Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 98 Ice Soul Demon Bow, Sunset Arrow

"Master, this disciple has become a quasi-sage and can deal with that Xi He. Besides, this disciple is not alone," Chang Xi said.

"That doesn't work either. Xihe's city is too deep, and behind him is Destiny Patriarch and the entire monster clan." Wang Shu shook his head.

Xi He worshiped the ancestor of Destiny as his teacher, and the ancestor of Destiny was the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who was the same existence as a saint.

It can be said that Chang Xi's every move cannot escape the eyes of the ancestor of fate. In this way, Chang Xi will definitely be plotted to death by Xi He!


"There's nothing but, Xi He will naturally have a teacher to kill, you just need to practice hard." Wang Shu let Chang Xi back down.

How could Chang Xi be reconciled?

What did Xi He do to deceive his master and exterminate his ancestors, and even wanted to kill her and his master, how could Chang Xi let Xi He go?

In the past, maybe Chang Xi pleaded for Xi He, but now it is absolutely impossible to plead for her!

The current Chang Xi wished he could kill Xi He.

At the beginning, when I was on Lunar Star, why didn't I see her wolf ambition!

Chang Xi was secretly annoyed.


Rahu's voice sounded outside.

"Wang Shu is there?"

When Wang Shu in the hall heard Luo Hu's voice, he was overjoyed, and then he regained his composure, and said lightly to Chang Xi: "Let's go out together to meet him!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Shu walked in front, followed by Chang Xi, and arrived outside the gate of Taiyuan Mountain.

"I've seen the Demon Ancestor." Both Wang Shu and Chang Xi saluted respectfully.

No matter what, Rahu is a saint, as long as he is not a saint, no matter how high his cultivation level is, if he sees a saint, he must salute!

Bring Rahu to the main hall, and sit down separately.

Wang Shu looked at Luo Hu and asked, "I don't know why the Demon Ancestor came here?"

"It's nothing serious,

After deduction, it turned out that Chang Xi was going out of the mountain, so he came here to give him a bodyguard. "As Luo Hu said, there was an extra treasure in his hand.

Wang Shu was taken aback, Chang Xi didn't come out of the mountain, why did Luo Hu say that?


With Wang Shu's mind, how could he fail to guess the meaning of Luo Hu's words, and immediately realized that Chang Xi had already planned to run out secretly.

"Xi'er, you want to disobey your teacher's order!" Wang Shu shouted deeply.

"Master, Xi He should be killed. This disciple cannot tolerate her being in the Great Desolate Continent. If she is in the starry sky, that's fine. Now that she has come to the Great Desolate Continent, I must take action!" Chang Xi said firmly.

At the beginning, Chang Xi and Xi He's cultivation levels were almost the same, and now they are almost the same, although Xi He is a quasi-sage!

Chang Xi slashed out a streak of desire, which was considered to be the early stage of quasi-sage, and lost to Xihe's mid-stage quasi-sage.

However, under Wang Shu's training, Chang Xi has cultivated into the Domineering Path, whose attack power is not inferior to Xi He's at all.

"Even in the Great Desolate Continent, Xi He has Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi to help him. How can you fight against him alone!" Wang Shu said in a deep voice.

Luo Hu said at this time: "Fellow Daoist, don't get angry, don't worry, Chang Xi is not alone."

Luo Hu came here, naturally he has a solution, the treasure in his hand is extraordinary!

"Mo Zu said that he arranged for that disciple to help Xi'er." Wang Shu looked at Luo Hu and asked.

"No, Pindao doesn't intend to involve the Mount Sumeru lineage in this matter, but he has also found a helper for Chang Xi. On this prehistoric continent, is there another race that can be hostile to the Yaozu?" Luo Hu said calmly.

"Mazu means the witch clan?"

"There are witches helping Chang Xi, are you still worried?"

Wang Shu pondered for a moment, but the Wu Clan was a good helper, but why didn't the Wu Clan spare no effort to help Chang Xi?

But thinking about it again, the relationship between the Wu Clan and the Demon Ancestor, if you want the Witch Clan to spare no effort, isn't that what the Demon Ancestor said?

Thinking of this, Wang Shu understood that Luo Hu was killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone!

It not only helped the Wu clan to have a powerful helper, but also provided Chang Xi with a platform to achieve his goals!

This is to make both sides grateful to Luo Hu!

"Fellow Daoist's approach is really clever. I don't know what the bow and arrow are in this hand? Could it be that they were given to Chang Xi?"

"This bow and arrow is the Ice Soul Demon Bow, and this arrow is the sunset arrow, which was given to Chang Xi, but Chang Xi can't use it." Luo Hui said flatly.

Wang Shu's complexion was a little ugly, since he couldn't use it, why did he give it to Chang Xi!

"What do you mean by this, Fellow Daoist?" Wang Shu's expression turned a little ugly!

Although the cause and effect between her and Luo Hu are now clear, but you can't tease her like this!

"Fellow Daoist, don't get angry."

