Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 86 Rahu, Wizard, Prayer

Luo Hu thought of a myth from his previous life, which might be applicable to the Wu clan.

When the Twelve Patriarchal Witches heard that Luo Hu had actually come up with a solution, they were overjoyed and stared closely at Luo Hu, wanting to know what Luo Hu's solution was.

"The primordial spirit can communicate with the way of heaven and calculate the secrets of the heavens. The Wu clan does not cultivate the primordial spirit, but it is the legacy of the great god Pangu, so there is no need to rely on the way of heaven to know the opportunities."

"The entire prehistoric world was transformed by the Great God Pangu. The Wu Clan can use the power of belief in the Great God Pangu to transform it into the power of prayer, and then understand the innate things!"

Luo Hu said his idea lightly, which immediately shocked all the ancestral witches!

Why didn't they think of it?

Pan Gu is the God of Creation!

Even the way of heaven cannot be known as much as Pan Gu, and what happened in the prehistoric, Pan Gu is naturally more clear!

Use the power of prayer to communicate with Pangu's will in the dark, so as to be prophetic.

What a wonderful way!

If Luo Hu hadn't said it, I'm afraid no one in Honghuang would have thought of this, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches would have never thought of it!

Of course, if you want to use Pan Gu's foresight, you also need conditions, and the most basic condition is Pan Gu's legacy!

In the entire prehistoric world, only the Wu Clan is the legacy of Pan Gu, that is to say, this method can only be used by the Wu Clan!

Luo Hu also thought of a profession in the previous game, which was also related to the witch clan, named: Wizard!

"Mazu, you have solved the worries of the witch clan, please accept our worship!"

Even Di Jiangdang led all the ancestral witches to bow down to Luo Hu, kowtowing three times in succession.

Luo Hu's cold and handsome face softened a bit, and with a wave of his hand, he helped all the ancestor witches up.

In fact, Luo Hu was also a little happy in his heart, after all, he solved the first problem in the ages!

Let the Wu Clan calculate the secret, I am afraid that no one can dare to think about it, even Daozu Hongjun can't do it!

But Luo Hu did it, giving the Wu Clan a glimmer of hope.

Of course, this is just an idea, and it cannot directly allow the Wu Clan to deduce the secret. The specific method still needs to be deduced by Luo Hu.

As for the deduction of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, it is impossible. They do not have this strength, nor do they have the ability to do so.

Sitting cross-legged, Luo Hu began to deduce the magician's method, how to communicate with Pangu's will, and how to learn from it!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches were very moved when they saw Luo Hu deduce the method of taking the initiative for them!

They didn't dare to disturb Luo Hu, so they all retreated outside the hall.

"The Demon Ancestor deduced the method of the witch clan to deduce the opportunity. This is to solve the flaw that the witch clan can't calculate the secret. It can be said to have saved the witch clan. I propose to set up a witch realm next to the Pangu Hall."

Di Jiang said solemnly.

The other ancestral witches all looked confused, not knowing what this so-called witch land meant.

Di Jiang explained: "Open up an independent space, and set up a large array of trial supernatural powers in it, so that the monks who have made good friends with the witch clan can experience it."

Di Jiang paused for a moment, and then continued: "My Wu Clan has a lot of innate spiritual treasures, which are useless to my Wu Clan, but have a huge effect on those monks. Put these innate spiritual treasures in the witch realm, so that those The sorcerer got it by chance!"

As soon as these words came out, the other ancestral witches were stunned, the price paid was too great.

The Wu clan has innate spirit treasures, hundreds of low-grade innate spirit treasures, hundreds of middle-grade innate spirit treasures, dozens of high-grade innate spirit treasures, and even several top-grade innate spirit treasures!

In today's prehistoric world, who wouldn't peek at these spiritual treasures!

Taking out a top-grade innate spirit treasure can be exchanged for a powerful help, which will be of great help to the future war against the monster clan!

But if these innate spiritual treasures are consumed in this way, the Wu Clan will not be able to directly or powerfully help them.

Hou Tu suddenly heard it, and was a little puzzled. How could Di Jiang, who was always cautious and stingy, be so generous this time?

But after contemplating for a while, Houtu realized it!

I see!


It is equivalent to letting the Wu Clan directly hook up with the Demon Dao, that is to say, they will be connected with the Demon Ancestor from now on!

The Demon Ancestor does not need these spiritual treasures, but in the future, the descendants of Mount Sumeru must have privileges.

As long as the disciples and grandchildren of Luohu have a good relationship with the witch clan, wouldn't they be connected together in the future?

"Brother, how do we arrange the trial formation?" Gong Gong was speechless!

The Witch Clan has no primordial spirit, and it is okay to arrange a supernatural formation, but there is no way to complete the formation that has been experienced.

"Brother, I understand. The supernatural formations are laid out by our twelve ancestor witches, and the experience formations are set up by the demon ancestors himself!"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled lightly.

Tian Wu was puzzled: "How could the Demon Ancestor help us lay out the formation?"

"Sixth brother, don't you understand? It is said that it is to experience the magic way, but in fact it is not for the monks of Mount Sumeru to experience." Xuan Ming pursed his lips and laughed.

Di Jiang nodded: "Sister Xuanming is right, this move is actually an indirect way, to give the innate spiritual treasure of the Sumeru Mountain lineage, how can the Demon Ancestor refuse to agree?"

