top ten demon saints. This is the real scary thing!

Seeing that Donghuang Taiyi agreed, Bai Ze didn't do anything, but knelt down.

"I greet His Majesty the Eastern Emperor!"

"Demon Saint, please get up!" Donghuang Taiyi helped Bai Ze up.

Then Donghuang Taiyi said: "I also invite the demon saint and the emperor to go to Dongshan to help the demon master subdue the ghost car!"

Bai Ze smiled lightly, and said to Donghuang Taiyi: "The Donghuang can return to the Thirty-Third Heaven to wait, and the ten demon saints will all return to their thrones!"

Donghuang Taiyi admired Bai Ze's calculation method very much. Hearing what Bai Ze said, Donghuang Taiyi didn't say anything, and took Bai Ze to the Thirty-Third Heaven!

And after returning to the Thirty-Third Heaven, Donghuang Taiyi still had one thing in mind, which was to tell Di Jun about Bai Ze!

So as not to let Dijun misunderstand and hurt the brotherhood!

But how could Donghuang Taiyi know that in Di Jun's heart, the brotherhood has deteriorated and has been suppressed by power!



On an ordinary fairy mountain in the prehistoric west, dark clouds are densely covered, and a robbery cloud with a radius of about ten thousand zhang appears.

A place that hangs over this mountain!

And directly below Jieyun, there is a mouse with its legs on the ground, and the other two legs pointing at Jieyun in the sky, squeaking!

The mouse is one foot in size. In the wild, this kind of mouse can be said to be extremely small!

This is the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation. This mouse's cultivation base is the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it can become a Taiyi Golden Immortal in transformation. It can be said that this mouse's heels are not low!

In fact, this mouse also has a great background in the prehistoric world, and it is the first mouse in the world!

It's called Treasure Hunter!

It is a strange beast from heaven and earth, and it also has innate supernatural powers. You must know that this innate supernatural power can only be possessed by existences above the level of divine beasts!

This treasure hunting mouse has such supernatural powers, which shows that its heels are not low!


Three roars.

A red light spit out from the treasure hunting mouse's mouth, and shot towards Tianjie!

At this moment, Heavenly Tribulation also chopped down a divine thunder!

Colliding with the red light, both of them dissipated!

Treasure hunting rats, before they take shape, cannot make innate Dao sounds, so they can only squeak!

But if there is a great power here, you can also understand the meaning, after all, the divine sense can understand the language of all races!

"Little Heavenly Tribulation, how can it be me, look at the treasure!"

I saw that the treasure hunting mouse took out a spirit treasure, which can only be regarded as a spirit treasure. If you force it, it should be regarded as a low-grade innate spirit treasure!

In the prehistoric world, some innate spirit treasures could not even reach the lower rank.

The treasure sacrificed by this treasure hunting mouse is this kind of spirit treasure, which is not even considered as a low-grade innate spirit treasure!

Two lightning bolts struck down.


The spirit treasure was chopped off, but it also blocked the thunder, but the spirituality and aura of the spirit treasure were split apart, without any hint of an innate spirit treasure!

The Treasure Hunting Mouse immediately sacrificed two innate spirit treasures, which were still the kind of spirit treasures without grades!

It seems that there are many spirit treasures in the treasure space of the treasure hunting mouse!

Four tribulations of lightning struck, and the two infamous innate spiritual treasures were smashed into scraps!

The treasure hunting mouse didn't show any distress, but took out another ten innate treasures!

Treasure hunting mice are gifted with supernatural powers, one is the treasure space, and the other is treasure hunting!

He can smell the smell of treasure aura, and then find the treasure!

Of course, it's impossible to have a top-grade innate spirit treasure, he still can't smell that kind of treasure!

What's more, the birth of the best innate spirit treasure caused too much commotion. The current cultivation level of the treasure hunting mouse may only be used as cannon fodder. He is still very smart.

Nine Dao Tribulation Lightning strikes, destroying five innate spiritual treasures.

The catastrophe dissipated, and the catastrophe of the treasure hunting mouse was over!

A beam of light injected into the body of Treasure Hunting Mouse, and then, the radiance became stronger, enveloping Treasure Hunting Mouse.

When the light faded away, a fat young man appeared on the spot.

There is some cunning in her eyes, and she has quite a few spiritual treasures in her hands, but the best ones are only low-grade innate spiritual treasures, and there are so many low-ranking ones!

"Finally, we can find middle-grade innate spiritual treasures. These prehistoric treasures are all impoverished, ha ha!" When the treasure hunter thought of the treasures in the future, he couldn't help laughing foolishly!

Thinking in his heart, the treasure hunting mouse just cast the ground escaping technique in one direction and disappeared!

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