Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 100 Confused and infatuated, Chang Xi entered the witch clan

Suddenly, Xi He thought of one thing, that was what Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi planned together in the beginning.

At the beginning, they were high-spirited, thinking about doing something great in the prehistoric and controlling the entire prehistoric.

That is, the matter of establishing heaven.

When Tai Yinxing was alone together, Di Jun once told her about the Heavenly Court, and also said that after the Heavenly Court was established, he would marry her and make her the Queen of Heaven!

But now why the Heavenly Court has not been established for a long time, this makes Xi He very puzzled.

It stands to reason that the current Yaozu already has the capital to establish a heavenly court. Whether it is a quasi-sage or a Daluo Jinxian, they are the number one clan in the prehistoric world!

In Xi He's heart, she never thought about who is the Emperor of Heaven, what she thought was that she was the Queen of Heaven and that's all.

"By the way, Second Senior Brother, why hasn't the Heavenly Court that you and Senior Brother mentioned back then been established? Is there any difficulty?" Xi He asked with some doubts.

Judging from Xi He's face, it seemed that if there was any difficulty, she would do her best to help.

However, in Xi He's heart, she would only sit back and enjoy the benefits of this matter, and would never interfere!

"It's not that we don't want to build the Heavenly Court. There is one thing that requires the help of the Third Junior Sister." The Eastern Emperor Taiyi smiled lightly.

"whats the matter?"

Xi He was already a little unhappy in her heart. It was absolutely impossible for her to participate in this matter, because the establishment of the Heavenly Court offended too many great powers!

It would be fine if she was a quasi-sage, but she offended the Demon Ancestor, and she was worried that the Demon Ancestor would not like her and would kill her.

"It's not a big deal, of course, it's just for you, Junior Sister."

When Dong Huangtai said this, she couldn't help lowering her voice. It was obvious that things were not that simple.

"The heavenly court has not been established until now because there is still a large formation that has not been comprehended. Without comprehension of this formation, the heavenly court has no real foundation. Elder brother seems to have a prejudice against me, and this needs to be reconciled between the younger sisters."

Donghuang Taiyi is not a fool, Di Jun likes Xihe, if Xihe is in the middle of reconciling, he will definitely be able to comprehend Zhou Tianxing's grand formation.

In this way, after comprehending this great formation, Donghuang Taiyi can fly solo.

As long as the two corpses were chopped off, it would be of no use whether Di Jun was there or not.

"Is that so? Let me try it." Xi He said in a dilemma.


Donghuang Taiyi stared at Xi He closely, with a look of ready to move in his eyes, and put his hands on Xi He's shoulders.

"Junior sister, if I am the emperor of heaven in the future, you will be the queen of heaven, and you and I will rule the heavens and rule the prehistoric world together!"

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes showed deep affection.

When Xi He heard the exact same words again, he couldn't help but feel more excited!

That time, it was Di Jun who said it, and this time it was Donghuang Taiyi who said it. Now it is certain that she will not be able to escape from the position of Queen of Heaven.

"Second Senior Brother, I..."

Before Xi He finished speaking, Donghuang Taiyi's mouth had already kissed Xi He deeply.


Xi He was stunned, his whole body trembling.

Although Di Jun also said such things back then, Di Jun did not act excessively, but Donghuang Taiyi...

If Di Jun knew about this, it might cause disturbance to the Yaozu.

Donghuang Taiyi is the body of the ultimate yang, and Xihe is the body of the taiyin. The two are attracted to each other. This kiss made both of them a little confused.

Before he knew it, Donghuang Taiyi's hands began to grope around Xihe's body, as if exploring an unknown place.

Xi He was quick-witted and quickly pushed Donghuang Taiyi away.

"Second Senior Brother, you are going too far."

After finishing speaking, Xi He left Tianhe.

Donghuang Taiyi smiled, looked at his hands, put them on his nose and sniffed the lingering fragrance on them.

"Brother, you are cruel, so don't blame me for using tricks." Donghuang Taiyi's cold voice sounded.

In the fairyland, Xi He returned to the bedroom.

Arriving at the Thirty-Third Heaven, Xihe stayed in Yaochi temporarily.

Originally blushing, her face had returned to normal at this time, and the image of Tianhe recalled in her mind, and Xi He felt lingering fear, she did not expect Donghuang Taiyi to be so reckless!

If Xi He lost his virginity now, it would be good for the two of them, but who knows who the future Emperor of Heaven will be?

If it weren't for Dong Huang Tai Yi, what about Xi He?

Already lost Yuan Yin, how can she be the Empress of Heaven?

However, Xi He didn't know that the shadow of Donghuang Taiyi had already been planted in her heart.

Unknowingly, Xi He thought of Donghuang Taiyi's words, and she was going to the Lingxiao Palace to discuss with Di Jun about the great formation.

In Xihe's heart, he began to lean towards Donghuang Taiyi as the emperor of heaven.

"Taiyi is too reckless. If I hadn't been strong-willed, I'm afraid I would have lost my mind in Tianhe. This matter cannot be delayed, and the two brothers must understand the grand formation as soon as possible."

Xi He thought in his heart.

The easternmost part of the land of extreme heaven, here is where the tribe of earth is located.

The space fluctuated for a while, but Chang Xi walked out of it.

