Patriarch Minghe's face was deep, and the sudden khaki light curtain rescued Patriarch Hongyun.

Moreover, he blocked his attack so perfectly. You must know that this attack was a blow with all the strength of Patriarch Styx, and his attack was extremely powerful.

Except for saints, there are not many who can stop them in the whole prehistoric world.

"Zhen Yuanzi, you dare to meddle in this seat's affairs!" Patriarch Minghe said in a deep voice!

The voice of Patriarch Styx can be heard from thousands of miles away.

Zhen Yuanzi walked out of the void slowly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, the khaki-colored light curtain disappeared, turning into a khaki-colored copper plate and falling into Zhen Yuanzi's hand!

This is the earth's fetal membrane, the best innate spiritual treasure book!

This is a defense carried out in the air. If it is on the ground, the blow just now is impossible to crack the ground book's defense!

Ancestor Hongyun looked happy


This was the thought in Patriarch Hongyun's heart. Zhen Yuanzi came, and with Zhen Yuanzi's defense, Patriarch Minghe couldn't possibly do anything to him!

He quickly came to Zhen Yuanzi's side.

"Brother Zhenyuan, you are here. If you take another step, I am afraid that the poor Taoist will perish here." Hongyun Patriarch said with lingering fear.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Patriarch Hongyun, then at Patriarch Minghe, and said kindly: "Fellow Daoist Minghe, I don't know where Fellow Daoist Hongyun offended you. If there is anything wrong, I will apologize to you." Make an apology, and please let Fellow Daoist Hongyun go."

Although the defense is unparalleled, Zhen Yuanzi doesn't want to have a bad relationship with Patriarch Minghe. Patriarch Minghe has a futon in Mount Sumeru. If there is no accident, he will be from Mount Sumeru in the future!

If he turned against Patriarch Styx at this time, the fate can be imagined.

Originally, the great power of Mount Sumeru wouldn't move him, so I'm afraid it will destroy him too.

The book from the ground can block the attack of the ancestor Minghe, but it can't stop Ao Zheng's dragon body!

"Zhen Yuanzi, do you know the consequences of meddling in this seat's affairs!" Patriarch Minghe snarled.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun is a close friend of Pindao, so I have to help, and fellow Daoist Minghe asks for your understanding."

After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, the book from the ground appeared again, and the khaki-yellow light enveloped him and Patriarch Hongyun.

And at this time, Zhen Yuanzi brought out the treasure of heaven and earth again!

The treasure of heaven and earth was sacrificed, which showed one thing, that is, Zhen Yuanzi was serious, and since he could not resolve the enmity between the two, he could only help Hong Yun.

At this moment, Patriarch Hongyun was deeply moved, he never thought that Zhen Yuanzi would go so far as to be an enemy of Patriarch Minghe because of him.

I am very grateful.

"Brother Zhenyuan, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I will remember this kindness." Ancestor Hongyun said solemnly.

Zhen Yuanzi was a little strange at this time, he felt that the ancestor Hongyun seemed to have changed, and he had changed a lot!

The old ancestor Hongyun never said any words of thanks to him, as if everything was taken for granted!

Zhen Yuanzi was a little surprised that he actually said thank you this time.

"Brother Dao, you and I need those fake things." Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile.

Patriarch Minghe looked at the firm-minded Zhen Yuanzi, and it seemed that this time he was really going to use his real strength. He had never used his full strength against the enemy until now!

The twelfth-grade industry fire red lotus appeared at the feet of the ancestor Minghe, and in an instant, the red lotus industry fire began to spread for thousands of miles around!

This kind of flame burns with strong karma, even the true immortal Fude is terrified in this situation!

Zhen Yuanzi's complexion changed, and he clapped the Heaven and Earth Treasure Book in his hand, a ray of light shot out instantly, and a portal appeared in front of them!

Start to absorb the red lotus fire.

However, how can the red lotus karmic fire released by the ancestor Minghe be so easy to absorb?

Originally, Patriarch Styx wanted to burn them with the red lotus karmic fire.


Patriarch Minghe's body trembled, and then with a wave of his hand, he took back all the red lotus karma. He glanced at Zhenyuanzi and Patriarch Hongyun, with killing intent in his eyes, but still somewhat disappointed.

Turned around and turned into a sword light and left Fengqi Mountain.


Both Zhen Yuanzi and Patriarch Hongyun were puzzled, Patriarch Minghe was still murderous just now, why did he leave all of a sudden?

Although he was puzzled, he was extremely grateful in his heart that he left, otherwise, Zhen Yuanzi really had no bottom in his heart!

He couldn't deal with the red lotus karmic fire of Patriarch Minghe, and the treasure of heaven and earth couldn't absorb it at all!

The book from the ground can only defend for a while, and when his mana is exhausted, he is afraid that he will die.

"I think Patriarch Minghe knew in his heart that if he wanted to deal with the two of us at the same time, it would not be good, so he left." Patriarch Hongyun said lightly.

Actually, Patriarch Hongyun didn't think so in his heart, he felt that Patriarch Minghe had something important to do and had to leave.

Or maybe the saint sent a voice transmission to him.

But it is impossible for the sage to save him through sound transmission!

Patriarch Hongyun didn't remember being on good terms with that saint, whether it was Hongjun Daozu or Demon Ancestor Luohu, he had never had a good relationship.

