Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 81 Patriarch Hongyun, Duke Dong, Patriarch Styx

Tai Xuan and others will naturally listen to Tai Shang's words. Besides, they have all become quasi-sages now, and their strength has been greatly improved. Killing Tai Qing is nothing more than a snap!

Even if Yuan Yuan was nearby, they could stop Yuan Yuan and kill Taiqing.

Taixuan cut out two desires and became the middle stage of quasi-sage, Queen Mother of the West cut out one desire, and became the early stage of quasi-sage!

Xiong Ba practiced the Ninth Revolution of Pan Yuan, and became a quasi-sage in his body. Although Sun Yuan did not practice the Ninth Revolution of Pan Yuan, he also practiced the magic skill of the Ninth Revolution, and he also reached the quasi-sage!

The four of them plus Taishang are five quasi-sages. If they join forces and cannot kill one Taiqing, then they are really useless.

The five magic lights flew away from Mount Sumeru, and quickly swept towards Mount Buzhou.

At this time, 30,000 years have passed since the second sermon, and there are still more than 90,000 years before the last sermon!

In this 90,000 years, it will be a prehistoric eventful year!

On the prehistoric continent, those who used innate spirit treasures to kill corpses have all begun to become active in the prehistoric continent!

They have no choice but to come out to find the Xiantian Lingbao, otherwise, they will have no way to go any further!

Although the low-rank Xiantian Lingbao can kill corpses, no one is willing to use the low-rank Xiantian Lingbao to kill corpses. After all, this will be the weakest existence among quasi-sages!

They are all powerful. Above the prehistoric world, the most important thing is face. If there is no face, what is the point?

The appearance of these powerful people caused chaos in Honghuang.

When these powerful people come out of the mountain, their first target is not fellow Taoists who are also listening to Taoism in Zixiao Palace, but the Wu Clan!

The Wu Clan does not cultivate primordial spirits, but they have quite a few innate spirit treasures. It is rumored that there are even a few top-grade innate spirit treasures!

Therefore, these great powers all set part of the target on the Wu clan.

Of course, another part is placed on the monks of the demonic way. The monks of the magical way practice the seven emotions and six desires, and do not need the sustenance of innate spiritual treasures!

Therefore, there are some great powers who want to make deals with the great powers of the Demonic Dao.

The funniest thing is that the two great powers went to the land of the sea of ​​blood in the south!

Patriarch Styx has a futon in the Palace of Freedom, so he is naturally a powerful demon, and has many spiritual treasures on his body.

This has become the goal of those top powers.

If Taiqing, Yuanyuan and the others hadn't respected their identities, they might have gone to the sea of ​​blood to make a deal with Patriarch Styx!

Patriarch Hongyun and Duke Dong went to the sea of ​​blood. I don't know how the two came together. Looking at it, the relationship between the two is still very close!

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, this Patriarch Styx is a killing god. If we don't have enough benefits, he will definitely not hand over the best innate spirit treasure!"

Prince Dong's eyes shone brightly. It was Prince Dong who proposed to come to make a deal with Patriarch Styx!

But since Patriarch Hongyun came here, he must have some good treasures, otherwise, he wouldn't have come all the way!

Patriarch Hongyun smiled and said nothing, he is not a fool, how could he say such a thing?

Seeing that Patriarch Hongyun didn't say anything, nor did he overreact, Duke Dong just smiled.

After all, his hole card would not tell the ancestor Hongyun that they seem to have known each other for a long time, but in fact, they only really knew each other for thousands of years!

Thousands of years ago, Hongyun Patriarch traveled to the prehistoric region and met Duke Dong. The two had a discussion, and they were very destined. Duke Dong then brought up the sea of ​​blood!

Both are quasi-holy corpses, and their speed is naturally not slow. They are in the south, so it won't take long to go to the sea of ​​blood.

When they came to the edge of the sea of ​​blood, they saw waves of blood on top of the boundless sea of ​​blood, and a wave of evil blood filled the air towards them!

Patriarch Hongyun and Prince Dong subconsciously took a step back, they were shocked by the sight in front of them!

Such a rich blood fiend has gathered the blood of many living beings to reach this level!

Both Patriarch Hongyun and Prince Dong used their mana to keep out the evil spirit of blood.

After all, once this kind of violent energy enters the body, it is very difficult to expel it!

At the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Minghe opened his eyes and looked towards the sea. When Prince Dong and Patriarch Hongyun came to the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Minghe had already discovered it!

After all, the entire sea of ​​blood belongs to Patriarch Styx, and the 460 million blood god sons are not just talking!

Patriarch Styx can wave the sea of ​​blood like an arm, so naturally he can perceive everything in the sea of ​​blood!

"Hong Yun, Prince Dong, why did they two come to the sea of ​​blood?"

Patriarch Minghe remembered that he had never had any contact with them, let alone friendship, he had nothing at all!

But when the two quasi-sages came, Patriarch Styx could not remain indifferent. He stood up and took a step forward. Patriarch Styx came to the sea of ​​blood!

"The two fellow Taoists have descended into the sea of ​​blood, what advice do you have?" Patriarch Styx's face was deep and cold!

Patriarch Styx is the God of Killing, he is more indifferent than Tai Shang, basically he has no good face, let alone a smiling face!

Patriarch Hongyun and Duke Dong were shocked when they saw Patriarch Minghe appear, they felt Patriarch Minghe's aura, stronger than others!

"Haha, Porky Daoist and fellow Daoist Dong Wanggong came to Sea of ​​Blood, so naturally they have something to discuss with fellow Daoist!" Hongyun Patriarch laughed.

