The Beginning Demon Sutra is a great scripture with infinite power.

The powerful Dao Yin directly entered into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, which made the Heavenly Demon Ancestor who was in trouble very happy!

The Heaven Demon Ancestor is not immersed in cultivation, but is trapped in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he is in a desperate situation.

At the beginning, he didn't listen to Luo Hu's reminder and insisted on cutting off the desire for death at the end. Now, he understands how difficult it is to finally cut off the desire for death!

This is to experience a death!

Every time he stepped into death, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven retreated back. He didn't dare to try, and if he was not careful, he would fall into the illusion of death!

Once indulging in the death environment, his subconscious mind will think that he has fallen.

At that time, not to mention the breakthrough to help Luo Hu, I am afraid it will become a burden to Luo Hu.

The word-by-word Dao Yin spread into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Cangtian Demon Ancestor, which made the Cangtian Demon Ancestor very happy. He knew that Luo Hu was coming.

With Luo Hu by his side, he would kill gods when he met gods, and kill immortals when he met immortals!

And with the help of Luo Hu's Dao Yin, he is absolutely sure to cut out his death desire, even if it is impossible, he dares to do it!

This is a kind of confidence, but also a kind of power of faith!

He believed in Luo Hu, and he firmly believed that Luo Hu would definitely help him become the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian. This is a kind of power of faith.

No, this is not the kind of belief in God, this is the kind of belief between brothers, or the Heavenly Demon Ancestor firmly believes that his elder brother is omnipotent!

If Luo Hu knew the idea of ​​the Heaven Demon Ancestor, he would be speechless, what kind of omnipotence is he!

Unless he is the creator god of a world, he is considered omnipotent in his own world, otherwise, no one can be called omnipotent!

A saint is not omnipotent, a saint can only use the power of heaven and earth to do what he wants to do as much as possible.

However, in Yingzhou Island, there are no saints. As for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, because Yingzhou Island is not under the Dao of Heaven!

Luo Hu's Dao voice reached the ears of the Demon Ancestor Cangtian, making the Ancestor Cangtian dare to take that step!


The sea of ​​consciousness of the demon ancestor in the sky has undergone earth-shaking changes, just like the opening of the world.

In the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, the Primordial Spirit of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of determination!

With Luo Hu as his backing, he firmly believed that he could sweep everything away!

The next moment, in the endless chaos, a beating heart slowly appeared, this is the demonic heart of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor!

The devil's heart is like the great god Pan Gu who opened up the world, and a supreme magic power emanates from the devil's heart.

Gradually, a phantom appeared, which was exactly the desire of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven, and then four phantoms appeared, a total of five phantoms.

At this moment, all the phantoms gradually solidified and became real existences!

Desire is not an illusory existence, nor is it an incorporeal body, but a real corpse of desire!

It is the same existence as the three corpses cut out by the Taoist Three Corpses Dao.

The five desires appeared, and the eyes of the demon ancestor showed madness. The next thing he had to do was to open up the world in his own consciousness and prove the Hunyuan!

The Heaven Demon Ancestor appeared in the middle of the five desires, stretched out his hand and pinched his fingers, and the Huntian Pagoda appeared.

At the same time, the devil's heart began to tremble violently!

The Azure Demon Ancestor's lips twitched, murmuring words, and a mysterious force entered the demon's heart.

The sixth seal is gradually solidifying.

On Yingzhou Island, endless demonic energy poured into the body of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor in an instant, and at this moment, those chaotic auras were directly swallowed by the Heavenly Demon Ancestor!

Seeing this scene, Luo Hu showed relief in his eyes. The Demon Ancestor of Heaven began to prove the way, and he took that step!

As long as you dare!

There is half the hope of success!

Moreover, the foundation of the Demon Ancestor of the Heavens is extremely strong, at least 80% of the hope can prove the Hunyuan!

Luo Hu was a little nervous, which was much more nervous than his preaching.

how many years.

Luo Hu didn't count.

Can't figure it out either.

At first, he wanted to plot against the Heaven Demon Ancestor and let him join his camp, so that later, the brotherhood between the two of them deepened, and now their brotherhood has become very strong, closer than real brothers.

For so many years, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven has obeyed Luo Hu's words, never complained, and never asked the reason for Luo Hu's actions!

Because in the heart of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven, Luo Hu is the elder brother, and nothing Luo Hu does will harm him.

It is precisely because of this that the Demon Ancestor of Heaven got out of the predicament and began to prove the way!

It can be said that the Celestial Devil Ancestor is the first great power to prove the Hunyuan in the prehistoric world!

Both Luo Hu and Hongjun Daozu were saints who proved the Tao, although they also first proved the Hunyuan, but the nature is different!

Luo Hu didn't open up the world in the sea of ​​consciousness at the beginning, but the demon ancestor of the sky did open up the world in the sea of ​​consciousness, forming a sea of ​​consciousness like the small thousand world.

Only in this way can he be able to pretend to be the primordial spirit of his Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

With a wave of your hand, the world moves!

There was a loud bang in the chaos, and then, a narrow long line appeared, slowly opened, and a world appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of the demon ancestor in the sky.

With the opening up of the world, the imprint on the devil's heart became more and more obvious, and the gathering of devil's energy became visualized.

