Daozu Hongjun left, and there were only three great masters left on Yingzhou Island.

Demon Ancestor Luohu, Heaven Demon Ancestor, and Destiny Ancestor.

At this time, if the Destiny Patriarch still wants the World Tree, then one person will face Luo Hu and the Demon Patriarch of Heaven.

With Luo Hu alone, the Destiny Ancestor may not be able to defeat him, let alone the Heaven Demon Ancestor.

"The matter of the World Tree is very important, Luo Hu, if the World Tree is really in your hands, I will be waiting for you at Ziwei Star!" The ancestor of Destiny gave Luo Hu a deep look.

Luo Hu didn't speak, but he was a little puzzled. Could it be that World Tree has other secrets?

Thinking back to the time of Chaos, Patriarch Destiny was the most powerful Chaos Demon God!

That time the World Tree appeared, the ancestor of Destiny was also the first to approach the World Tree, so he should know some secrets!

When Luo Hu was about to say something, the ancestor of fate turned around and disappeared in place, obviously leaving.

"Brother, what is the World Tree? Is it really in your hands?" Cangtian Demon Ancestor asked suspiciously.

Luo Hu froze in place, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing Luo Hu like this, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven didn't bother him, and stayed where he was.

In chaos.

The ancestor of destiny came from the Great Desolate Continent, looking at the quaint palace in front of him, this is the Zixiao Palace!

Daozu Hongjun's calculations are correct, the ancestor of destiny will come to him, and will tell him about the World Tree himself!

The ancestor of Destiny needs a helper, a very important helper, and a helper who doesn't play tricks!

Daozu Hongjun is scheming and will definitely play tricks, but the ancestor of fate has no choice. In this prehistoric world, only Daozu Hongjun is qualified to be his helper.

Daozu Hongjun has always wanted to ask Ancestor Destiny to help him kill Luo Hu, and now, Ancestor Fate also has something that needs Daozu Hongjun's help.


The gate of the palace opened.

Hongjun Daozu came out and smiled when he saw Destiny Patriarch.

"How? Is the World Tree in Luo Hu's hands?" Daozu Hongjun asked lightly.

The ancestor of destiny walked out step by step, and came to the side of Daozu Hongjun, and sneered: "Fellow Daoist really wants to know about World Tree."

When he was on Yingzhou Island, Daozu Hongjun plotted against Ancestor Destiny and left Yingzhou Island directly, which made Ancestor Destiny fall into a passive state.

It can be said that Hongjun Daozu is unjust!

But how can it be said that cultivation is unrighteous?

"That's right, I want to know the secrets of chaos!" Daozu Hongjun said bluntly!

There is no need to say anything false at this time, he really wants to know something about the chaotic period!

Especially regarding the World Tree, Hongjun Daozu can see that the Destiny Patriarch and Luo Hu attach great importance to the World Tree!

Being able to make two such powerful powers pay attention, it can be said that this world tree definitely has an extraordinary secret!

Moreover, in the tiankeng above Yingzhou Island, Daozu Hongjun noticed the convergence of the three thousand laws, an aura that only the treasure of chaos can emit!

Looking at it this way, the rank of the World Tree should not be lower than the Chaos Supreme Treasure. In other words, the World Tree should be equal to the thirty-sixth rank Chaos Creation Qinglian!

Thinking of this, Hongjun Daozu's eyes shone brightly. He wanted to understand the World Tree, and then get the World Tree!

Judging from the name, it must be related to the world. Daozu Hongjun's last path is also related to the world. He has an idea!

The Destiny Patriarch was invited into the Zixiao Palace, and the host and guest were seated separately.

"The World Tree appeared once in the chaotic period. Fellow Daoists should be able to detect the grade." The ancestor of fate said lightly.

"The convergence of the three thousand laws is equivalent to the thirty-sixth grade of chaotic creation green lotus. I don't know if what the poor Taoist said is right!" Daozu Hongjun glanced at the ancestor of destiny.

"Yes, there are two spiritual roots in the Chaos Period, one is the thirty-sixth rank Chaos Creation Green Lotus, and the other is the World Tree, also known as the Enlightenment Tree!"

"Enlightenment on the World Tree can get twice the result with half the effort, and the World Tree has the power to reach the sky,

Can connect endless heavens! "

Ancestor Destiny said this, but he didn't go on. He couldn't tell all the secrets, at least he wouldn't say it until Hongjun Daozu made a statement!

But just such a little secret has already hooked Daozu Hongjun and aroused Daozu Hongjun's curiosity!

Enlightenment, connect the heavens!

This is already stronger than the ten innate spiritual roots.

However, there should be more than these functions, after all, it is a treasure that can make Luo Hu and the ancestor of Destiny so caring.

There must be other secrets.

"What do fellow Taoists want?" Daozu Hongjun asked.

At this time, Taoist Hongjun can naturally guess the meaning of the ancestor of destiny, but there are many kinds of stances!

If they are so powerful, if they make an ordinary statement, it will not work at all!

Even the Dao of Heaven can't really restrain them.

