Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 85 Luo Hu Wants to Point 12 Ancestral Witches

"The physical body is only under the ancestor witch. It is a good seedling. When the emperor comes up in the future, you can ask the emperor to teach you the method of cultivating the physical body." Luo Hu said lightly.

It is impossible for him to accept Xingtian as a disciple, so there is no need to give Houtu any hope, just speak out what is in his heart.

However, Luo Hu didn't say anything to death. He mentioned the Supreme Being, because he wanted the Supreme Being to accept Xingtian as his disciple.

Although Houtu was a little disappointed, he had no choice. Of course, it was great to be able to worship under the Taishang's sect.

"Xing Tian, ​​why don't you thank the Demon Ancestor?" Hou Tu said to Xing Tian.

Xing Tian didn't know how to calculate, and didn't know what Hou Tu and Luo Hu were talking about, but he would do whatever Hou Tu asked him to do. After all, among the witch clan, ancestor witches are supreme.

"Thank you Mo Zu, Xing Tian." Xing Tian bowed again.

Luo Hu nodded, "Let's go."

Di Jiang gave Xing Tian a wink, Xing Tian understood, and then withdrew.

Afterwards, Di Jiang looked at Luo Hu respectfully and said, "I don't know if the Demon Ancestor is coming, what is the important order, our Ancestor Wu will definitely do our best."

"You don't have to do your best for the poor, let's talk about it if you can save the Wu Clan." Luo Hu's face became cold again.

The twelve ancestral witches were all shocked, and they were a little worried. The Demon Ancestor came here in person and said that the witch clan was in danger. Something big was bound to happen.

But none of their witch clan can deduce it, this is the weakness of their witch clan, in the game with the monster clan, it is difficult for them to gain the upper hand

"The Demon Ancestor is still invited to the Pangu Palace." Di Jiang made a gesture of invitation to Luo Hu.

Later, Houtu led the way for Rahu.

Luo Hu followed to the Pangu Palace. In fact, Luo Hu also wanted to see if there were any treasures in the Pangu Palace.

A root of good fortune has benefited Luo Hu infinitely. If he can get Pan Gu's heart, then Luo Hu will be even more confident.

Arriving in the Pangu Hall, Luo Hu did not take the main seat, but sat on the upper right. As for Di Jiang who was supposed to be the main seat, he did not do it, and sat in the second place from the left.

After all, Luo Hu is a saint. If Di Jiang sat on the upper left hand, wouldn't it mean that he has the same status as a saint?

"The demon clan has enlisted the top ten demon saints, and now there are eight quasi-sages, especially the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, whose strength is far superior to others. If you have no solution, it may be difficult to resist the next attack of the demon clan. " Luo Hu said lightly.

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that this was the matter. No matter how many quasi-sages the Yaozu had, they would not be afraid, because they were comprehending a large formation.

If it is perfect, even saints, they can fight one or two

Looking at the faces of these ancestral witches, Luo Hu didn't take what he said seriously, so he knew what these ancestral witches were thinking.

It seems that the formation of the gods and gods in the twelve capitals has begun to understand.

No wonder there are no worries. With this large formation, in the later stage, even ordinary saints, they are not afraid, so how could they be afraid of the monster race?

"Although the Pangu Great Formation is powerful, can you keep using it? Or in other words, there will be no consumption when using the Great Formation."

Luo Hu directly poured cold water on these ancestral witches, sometimes it's not good to be too proud

Even if he is as strong as Luo Hu, he is not very proud. The Twelve Ancestral Witches, who exist like ants, have nothing to be proud of.

Of course, in the eyes of Luo Hu, this ant is still a powerful and mighty power above the prehistoric

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches were taken aback for a moment, and then turned pale with shock. Luo Hu actually knew their secret

The Pangu Great Formation, isn't it just the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals?

How did Luo Hu know this secret? All the ancestral witches looked at Houtu.

Hou Tu shook her head, she never mentioned this matter to Luo Hu, and she had no chance to mention this matter to Luo Hu

But why Luo Hu was able to know the secrets of their twelve ancestor witches, this is a secret

"The ability of a sage is not something you can imagine. When I was in the chaotic period, I also saw Pan Gu open up the world with my own eyes." Luo Hu said lightly.

at this time,

These ancestral witches just remembered one thing. The Demon Ancestor in front of him was not simply a Primordial Demon Ancestor, but also a Chaos Demon God in the chaotic era.

The Chaos Demon God who was able to see the great god Pangu create the world and survive until now

And became a saint, out of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, only Rahu succeeded

"What the devil ancestor said, could it be that the demon clan also knew about the formation of the gods and gods in the Twelve Capitals?" Di Jiang asked.

"Of course the Yaozu don't know, but they also have a large formation, which is not inferior to the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons formation."

Luo Hu thought of the myths and legends in his previous life, that there were three large formations in the prehistoric

They are Zhu Xian's formation with the strongest single attack

Group attack the most powerful Zhoutian star formation

Jointly attack the most powerful Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons Formation

The Zhuxian formation is in the hands of Luo Hu, the Twelve Capitals Tianshen formation is in Zuwu's place, and the Zhoutian Xingdou formation is in the hands of Yaozu.

This was not a secret in previous lives.