It seems that he is condensing a real body. The Demon Ancestor of Heaven knows that when the world is opened up, it is the time when his desire to die comes out!

The Hun Tian Seal appeared in his hand, and a seal hit Chaos.


In an instant, the entire chaos underwent tremendous changes, and the originally vast world began to expand rapidly.

In just ten breaths, this world has become a small world with a radius of ten thousand li, and it has also expanded rapidly.

Luo Hu, who was outside, saw the change in the face of the Demon Ancestor, and knew that everything was going smoothly.

He didn't dare to neglect, it was his second younger brother who was breaking through, and the Dao sound that came out of his mouth was even louder!

Surrounded by magic sounds, it gave the Heavenly Demon Ancestor supreme confidence. It can be said that Luo Hu is the background of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor!

"Brother, I will definitely succeed!"

The eyes of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven were extremely firm, and he took a step forward and appeared in the newborn world.

At this time, the world has begun to close together, presenting the scene of Pangu Great God finally opening the sky!

At the beginning, the Great God Pan Gu was holding the sky with his hands and the ground with his feet, and he was tricked, but Luo Hu could see it clearly!

The Demon Ancestor of Cangtian showed the body of the Demon Ancestor, which was somewhat different from that of Luo Hu, but his real body was also extremely powerful!

Not as good as Rahu, and far more powerful than the body of the ancestral witch.


The body of the Demon Ancestor in the sky propped up from the sky, and in an instant it became infinitely high.

Hands to the sky, feet to the ground.

Such a huge body is supported by the magic power of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

A saint's mana is unlimited, but a quasi-sage's mana is limited.

No matter how the Heaven Demon Ancestor supports the world, it is impossible to support it to the extent of Xiaoqian World!

Therefore, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor can only think of other ways!

It seems that the Demon Ancestor Cangtian had anticipated this step before, and at the next moment, the Primordial Spirit of the Demon Ancestor Cangtian urged to move the Huntian Pagoda.

It turned into a gigantic size, the tower gate opened, and endless magic energy gushed out, spreading to the edge of the world.

These demonic qi are actually helping the Heavenly Demon Ancestor to open up the world.

If Luo Hu could see the sea of ​​consciousness of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, he would be extremely shocked.

Blood evil spirit!

The Heaven Demon Ancestor would actually use this dangerous supernatural power to open up the world!

At the beginning, Luo Hu created the blood demon energy to let the disciples with extreme behaviors cultivate, and also to let the future blood demons practice in the same vein.

This is not for the Heavenly Demon Ancestor to cultivate!

Unexpectedly, the Demon Ancestor of Cangtian not only cultivated, but also used the heavenly sky to bloom countless such supernatural powers!

The evil spirit of blood can be used to control the strong with the weak, but it has great side effects. After all, if you are a golden fairy fighting against the Taiyi golden fairy, it is impossible to have no side effects at all!

Fortunately, the Demonic Ancestor of Cangtian progressed gradually, accumulated so many supernatural powers over the years, and stored them in the Huntian Pagoda.


As the newborn world continued to expand, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven showed joy, and his method had worked. This time, he was 90% sure of proving the Dao of Hunyuan.

The imprint on the devil's heart exudes infinite magic light. Above the devil's heart, infinite devil energy gathers, gradually forming a human form!

And start to solidify.

"Okay, okay, okay, my way is complete!" The Demon Ancestor of Heaven laughed loudly.

Now that I can clearly feel the gestation of the sixth path of desire, Xiaoqian World will definitely be able to open up!

Although the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can open up the small thousand world, this is the sea of ​​consciousness of the Cangtian Demon Ancestor, and it is still beneficial to the Cangtian Demon Ancestor.


At this time, great changes took place on Yingzhou Island, probably because the Celestial Demon Ancestor devoured the chaotic aura too quickly.

As a result, the chaotic aura on the World Tree was not enough to be devoured by the Celestial Demon Ancestor, which made the Celestial Demon Ancestor begin to devour the innate aura outside.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Luo Hu's eyes. What he was worried about was about to happen. It seemed that the Demon Ancestor of Heaven had no way to break through quietly.

With one breath, countless thoughts appeared in Luohu's sea of ​​consciousness. No matter what, the Heaven Demon Ancestor must break through.

Luo Hui closed his eyes, he was thinking of countermeasures, Yingzhou Island was exposed!

This is inevitable.

Just now, outside of Yingzhou Island, the innate aura within a radius of a million miles was swallowed up!

There is no way to hide such a violent innate aura vibration from Daozu Hongjun!

Once Hongjun Daozu came, then things would be serious.

The World Tree must not be discovered by others, otherwise it will definitely be contested!

Especially the ancestor of Destiny, he must not be allowed to see the World Tree. Daoist Hongjun may not know the World Tree, but the ancestor of Destiny does!


How to move?

The world tree is so huge that even he can't fit it in the lotus space!

And it is impossible to shrink the world tree with space magic!

How to do?

A series of thoughts flashed through Luo Hu's mind, but every method was rejected by Luo Hu!

Just when Luo Hu was thinking of a way.

In the endless chaos, in a quaint palace, Hongjun Daozu suddenly woke up and looked to the northwest of the Great Desolate Continent!

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