Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 99 Luo Hu's Transformation, Xi He's Scheme

Da Zi Zai Tian has not yet improved, and Luo Hu has not yet grasped how to deal with Hongjun Daozu after he joined the Tao, so he has no time to care about others.

Furthermore, Luo Hu still wanted to take advantage of Da Zi Zai Tian's promotion to go further. Although it was difficult, it was not impossible

If the realm can be stabilized at the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, then Luo Hu can not be afraid of anyone, even if Hongjun Daozu joins the Tao, it is useless.

Before he knew it, Luo Hu came to Beihai, and he couldn't help but think of a person, and he disappeared in place with a movement.

When he reappeared, Luo Hu was already on an island.


The island with a radius of a million miles trembled, startling countless creatures on the island.

But a gui head was slowly exposed.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor."

This island is exactly the mysterious turtle that Luo Hu met in Beihai back then, and he once said that he would accept him as his apprentice.

"Well, after so many years, your size hasn't gotten bigger, which is very good." Luo Hu said lightly.

"As long as he can become a disciple of the Demon Ancestor, Xuangui can do anything."

Xuan Gui was very excited, but he thought that Luo Hu had already accepted his disciples, and Zizai Palace had already given a sermon.

I'm afraid I have no destiny with the Demon Ancestor, and I'm afraid I won't be able to be a disciple.

"Well, although you haven't escaped the catastrophe yet, this catastrophe is a kind of good fortune for you. Then I will help you escape and lure you into the devil."

What Luo Hu said at the beginning naturally wouldn't count, he is the ancestor of the devil

Before, Rahu had planned to have seven disciples, because under a sage, eight is the ultimate, and once it reaches nine, it will be bad luck for the sage.

But now Rahu has changed his mind, he will not accept eight disciples, he will only accept nine, or twelve

In Luo Hu's eyes, he never put the way of heaven in his eyes from the beginning to the end.


Under the Dao of Heaven, it is an extreme number, but under the Dao, it is nothing, it will not have any influence

After having the World Tree, Luo Hu will not let his magic way be orthodox in the prehistoric world, but will be orthodox in the world of the heavens

Therefore, there should be nine or twelve disciples of Rahu.

Xuan Gui was very excited, he did not expect that Luo Hu would personally lure him into a demon at that time

What an honor, what a promise.

"Disciple thank you Demon Patriarch"

Now, Xuangui is not yet a disciple of Rahu, and cannot call Rahu his master.

"At the beginning, I taught you the Taishi Devil's Sutra, which established the foundation of the devil's way for you. From now on, you should regard yourself as the devil's way. Now, I will teach you the nine turns of Hunyuan again, and help you become holy in the flesh."

In the whole world, I am afraid that only Xuangui is the most suitable for practicing Hunyuan Nine Turns, because this exercise is limited, and it can only be practiced when it has not reached the quasi-sage realm and the body has reached the innate spirit treasure.

You must know that on this prehistoric world, there are infinite creatures, countless powerful beings, and some of the Da Luo Jinxian Realm are just the physical body of the low-rank Houtian Lingbao

These quasi-sages now are just the physical body of the Houtian Lingbao.

For example, Dongwanggong, Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi, Taiqing, Yuanyuan, Tongtian, etc. Although their cultivation has reached quasi-sage, their physical bodies are still acquired spiritual treasures.

After becoming a quasi-sage, there are not many abilities to break through to the innate spirit treasure in the physical body.

Ao Zheng, Taishang, Donghuang Taiyi, Demon Master Kunpeng, and Sun Yuan are just a few of them.

Of course, those ancestral witches of the Wu clan don't count, they are cultivating the physical body themselves.

"Demon Ancestor, in the north of the North Pole, I feel a strong aura of spiritual treasures. Its grade should not be lower than the top-grade innate spirit treasure. If the Demon Ancestor has nothing to do, you can get it."

Xuan Gui said to Luo Hu.

Luo Hu shook his head lightly, a top-grade innate spirit treasure would not be able to fall into his magic eye, at least it must be a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

But Luo Hu really wanted to go to the North Pole, he wanted to see how Xuanwu was doing in the North Pole.

Logically speaking, this Xuanwu is still Rahu's mountain guardian beast

He was tricked by Hongjun Daozu to the North Pole and became a holy beast, but that's okay, his cultivation was directly promoted to the most holy realm.

Nowadays, above the prehistoric world, there is no title of holy, everything is the name given by Rahu for this realm

Because the gap between the quasi-sage peak and the saint is too great.

Furthermore, Luo Hu was also at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage at the beginning, but if he looked at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage now, the gap was too great.

Therefore, Rahu added a realm between the quasi-sage peak and the saint, the most holy realm

Luo Hu left the back of the black turtle, turned into a magic rainbow and flew towards the North Pole.

He could have moved there in an instant, but Luo Hu didn't do that. He wanted to see things in the North Sea.

Today, although it is not the beginning of the opening of the sky, it is still the beginning of ancient times, and there are still many treasures.

Above the Thirty-Three Heavens, beside the Tianhe River, a pair of Bi people strolled over.

The man is handsome and extraordinarily handsome, and he has the air of an emperor, born to look like an emperor

The woman is graceful and charming, with a peerless youth, and a noble temperament on her body.

This pair of Bi people is exactly Donghuang Taiyi and Xihe.

"Third Junior Sister, you live deep in the starry sky and have never been to the Great Desolation. After a while, it would be great for the Emperor to take you on a tour of the Great Desolation," Donghuang Taiyi said softly.

A trace of hostility flashed in Xihe's eyes. When she mentioned Honghuang, she thought of those two sluts. If it wasn't for those two sluts, how could she not be able to come to Honghuang mainland for so long?

Now, with a dead body cut out, she already has enough self-protection ability, Wang Shu will never dare to make a move, what she needs to deal with is Chang Xi.

"Second Senior Brother, you also know that Junior Sister has enemies in the Great Desolation, so forget about traveling in the Great Desolation," Xi He said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

It seems that in Xihe's heart, he very much hopes to travel the prehistoric world with Donghuang Taiyi.

"Taiyin True Lord Wang Shu and Chang Xi have been hiding in Taiyuan Mountain. You can rest assured, Junior Sister. Although I am not Wang Shu's opponent now, it is easy to kill Chang Xi."

Donghuang Taiyi had a powerful aura. Among the quasi-sages, there were not many existences who could rival him, probably only three or two.

So, he has the confidence.

"Little sister, thank you senior brother first." Xi He said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I have everything with me." Donghuang Taiyi said, wrapping his arms around Xi He's waist, and hugged him into his arms.

Donghuang Taiyi was overjoyed, but Xihe's mind was full of thoughts. She was comparing the advantages of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun.

Although Di Jun chopped off the two corpses and was one step ahead of Dong Huang Tai, but seeing Di Jun this time, Xi He found that he was not as important as before in Di Jun's heart.

Power seems to be what Di Jun wants most now, no, not only power, even a monster is more important than her

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