Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 103 Ruthless obliteration, North of the North Pole

A playful smile appeared on Luo Hu's face, looking at the Great Elder in front of him, he had a hundred affirmations in his heart.

The first one who proposed to leave was definitely the Great Elder, and the other elders were all encouraged by him.

Seeing the great elder's respectful face, Luo Hu turned to look at Xuantian, and said softly, "Tell me, who is going to leave."

Xuantian didn't understand what Luo Hu wanted to do, but in front of Luo Hu, Xuantian didn't dare to lie.

"Reporting to the Demon Ancestor, all the elders want to leave the North Pole, but I don't blame them, they also want to seek a breakthrough after all!" Xuantian said.

Luo Hu nodded, raised his footsteps, and walked in front of an elder at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

Suddenly, as soon as he reached out his hand and pressed it on his head, a gust of devilish energy gushed out, covering the elder's whole body, and then the elder dissipated along with the devilish energy.


All the great powers present were stunned, and a peak Da Luo Jinxian fell just like that.

They didn't believe that Luo Hu teleported the elder away, it was absolutely obliterated.

For a moment, all the elders trembled, their bodies began to tremble, and their hearts were filled with fear.

"Mazu, this..."

Seeing Luo Hu kill an elder directly, Xuan Tian was startled, and wanted to say something, but seeing Luo Hu's face, he took a step back in fright, and immediately shut his mouth!

If Hongjun Daozu did this, Xuantian would dare to express his dissatisfaction, but this is Luo Hu!

He is now a holy beast, one of the five pillars of Honghuang, even Hongjun Daozu dare not touch him!

But Xuantian knew that in this prehistoric world, he was not special, because there was one person who could destroy him at any time!

Then this person is Demon Ancestor Luohu!

In Luo Hu's eyes, no creature is special, as long as it is thought, so what if it is a holy beast?

Killing it is not a matter of a word.

When Luo Hu was doing things, Xuan Tian didn't dare to say a word.

Immediately, Luo Hu walked in front of another elder, which directly scared the elder to lie on the ground.

"Forgive me, the Demon Ancestor, it was the Great Elder's instigation, that's why I had the ability to leave the North Pole..."


With a dull sound, the elder suddenly exploded, blood and flesh flying everywhere.

There wasn't a single drop of blood on Luo Hu's body, but red and white things were splashed on the bodies of the other elders, including Xuan Tian's body.

At this moment, all the elders were in danger, especially the elder who had just said to leave, was terrified in his heart.


An elder couldn't stand the pressure, stood up, turned into a ray of light and quickly left the hall, fleeing to the Great Desolate Continent.

Luo Hu didn't go after him, instead he put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance, his eyes fixed, and a ray of light entered the void.

Immediately afterwards, a scream came from a distant place.


"Mozu, I don't want to leave the North Pole, so please spare my life!"

The second elder immediately lay down at Luo Hu's feet, begging.

The same is true for the other three elders, praying for Rahu's understanding.

The Great Elder stood there, smiling secretly in his heart. These elders did not look at their faces when they did things. Fortunately, he found out Luo Hu's anger and changed his words directly. Otherwise, he would also be affected.

Luo Hu looked at these elders, didn't say anything but walked slowly in front of the first elder.

"Mozu, when the patriarch of our clan swore an oath that the Xuanwu clan would stay in the North Pole forever, since that's the case, our clan will naturally not think about leaving. If they want to leave, even if they die, they deserve it!"

The Great Elder said solemnly, and Xuan Tian was taken aback by that swearing tone!

Xuan Tian remembered that when Luo Hu didn't show up, the Great Elder was the one who called out the most, and he was probably the one who took the lead in provoking troubles. Why did he suddenly become cowardly now?

In fact, in the heart of the Great Elder, he was also terrified to death, he was worried that Luo Hu's bad mood would destroy him!

Rahu didn't speak.

Feeling guilty, the Great Elder quickly looked at Xuantian, and said righteously: "Patriarch, from now on, anyone who talks about leaving the North Pole will be killed by his subordinates himself!"

Xuan Tian didn't react for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood that it was the Great Elder asking him for help!

But at this moment, Xuan Tian dared to say anything?

However, the Great Elder has always been the Great Elder of the Xuanwu Clan, a great power of the Xuanwu Clan, and now that he has repented, he will try his best to keep him alive.

"Magic Ancestor"

As soon as Xuantian said the word Mozu, the face of the Great Elder suddenly became ferocious.

A terrifying heat emanated from the Great Elder's body.

In an instant, all the elders moved away from the Great Elder, and even Xuan Tian retreated.

"Xuantian, you villain, you actually let outsiders kill the elders of the Xuanwu clan in front of you, but you are indifferent, you are not a son of man!"

The Great Elder looked ferociously, looked at Xuantian and began to curse.

He didn't dare to scold Luo Hu, because once he scolded, his life would be worse than death, and he might spend countless years in endless torture.

Now, although there is some suffering, he will die peacefully.

next moment!


