The aura riot in the northwest of the Great Desolate Continent attracted the attention of Daozu Hongjun.

After all, Daozu Hongjun is the Daoist ancestor of Honghuang, and he is also the appointed spokesperson of the way of heaven. Holding the jade plate of good fortune, he can naturally know the dynamics of Honghuang!

The innate aura within a radius of a million miles suddenly disappeared, and Daozu Hongjun was naturally aware of such a big riot.

"Someone breaks through!"

The first reason Daozu Hongjun thought of was that someone was making a breakthrough, so he figured it out.

This situation is easy to calculate, deduction plus exclusion method is enough.

Above the prehistoric world, there are only so many great powers, and this kind of breakthrough is not a simple quasi-sage breakthrough!

At least breaking through to the late stage of the quasi-sage can't hit this level, at least it's only at the peak of the quasi-sage!

But is the innate aura of his dojo not enough?

There is something wrong with insisting on directly devouring the innate spiritual energy within a million miles!

Above the prehistoric world, there are not many people at the pinnacle of quasi-sages, only a few!

Cangtian Demon Ancestor, Taiyin Zhenjun Wangshu, Xiemo, and those from the Sea of ​​Void!

The power of the dojo in the northwest has basically not reached this level, so it can be completely ruled out.


Daozu Hongjun stood up immediately, he smelled a conspiracy.

Demon Ancestor Rahu!

Yes, it must be what the Demon Ancestor Luohu is doing again!

Hongjun Daozu stepped out of Zixiao Palace in one step.

On Yingzhou Island, Luo Hu stood where he was, and the breakthrough of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven was almost certain, but what about the World Tree?

Destiny Ancestor must not be seen, must not be seen by him!

It's not that Luo Hu is afraid, but at this time, Luo Hu doesn't want to make any troubles, at least he can fight until the Demon Ancestor of Heaven has completely broken through!

The battle at this time will undoubtedly harm the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, which Luo Hu doesn't want to see!

"In this world, there is nothing that can stop me, the demon ancestor!"

A look of madness appeared in Luo Hu's eyes, and he thought of a way!

So many ways flashed by, but in fact it was only a breath, after all, all thoughts flashed in Luo Hu's mind!

Taking a step forward, Luo Hu came to the side of the World Tree, and instantly transformed into the body of the Demon Ancestor.

But Luo Hu shook his head, ten thousand feet was far from enough, the real body of the Demon Ancestor appeared, the one hundred thousand feet Hunyuan real body!

Luo Hu reached out to the World Tree, patted it, and then bent down to hug it.

This scene is very similar to the plot in a TV series in Luo Hu's previous life, Lu Zhishen pulls out the weeping willow!

As soon as he exerted force, Luo Hu's face turned red, and the World Tree didn't move at all!

It seems that Luo Hu's strength is not enough to uproot the World Tree!

The next moment, Luo Hu became angry and exhausted all his strength, the Three Thousand Laws appeared and poured into Ra Hu's arms!


With a loud shout, the veins on Luo Hu's body popped out!


The World Tree began to tremble, and a happy smile appeared on Luo Hu's face!

Continue to work hard, gradually, the roots of the world tree have begun to unearth!

However, the root of this world tree is not an ordinary tree root, but a root formed by the convergence of three thousand laws, which firmly grasps the soil.


Luo Hu yelled "Get up!"


The World Tree was forcibly pulled out by Rahu, and the roots transformed into the Three Thousand Laws swayed in the air.

Luo Hu carried the World Tree on his shoulders, walked out of Yingzhou Island, and then stepped out, disappearing into the West Sea!

The moment Luo Hu left, Hongjun Daozu appeared in Luo Hu's place.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, but caught a wisp of breath.

"The three thousand laws are so rich, it can be compared with the good fortune jade plate!"

Daoist Hongjun pinched his fingers and calculated, but he didn't calculate anything!

Whether it is Rahu or World Tree, neither can use the secrets to calculate!

Following this breath, Hongjun Daozu found two directions, one is to enter the void, and there is no need to follow.

One is the island in front of me!

slipped into the island,

This island is extremely ordinary, Hongjun Daozu came to a position along the breath!

The strong breath of the Three Thousand Laws gushes out from here, but there is nothing abnormal, it is just an ordinary island!

"I'm afraid there is something mysterious about this island!"

Daozu Hongjun thought.

In fact, Taoist Hongjun guessed right, there is a great mystery in this island, but he couldn't detect it!

The jade plate of fortune was sacrificed, and Daozu Hongjun sat on the island and began to deduce it.

And at this moment, he was blessed with the power of heaven!

You must know that saints can only bless the power of heaven and earth, not the power of heaven!

Daoist Hongjun has not joined the Dao yet, so it stands to reason that it is impossible to use the power of the Dao of Heaven.

This is already a bit out of order, the way of heaven is fair, how could it be so?

It wasn't that Daozu Hongjun possessed some power, or that the Dao of Heaven had created consciousness.

It should be impossible for Heavenly Dao to generate consciousness, otherwise Dao Dao will definitely intervene, no matter how it is hidden, it will not be hidden from Dao Dao!

Rahu, who appeared on Mount Sumeru, was carrying a huge World Tree.

The roots of the tree are in front of you, but the crown of the tree does not know where it extends to the place of chaos.

