Rahu sat there, motionless, accepting the kneeling of these ancestral witches.

The worries of the Wu Clan were resolved, and the Zu Wu bowed down, as it should be, and Luo Hu naturally could bear it, even if Luo Hu didn't work hard, the Zu Wu would still bow down when he saw him!

"You already know what kind of physique is suitable for praying. In the future, you will be in charge of the wizard line." Luo Hu looked at Xing Tian and said majesticly.

Xing Tian looked at Di Jiang and the other ancestral witches. After all, he was just a great witch, and the future witches would definitely have a very high status!

Luo Hu asked him to rule over these wizards, didn't he take the Twelve Ancestral Wizards seriously?

However, Di Jiang and the other twelve ancestral witches didn't say anything, but rather agreed with Luo Hu's meaning.

Xing Tian comprehended Di Jiang's gaze, and immediately responded: "Xing Tian lives up to the responsibility of the Demon Ancestor, and the great trust of the Ancestral Witch!"

Luo Hu nodded. Although this Xing Tian is also a rough man, he is also a thoughtful person.

Otherwise, Luo Hu wouldn't use him either.

In the future, the wizard lineage will definitely not be inferior to the twelve tribes. The status is very detached, and Xing Tian's status will also rise with the tide!

At that time, Rahu's next plan in the Wu Clan can be implemented.

"Go down!" Luo Hu waved his hand.

Xing Tian left Pangu Palace and returned to his residence happily. He wanted to practice prayer as soon as possible!

It is because the Witch Clan does not have the shortage of foresight that they allow the Yao Clan to take the lead every step of the way!

Now that there is a solution, Xing Tian dare not be negligent.

In the Pangu Palace, Luo Hu stood up and was about to leave this place. He wanted to see how the Celestial Demon Ancestor on Yingzhou Island was doing, and see if he could become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal before he preached three times!

If he becomes the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian in advance, Luo Hu can make a plan to make Hongjun Daozu's Taoism fail, and see how he agrees!

"Wait a minute, Mo Zu, I have an idea, please listen to Mo Zu." Di Jiang stopped Luo Hu.

Luo Hu sat down again, looked at Di Jiang, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you think?"

Having been called down twice in a row, Luo Hu was already a little unhappy. After all, if there is something to say, what is the point in front of the saint!

"I want to establish a witch realm in the witch clan, and I want to ask the demon ancestor for help." Di Jiang said respectfully.

Luo Hu laughed out of breath, I'm afraid Di Jiang has lost his mind, does he really think that Luo Hu is a kind person?

Helping people, Rahu will not do it, at least not if there is no benefit.

"Hehe, what is a witch realm?" Luo Hu sneered.

Di Jiang saw that Luo Hu's face was a little unhappy, and said immediately: "Open a secret space next to the Pangu Temple, and then set up a magic circle in it for the experience of the monks of the magic way and the witch clan."

"Also, our witch clan will place innate spiritual treasures in it, so that the monks of the magic way can get it by chance."

Hearing this, Luo Hu's eyes showed surprise. There are innate spiritual treasures among the witch clan. This is true, because Luo Hu has been here more than once, and he felt the treasure!

"Interesting, go on."

Luo Hu became interested, which is beneficial to the magic way, and even more beneficial to Mount Sumeru, so Luo Hu wanted to listen to it.

Di Jiang said again: "The supernatural power formation can exercise the physical body, and it will be set up by our ancestor witches, but for other training formations, we need the help of the demon ancestor!"

When Luo Hu heard this, his face softened.

Although this matter has no direct benefits for him, it has huge benefits for the Sumeru Mountain lineage.

"Okay, when do you plan to open up the witch realm?" Luo Hu asked.

Di Jiang pondered for a while, and then said: "Sooner rather than later, I am going to open up the witch realm now, and I will ask the Demon Ancestor for advice."

"You do it now."

Immediately, Rahu and the Twelve Ancestral Witches left the Pangu Hall, and thirty thousand miles east of the Pangu Hall, Rahu and the Twelve Ancestral Witches stopped.

The land at the extreme of the sky is so huge, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, Di Jiang placed the Wujing so close to the Pangu Temple,

It is also reserved!

This witch realm is used to train witches and demon monks, so naturally no cats or dogs will be allowed in!

Especially Xuanmen and Yaozu, they will never be allowed to enter.

Therefore, the best place is around the Pangu Temple, they can control it very well!

Luo Hu didn't open up the space. Since Dijiang didn't ask him to help open up the space, it means that Dijiang has the ability to open up the space!

As the ancestor witch of space, Dijiang can naturally open up secret realms of space!


I saw that Di Jiang had turned into the real body of the ancestor witch, with a tall and tall body, and with a wave of his hand, the space magic power appeared, and a sharp blade appeared.

The space is like a thin piece of paper, being gently cut open.

Immediately, the crack in the space grew bigger and bigger until it became ten thousand zhang in size before it stopped.

Stepping into Dijiang step by step, with immeasurable fresh air in his hands and dirty air in his feet, it's like the Great God Pan Gu opening up the world!

A space with a radius of ten thousand li appeared, and the inside was barren.

Di Jiang glanced at it, not very satisfied, and once again used the space magic power in his hand, making this space secret realm a radius of 100,000 li.

Luo Hu nodded when he saw this. Di Jiang's space supernatural power is very good. This is not the law of space, but the space supernatural energy produced by a unique physique!

With a wave of Luo Hu's hand, a mysterious law of space appeared and entered the space opened by Di Jiang!

The practice witch realm with a radius of 100,000 li is too small, and it is impossible to form a practice cycle, since it is beneficial to Mount Sumeru!

Then Luo Hu wouldn't mind helping one or two!

Under this spatial law of Luohu, a change began to occur in the space!


The entire space began to tremble violently, and then gradually grew larger and larger.

It didn't stop until it reached a radius of a million miles.

"The Demon Ancestor has great powers, and Di Jiang admires him!" Di Jiang was overjoyed!

The saint's shot is different, and then with a wave, there is a secret space with a radius of a million miles.

Luo Hu didn't say so much, stepped into this witch realm, and then circulated the power of the three thousand laws of the whole body, and began to arrange the experience circle!

Luo Hu didn't set up a magic circle, since the Twelve Ancestral Witch chose to set up this kind of circle, he won't object!

This kind of magic circle is of great help to the physical body. In the future, the disciples of Mount Sumeru and those who cultivate the physical body can come here, and they can also get the innate spiritual treasure. Why not do it?

With the power of Saint Rahu, it is easy to set up secret formations and practice Zhoutian formations.

In less than a hundred years, Luo Hu had arranged everything.

However, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are still continuing to arrange the supernatural power formation. Looking at it, it is estimated that it will take thousands of years.

Luo Hu did not continue to wait for them here, but disappeared into the sky.

Above the sea of ​​blood!


PS: It was a false alarm, fellow book lovers, don’t worry about Xiaoguang, I just went to see it, everything is normal, and she will give birth in about a month.

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