Luo Hu's memories can only go under the canopy of the world tree. Once it touches the canopy, there will be a supreme coercion, which is a coercion that even Luo Hu can't resist!


The order of chaos exists, even if it is as strong as the Great God Pan Gu, it is still under the Dao!

Rahu no longer recalled the scene in the canopy, and Rahu didn't want to recall that scene either.

Unless his cultivation base goes further, otherwise, he will not be able to realize his dreams, and he will not have any freedom!

Luo Hu felt deeply helpless, under the Dao, he couldn't even think of one thing, which made Luo Hu have an urgent idea of ​​strength!

After countless years, Luo Hu has cultivated to the realm of Hunyuan, and he has cut out the desires of the six realms!

The Realm of Seven Emotions, Luo Hu is also slowly touching, once breaking through to the late stage of Hunyuan Da Luojin, Luo Hu can cut out one emotion and officially enter the realm of Seven Emotions!

Spiritual thoughts were released, covering the entire Mount Sumeru, but Luo Hu discovered something.

The Taishang is actually enlightening.

"Now that we have started, we must go all the way to the end." Luo Hu's face was a little relieved!

At first, Luo Hu valued Tongtian, and the disciple he wanted to accept was Tongtian!

However, Sanqing suddenly changed and became Siqing, and Luo Hu was destined to accept Taishang. He never thought that Taishang would have such great perseverance!

The most suitable person for the seven emotions and six desires is Rahu, because this is the way that Rahu has realized!

Although other demon monks are also suitable, but it is far less compatible with Luo Hu and the seven emotions and six desires!

Taishang finds another shortcut, if successful, then Taishang's achievements will be limitless!

Luo Hu left the Zizai Palace and entered the Dazizai Heaven. It seems that his plan has to be advanced. He needs to understand the Daowen on the crystal sword!

There have been two mutations in the crystal sword, and Daowen has appeared twice.

Luo Hu is still fresh in his memory!

The first time is the return of ten thousand ways to the source, and the second time is the road without boundaries!

Luo Hu understood the literal meaning, but Luo Hu was a little unclear about the inner meaning.

Now, having become the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian and a saint, Luo Hu has some understanding of the return of all Dao to the source!

Wan Dao should represent all spirits, and the way of all spirits is the way to Hunyuan. This is the return of all Tao to the source!

Of course, this is only Luo Hu's superficial understanding. To truly comprehend these four words, Luo Hu still needs a deep comprehension!

Luo Hu first came to the place where Bai Lian was, saw Bai Lian recovering from her injuries, waved her big hand, and the infinite power of good fortune appeared!

Bai Lian suddenly opened her eyes, and when she saw Luo Hu, she quickly stood up and saluted!

"Meet the Demon Ancestor."


Luo Hu penetrated into Bai Lian's body with the supreme power of good fortune, so that her body will contain the power of good fortune, which can help her recover from her injuries, and can recover in a short time!

This time, Bai Lian was injured entirely because of Luo Hu!

It was also Luo Hu's carelessness. He didn't make any defensive enchantment, and directly refined the Nine Demon Tower. If it weren't for the white lotus to protect the spiritual root of Demon Heart Island!

I'm afraid that Luo Hu will lose a lot of spiritual roots this time, and he won't even be able to keep the Renshui flat peach!

"Recover well, in the future you can travel alone in the wild!" Luo Hu said lightly.

Bailian is overjoyed!

She was born in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​and she only went out once, and she still listened to the preaching of the demon ancestor of the sky, and still did not leave Mount Sumeru!

Now, Luo Hu actually told her that she could travel to the prehistoric regions, so Bai Lian was naturally very happy!

Luo Hu came to the Sanguangshen pool, sacrificed the small crystal sword in his hand, sat down cross-legged, and put the small sword on his legs.

The mysterious Daowen appeared again. Luo Hu didn't know the words on it, but he could understand what it meant!

It is the source of all Tao!

Luo Hu tried his best to comprehend these four words, his spiritual thoughts poured into the small crystal sword, and then let go of his soul, allowing himself to be psychic!

At this time, even Luo Hu's body was realizing the Tao!

Everything in the world becomes Tao!

Even every move is the manifestation of Tao, Tao cultivates all things, and Tao follows nature!

Rahu is immersed in the ocean of Tao,

A nine-circle magic halo appeared behind his head, and for a moment, Luo Hu's appearance became majestic!

Seeing that Luo Hu was comprehending Dao Yun, Bai Lian didn't bother her, but continued to recover from her injuries. She was seriously injured. Even with Luo Hu's help, it might take a while!

at this time!

In the ancestral hall, the Supreme Master has already realized his way.

On Mount Sumeru, only the demon ancestor can have a palace, and the disciples below can only build a palace!

If the Taishang becomes the Demon Ancestor, then the Shangzu Palace will be changed to the Shangzu Palace!

The seven emotions and six desires passed down by Rahu are not for people to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, but for people to always remember the seven emotions and six desires, and to deepen the influence of the seven emotions and six desires on themselves.

Cut out the seven emotions and six desires, and finally need to integrate!

Taishang realized another kind of emotions and desires, forgetting lust!

After ten thousand years, the Taishang realized a kind of way, the way of forgetting love!

Cut out the seven emotions and six desires, forget the lust!

Too forgetful!

If you are ruthless, you will have no desire, and if you have no desire, you will be strong!