"The ability of a sage is really unpredictable. Taiyuan Mountain is more than a trillion miles away from the sky. In the eyes of a sage, it came here in just one thought."

Chang Xi couldn't help sighing.

"Who is in front, dare to enter the tribe of earth without authorization!"

With a loud shout, a tall man nine feet tall, with a rather handsome face, was holding a big bow in his hand.

Chang Xi saw the person who came, although there was no mana fluctuation in the person's body, but the momentum was not weak, comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian!

"I, Chang Xi, who are you?" Although Chang Xi knew that the man in front of him was from the Wu clan, he didn't know which great witch it was!

Now above the prehistoric world, not only the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan are famous, but also several great witches, who are also famous throughout the prehistoric era!

"I'm Hou Yi, this is the tribe of the earth, I wonder why Fairy Chang Xi came here?" Hou Yi felt Chang Xi's aura, which was much stronger than him.

It turned out to be Hou Yi.

Among the famous digital great witches in the prehistoric world, there is Hou Yi among them, because Hou Yi has a strong record!

Back then when Hou Yi drew his bow and shot an arrow, the ghost chariot, one of the top ten demon saints, was seriously injured.

Although the ghost car had suffered serious injuries at that time, the distance between them was no less than one hundred thousand miles!

Hou Yi actually wounded him with a bow and arrow. This kind of strength can be said to be extremely powerful!

There are rumors that Hou Yi is the second most powerful witch of the witch clan!

After all, Xing Tian was already known as the God of War in the prehistoric world at this time. Although the two clans of the Lich did not fight each other, they kept fighting!

In these battles, Xing Tian was in charge of the witch clan, and Bai Ze was in charge of the monster clan.

In these battles, Xing Tian and Hou Yi are both famous war god level witches!

"The Demon Ancestor asked me to assist the Wu Clan in fighting. Since I have come to the Tribe of Earth, I should stay here!" Chang Xi laughed.


Hou Yi was shocked immediately, the Demon Ancestor was the great benefactor of the Wu Clan, and all the Wu Clan respected the Demon Ancestor extremely.

"So it was sent by the Demon Ancestor. I will take the fairy to the Houtu Palace right now. It happens that the Houtu Ancestor witch is in the tribe."

In the past, Houtu was always in the Pangu Temple, but recently it was in the Tribe of the Earth, because the nearest main battlefield was in the Tribe of the Earth, so Houtu couldn't do without coming.

Chang Xi nodded upon hearing this, since she is here, she naturally wants to speak to Zu Wu.

When she came to Houtu Palace, Chang Xi saw Houtu. This was the first time she saw Houtu, and she couldn't help being shocked by Houtu's temperament and appearance.

Among the women she has seen, only her master can compare with Houtu, and she herself is inferior.

"Chang Xi met fellow Taoist Houtu." Chang Xi looked at Houtu and said.

"Hou Yi said that you came here under the arrangement of the Demon Ancestor. Even so, you should thank you for your support of the Wu Clan." Hou Tu said kindly.

Here, Chang Xi will not hide anything, especially when talking with Zu Wu, she will not hide anything.

"Actually, the main purpose of my palace coming here is to kill Xi He. Presumably, Zuwu also understands the grievances between my master and his disciples and Xi He."

"In this matter, I have heard that the Wu clan will help fellow Taoists."

When he saw Chang Xi, Hou Tu understood what was going on. Without the help of the Wu Clan, Chang Xi couldn't kill Xi He.

In Houtu's heart, since Luo Hu asked him to come here, he intended to help the Wu Clan and Chang Xi, so Houtu naturally would not have any objections.

After talking with Houtu for a while, Hou Yi took Chang Xi to the foothold.

Nowadays, Lich wars are chaotic, and small wars are not chaotic. This tribe of earth is the main battlefield.

On this battlefield, Hou Yi commanded the Wu Clan, and Hou Tu sat in charge!

On the side of the monster clan, Bai Ze is the commander, commanding millions of monster clans to suppress the situation, and there are Yingzhao and Ji Meng assisting below!

As the war escalates, eventually the heads of both sides must join.

Chang Xi has been in the Tribe of Earth for a thousand years, and has witnessed no less than ten battles with his own eyes.

If this goes on like this, sooner or later there will be a big war with all the clan. At that time, she will have the opportunity to face Xi He directly, and then take the opportunity to kill him!

West, above Linga Mountain.

Jieying's complexion is suffering, an image of pity for all living beings.

"Two junior brothers, do you feel that there is a strange aura above Lingjia Mountain?" Jieyin said suddenly.

Now, Taoist Ran Deng has also come to Lingjia Mountain to practice. After all, there are guides and quasi-mentions here, which is convenient for discussion and conducive to the improvement of cultivation.

"Senior brother, you and I have lived in Lingjia Mountain for several Yuan Hui, what kind of breath can there be?" Zhun Ti didn't think so.

Taoist Ran Deng also noticed that there is no special atmosphere here, everything is the same as usual.

"It's in the belly of this mountain, and that special breath comes from here." Jieyin said solemnly.

"Brother, my body is on Lingjia Mountain, and the roots spread across the entire mountain. There is nothing special about it!" Zhunti was very puzzled.

Jieyin didn't say anything, but directly used his supernatural powers, disappeared into the palace, and entered the belly of the mountain.

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