The Taishang had arranged everything in Buzhou Mountain, and waited for the spiritual roots on Buzhou Mountain to mature, and Taiqing came to enter the pit. At that time, relying on their strength and adding a large formation.

It is still easy to kill a quasi-sage mid-stage power, even if Taiqing has the Taiji diagram, it is useless.

The three Taishangs left Buzhou Mountain and returned to Mount Sumeru, while the Queen Mother of the West stayed in Buzhou Mountain.

Nuwa's dojo is in Buzhou Mountain, and she is going to pay a visit.

If something special happens in the future, Nuwa, the quasi-sage, can definitely help.

Furthermore, Nuwa listened to the sermon in the Zizai Palace, and she also had a futon. If there is no accident, she is a disciple of Rahu.

Although, about the futon, it has not been clearly stated, but the great powers in the prehistoric world understand it in their hearts.

When they came to Nuwa's dojo, the Queen Mother of the West performed the magic and secret method of sound transmission.

The sound came into the cave, and Nuwa woke up from her cultivation, with some doubts on her face, what is the Queen Mother of the West talking about here at this time?

No matter what it is, she has to come out to greet her, after all, Queen Mother Xi is Rahu's fourth disciple!

Just as Queen Mother Xi thought, Nuwa also knew the meaning of the futon. It is very likely that Queen Mother Xi will be her senior sister in the future, how dare she be rude?

As we all know, these generations of disciples in Mount Sumeru all get along harmoniously, and they all respect the senior brothers and sisters above them very much.

Naturally, there is the constraint of Luo Hu, and Nuwa doesn't want to ruin her life because of a little thing.

"Sister came to the humble house, please come in quickly." Nu Wa showed great joy on her face, and invited Queen Mother of the West into the dojo.

Both of them have peerless faces, exude noble temperament, and each of them is glamorous and indescribable.

No, maybe using the word gorgeous to describe it is a bit too vulgar.

"It's the first time I've come to Sister Nuwa's place. I really didn't expect it to be such a wonderful cave. My sister is so lucky."

After sitting down, Queen Mother Xi gave a compliment.

"It's still my sister's good fortune. The Taoist West Kunlun is now following the demon ancestor to listen to the Tao. I really envy my sister." Nuwa envied her.

Nuwa said so, but she was thinking about what the Queen Mother of the West would do, although she might become Rahu's disciple.

But it's not the case now after all, so there are some things that Nuwa can't stop.

There are some things, it is better to be clear.

"Sister, I don't know. In fact, my sister and senior brother have been in Buzhou Mountain for a long time. Originally, senior brother also came here, but suddenly something happened and I returned to Mount Sumeru, so my sister came here alone."

The Queen Mother of the West mentioned the Taishang to let Nuwa realize the importance of the next thing!

Taishang is the head of the demonic way, his status is only lower than the Demonic Ancestor Luohu and the Heavenly Demonic Ancestor, and he is the third Demonic Ancestor of the Demonic Way!

"Brother Taishang has been in Buzhou Mountain for many years!" Nuwa was shocked.

What shocked her was not that the Taishang was in Buzhou Mountain, but what the Taishang was doing in Buzhou Mountain, and there was Queen Mother Xi, this must be no small matter!

Could it be that the Demonic Dao is going to attack the Yaozu?

If this is the case, you must notify your brother and let him leave the Yaozu as soon as possible.

For such a big matter, even though Taishang is the head of the Demon Dao, it is difficult to decide, and there must be Luo Hu behind the scenes!

Nuwa was extremely worried.

"Sister, I don't know what you are doing in Buzhou Mountain?"

Nuwa knew this question and needed to intervene in this matter, but she was worried about Fuxi's safety. Although Fuxi refused to listen to her persuasion and insisted on joining the Yaozu, Fuxi was her elder brother after all.

The Queen Mother of the West showed a smile, looked at Nuwa, and said lightly: "It's not a big deal, my sister will know when the time comes, but I may need my sister to do something at that time."

Although she didn't say it clearly, Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, this has nothing to do with the Yaozu, otherwise she wouldn't let Nuwa take action.

"Sister, don't worry, my sister will definitely do her best." Nuwa said vowedly.

Queen Mother Xi nodded.

"It's my sister's honor to be able to come, why don't we sisters discuss the Tao and confirm the Tao in our hearts?"

The Queen Mother of the West listened to the Dao beside Luohu, so she naturally had in-depth insights into the way of magic. Nuwa also practiced the way of magic, so she naturally wanted to discuss the way with the Queen Mother of the West.

"Great kindness."

Queen Mother Xi laughed.


The land of the North Pole, this is the ancestral land of the Xuanwu clan. Under Luo Hu's restraint, the Xuanwu clan all returned to their ancestral land, and they dare not enter the wilderness again!

Now, the patriarch of Xuanwu has become a holy beast in the prehistoric world. After his cultivation, he has reached the most holy existence.

This made the Xuanwu tribe soaring with arrogance, wanting to go out of the Arctic again and compete in the prehistoric.

"Patriarch, now above the prehistoric world, liches are fighting for supremacy. This prehistoric fate is so rich. If it belongs to my Xuanwu clan, you can become a saint, and we can all be quasi-sages!"

