Luo Hu took a deep breath, he knew the things on the World Tree, the ancestor of Destiny might not know it, but the ancestor of Destiny knew it, and he didn't seem to know either!

This World Tree seems to have other powers, and it would probably take a long time to explore it by oneself.

Now there are still more than 70,000 years before the third sermon, and after the third sermon, Rahu's status as the ancestor of the prehistoric demon will be justified.

At that time, Luo Hu won't have to worry about his own luck, because he has already fused his luck into magic luck!

The whole magic luck is his luck.

At that time, Hongjun Daozu's luck has also become Taoist luck, and he has become the spokesperson of the way of heaven. Luo Hu must be on guard against this!

The spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven can use the power of the Dao of Heaven in the wilderness, and can seal the power of heaven and earth in Luo Hu!

At that time, it will become one strong and one weak, and Luo Hu is really not good at dealing with Daozu Hongjun.

What's more, there is a Destiny Patriarch beside him!

Based on Luo Hu's understanding of Destiny Patriarch, if he hasn't left Honghuang at this time, he must have a backup.

That is to say, the ancestor of Destiny is not worried about the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

You know, after Daoist Hongjun joins the Dao, within a short period of time, he can possess the strength of the Dao Realm of Heaven!

Others don't know Daozu Hongjun, but Luo Hui, Daozu Hongjun's old opponent, knows it all!

As long as Luo Hu falls, then Daozu Hongjun's next target is Patriarch Destiny.

At that time, Ancestor Destiny will not be able to escape the palm of Taoist Hongjun, so Luo Hu is also thinking about what kind of hole card Ancestor Destiny has!

In the chaotic period, the ancestor of destiny was the peak strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he was only half a step away from the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, which is the realm of heaven.

Even if the Destiny Patriarch fully recovers, it is only at the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

It is impossible to fight against the Heavenly Dao Realm!

"The law of fate is the most mysterious. It seems that I don't know enough about the hole cards of the ancestor of fate, but if he wants to continue participating, let him participate."

After the three sermons are finished, Luo Hu will be able to see the hole card of the ancestor of fate. At that time, he will have to see if the ancestor Hongjun can resist the temptation of the origin of fate!

Anyway, if Ancestor Destiny still has such a realm and combat power, Luo Hu can't stand this kind of temptation. He will definitely take action against Ancestor Destiny to seize the source of his destiny.

Luohu walked out of the Zizai Palace, and his spiritual thoughts shrouded Mount Sumeru. At this time, there were only his two children and the two children of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor on Mount Sumeru.

The other disciples have already left Mount Sumeru.

"Huh? It actually appeared at this time. I never thought that Tongtian's fate is so similar to mine. It depends on how he resolves it." Luo Hu looked towards Dongfang's position.

I pinched my fingers and calculated, everything about Zhou Tian was in Luo Hu's mind!

Weak creatures, in his eyes, the past and the future are all in full view!

For example, if a golden fairy is in front of Luo Hu, Luo Hu can see his past and future at a glance.

No amount of achievement or cultivation can be concealed from Rahu's magic eyes. This is the power of a saint!

Dongfang Jiumo Mountain, Tongtian traveled here, but found an interesting thing, a battle of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But it is incomparably charming and colorful, a fat young man with a plump appearance, holding a magic weapon, fighting a monster Taiyi Jinxian.

Tong Tian saw that the treasures he took out were all inferior spirit treasures, not even low-grade innate spirit treasures!

What interested Tong Tian was that this obese young man used these treasures to explode himself, which greatly increased the power of the treasures.

This monster clan is also extraordinary, it is a divine beast, an iron-backed divine bull, with extremely high defense power.

But under the violent attacks of this obese young man, he had to show his true body to resist these attacks.


A bowl-shaped spiritual treasure exploded on the body of the Iron-backed God Bull, and instantly blasted the Iron-backed God Bull into the air.

This obese young man will not give the Iron-backed God Bull any chance, and another low-end spirit treasure appears in his hand, and continues to control the self-explosion!

Fortunately, the iron-backed bull has extremely high defensive power. After being bombarded like this, it only suffered some minor injuries!

But even with a strong defense, it can't stop so many spirit treasures from exploding themselves!

This obese young man is the treasure hunting mouse.

He gave himself a very domineering name: Duobao!

It means that there are many spiritual treasures and countless treasures.

Fortunately, Duobao can only control one treasure to self-destruct at a time, otherwise, he would have dozens of low-level spirit treasures!

If they all blew themselves up at once, even Da Luo Jinxian would perish.

Tong Tian, ​​who was hiding in the void, smiled as he watched the interesting battle below.

Duobao's unconventional attack made Tongtian dumbfounded. There are many spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world, but they are not consumed like Duobao!

In a great battle, five spirit treasures have been lost, and they are still taking out the spirit treasures to explode!

From the beginning of the war, it was Duobao who was fighting against the iron-backed bull.

"Taoist Duobao, don't think that if you have the upper hand, you can escape from the pursuit of the monster clan. Lord Ghost Che has already arrived. When Lord Ghost Che arrives, you will surely die!" The iron-backed bull yelled!

