After getting the Wood Spirit Orb, Luo Hu had collected the Five Elements Spirit Orb, so he didn't need to travel outside, and he could return to Mount Sumeru.

After returning to Mount Sumeru, Rahu entered the Great Freedom.

At this time, Da Zi Zai Tian has been pierced by the World Tree. If it weren't for the large formation laid down by Rahu to stop the chaotic airflow, Da Zi Zai Tian might have been assimilated by Chaos.

Cangtian Demon Ancestor is not in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​Luo Hu calculated, but found that Cangtian Demon Ancestor went to Beihai, but he just came back from Beihai.

But Luo Hu didn't think about anything, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven also had important matters to go to Beihai.

Yuan Hong was cultivating hard in the North Sea, and in the ice cave, the Demon Ancestor of the Sky had always wanted his disciples to practice the ninth turn of Hunyuan, so it was impossible for Sun Yuan to practice.

Therefore, the Demon Ancestor of the Heaven pinned his hopes on Yuan Hong, which also caused the progress of Yuan Hong's cultivation to be extremely slow.

Up to now, it is only an early stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

But there is one thing, Yuan Hong's physical body is extremely powerful, while Da Luo Jinxian had the physical body of a middle-grade Houtian Lingbao in the early stage.

This is even stronger than the Great Witch of the Witch Clan.

Luo Hu understands the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky, once the Demonic Ancestor of the Celestial Sky becomes the Dao of Dazizaitian, then only the Dharma Body will remain in the prehistoric world, and even the Dharma Body will not appear in the prehistoric times!

This will lead to the downfall of the sky.

As for matters between disciples, it was inconvenient for Luo Hu to take action, so he would not participate, nor would he pull the line of heaven.

It is precisely because the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven also knew what Luo Hu thought, which made Yuan Hong work so hard. Once Yuan Hong practiced the ninth turn of Hunyuan, he could become the real guardian of Mount Sumeru!

The status has risen sharply, and he can carry the banner for the sky.

In this way, the heart of the Demon Patriarch Cangtian will be comforted, and he can feel at ease in the Great Freedom.

"The way of magic is far more cruel than that of Taoism. I can control the lineage of Mount Sumeru, but the way of magic outside of Mount Sumeru can no longer be controlled."

Luo Hu muttered to himself, the cultivation of the magic way itself involves blood and killing.

The demonic nature follows one's heart, naturally robbing treasures is indispensable, and bloody wind is indispensable, which is much crueler than Xuanmen.

Luo Hu will not suppress the development of the magic way. The magic way he created is that the magic nature follows one's heart, so he will never overthrow his own way.

If this is the case, his demon heart is unstable, and his cultivation base may dissipate in an instant.

Demons can be divided into sentient demons and ruthless demons.

Rahu is the ancestor of demons and the ancestor of sentient demons.

But Rahu's eldest disciple, Taishang, is a ruthless demon, and also the ancestor of a ruthless demon.

At the beginning, when Taishang took this step, Luo Hu hesitated whether to let Taishang choose this way.

Once you embark on this road, I am afraid that in the middle of the road, it will cause turmoil in the demonic way, and the demonic way will be divided into two types.

But after thinking about it later, the demon itself is like this, why should it be forced to merge into one?

It's fine if they merge naturally, but if they can't, then there's nothing wrong with dividing them into two types!

Do whatever you want, the nature of magic is like this, you don't need to care about it, you can do whatever you want.

Luo Hu came under the World Tree, looking at the tall World Tree, Luo Hu was thinking about the secret of the World Tree.

He has now collected all the five elements of the spirit beads, that is to say, Luo Hu has come to a crossroad of choice.

The first choice is to use the Five Elements Spirit Bead to upgrade the Great Freedom.

The second choice is to combine the Ice Orb, Zhiyang Orb, Wood Spirit Orb, Gold Spirit Orb, and Runtu Orb into one, and re-transform it into Five Elements Spirit Beads, becoming a Chaos Spirit Treasure!

Without the Five Elements Spirit Orb, Da Zi Zai Tian can still improve, but there are some restrictions on future achievements.

But in this case, Luo Hu will have an extra Chaos Spirit Treasure!

Luo Hu doesn't need to value the innate spiritual treasure, or even the innate supreme treasure, but there is no room for Luo Hu not to value the chaotic spiritual treasure!

A chaotic spirit treasure, brotherhood for a lifetime, Luo Hu thought for a while, and he chose brotherhood.