"The Great Elder is right. Patriarch, you are a holy beast. Are you still afraid of those quasi-sages?"

"In the eyes of the patriarch, those quasi-sages are nothing more than chickens and dogs, vulnerable. Doesn't the patriarch not want to become a saint?"


In a great hall in the North Pole, the seven elders of the Xuanwu clan are trying their best to persuade Xuantian, the head of the Xuanwu clan!

Xuantian understands that in this prehistoric world, it's not about liches fighting for supremacy, but about demons and Taoists fighting for dao, and those races who jump out at this time are being used as spearmen.

"Shut up, what do you know, there are saints in this prehistoric world!" Xuan Tian snorted.

"The patriarch is worrying too much. You are a holy beast. Even a saint would not dare to attack you. We Xuanwu can take this prehistoric place!"

"Yes, Patriarch, once this Great Desolation belongs to our Xuanwu Clan, then after you are sanctified, you will also be the most powerful saint in the Great Desolation. Maybe we can also be sanctified under your blessing, Patriarch!"

Xuan Tian looked at these excited elders one by one, he knew that none of these elders wanted him to become a saint!

These elders are all going one step further for themselves, they have stayed in Daluo Jinxian for who knows how many years.

They want to break through, but how can they break through and become quasi-sages in the North Pole?

They all want to enter the Great Desolate Continent and break through with the luck of the Great Desolate Continent!

In fact, this kind of thing happened not only in the Xuanwu clan, but also in the tiger clan. It's just that the behavior of the divine beast White Tiger was a bit terrifying, which made the elders below dare not mention these things again.

Xuantian thought of the family's affection in his heart, and he is the first Xuanwu in the world, so it is not easy to do any drastic actions.

"Everyone, there are too many causes and effects on the Great Desolation, and your Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base simply cannot survive in the Great Desolation Continent." Xuan Tian said coldly.

"Don't we have you?" The elder's tone was also a little bit bad.

"Yes, Patriarch, your cultivation level is higher than that of quasi-sages, and you will protect us. Who dares to touch us? Do you want us to be Da Luo Jinxian forever?"

Gradually, these elders became excited, and they didn't even call you by name, they just called you by name.

"Hey, my freedom has been restricted and I can't leave the North Pole, so don't mention this matter again!" Xuan Tian said in a deep voice.

Then, with a wave of his hand, these elders stepped back.

But in the end, none of these elders left, they all stood there, staring at Xuantian closely, they had already negotiated when they came again.

If they leave the North Pole, they will never reach the quasi-sage, so they can only do this!

In order to improve their cultivation, they must leave the North Pole, even Xuantian can't stop them!

"What? You don't even listen to what I say!"

Xuan Tian was furious, he never thought that these elders would dare to be so rude!

"Get out of here!"

With a loud shout, several elders were a little moved in an instant, and they didn't dare to stay here any longer.

But under the gaze of the great elder, these vacillating elders became firm.

"Patriarch, it's not your subordinates who forced you, it's you who forced us. If you don't become quasi-sages, your life would be worse than death, you know!" the elder asked.

Xuantian's heart softened, what the Great Elder said was right, these elders are all the peaks of Da Luo Jinxian, they have been trapped for many years, if they don't improve, what's the difference between them and the useless people?

But now the prehistoric catastrophe is about to start.

"The Great Desolation is about to rise again, all elders, please go back. If there is a chance in the future, I will let you go out." Xuantian's voice softened.

Xuan Tian and the other elders didn't know that there was another person in the hall, and it was Luo Hu.

It's just that Luo Hu's body is hidden when he's using his supernatural powers, so these people can't find Luo Hu yet.

Seeing Xuantian's attitude weakened, a trace of contempt flashed in Luo Hu's eyes.

Luo Hu could tell that these elders had made up their minds this time and wanted to enter the Great Desolate Continent.

"Xuantian, it seems that you are too different from Baihu."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the hall, Xuan Tian and all the elders looked along the voice, but found that Luo Hu was slowly walking out of the void.

"Greetings to the Demon Ancestor." Xuan Tian immediately bowed down to Luo Hu.

Although he was surprised in his heart, he was even more frightened. He was Luo Hu's mountain guardian beast back then.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor."

These elders of the Xuanwu tribe also bowed down, after all, Luo Hu was a saint.

"You want to go to the Great Desolate Continent?" Luo Hu asked lightly.

"I want to go to the Great Desolate Continent to find some opportunities, and the Demon Ancestor made it clear." The Great Elder said respectfully.

"The only way to go to the Great Desolate Continent is to die. I don't suggest you go." Luo Hu seemed to dissuade him with good intentions, but in fact, he already had a killing intent in his heart.

"If the cultivation level stagnates, what's the point of death?" the second elder raised his voice.

Luo Hu nodded, looked at the other elders, and said softly, "What do you mean?"

These elders all thought that Luo Hu supported them, and immediately expressed their opinions one by one, which was the same as what the second elder said.

When the great elder raised his head, he inadvertently noticed a trace of murderous look in Luo Hu's eyes, and immediately changed what he was going to say.

"Since Mozu doesn't suggest it, then I should stay in the North Pole." The Great Elder said respectfully.

The other elders all looked at the Great Elder in amazement, but it was the Great Elder who took the lead!

Why did the painting style change suddenly?

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