Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 84 Infinite Supernatural Powers, Great Witch Xingtian

Countless mysterious runes, similar to Taoist runes, floated beside Luo Hu. This is a rune that can be seen with the naked eye!

However, this requires a very high level to be able to comprehend the meaning!

There are so many meanings that can be decomposed from a mere four-character rune, even if there are quasi-sages here, they cannot comprehend the meanings.

When Luo Hu was in Zhunsheng, he couldn't even comprehend the deeper meaning of Wan Dao Gui Yuan, he could only comprehend the literal meaning.

But the literal meaning is all wrong.

Today's Rahu comprehends these things, which can be regarded as profound understanding, a kind of supernatural power that is almost infinite.

Luo Hu opened his eyes and pinched his fingers to calculate the time. He didn't expect that it took such a long time to comprehend the four passages.

Fortunately, he got some useful things, from which Luo Hu realized a supernatural power!

Infinite supernatural powers, condensed three thousand laws, imprisoned supernatural powers with a radius of ten feet in an instant!

This kind of confinement is not the law of confinement, nor the confinement of space, nor is it the stillness of time!

It's a kind of great celestial confinement. Once it is cast, everything within a radius of ten feet under the law of heaven will be imprisoned, even the power of heaven and earth will be imprisoned!

To put it another way, the whole body of the imprisoned saint is strong enough to kill the saint with one blow!

Because the power of heaven and earth on the saint is imprisoned, the connection between the primordial spirit and the body will also be imprisoned!

Completely separate the saint from the prehistoric.

Can a saint who is not in the prehistoric times be considered a saint?

It will become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. You must know that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not an immortal existence. When the strength reaches a certain level, it can be killed!

But if you want to kill the saint and imprison him in a radius of ten feet, it's not enough. The saint's dharma body is one hundred thousand feet.

It can be said that the body of a saint is one hundred thousand feet, no matter what form the saint appears in front of you, his body is one hundred thousand feet!

Therefore, if you want to imprison a saint, you need hundreds of thousands of feet, so that you can surprise and kill the saint with one blow!

Luo Hu comprehended ten feet, but he didn't take long to comprehend it. His ten thousand years of comprehension was basically used in the decomposition of the return to the source!

It only took less than a hundred years to comprehend the immeasurable supernatural powers!

ten feet?

One hundred thousand feet?

The gap is not very big.

Thinking of this in Luo Hu's heart, if he didn't become Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, Luo Hu would have no way to kill the saint!

Not even with the God Killing Spear.

Therefore, in the realm below Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, the immeasurable supernatural power is a breakthrough. Once Luo Hu fully comprehends it, then this is a powerful trump card!

At that time, Luo Hu can behead the saint under Hongjun Taoist ancestor, but Hongjun Taoist ancestor cannot behead the saint under Luo Hu's seat!

That's the difference!

This will make the saints around Hongjun Daozu even more terrified, and it will also be a shock to the Demon Ancestor!

Rahu is the ancestor of demons. Although demons don't need to make all spirits fear, the ancestor of demons should make all spirits fear.

Luo Hu is a good person, and he will not try to be a good person. Everything he does will benefit him.

He will not do things that are not beneficial to him.

Only the immeasurable supernatural powers can be used in a radius of ten feet, which needs to continue to work hard, but Luo Hu doesn't have time to comprehend this supernatural power now, he needs to go to the Wu Clan!

He calculated the time, and the Yaozu probably set up the Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court, Honghuang orthodox, is the power hub of the entire Honghuang, even if it is not now, it will definitely be in the future!

Rahu has already reached the top of the heaven in his calculations.

According to the myth of the previous life, during the calamity of the Lich, Daozu Hongjun arranged for his boy Haotian to be the emperor of heaven and the girl Yaochi to be the queen of heaven.

So now, Luo Hu is no longer the Luo Hu in the myth, how could he allow the Heavenly Court to fall into Hongjun's hands?

It is not impossible for Haotian to be the emperor of heaven, unless Haotian is demonized, the position of emperor of heaven can only be done by the great power of Mount Xumi!

As for the current Yaozu who want to set up the Heavenly Court,

Luo Hu won't stop it. It seems that the monster race is under the command of the ancestor of fate, but in the later stage, the ancestor of fate will suffer the consequences of himself!

Once the Heavenly Court is established, it will win over the prehistoric luck, and Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi will become the masters of luck.

Will you still listen to the fate ancestor?

Luo Hu chose the Wu Clan, he was not worried that the Wu Clan would have any ulterior motives, even if there were, it was obvious that they did not have souls!

Even if he became the protagonist of luck, he would not take advantage of it.

At that time, the Taishang will help them take advantage of this advantage to fight against the Yaozu!

Glancing at Bailian, her injury has healed a lot, and her realm has also improved a little, and she may be able to help the Xumi Mountain lineage in the future.

Luo Hu left Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​appeared on Mount Sumeru, looked at the Shangzu Temple, but found no trace of Tai Shang!

I pinched my fingers and calculated, and there was a look of approval in my eyes!

Starting the arrangement so early in advance, so that they have the instinct to plan well. Luo Hu is very supportive of Taishang's approach!