Duke Dong nodded, indicating that Patriarch Hongyun was right.

Patriarch Minghe pointed at the sea of ​​blood, and said in a low voice, "Two fellow Taoists, please come to the palace to have a talk."

Arriving at Patriarch Minghe's dojo, Patriarch Hongyun and Duke Dong were restrained.

They all felt the bloody and cold aura, which was too strong!

Patriarch Minghe sat directly on the main seat and said, "Please tell me what you two fellow Taoists have to say!"

Patriarch Hongyun was a little astonished, wasn't there a boy who brought up the fairy fruit?

You must know that when the ancestor Hongyun went to other places, there were always boys serving fairy fruits!

But he didn't think about where this is?

If you can eat fairy fruit here in Patriarch Minghe's dojo, then you will be truly the most powerful in the prehistoric world!

Patriarch Styx is indifferent and cruel!

"The two of us came here for the innate spiritual treasure of fellow daoist!" Dong Wanggong said.


A strong murderous aura gushed out, and two sword auras shot out from the back of Patriarch Minghe, and two innate killing swords appeared.

No matter whether it was Patriarch Hongyun or Prince Dong, they all felt a bit of oppression at this time.

It's not that they are afraid of Patriarch Styx, it's because they are overwhelmed by the murderous aura. They have never felt such a strong murderous aura so close!

Of course, when Luo Hu and Daozu Hongjun fought, they hadn't been born yet, so they didn't know the murderous aura released by Luo Hu!

"Fellow daoist, don't get angry. The meaning of poor daoist is to exchange an innate spirit treasure with fellow daoist!" Duke Dong said hastily.

"That's right. I heard that fellow Taoists have a lot of innate spirit treasures, so I came here to make a deal." The ancestor Hongyun also said anxiously.

At this time, if Patriarch Minghe mistakenly thinks that the two of them are here to kill people and seize treasures, it will be dangerous!

This is a sea of ​​blood, how can they be the opponents of Patriarch Styx in the sea of ​​blood, if they are outside, they still have the strength to fight!

"Huh?" Patriarch Styx showed surprise!

Exchange Xiantian Lingbao?

I don't know what kind of good treasure it is, but I want to exchange it for the innate spirit treasure. You must know that even if it is the innate spirit root, it cannot be exchanged for the innate spirit treasure!

"In my hand, I have five top-grade innate spirit treasures and three top-grade innate spirit treasures. I don't know how the two fellow daoists plan to exchange them!"

Patriarch Minghe wasn't worried about being exposed at all, and then was contested by Patriarch Hongyun and Prince Dong!

In this sea of ​​blood, even if a saint came, Patriarch Styx would be able to protect himself.

The sea of ​​blood never dries up, the Styx never dies!

Unless the saint wants to bear huge karma, otherwise, it is impossible to let the sea of ​​blood dry up!

Duke Dong and Patriarch Hongyun exchanged glances, they didn't want to take out the treasure first!

But now, the old ancestor Minghe had already said this, they had to show one of them first!

"Since that's the case, the poor will show their shame."

The East Prince slowly took out something, and suddenly, the blood was soaring, and there was a strong violent aura!

Patriarch Minghe looked at the treasure in Duke Dong's hands, his eyes became hot!

"The blood of the Beast Emperor's Rebellion, and it's still painstaking, where did fellow Taoist get it?" Ancestor Minghe asked!

This painstaking effort is of great help to Patriarch Styx, especially to help Patriarch Styx to comprehend supernatural powers!

Although this is not a spirit treasure, in the eyes of the ancestor Minghe, it is no less than an innate spirit treasure!

"Where did you come from? I can't tell you." Dong Wanggong said softly.

Patriarch Minghe looked at Prince Dong, and from his expression, there should be more than this drop of hard work!

"Although the painstaking efforts of the Fierce Beast Emperor Shenni are precious and extraordinary, a single drop is far from enough to exchange for a high-grade innate spirit treasure!" Patriarch Minghe seemed to have decided on Duke Dong.

The Eastern Prince was indeed captured by the Patriarch Minghe, because the Eastern Prince only had a top-grade Xiantian Spiritual Treasure on his body, as for the top-grade Xiantian Spiritual Treasure, he didn't have any!

There are a few low-rank and middle-rank innate spirit treasures, Duke Dong has a few of them, but he is a majestic and powerful person who has a holy position in Zixiao Palace, how can he use the middle and low-rank innate spirit treasures to kill corpses?

Dong Wanggong's self-esteem will not allow him to do this!

"One drop is not enough, so what about ten drops?" Dong Wanggong's eyes were a little bit pained, this was the painstaking effort of the beast emperor!

Ten drops!

Even Prince Dong only had fifteen drops in his hands, so taking out ten drops would be very painful to him, to a certain extent.

The preciousness of ten drops of the fierce beast emperor's blood is no less precious than a top-grade innate spirit treasure, and even surpasses it!

"Ten drops? That's right." Patriarch Minghe took out a high-grade innate spirit treasure without any hesitation, and handed it to Prince Dong.

He was not afraid that Prince Dong would get his spirit treasure and run away. In the sea of ​​blood, without his consent, Prince Dong and Patriarch Hongyun would have a hard time running away!

Dong Wanggong also gave ten drops of the blood of the fierce beast emperor to Patriarch Minghe.

Afterwards, Patriarch Minghe looked at Patriarch Hongyun, and next was Patriarch Hongyun's treasure.

There is a strong confidence in the eyes of the ancestor Hongyun.

Slowly took out a spiritual root!

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