Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 79 The Threatened Demon Ancestor

On Yingzhou Island, the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven is still cultivating, and has already entered the state of enlightenment. Once he wakes up, he will definitely cut out the sixth path of desire and become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

The Celestial Demon Ancestor is also the first batch of innate creatures in the prehistoric world. It can be said that not many of them can live longer than the Celestial Demon Ancestor in the prehistoric world!

During the ten thousand years, the demon ancestor of the sky woke up once and moved to the position of the world tree. After all, if he enlightened under the world tree, the effect would be even greater!

There is a bodhi tree in the prehistoric world, which can assist in enlightenment, and there is a world tree in the chaos, which can assist in enlightenment, and the world tree is also called the tree of enlightenment!

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor was able to enter the state of epiphany so quickly, all thanks to the World Tree.

It's just that the Heaven Demon Ancestor didn't know that Luo Hu had climbed the World Tree for thousands of years!

In ten thousand years, with Luo Hu's speed, he might be able to enter the depths of chaos, but he still hasn't returned after climbing the World Tree, so there must be an extraordinary secret!

The World Tree claims to be able to connect the worlds of the heavens!

Luo Hu didn't believe it!

He firmly believed that the chaos he was in was only prehistoric, because he saw that when Pangu created the world, the reduced chaos had no world!

It will take ten thousand years for Luo Hu to go. I am afraid that even Luo Hu himself did not expect that it would take such a long time.


Luo Hu appeared on Yingzhou Island, his eyes filled with shock.

The next moment, Luo Hu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and his body stabilized his trembling!

Luo Hu didn't know how long this stop would take, it could be an instant, or it could be ten thousand years!

Luo Hu woke up again, with a look of shock in his eyes, which could not go away for a long time.

"Shh~~" He let out a long breath of foul air.

Luo Hu disappeared on Yingzhou Island. He didn't want to cause the breakthrough of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven to fail because of his unstable aura!

If this is the case, Luo Hu has committed a serious crime!

Luo Hu doesn't care about outsiders' words, but Cangtian Demon Ancestor is his second brother, and he will not disturb his second brother, especially at such a critical moment!

Back in the Palace of Freedom, the scene of him climbing up the World Tree gradually emerged in Luo Hu's mind!

Luo Hu's speed is so fast, even if he is climbing on the World Tree, Luo Hu's step is a hundred feet!

One step at a hundred feet is just one breath.

How many breaths in a hundred years?

Luo Hu didn't know how far he had traveled, but in the previous hundred years, his speed had not stopped, and he had always kept one step at a time!

But in a hundred years, Luo Hu saw something, which made him understand that he was not in the prehistoric world at all!

Although it is impossible to walk out of the west with a hundred feet and a hundred years of walking, but if you walk in one direction, there is still a long distance!

Chaotic airflow!

That's right, Luo Hu just saw the chaotic airflow, which made him understand that he had entered the chaos!

Unfortunately, he is not familiar with this chaos at all!

You must know that Luo Hu is the Chaos Demon God in the Chaos Period, and he is very familiar with this Chaos!

But Luo Hu didn't feel any familiar atmosphere in the chaos leading to the world tree!

Feeling the chaotic airflow, Luo Hu didn't stop, but continued to walk forward, but his speed slowed down, from the original one step of one hundred feet to one step of ten feet!

After walking for a thousand years, Luo Hu saw the branches and leaves of the world tree!

Rahu's spiritual thoughts were released to observe these branches and leaves, but Luo Hu didn't find anything, he didn't feel the power of the world, obviously, these branches and leaves are not the legendary Great Thousand World!


The world tree has three thousand branches and leaves, which are three thousand great thousand worlds.

The first legend was broken, Luo Hu did not stop, and continued to walk up!

Following the World Tree, Luo Hu didn't know whether he was going up or forward, because he had no direction at this time, and he could only walk along the trunk of the World Tree!

Even Rahu had a feeling,

That is, if he left the World Tree, he might not be able to return to Chaos!

Here, the power of the saint cannot be used, only the ability of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be used, and the ability of calculation cannot be used either.

Here, there is no secret.

Another thousand years later, the scene in front of Luohu has undergone a huge change. This is the appearance of Pangu, the great god who created the world!

Luo Hu looked at the incomparably huge Great God Pangu holding a Pangu axe, chopping an ax in the chaos!

More than 2,000 Chaos Demon Gods were killed or wounded!

Demon God of Time, Patriarch Yang Mei, and other powerful Chaos Demon Gods used secret techniques to avoid this attack!

Even Luo Hu used all his strength to perform the Great Grinding of the World, and managed to survive!

When seeing this scene, Luo Hu knew that this was the last ax that created the world!

As Luo Hu climbed upwards, Luo Hu saw Pan Gu's first axe!

Hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods fell directly, turning into the purest energy and dissipating in the chaos.

When he saw this, Luo Hu looked at the trunk of the World Tree, which was so tall and endless, and he thought of one thing!

That is, if he continues to climb along the world tree, can he see the origin of the birth of the Chaos Demon God!

And how Chaos came about!

Was there any other space before the chaos?

With this idea in mind, Luo Hu continued to climb!

It's been another millennium, and this is the fourth millennium. Luo Hu verified what he thought in his heart, and he saw the origin of the Chaos Demon God!

It turns out that the Chaos Demon God is the three thousand purple lights sprinkled by the Dao, but there is a very small purple light, and it is in this tiny purple light!

There is an alternative soul!

Luo Hu understood that this was himself, and he was the odd number.

Seeing this scene, Luo Hu thought back to the beginning of his time travel. At the beginning, it seemed to be endless purple light and endless chaotic air. He wandered in these chaotic air, and then strengthened himself!

But how he crossed over, Luo Hu didn't know!

He only knew that he died inexplicably, did he really stay up all night and die?

Luo Hu didn't know, because he was just a mortal at that time, he didn't know anything.

Luo Hu thought to himself, if he continued to go up, would he be able to see how he died!

Even if he couldn't see it, there were only two roads ahead. One, he saw how he died!

The second is how the chaos is formed, how the Dao appears, whether the Dao is a living being, and whether the Dao has no thought!

No matter what kind of information it is, it will have a huge impact on Luo Hu, he wants to read it!

This world tree seems to record the history of everything.

When traveling to the fifth millennium, Luo Hu saw the end of the World Tree, and he finally saw the crown of the tree. This made Luo Hu very happy, because he could see the root of the world when he took the next step!

Luo Hu thought for a moment, and finally took one step forward!


The whole space was trembling, and a bang sounded in Luo Hu's ears, making him dizzy!

But Luo Hu still tried hard to open his eyes, but in the next moment, he was repelled.

Luo Hu appeared under the canopy again, he stared blankly at the canopy, a little dazed, although it was only for a moment, but he saw something Xin Mi!


It's Simmi!

Luo Hu in the Liberty Palace opened his eyes, and he is still in shock now, five thousand years ago.

It took Rahu 5,000 years to climb to the top of the World Tree, and another 5,000 years, and he came back!

Five thousand years have passed, and that scene seems like yesterday!

Luo Hu couldn't imagine what he saw at that time.

Luo Hu wanted to recall the moment he saw at that time, but he felt an unprecedented stinging pain, which almost shattered his soul!


Rahu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Afterwards, Luohu stood up, came to the highest point of Mount Sumeru, and looked towards Chaos!

He went back down the road again, and he couldn't even think about what he saw there, let alone recall it.

Just now is Da Dao's warning!

Luo Hu was silent, he was not afraid of the way of heaven, but he was still under the great way, and now he didn't even have the freedom to think about things!

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