The body of the Great Elder suddenly turned into a ball of flames. This is the Nine Nether Demon Fire, the gloomy flame that tortured the Great Elder.

After three breaths, only a pile of ashes remained on the spot.

"Okay, all four of you go down!" Luo Hu said lightly.

The second elder led the other three elders to leave the hall. They survived, but their hearts were greatly traumatized!

Xuantian's complexion changed again and again, and in the end, there was only one thought left in his mind, he deserved it!

He thought of the face of the Great Elder just now, his heart sank, and he stretched out his hand, those ashes were blown out of the North Pole!

Even if it dies, the ashes cannot remain in the North Pole.

"Demon Ancestor came here this time, compared to have important orders?" Xuan Tian asked respectfully.

"At the beginning, the matter of you being seduced by Hongjun, I will leave it to you." Luo Hu said casually.

When Xuan Tian heard this, he was overjoyed and knelt down.

"Thank you so much for not killing the Demon Ancestor, Xuantian will always be the mountain guardian beast beside the Demon Ancestor." Xuantian said gratefully.

"Get up, you are a holy beast now, and your status is equal to that of a saint, so you don't need to kneel down every now and then."

Xuantian stood up, but said respectfully: "Although I have become a holy beast, my heart has never changed. Whether it is now or in the future, I will be a follower by your side."

Xuantian is different from the white tiger. The holy beast white tiger worships Rahu from the bottom of his heart and follows him voluntarily.

Xuantian is afraid of Luo Hu, he is afraid that if Luo Hu doesn't like it, he will be implicated, after becoming a holy beast, he is basically an immortal existence, so he cherishes his life even more!

Luo Hu didn't intend to listen to Xuantian's flattery, and directly took out a branch, which was just a short branch on the World Tree.

The branches are about an inch long, but they have a strong breath.

"This is a part of the world tree, you keep it, it will be useful in the future." Luo Hu handed it to Xuantian.

Xuantian didn't know what a world tree was, but under Luo Hu's finger, Xuantian suddenly realized what a world tree was, and his heart turned pale with shock.

He didn't expect Luo Hu to have such a plan, to use the world tree as a medium to control the prehistoric world and connect the heavens!

"Xuantian is always waiting for the decree of the Demon Ancestor."

A branch seems to be very light, but the weight on it is too heavy, Xuan Tian knelt down directly, raised his hands, and said firmly.

Luo Hu nodded, and then his figure began to blur, gradually disappearing above the hall.

After Luo Hu left, Xuan Tian slumped on the ground with a plop, panting deeply, as if after a great battle.

Above the North Pole, Rahu looked to the north, where the Void Sea and the North Sea connected.

Xuan Gui said that there are treasures there, and the rank is higher than the top-rank Xiantian Lingbao.

If it is a top-grade innate spirit treasure, then Luo Hu really doesn't need it, but Xuan Gui didn't say specifically, it may still be a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

Luo Hu has many treasures, but with more and more disciples, Luo Hu finds that the best innate spiritual treasures on him seem to be not enough!

Because most of the top-grade innate spirit treasures, Luo Hu couldn't give them to his disciples, because he wanted to fuse the thirty-sixth-grade chaotic creation Qinglian.

This is a huge project. Even with the World Tree, Luo Hu still wants to integrate the thirty-sixth rank Chaos Creation Green Lotus.

Every treasure has the characteristics of every treasure. The thirty-sixth rank chaotic creation green lotus has the power, but the world tree does not.

Go check it out!

Luo Hu thought in his heart, maybe he has good luck? Encountering the best innate spirit treasure undoubtedly solved Luo Hu's existing difficulties.

There will be no fewer disciples in the future, at least nine, that is to say, one piece for each person, and Rahu also needs to give nine pieces.

There is a saying that is good, there is a master who is good at handling things. Luo Hu firmly believes in this saying, so he will pave the way for his disciples.

Demons have feelings, and Luo Hu attaches great importance to the friendship between him and his disciples.

Taking one step forward, Luo Hu came to the extreme edge of the North Sea, and was about to step into the Void Sea in the previous step.

Luo Hu doesn't want to enter the Void Sea at the moment, he doesn't want to face Tiandao directly!

The huge prehistoric world consists of four parts, namely the prehistoric continent, the prehistoric starry sky, the prehistoric four seas, and the prehistoric void sea.

Creatures live in the prehistoric continent, the prehistoric starry sky, and the prehistoric world, while the way of heaven is in the prehistoric void sea!

Of course, there is another creature in the Great Desolate Void Sea, and that is the demon.

Luo Hu knew it, but he didn't enter the beheading, because he didn't want to face the way of heaven now.

The huge divine sense was released, and in an instant, hundreds of millions of miles were covered by Rahu's divine sense.

He is looking for the treasure that Xuan Gui said.

Whether it is the sky above or the bottom of the sea, they are all infiltrated by Rahu's divine thoughts, and everything within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles cannot escape Rahu's spiritual thoughts.

Under the bottom of the sea, a wave of precious energy overflowed.

Luo Hu's eyes froze, and he disappeared into the sky.

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