Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 88 Ancestor Hongyun, Enlightened

"Minghe, it is absolutely impossible for you to use the sea of ​​blood to refine the poor dao. The poor dao is the first cloud between heaven and earth. Let's see how you refine it!"

The crazy voice of Patriarch Hongyun came from the blood sea formation.

At this time, Patriarch Hongyun was almost insane, and he was so angry that he still couldn't accept that Patriarch Minghe would kill people to seize treasures!

He came to Blood Sea for a trade, not because he was murdered by Patriarch Styx to seize the treasure. Although he has a good temper, he is not at the mercy of others!

The ancestor Hongyun did not have the three thousand whisks, but he did have the cloth cloud banner, which is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

However, don't underestimate this cloth cloud banner, this thing is a strange treasure, its power is no less than the top-grade innate spirit treasure!

Under the power of Bu Yun Banner, the red cloud turned into thousands of miles of clouds. Even if the blood sea formation is strong, there is no way to quickly refine the red cloud!

These thousands of miles of clouds have the defense of cloth cloud banners. Among this kind of clouds, the power of cloth cloud banners can be exerted to the maximum, which can be compared to the defense of the four big lotus platforms!

Patriarch Minghe's face was deep, if Hong Yun fought with him, then Patriarch Minghe could definitely kill Patriarch Hongyun!

But Patriarch Hongyun chose to defend, like a tortoise shell defense, which made that Patriarch Styx somewhat helpless.

"Hongyun, you are a great power, hiding in the cloud banner, what's your face?" Patriarch Minghe sneered.

Patriarch Minghe has no choice now, he chose to use the blood sea formation, so he can no longer use Yuantu Abi!

This is the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor Minghe would not use the two innate killing swords here, and he still doesn't want the blood of the sea of ​​blood to flow away!

"Everyone knows that you are a good old man. Now, I need the five-needle pine in the hands of fellow daoists. Why don't fellow daoists satisfy me?"

Patriarch Styx still does everything he can up to now, using the aggressive method to deal with Hongyun!

If it had been in the past, Hong Yun might have handed over the five-needle pine and let Patriarch Styx borrow it for a while!

But it can't work now, his ancestor Hongyun also has a temper, it is impossible to be robbed like this, he still doesn't have any temper!

"Minghe, put away your thoughts. Being poor is good-hearted, but you are not a fool. If you want five-needle pine, you can, but you need to exchange it with a fire red lotus of the twelfth grade industry!"

Hong Yun let out a deep snort.

For a moment, the surface of the blood sea was filled with blood waves, and endless blood energy enveloped the entire blood sea, making it impossible for a lowly creature to enter the range of the blood sea.

The blood energy aroused by the blood sea formation prevents creatures below the golden immortals from approaching the blood sea. Even the Taiyi golden immortals will be under pressure!

The murderous aura in Patriarch Minghe's eyes was fierce, but there was nothing he could do about it. The cloth cloud banner and the defense of Hongyun's body were too powerful.

I am afraid that at least one meeting will be needed, and by then all three sermons will have passed.

For a five-needle pine, he lost the sage's way of listening to Rahu, and Patriarch Styx felt very bad!

Moreover, Patriarch Styx has always had a feeling that the futon in the Zizai Palace may be the disciple of the saint in the future!

Patriarch Styx wanted to worship Luohu as his teacher, so a five-needle pine was not so tempting to make that Patriarch Styx give up his apprenticeship!

The next moment, Patriarch Minghe thought of a way, that is to let Patriarch Hongyun escape from the sea of ​​blood formation, and then kill Hongyun outside the sea of ​​blood!

Although Patriarch Hongyun was extremely fast, Patriarch Styx who walked with a sword was still faster.

I thought in my heart that Patriarch Styx secretly revealed a flaw in the blood sea formation.

Patriarch Hongyun and Patriarch Minghe clamored, but in fact, Patriarch Hongyun was always looking for a way to break the formation, and he didn't dare to spend it here!

Falling is a terrible reality!

At the very least, Patriarch Hongyun didn't want to fall, and he didn't dare to fall. He wanted to live well and continue to do good deeds!


The ancestor Hongyun discovered a flaw in the operation of the blood sea formation. At a base of the formation, there is always a blood god son misplaced in the blood sea formation!

And every misplacement,

It will make the blood sea formation weak.

"So careless, it can also be called a killing god, I don't know what that means!" Hongyun Patriarch sneered in his heart.

Thousands of miles of clouds flew towards the base of the formation.

"Hongyun, I will give you one last chance to hand over the five-needle pine and spare your life, otherwise, you will surely perish here!"

Patriarch Minghe's threatening voice reached Patriarch Hongyun's ears, but Patriarch Hongyun ridiculed him secretly!

Up to now, Patriarch Styx is still talking big, I really don't know what it means!

next moment!

The body of the Red Cloud Patriarch, carrying the cloth cloud flag, suddenly disappeared into the blood sea formation. Using the momentary dislocation of the blood god son, he broke through the blood sea formation!

"Minghe, today's karma, I will write it down poorly, and there will be rich rewards in the future!" Hongyun Patriarch shouted loudly.

Afterwards, the thousands of miles of clouds quickly dissipated in place, and disappeared at an extremely fast speed!

There was a hint of shock in Patriarch Minghe's eyes, but he returned to normal immediately.

"I want to escape, hum!"

"Blood Sacrifice Sword Light!"