Luo Hu was quite patient with Wang Shu. If it was for other people, no matter what Luo Hu said, there would never be any refutation.

For Wang Shu, Luo Hu has an inexplicable emotion, not because Luo Hu doesn't want to face this emotion, but now is not the time!

At least before Da Zizaitian was promoted, Luo Hu would not think about him and Wang Shu.

"Just tell me, I want to hear it very much!" Wang Shu's tone changed a little.

"The Ice Soul Demon Bow and the Sunset Arrow are prepared for Chang Xi's future Taoist partner. In the future, when Chang Xi finds someone he likes, he can give these two treasures to that person. This person will help you to settle this karma." .” Luo Hu waved his hand.

The treasure in his hand turned into a ray of light, which entered Chang Xi's eyebrows!

A mark was formed between Chang Xi's eyebrows, it was a pattern of drawing a bow and opening an arrow!

When Chang Xi loses his body to someone, the Ice Soul Demon Bow and Sunset Arrow will appear.

The Ice Soul Demon Bow was refined by Rahu in the North Pole, obtained from ten thousand years of Ice Soul, and the sunset arrow was made of star sand.

It was originally an acquired treasure, but in the end Luo Hu used the Qiankun tripod to turn acquired into innate and refine it into a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and it was still a set.

Has a very special power!

This time, Chang Xi was stunned, what did Luo Hu mean?

Doesn't this mean that she will be a Taoist partner in the future?

She had never thought of looking for a Taoist companion, and she also had resistance in her heart to finding a Taoist companion. Just look at Xi He's situation?

If Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi hadn't entered the Taiyin Star back then, I'm afraid the current Xihe would not have changed!

Everything is because of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

All of this is caused by the Taoist companion, because Xi He once told Chang Xi that she wanted to choose one of the two as the Taoist companion!

"Mo Zu, the younger generation will not have a Taoist companion." Chang Xi said firmly.

"Even I can't talk to death, what qualifications do you have to talk to death?"

Luo Hu looked at Wang Shu again: "If Fellow Daoist does not object to Chang Xi going out of the mountain, then I will send her to the extreme of heaven!"

"Xi'er, you choose." Wang Shu looked at Chang Xi.

If it wasn't for her not being able to make a move now, there would be no need for Chang Xi to go out of the mountain, she would go directly to the Thirty-Third Heaven and kill Xi He.

However, once Wang Shu makes a move, then the ancestor of fate will not sit idly by, and now Wang Shu is not the opponent of ancestor of fate.

Luo Hu also has other matters, so he can't help Wang Shu directly, so this matter can only be postponed, or let the disciples below do it!

If Chang Xi had the ability to kill Xi He, the ancestor of Destiny would never dare to speak out!

But under the premise, the Xumi Mountain lineage cannot help, otherwise, it will eventually lead to melee!

With Luo Hu of World Tree, he changed his previous plan, and he has a more perfect plan!

Today's World Tree has a branch that has reached to the West Pole!

This Great Desolation is very good, Luo Hu doesn't want it to be destroyed, so...

"This disciple and Xihe have the same roots, they were originally sisters, but she deceived her master to destroy her ancestors, and wanted to kill her master and her younger sister. This disciple will definitely kill her!" Chang Xi said.

"Well, go ahead, be careful." Wang Shu is not blocking Chang Xi, sometimes it's better to let Chang Xi come forward.

Furthermore, it seems that there will be a chance for Chang Xi to go out this time, and Luo Hu won't say it casually!

Obviously, going out this time is of great benefit to Chang Xi.

"Thank you Mo Zu for the treasure." Although Chang Xi didn't believe that he had a Taoist companion, he still wanted to thank Mo Zu.

After all, this is a treasure bestowed by the Demon Ancestor, so it is no small matter!

Luo Hu nodded and waved his hand.

A mysterious force enveloped Chang Xi, and then disappeared above the hall.

Wang Shu knew that it was Chang Xi who had left, and Luo Hu directly used his supernatural power to move away.

"Rahu, I'm tired."

Suddenly, Wang Shu's eyes became very tired, and his whole body became weak.

Luo Hu lost his mind for a moment, and suddenly felt that Wang Shumei had reached the extreme, the perfect face, and (below the neck can't describe)...

After Luo Hu woke up, he didn't know what to say, his mind was in a mess, he didn't know what to do.

Countless thoughts ran through my mind.

"very soon. "

After Luo Hu finished speaking, he disappeared above the hall.

Wang Shu looked at the place where Luo Hu disappeared, and walked over in one step, feeling the breath left by Luo Hu.

"With your words, I am already satisfied." Wang Shu said in a daze.

Above the North Sea, Luo Hu appeared, his complexion was a bit strange, and gradually turned rosy.

He is not a pedantic person, sometimes, feelings should be accepted, there is nothing wrong with it!

He is the ancestor of the devil, even if it is about anything, no one dares to object in the prehistoric world!

"Let's talk about this matter after Da Zi Zai Tian is promoted!"

Luo Hu thought in his heart.

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