"Fellow Daoist, go back to Longevity Mountain!" Zhen Yuanzi said.

Patriarch Hongyun shook his head, he understood his way and his previous actions, just like a fool!

"The Dao is impermanent, the way of heaven is fair, where is my way? I need a poor way to find it. Brother Zhenyuan, when I find my own way, I will return to Longevity Mountain!"

Patriarch Hongyun already had calculations in his mind, he wanted to plan his own future, if he didn't make plans now, he would be doomed in the future!

Zhen Yuanzi felt that Patriarch Hongyun had really changed, he was no longer the nervous guy who was dedicated to doing good deeds before.

"Alright, Pindao is waiting for fellow daoist at Longevity Mountain, hoping that fellow daoist can find his own dao as soon as possible." After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, he left Fengqi Mountain!

Zhen Yuanzi was a little happy that Hongyun Patriarch was able to fully understand, after all, the stronger his teammates, the better for him!

Looking at Fengqi Mountain, Patriarch Hongyun landed, and then randomly opened up a cave here, and entered it to practice.

This time, Patriarch Hongyun needs to comprehend it carefully, especially his understanding of personality.

Do a good job, yes!

But only when you have invincible power!

Merit, when you can let other great powers kill you, you need to be afraid of the karma that comes down from heaven!

But if there is a powerful person who wants to kill you regardless of everything, what is the use of merit?

Xuanmen cultivates merits and virtues and comprehends the way of heaven.

Demons cultivate themselves and do whatever they want.

In the past, in the heart of the ancestor Hongyun, Xuanmen was infinitely good, but now the beauty is dusk.

"I have good intentions in my heart, but the way of heaven forced me to enter the way of magic. In this case, I will no longer have any fear. Maybe the way of magic is more suitable for me!"

The eyes of Patriarch Hongyun gradually began to emit a gloomy light. If Luo Hu was here, he would be able to see that Patriarch Hongyun has developed a demon heart!

At this moment, Patriarch Hongyun's dao heart has changed, gradually becoming a demon heart!

This is a great power who is completely disappointed in Taoism and Heaven.


Outside Yingzhou Island, Luo Hu looked at Fengqi Mountain. He felt the vibration of Fengqi Mountain just now, and after deduction, he knew that it was Patriarch Minghe who attacked Patriarch Hongyun.

They can do it, but they can't do it in Fengqi Mountain, which is of great use to Luo Hu.

So Luo Hu sent a message to the old ancestor Minghe, telling them to go outside Fengqi Mountain if they fought, otherwise, he would come to Fengqi Mountain in person.

It was also because of Luo Hu's voice transmission that Patriarch Minghe left Fengqi Mountain without thinking.

For Luo Hu's words, Ancestor Styx naturally obeyed. Now Ancestor Styx does everything possible to become Luo Hu's disciple!

It's a pity that Luo Hu didn't use his magic eyes to see into the prehistoric world, otherwise he would have seen the demonized ancestor of Hongyun!

This is even more shocking than when it was demonized!

Jieyin is a demonized body, but Hongyun Patriarch is different, he has directly changed from Dao Heart to Demon Heart!

This kind of demonization has a great resentment towards Xuanmen and the way of heaven, and it is also a great power with excellent understanding, otherwise it would be impossible to demonize the Taoist heart!

If it is discovered, there is no doubt that Mount Sumeru will have another guardian!

As for the disciples, Luo Hu really didn't think about accepting Hongyun, but if possible, Luo Hu would show him a way.

Taking one step forward, Luo Hu entered Yingzhou Island.

When entering Yingzhou Island, he saw the towering giant tree. Every time he saw it, Luo Hu was incomparably shocked.

The world tree is too amazing.

The world tree can lead to the heavens. Although Luo Hu has not discovered it yet, the density of the tree crown is enough to shock Luo Hu.

Furthermore, the World Tree seems to be a history book, recording everything since the beginning of chaos.

As long as Luo Hu wants to, he can watch Pan Gu open up the world at any time!

However, Luo Hu really needs to watch it again, he is about to open up the Middle Thousand World, this kind of experience of opening the sky, Luo Hu needs to comprehend it.

The divine mind was released, and Luo Hu saw the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

The entire Yingzhou Island, with a radius of more than tens of thousands of miles, is filled with demonic energy, and the chaotic aura is repelled by the demonic energy.

The face of Patriarch Cangtian was sometimes dark and sometimes ferocious, as if he was suffering from great pain!

Luo Hu watched from the sidelines without any mood swings. He had persuaded the Heavenly Demon Ancestor to let him cut out his death desire first!

But Cangtian Demon Ancestor didn't take it to heart, and finally cut out the desire to die, which was like experiencing death once.

Today's Cangtian Demon Ancestor is experiencing death, once his thoughts are immersed in death, then he will never wake up.

As time gets longer and longer, he will fall into a dormant consciousness and gradually die of consciousness.

The infinite devil energy is overflowing from the body of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor. There is no way to do it. Now that the body of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor has not collapsed, it is considered good.

Sitting cross-legged, Rahu spit out the Dao sound in his mouth.

At this time, Rahu was reciting the outline scriptures in the Beginningless Demon Sutra.

Luo Hu had no choice but to do so, hoping to help the Demon Ancestor of Heaven to survive this catastrophe.

Once it is over, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor will be like a diving fish and shrimp, transforming into a nine-day dragon, the chaos is so big, let it soar!

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