Duobao sneered: "Pindao just took a middle-grade innate spiritual root, how could it possibly alarm the top ten demon saints, you should stop raising your reputation here!"

Duobao doesn't believe that the ghost car will come. You must know that the ghost car is one of the top ten demon saints, and among the top ten demon saints, it is also the top three.

Absolutely will not make a move for a mid-grade innate spiritual root.

Therefore, Duobao is not worried at all, this iron-backed bull, he will definitely kill it today.

Originally, Duobao could obtain a top-grade innate spiritual root, but it was because the iron-backed bull was in the way that Duobao lost a top-grade innate spirit root.

Of course, this top-grade innate spiritual root also belonged to the monster race, and the innate spiritual root obtained by Duobao was due to the loss of others.


A bull roar.

Duobao suddenly felt the vibration from the soul, and the next moment, Duobao froze in place!

This is the innate supernatural power of the iron-backed bull. It is an attack on Linghu. It is very powerful!

Not only is Duobao enlightened, but even Tongtian, who is hiding in the void, feels a tremor in his soul, and it's just a tremor. After all, Tongtian is in the realm of quasi-sages!


The body of the Iron-backed God Bull Qianzhang slammed into Duobao.


This time, Duobao was hit hard, flew out thousands of miles, and smashed into the mountain of Jiumo Mountain.

"Your physical body is strong, and Pindao's physical body is not weak!" Duobao flew out, but his clothes were slightly torn, and he looked a little embarrassed. In fact, Duobao was not seriously injured!

The iron-backed bull was not shocked at all, and Duobao was not injured. He knew that Duobao's body was a treasure-hunting mouse.

Not only has the talent to find Lingbao, but also has a very strong physical body.

Suddenly, at this time, a strong wind hit, and the surrounding trees rose up and were blown away.

Duobao looked at the source of the wind, but there was a huge bird flying from a distance, it was huge!

It has nine heads, and a powerful aura emerges from its body.

The Iron-backed Divine Bull also noticed the person coming, and even knelt down to bow down.

"This subordinate pays homage to Lord Demon Saint."

The ghost car turned into an innate Taoist body, came to the side of the iron-backed bull, and nodded.

"Is he the treasure hunting mouse you mentioned?" Ghost Che said flatly.

"It is this son who stole the middle-grade innate spiritual root of our clan." The Iron-backed Bull said respectfully.

"Okay, you can go back." Ghost Che said softly.

The iron-backed bull was puzzled, and didn't know what the ghost car meant, but he didn't dare not listen to the words of the demon saint!

Dang even withdrew and left Jiumo Mountain.

The ghost car looked at Duobao, "You are very good, and you have attracted the attention of the two majesties, let's go, go to the Thirty-third Heaven with me."

In fact, when I heard that someone had stolen the middle-grade innate spirit root, Ghost Che didn't take it seriously, but when I learned that it was a treasure hunting mouse.

The ghost car took care of it, because this treasure hunting mouse was extraordinary, not an ordinary beast.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were also alarmed. Although the level of treasure hunters is still low, after improving their cultivation, they may be able to find the best innate spirit treasures!

Therefore, this time the ghost car came here not because Duobao stole the spirit treasure, but because Dijun and Donghuangtai saw Duobao's potential!

"Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi? Pindao has nothing to do with them. I don't want to go to the Thirty-Third Heaven. Let me go!"

Even if Duobaodang cast Earth Dun, he disappeared in place.

Ghost Che sneered: "In front of this demon saint, it is impossible to escape from the earth!"

The ghost car has nine brains, which means that the ghost car has nine laws, one of which is the law of the earth system!

Da Luojin's ghost car in the later stage, it is not easy to stop Duobao!

with a wave.

The earth shook, and Duobao was blown out from under the ground.

"In front of this demon saint, don't think about running away." Ghost Che said in a deep voice.

"What exactly do you want?" Duobao asked in a deep voice.

He was not trying to escape, the strength of the ghost car made him feel powerless, after all, what cultivation level is he, what cultivation level is the ghost car?

Not above a horizontal line at all.

"Go to the Thirty-Third Heaven with me, the demon saint, don't worry, the two majesties appreciate you, maybe in the future, you and I can work together for the demon clan."

When the ghost car thought of coming, the expressions of Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi both valued the treasure hunting mouse very much!

Of course, they all took a fancy to the potential of Treasure Hunting Mouse, and the talent of Treasure Hunting Mouse!

"Pindao doesn't have such an honor, demon saint, please come back!" Duobao said.

Duobao knew what the Yaozu saw in him, how could he leave with the ghost car!

Moreover, Duobao is a creature from the west, he knows the current situation, the demon clan doesn't seem to please the demon ancestor!

As a Western being, it is natural to be close to the Demon Ancestor!

"This demon saint wants to take you away, can you still resist?" Ghost Che sneered.

Duobao's heart tightened, he had no power to fight back in the hands of Ghost Che!

"This seat is here, you may not be able to take him away."

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