Although the Siqing or Sanqing have nothing to do with Pangu, they are still transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit!

In the future, they will all be sanctified. If Taoism loses a Taiqing, then there will be a good show to watch.

With a movement of his body, when Luo Hu reappeared, he was already in the sky.

The Pangu Temple is located in the center of the Heavenly Extremes.

Coming to the land of extreme heaven, Luo Hu found that the number of witches had recovered more than half.

There are already millions of witches in the land of extreme heaven!

But Luo Hu didn't know that the Wu Clan already numbered in the tens of millions, and the other Wu Clans had all migrated and spread outward.

Of course, if Luo Hu calculates, it can be calculated, but Luo Hu can't calculate everything!

Above the cloud head, Luo Hu looked down, but found an interesting place in the land of extreme heaven!

Thousands of witches, all of whom are in the Golden Immortal Realm, are practicing an extremely weird formation!

The Wu Clan, who have no mana at all, can use this formation to release 'power'!

This made Luo Hu very surprised, "Position", although Taiyi Jinxian can release it, but it needs the cooperation of mana.

Luo Hu saw the person in the main formation once, and after a little thought, Luo Hu remembered who it was.

This person is the great witch Xingtian among the witch clan, and he is the first witch clan to walk out of the blood pool.

At that time, Luo Hu still remembered that relatives appeared in the Pangu Palace, like a gift from the great god Pangu to Xingtian!

Every gesture in the Xingtian main formation caused thousands of witches to make strange movements, but above them, a phantom appeared.

It is the image of Zu Wudi Jiang!

And that kind of 'potential' is released from the elephant of the ancestor witch. Using this 'potential', the witch clan in the Golden Immortal Realm can fly up!

You must know that the Wu people don't cultivate the primordial spirit, but only cultivate the physical body. It is difficult for them to fly.

Only when one reaches the realm of a great witch can one be able to fly.

But even if they reached the realm of the great witches, basically no big witches would take the initiative to fly, which would consume too much for them.

Flying with 'momentum' is a good way. I don't know if the ancestor witch of the Wu clan thought of it.

Luo Hu was a little appreciative.

Luo Hu is also very optimistic about this Xingtian, and finds an opportunity to let the emperor accept him as a disciple.

In Xing Tian's body, Luo Hu felt the terrifying fighting spirit, the fighting spirit of fighting the sky and the earth, and it was so pure that there would be no second one in the whole prehistoric world.

Even Luo Hu has a desire to give birth to the will to fight, but Xing Tian just has the pure will to fight!

This is different!

The aura from Luo Hu's body radiated out, which woke up the ancestor witches in the extreme heaven, and did not continue to comprehend the great formation.

In the Pangu Palace, Di Jiang looked at the eleven ancestor witches: "The devil descended suddenly, let's go and meet him."

"Well, I should go to greet you."

The other ancestral witches also nodded. They had already offended Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, so they couldn't offend Luohu anymore!

Moreover, they are not fools, especially last time, Di Jiang offended Luo Hu, and almost wiped out the witch clan.

Luo Hu is different from Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, they all have scruples, but once Luo Hu gets angry, he has no scruples!

This point, the ancestral witches of the witch clan understand in their hearts.

After leaving the Pangu Palace, he flew towards where the Demon Ancestor was.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches have a strong aura, and they can't hide it. After all, if you don't cultivate the primordial spirit, you can't do many supernatural powers!

Even if the combat power is achieved, some common supernatural powers cannot be displayed!

"I have seen the Demon Ancestor!"

The twelve patriarchal witches all worshiped Rahu respectfully.

The arrival of the ancestor witch naturally attracted the attention of Xing Tian below, he stopped the drill, and waved his hand to let these witches disperse first.

Xing Tian had met Luo Hu, and at the first sight of his birth, he saw the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu!

Flying against the 'momentum', it came to the top of the cloud.

"Xing Tian pays homage to the Demon Ancestor, and meets all the Ancestral Witches!"

Xing Tian's heavy voice was very thick, like the sound of an earthquake.

No wonder the ancestral witch left the Pangu Palace, it turned out that the ancestor of the devil came.

Xing Tian thought in his heart.

You must know that in the past, although Xing Tian stayed in the land of the extreme heaven, he only saw the ancestor witch once in all these years. It didn't mean that he could see the ancestor witch every day if he stayed in the land of the extreme heaven!

"Well, who created Yushi flying?" Luo Hu said softly with a majestic expression.

"It's Xing Tian who realized, I don't know what orders the Demon Ancestor has?" Xing Tian cupped his hands and said.

But Houtu said at this time: "The demon ancestor didn't know something. When Xing Tian realized this method, our ancestor witches were also shocked. I didn't expect Xing Tian to be able to understand the power of heaven and earth, and thus create the method of flying!"

Hou Tu admired Xing Tian very much, so he praised Xing Tian in front of Luo Hu.

Luo Hu nodded, what does Hou Tu mean, Luo Hu's heart is like a mirror.

Back then, Houtu had no chance to worship under Rahu's seat, and did not establish a direct relationship with the Demon Ancestor.

This has made the Wu Clan very passive in the prehistoric competition for luck, but now there is another method, and the Houtu will naturally have to grasp it!


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