It can be said that Luo Hu can only see the trunk and roots of a tree on his shoulders, but no branches, leaves or crown!

Luo Hu is now equivalent to carrying a stick, but this stick is a bit thick.

The disciples above Mount Sumeru all walked out of the palace, and saw Luo Hu carrying a huge stick, walking quickly towards the back mountain!

These disciples were shocked and stunned, because they were wondering what Luo Hu was carrying!

It's so huge!

They couldn't see the end of the stick at all, even with magic eyes!

Luo Hu stepped into Dazizaitian step by step, and the roots and half of the trunk also entered, but he did not see the crown of the tree entering.


Luo Hu thought of a very speechless thing, Da Zi Zai Tian is a small thousand world, it cannot accommodate the World Tree at all!

You must know that on Yingzhou Island, this world tree has extended to infinite chaos!

So now, this world tree can't enter Da Zi Zai Tian at all!

How to do?

If it is forced, it is estimated that the boundary wall of Xiaoqian World will be broken, and when the infinite chaotic air flows into the Great Freedom, it will gradually corrode the Great Freedom.

Slowly let Da Zi Zai Tian become void!

"Give it a go!"

If the boundary wall of the small thousand world is broken, there is only one way. Luo Hu immediately deploys a magic circle to block the chaotic airflow first.

It may not last long, but ten thousand years is still possible.

As long as the Celestial Demon Ancestor can break through to the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian within ten thousand years, then Luo Hu will succeed.

At that time, Cangtian Demon Ancestor can enter Da Zi Zai Tian and block the hole. In this way, Luo Hu can make Da Zi Zai Tian advance and become Zhongqian World.

At that time, the World Tree will be able to grow in Da Zi Zai Tian.

On Mount Sumeru, one can see that the tree trunk carried by Rahu is slowly standing up, but it is also slowly disappearing!

At the same time, booming sounds spread throughout the entire Mount Sumeru.

This is the sound of Xiaoqian World being broken!

This is equivalent to the fact that the hole is so big, it's hard not to pierce it with such a big stick!

After Luo Hu transplanted the World Tree to Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​he quickly arranged a formation to block the chaotic air flowing down from the chaos!

At this moment, the chaotic aura of Da Zi Zai Tian became more intense!

There are too many chaotic aura emanating from the two chaotic pentaethyl mother gas stones and the world tree, which makes the chaotic aura of the entire Da Zi Zai Tian atomized!

The entire Da Zi Zai Tian is in the atomized chaotic aura.

Those innate spiritual roots are greedily sucking the chaotic aura, which made Luo Hu nodded in satisfaction. This time, most of the innate spiritual roots' growth cycle can be shortened.

The ninth-rank lotus platform in the Sanguangshen pool has fully matured and can be turned into a top-rank innate defense treasure.

Now they are frantically absorbing the chaotic aura, which can make the defense of these nine-rank lotus platforms even stronger!

It is not suitable to stay for a long time!

The Demon Ancestor of Cangtian is still on Yingzhou Island. If there is no accident, Hongjun Taoist Ancestor is already on Yingzhou Island now. I don’t know if the illusion of Yingzhou Island has been broken!

In the starry sky, the Destiny Patriarch stood there. He was not comprehending the power of the stars, nor was he comprehending any laws. He was shocked!

Just now, a stick flew across the starry sky, and an unknown number of stars were smashed.

Ancestor Destiny can see that it's not a stick!

"The World Tree has appeared again. There is actually a World Tree in the wild!" said the ancestor of Destiny in a daze.

Looking at the prehistoric west, he could feel that the World Tree appeared in the prehistoric west!

Without the slightest hesitation, he took one step forward, and the ancestor of destiny appeared in the wild continent.

The huge spiritual sense perceives the prehistoric world, but it sees Taoist Hongjun in the West Sea, thinking, the world tree just now must be related to Taoist Hongjun!

At this time, Hongjun Daozu is using the fortune jade plate to deduce the island!

After some calculations, Taoist Hongjun realized that this island is not under the law of heaven!

"Yingzhou Island! It seems that Luo Hu has already been here."

Since Taoist Hongjun knew that this was Yingzhou Island, he would not be confused by this illusion.

The jade saucer of good fortune flew out, and the Three Thousand Laws turned into a mirror, illuminating the island.

In an instant, under the mirror light, the true face of Yingzhou Island was revealed.

Daozu Hongjun scanned the entire Yingzhou Island directly with his spiritual sense, and he discovered the Cangtian Demon Ancestor, and at this time the Cangtian Demon Ancestor was in an extremely unstable state!

"Breakthrough? The heavens want to prove Hunyuan?"

Daoist Hongjun was startled, and the next moment, he was puzzled, why wasn't Luo Hu by the side for the breakthrough of the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven?

You know, at this time, whether it is him or the ancestor of Destiny making a little trouble, the demon ancestor of the sky will undoubtedly die!

Did Luo Hu think that he was kind enough to not disturb the Heavenly Demon Ancestor?

"This is?" Daozu Hongjun saw the huge tiankeng, which contained rich three thousand laws and roots gathered by three thousand laws!

"It doesn't matter, cut off the sky first."

Something appeared in Hongjun Daozu's hand, it was the dragon head scepter, the magic power was concentrated on the dragon head scepter, and it smashed towards the head of the demon ancestor in the sky!

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