In this way, you can practice the way of inaction, there is no emotion and there is emotion, and there is no desire to achieve desire!

In this way, it is like the way of heaven, ruthless but selfless!

It's just too different, he is ruthless, but not selfless, he has no desire, but he can also be affectionate!

Everything is in the heart, action is ruthless, heart is affectionate, action is without desire, heart is desire, this is the supreme forgetting love!

After more than ten thousand years, on the basis of the seven emotions and six desires, the Taishang realized the way of forgetting emotions, and created the Taishang Demon Heart Sutra!

Although it is not perfect yet, it is another path, more suitable for Taishang!


The Taishang opened his eyes, and immeasurable magic light shot out from them!

"Too much forgetting, cut!"

Taishang let out a deep shout, and suddenly, the Heavenly Knife suddenly appeared, the void was cut, the devil's heart appeared, and a figure jumped out, it was Taishang's third desire!

But the next moment, the desire dissipated.

Not only that, even the two desires that were cut out before came out of the devil's heart, and the next moment, they turned into nothingness and dissipated!

Taishang destroys emotions, this cut directly cuts off the seven emotions and six desires, when the Taishang completely cuts off the seven emotions and six desires, then the Taishang will become an existence that can be strong without desires!

There is no desire in the heart, no emotion in the heart, one heart is for the Tao, one heart is for the devil, living like a puppet.

However, if the Taishang gets out of the calamity of being a puppet, then the Dao will finally be accomplished, and his achievement will not be lower than that of any great power!

After cutting out three desires, Taishang has reached the late stage of quasi-sage, which is another step forward for his plan!

Moreover, Taishang's combat strength at this time has been terribly improved.

With one step, the Supreme Master left the Ancestral Hall and came to the Hall of Demons, where a generation of disciples discuss matters!

The spiritual thoughts were released, and the disciples who had not retreated were all summoned by the voice of the Supreme Being.

Tong Tian, ​​Yuan Hong, and Kong Xuan were in retreat, so none of them came.

Tai Xuan, Queen Mother of the West, Xiong Ba, and Sun Yuan all came to the Hall of Demons.

"Eldest brother, your aura?" Taixuan frowned, he felt that it had changed too much, it was not the same as before!

As for what has changed, it is somewhat unclear, but it is certain that it has indeed changed!

"My way has been accomplished, and I have cut my desires again, and my cultivation has improved a lot!" Taishang said with a faint smile.

Taixuan shook his head, it is not as simple as Taishang said, this is not a change that can only be achieved by breaking through the realm.

The Queen Mother of the West also noticed something strange at this time, as well as Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan, they all looked at the Taishang, and they felt that there was an aura of indifference in the Taishang!

Seems alienated from them!


What did Taixuan think of, just now Taishang said that my way has been accomplished, is this what Tongtian said back then!

"Brother, have you realized another way of cultivation?" Taixuan said excitedly.

If this is the case, then Taishang's comprehension is too high.

"On the basis of the seven emotions and six desires, I have comprehended some other ways. After I have perfected it, I will pass it on to all my brothers and sisters." Taishang said slowly.

Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan are nothing, he does not practice this kind of Heart Sutra, what they practice is the Nine-Turn Magic Kung Fu, which is a body training method!

But Taixuan and Queen Mother Xi have some expectations, after all, they also want to see what the Taishang has learned!

Of course, if they knew that what Taishang realized was the Dao of Wangqing, they would be shocked!

"Let's not talk about this matter, this time I summoned all my juniors and juniors to discuss an important matter."

Taishang said and looked at Taixuan.

Taixuan was puzzled for a moment, and then realized, he understood what Taishang meant.

"Eldest brother, the spiritual root on Buzhou Mountain is not yet ready for birth." Taixuan said.

"Birth is imminent!" Tai Shang said lightly.

Taishang felt that Buzhoushan had his opportunity, and based on pinching calculations, it was the spiritual root, and what Taixuan said before, it should be the spiritual root!

This should mean that the spiritual root is about to be born, but those who are destined will know it immediately, even Taixuan, who is also one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, cannot know in advance.

"Huh? This thing is destined to be with the elder brother!" Taixuan was startled.

Taishang nodded, and then said: "This time, Taiqing will definitely go, as the brother Zhunsheng's late stage state, plus three juniors and four juniors, he can completely kill him!"

"Senior brother's cultivation is progressing rapidly. I am afraid that there are not many people in the prehistoric world who can reach the level of senior brother!" Sun Yun laughed.

If the five of them went together, they would definitely be able to kill Taiqing. After all, even if Taiqing became a late quasi-sage, he would be doomed!

What's more, Taiqing should not have reached this level, and it is estimated that he will cut out a corpse!

At this moment, Taishang felt that Tongtian had left the customs, but he did not come to the Hall of Demons, but left Mount Sumeru and flew to the east!

The Taishang was puzzled, at this time, what is Tongtian going to the east to do?

But Taishang didn't go to stop it, judging by Tongtian's flying speed, it didn't look like there was something urgent.

"Eldest brother, what's the matter?" Queen Mother Xi asked when she saw Taishang was stunned.

"Second brother of yours has left customs, and headed to the east, I don't know what to do!"

"It doesn't matter, let's go to Buzhou Mountain to make some arrangements."

Taishang has the determination to kill Taiqing, this time, he will make Taiqing fall into doom!

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