"How is it possible to be as beautiful as the grand array passed down by the Father God?" The twelve ancestor witches all expressed doubts

Even Houtu doubted it, it was impossible, how powerful Pan Gu was, and the formation he passed down was not unusual

How can the monster clan, He De, and they comprehend such a powerful formation?

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi are difficult to create, but there is a secret of heaven and earth in the Hetu Luoshu, and they can realize it from the Hetu Luoshu.

"Before Pindao's three sermons, the Yaozu will definitely set up the Heavenly Court. This time, Mount Sumeru will not intervene. If you want to compete for the prehistoric luck, you must act at that time."

Luo Hu spoke slowly.

The words have already been said here, as for whether to listen or not, Luo Hu doesn't care.

Houtu is thoughtful, she understands that once the Heavenly Court is established, then the fate of the prehistoric people will move closer to the Heavenly Court

At that time, the witch clan will have no luck, and in the long run, it will definitely be wiped out by the monster clan

"Thank you for the reminder, Demon Ancestor, even if we cannot prevent the establishment of the Heavenly Court, we will share the heaven and earth with the Yaozu, and we will definitely not let the Yaozu monopolize the fate of the wilderness," Houtu said firmly.

Luo Hu nodded, Houtu can only participate in this war, and it is estimated that Houtu will not be able to participate in future wars.

Luo Hu also wanted to see the power of the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons formation.

Legends and myths are illusory after all, and Luo Hu wanted to see the real Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons Formation.

Moreover, Luo Hu also wanted to understand some basic formations from it. With Luo Hu's formation, if he wanted to comprehend something, it was very simple.

It is rumored that the Twelve Capitals' gods and demons can summon Pangu's body

Of course, it couldn't be the real physical body, otherwise, the prehistoric world would collapse.

It's just a part of Pangu's will, and the spirit of the earth

Even so, Luo Hu also wanted to understand how to summon Pan Gu's will.

Luo Hu wanted to leave, but Hou Tu stopped Luo Hu.

"Mazu, please stay."

"what's the matter with you"

Hou Tu looked at Luo Hu, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Witch Clan doesn't cultivate their primordial spirit, everything is one step behind the Monster Clan. In the long run, it is bound to be gradually swallowed up by the Monster Clan. I also ask the Demon Ancestor to point out the way for the Witch Clan." "

Hearing this, the other ancestral witches became excited and stood up. If this can be resolved, then their witch clan will never be inferior to the monster clan.

But this is not easy to solve. To calculate the secrets of the heavens requires the primordial spirit.

Rahu stood up and stopped in place, looking at the Twelve Ancestral Witches with a pensive expression.

What Houtu said is also correct, the Wu clan has no way to calculate the secret of heaven, which undoubtedly lost the opportunity

For example, if Luo Hu hadn't come to inform about this matter, I am afraid that the witch clan would not know until the monster clan established the heavenly court.

By that time I knew there was a fart

At least it must be known ten thousand years in advance, otherwise, it will be too late.

It may be tens of thousands of years before the Yaozu established the Heavenly Court, otherwise, the great powers of the prehistoric people would feel it, after all, this is not the first time that the Heavenly Court has been established

Helping the Wu Clan to calculate things, Luo Hu will not do it, this time he just wants to use it to deduce the great formation of the Twelve Capitals, so that he can help the Wu Clan

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Luo Hu to come to inform.

"Witches don't cultivate their primordial spirits, and they want to calculate the secrets of heaven, which is probably impossible"

Luo Hu didn't say any perfunctory words to strengthen his compulsion, there's no need for that

Luo Hu is not omnipotent. Although he can let the existence of no souls calculate the secrets of heaven, he will never teach that method to the Wuzu

If this is the case, the source of magic new life will collapse in the future.

The Witch Clan is not a new force of the Demonic Dao, and will not contribute to the Demonic Dao, nor will it generate new Demonic Dao monks for the Demonic Dao

But there is a race that does, so Rahu will leave this method of calculation to this race

"Is there no other way?" Hou Tu asked with some disappointment.

The other ancestral witches also showed disappointed expressions. It would be great if the witch clan could calculate the secret

Obviously, the answer is impossible, the Wu Clan has no way to deduce the secret

Luo Hu's thoughts are running fast, and he will think of other ways to see if he can let the Wu Clan calculate the secret

After all, it is impossible for him to be the news of the Wu Clan all the time, and it is impossible for Mount Sumeru to come to Da Neng to sit in the land of extreme heaven all the time.

Even if Taishang is coming in the future, it is impossible to be here all the time

Therefore, it is most important for the Wu clan to be able to calculate the heavenly secrets themselves.

At least nothing will be kept in the dark

Without the primordial spirit, one cannot comprehend the laws, one cannot raise one's realm, and there is no way to calculate the secrets of heaven.

The body of the Wu clan is strong, and they can take advantage of the power of the heaven and the earth, because the heaven and the earth were transformed by the great god Pangu.

The Wu Clan is the legacy of Pan Gu, and this relationship allows the Wu Clan to take advantage of the power of heaven and earth

Especially what happened last time, the Witch Clan dared to risk the disgrace of the world, and wanted to help Pangu revive

If it wasn't for the intervention of the Dao of Heaven, the Great God Pangu might really be resurrected.

"Pangu, Wu Clan, Heaven and Earth"

"There is a way, maybe it can be"

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