Patriarch Minghe let out a deep sigh, and Yuantu Abi merged into one, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The speed of ancestor Minghe's flying with his sword can be described as extremely fast, even compared to Donghuang Taiyi's skill of turning the rainbow!

Patriarch Hongyun felt Patriarch Styx chasing after him, and his speed was extremely fast, a bit faster than his rainbow light technique, which made Patriarch Hongyun tremble a little!

In the sea of ​​blood formation, he can still hold on to a Yuanhui, and will not let Patriarch Styx kill him!

But if he left the blood sea formation and fought against Patriarch Styx, Patriarch Hongyun's defense would no longer be able to stop Patriarch Styx!

In the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Minghe didn't dare to use the two innate killing swords, but in the outside world, he was able to use them!

And this kind of innate killing sword is completely killing people without karma, which is extremely terrifying!

Leaving the scope of the sea of ​​blood, Hong Yun's speed accelerated again, but it was still somewhat slower than the speed of Patriarch Styx!

After chasing for a hundred years, the sea of ​​blood that has been far away, wherever it passes, weak creatures feel trembling.

Whether it is the aura of the ancestor Hongyun or the ancestor Minghe, they are all extremely powerful, quasi-sage and powerful, just by their aura, they can directly crush the Golden Immortal to death!

All the creatures they passed by crouched on the ground in fear, not daring to move, for fear of harming the fish in the pond!

This is the sorrow of the prehistoric creatures!

If you are strong, then the prehistoric is what you say, if you are weak, you can only lie on the ground and wait for death to come!

The rules of Honghuang are very simple!

The strong live, the weak perish!

Fengqi Mountain!

The place where Feng Zu gave birth to his second son was also where Luo Hu took Kong Xuan and the Yin-Yang two-color giant egg away!

A ray of sword light flew by, Patriarch Hongyun stopped and looked at Patriarch Minghe in front of him.

"Hongyun, where are you going to escape this time?"

Patriarch Minghe didn't give Patriarch Hongyun a chance to speak, so he directly sacrificed two innate swords, and directly slashed at Patriarch Hongyun!

Yuantu Abi, transformed into ten thousand feet, the strong light frightened people's hearts, and the strong aura would make Da Luo Jinxian's mood collapse!

Murderous aura, blood aura, and berserk aura intertwine to form an extremely terrifying aura.

Everything in a radius of ten thousand miles has withered at this time, even the innate aura is expelled at this time.

Patriarch Hongyun looked at the sword light that had been cut down, his eyes were blood red, and he held the cloth cloud banner tightly in his hand.

at this time!

Patriarch Hongyun's body was trembling, and he couldn't control the trembling of his body, because he had never faced such a powerful force before!

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Styx holding two innate killing swords is so powerful!

How to do?

At this moment, Patriarch Hongyun's heart felt as if a knife had been twisted, he regretted a little, how precious the five-needle pine is, and it is not as precious as his own life!

If he had exchanged the five-needle pine for four top-grade innate spirit treasures back then, perhaps this would not have ended up like this!

When I got the five-needle pine back then, I thought it was a chance, but I didn't expect it to be a disaster!

At this time, even if he wanted to hand over the five-needle pine, the Patriarch Minghe would not let him go!


The only choice now, because not resisting is death!

The Red Cloud Patriarch used his great supernatural powers to create thousands of clouds!

Clouds of multiple colors converged, and under the urging of the cloud cloth banner, thousands of colorful clouds were formed.

The ten thousand zhang sword light fell and stood on top of ten thousand colorful clouds.


These ten thousand layers of colorful clouds are like cloth, under the cutting of a sharp knife, there is a piercing sound.

With one slash, the two divine swords have broken through eight thousand layers of colorful clouds.

Patriarch Hongyun heaved a sigh of relief, he had blocked the blow, but the ten thousand colorful clouds were his most powerful defense!

And Patriarch Styx He was just fighting hard, and hadn't used his real strength yet.

Immediately afterwards, Patriarch Styx struck again.

The combination of two swords is like a Qiongbi connected, and the power increases instantly!


The surrounding mountains were trembling, and Fengqi Mountain seemed to be collapsing.

The two divine swords are fused into one, and the sword light that is cut out contains infinite power, which contains three laws.

Kill, blood, mutilate!

Patriarch Hongyun was stunned on the spot, four words appeared in his mind, regret it!

He was dedicated to goodness, why did he end up like this in the end?

He has done good deeds and accumulated virtue in the prehistoric times, and he can be regarded as a virtuous man, and he is also the great benevolent ancestor Hongyun who is famous in the prehistoric times!

Why not be blessed by God?

Patriarch Hongyun didn't move at all, because he knew that he couldn't block this blow at all!

It can be said that the ancestor Minghe used all his strength to attack, and that kind of power had already frightened Hong Yun, making Hong Yun lose the courage to resist.

Patriarch Hongyun looked up at the sky, but the sky has closed his eyes, he can't hope to go to the sky!

Looking down at the ground, there is no help.

Looking back on my life, all good things have been done.

My heart is good, why force me to follow the devil!

The eyes of Patriarch Hongyun are full of fear, if he still has a glimmer of life, he will be a devil instead of a fairy in this life!


A khaki light curtain appeared, covering Patriarch Hongyun, the double sword light cut on the khaki light curtain, but caused the light curtain to shake for a while, and dense cracks appeared, fortunately it was not broken!

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