This time, Luo Hu solved such a big problem for the witch clan, all the ancestor witches were so moved that they didn't say anything!

This can be regarded as agreeing to Dijiang's proposal!

The witch realm can not only let the monks of the magic way practice, but also let the masters of the witch clan practice. After all, there is a magic circle in it, which can be used for body training!

Luo Hu didn't know about the things discussed outside, but now Luo Hu has realized a kind of media supernatural power!

To communicate the will of the Great God Pangu by singing incantations, of course not all the witches can do it, you must have a special physique to do it!

Even if you are a witch, you must have a special physique, such as Xing Tian.

Twelve ancestral witches, twelve kinds of supernatural powers, twelve kinds of physique!

They are space, time, wood, metal, water, fire, wind, thunder, electricity, weather, rain, and earth.

Most of the witch clan are like this, but they also have special physiques, such as Xing Tian, ​​who is the embodiment of strength!

So to speak!

Among the Wu Clan, Xing Tian is the closest to Pan Gu, because Xing Tian is a supernatural power of power. Although it is not the way of power, it is very similar.

There are other physiques in the witch clan, such as poison, war, killing, blood, cruelty, cruelty...

In order to get the upper hand from Pangu's will, witches with more than twelve physiques are needed.

It took thousands of years for Luo Hu to create a formula suitable for the cultivation of the witch clan. Of course, it was a formula for wizards to practice.


It allows wizards to use prayer techniques to gain insight, which can be compared to the prehistoric monks' calculation of heaven's secrets!

Luo Hu opened his eyes and saw that the hall was empty. Obviously, the twelve ancestor witches were not there.

Luo Hu glanced around the hall, wanting to see if there was any other treasure in it, but Luo Hu still didn't look for it.

His character does not allow him to do this, although he is a devil, he acts openly!

Luo Hu walked out of the main hall, and the twelve ancestor witches waiting outside the hall quickly surrounded him.

They can't wait to know the result, because it is related to the future fate of the Wu Clan!

As long as there is a means of predicting opportunities, then the biggest shortage of their witch clan has been made up.

At the beginning, Xing Tian made up for the lack of the Wu Clan's inability to fly, and now Luo Hu has to make up for the shortage of the Wu Clan's inability to deduce.

It can be said that the witch clan gradually has no shortage, but their strengths will not decline!

With a powerful physical body, it can be compared to a spiritual treasure. In close combat, there is no race that can beat the Wu Clan!

Even the fierce beast clan can only be suppressed in the early stage, and it is absolutely impossible to fight against the witch clan in the later stage!

The Wu Clan is the legacy of Pangu, with endless possibilities!

"Mazu, what's the matter?"

The other ancestral witches didn't dare to speak first, and finally Houtu asked. After all, Houtu still had an excellent impression in Luo Hu's heart!

Luo Hu nodded, and said flatly, "Call Xing Tian to come."

For a moment, all the ancestral witches were overjoyed, Luo Hu's meaning couldn't be more obvious, this obviously solved the matter of the witch clan!

Zhu Jiuyin was overjoyed: "I'll go right away!"

Zhu Jiuyin, the second in command of the Wu Clan, went to Xing Tian's residence in person and called Xing Tian to the Pangu Hall.

Along the way, Zhu Jiuyin urged Xing Tian to be respectful and polite to Luo Hu in every possible way!

This time, it is really a turning point for the Wu Clan, being able to predict the opportunity, so completely broke the saying that the Wu Clan can't be one step ahead in the future!

In the future, they can completely count on the Yaozu, and they won't be so passive!

At least you won't be beaten blindfolded!

In the Pangu Hall, Luo Hu sat at the upper right, and Di Jiang was at the next seat at the upper left.

It can be seen that the eleven ancestral witches are all overjoyed, with smiles on their faces.

Luo Hu can understand their feelings, it would be the same for that flawed race!

Luo Hu's move can be said to have given hope to the entire Wu clan.

Zhu Jiuyin brought Xing Tian to Pangu Hall, first saluted Luo Hu, and then sat down in his seat.

As for Xing Tian, ​​stand below. After all, in such a place, although Xing Tian is powerful and has potential, he is not qualified to sit down yet!

"Witches don't cultivate their primordial spirits, so they can't figure out the secrets of the heavens. The Dao is fifty, and the sky is four or nine, and one of them is escaped, so there is a chance of survival.

I seized a glimmer of life for the Wu Clan and found the Pangu Prayer Technique for them. This is a prayer technique that can predict opportunities.

Xing Tian, ​​you have a strong physique, this prayer technique is given to you, and you will be the first wizard of the Wu Clan, and you will pass it on to other Wu Clans in the future! "

As Luo Hu said, he pointed at Xing Tian's eyebrows, and in an instant, a ray of light entered Xing Tian's mind.

This is a comprehension, a formula, and a mysterious incantation!

Xing Tian understood what happened, and Luo Hu found a chance for the Wu Clan!


"Great kindness to the ancestor of the devil!" Xing Tian bowed down on his knees.

At the same time, the twelve ancestor witches also left their seats, and then knelt down to Rahu again.

"The great virtue of the ancestor of the devil, the kindness to the witch clan will never be forgotten!"


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