"The World Tree is of great importance, it can change the current situation in the prehistoric world, and I can be sure that Luo Hu doesn't know the real purpose of the World Tree!"

The ancestor of destiny didn't say what to ask Daozu Hongjun to do, but said something else.

How shrewd is Daoist Hongjun, the dialogue between the two is full of calculations.

"Wu Hongjun swears to Dao that in terms of the World Tree, he will definitely reach the same mind with the ancestor of Destiny, regardless of each other!"


Outside the Zixiao Palace, the sound of thunder resounded!

Here is chaos, not under the jurisdiction of the Dao of Heaven, Daozu Hongjun swears to the Dao, so he can naturally be known by the Dao.

You only need to swear, and as for the punishment for breaking the oath, it goes without saying!

Because once you swear in this way, after the Dao senses, you will be forced to do so, and it is impossible to not think about it!

Unless your realm has reached the point of ignoring the Dao!

But, how can it be possible to have such a realm?

How powerful Pan Gu was at the beginning, but he didn't reach the point of ignoring Dao!

"The World Tree can record the past, that is to say, through the World Tree, you can see the creation of the world by Pan Gu, the origin of chaos, and the formation of the Great Dao!"


Daoist Hongjun gasped when he heard this. If he knew the origin of chaos and the formation of the Dao, wouldn't it be easy to comprehend the law?

No wonder Luo Hu and Destiny Patriarch take it so seriously!

As long as you get it, you can surpass the other two in a short time!

Now in the hands of Luo Hu!

not good!

Daozu Hongjun felt a little worried.

"Don't worry, Luo Hu still can't use the World Tree to cultivate, he can only enlighten the Tao in the simplest way." The ancestor of destiny said solemnly.

"Could it be that if you want to use the World Tree, do you need any special requirements?" Daozu Hongjun asked.

"World Tree, as the name suggests, connects the heavens and worlds, and has infinite power. When Luo Hu comes to me, the three of us are talking in detail!"

"What? You said Luo Hu would come to you!"

It's not that he didn't believe the words of the ancestor of fate, but because it was somewhat impossible. How could Luo Hu find the ancestor of fate?

And also to share the World Tree, with Luo Hu's character, even if the World Tree is destroyed, it is impossible to share it with others!

"He will come, but it's only a matter of time."

There is a lot of confidence in the eyes of the ancestor of destiny!


Above the prehistoric, Mount Sumeru.

In the Palace of Freedom, Luo Hu and the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven sat facing each other.

In any case, it is a happy event that the Demon Ancestor of the Heavens has broken through to the Primordial Realm, and things about the World Tree can be slowed down first.

"Second brother, you have become the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian, and you have been called an ant since then." Luo Hu had a rare smile on his face.

"The Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal is beyond my imagination. I feel that the current me can crush the former me with one finger." The Heavenly Demon Ancestor was also very happy.

"The power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not only that, it is a kind of sublimation of life, and it is difficult to fall now!"

The true spirit of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has become extremely strong, and the only way to break the true spirit and make it truly perish is the treasure of chaos!

Even the realm of heaven, that is, the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian!

Otherwise, it would be difficult to kill Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is a kind of sublimation of life.

"Brother, when are you going to make arrangements for the matter of the Dao of Heaven?" asked the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

At the beginning, Luo Hu said about this matter, making the Heaven Demon Ancestor the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian.

Although this is an opportunity for the Azure Demon Ancestor, it is also a kind of suffering!

After becoming the Dao of Heaven, the Demon Ancestor of Cangtian can only stay in Dazizaitian, even if he comes to the Great Desolation, he can only come with the Dharma Body.

And the strength is only Da Luo Jinxian.

You know, his eldest disciple, Sun Yuan, is now a quasi-sage, and his master is not as high as his disciple, so the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is naturally a little unhappy!

"Second brother, the matter of transforming the heavenly way, it will take a while!" Luo Hu thought for a while and said.

The Demon Ancestor of Heaven has become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, so he must have something to say to his disciples!

Moreover, the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven will also take advantage of this time to give lectures to his disciples and give them more advice!

After all, Luo Hu didn't even bother to talk to his own disciples, and he had never opened a small fire, so he certainly wouldn't open a small fire for Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong.

Therefore, the Azure Demon Ancestor needs to point out his disciples.

"World Tree, within Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​has already broken Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​second brother, after ten thousand years, you need to continue to seal the incoming chaotic air in Da Zi Zai Tian." Luo Hu instructed.

"Well, just right, I also need to strengthen my cultivation." Cangtian Demon Ancestor said.

Luo Hu was giving him time, the Heaven Demon Ancestor still understood.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor left.

Luo Hu stayed alone in the Palace of Freedom, his face changed, became gloomy, and he exuded a cold aura!

When the ancestor of fate left, he used code words to plot against him!

Although Luo Hu did not know that the World Tree had other secrets, Luo Hu was very upset with the words of the ancestor of fate!

"Back then you were the number one powerhouse in the Chaos Period, but at that time, you might not know what is above the canopy!" Luo Hu thought in his heart!

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