Chaos Spirit Treasure is gone, you can think of a way,

But if the foundation of Da Zi Zai Tian is damaged, the future of the Cang Tian Demon Ancestor will be over.

As the elder brother, Luo Hu naturally has to think about his younger brother, and besides, Luo Hu has already started planning the thirty-sixth grade Chaos Creation Green Lotus.

The thirty-sixth grade Chaos Creation Green Lotus is the treasure of Chaos!

Thinking in his heart, as soon as Luo Hu stretched out his hand, the Five Elements Lingzhu appeared in his hand. The Heaven Demon Ancestor is not there now, so Da Zi Zai Tian cannot improve.

Sitting cross-legged, Luo Hu placed the Five Elements Lingzhu around him, the power of the magic way radiated out, and a small formation was formed.

This formation can control the five-element spirit beads to emit five-element aura, and then permeate the entire Dazizaitian. In this way, it can assist the original formation to resist the chaotic airflow.

After the arrangements were made, Luo Hu used the secret method of the magic way to transmit the sound of the demon ancestor in the sky, so that he could preach to Yuan Hong with peace of mind. He didn't have to wait for ten thousand years, he was already in Dazizaitian.

Afterwards, Luo Hu began to think about his treasures in his heart, and he hadn't thought about his family fortune for a long time.

Sometimes, Luo Hu didn't even know that his family assets could be used and those family assets could not be used.

Rahu has a spiritual root of the supreme treasure level of chaos, which is the world tree.

Luohu has two spiritual roots of the top ten innate spiritual root levels, namely Renshui flat peach and Fenglei fairy apricot.

As for Huang Zhongli's words, those are Rahu's disciples, not Rahu's spiritual roots.

There is also bitter bamboo, which belongs to Xiong Ba, not Luo Hu.

There are three extremely high-grade innate spiritual roots in Luohu, forty-eight high-grade innate spiritual roots, two hundred and thirty-six medium-grade innate spiritual roots, and thousands of low-grade innate spiritual roots!

Among the innate treasures, Luohu possesses the God-killing Spear, the Great Mill of Extermination (Chaos Treasure), thirty-six Dinghai Pearls, and the Hunyuan Sword (Hongjun Daozu, whose master cannot be recognized here in Luohu).

The best congenital spiritual treasures: Xuanyuan Controlling Water Banner, Twelfth Grade Destroyer Black Lotus, Hunyuan Golden Dou, Red Hydrangea, Twelfth Grade Merit Golden Lotus, Green Lotus Treasure Color Banner, Star Map, Three Thousand Whisks, Qiankun Seal, Yin Yang Mirror, Runtu Bead, Ice Bead, Zhiyang Bead, Golden Spirit Bead, Wood Spirit Bead, Ancestral Spirit Spear.

There are nearly a hundred top-grade innate spirit treasures in Luohu. After all, Luohu has wiped out a lot of powers. After the fall, the innate spirit treasures naturally fell into Luohu's hands.

There are many middle and low grades.

Acquired merits and virtues are the most precious treasures, and Luo Hu has a majestic measure of the sky.

The two unknown treasures are the small crystal sword and the void mirror!

The Nine Demon Pagoda being refined is very likely to be a treasure of innate merit and virtue, and its power may be unimaginable.

As for innate talents, Luo Hu still has many, and they are all among the best.

As long as Luo Hu thinks, he can refine nearly ten acquired treasures in a short time!

After thinking about it in his heart, Luo Hu found that he was still rich, with so many top-grade innate spirit treasures.

It's a pity that neither the lotus platform nor the five-party flag can be given. These are the treasures of Luohu's fusion of the thirty-sixth grade of chaos creation green lotus.

In fact, Luo Hu still has treasures that are not counted, and that is the Twelve-Rank Good Fortune Green Lotus, although it has been dispersed.

But as long as Luo Hu thinks, he can recall the Twelve Good Fortune Qinglian at any time.

At the beginning, Luo Hu put so much effort into planting the Dao Heart Demon, and the Twelve-Rank Good Fortune Qinglian can be said to be Luo Hu's spiritual treasure.

Even if it is scattered, there is also a connection, and only one thought is needed.

There are countless treasures on Luohu, and the only one who can compare with Luohu in the prehistoric world is Hongjun Daozu.

However, Hongjun Taoist Ancestor may not be as good as the best innate spirit treasure!

Although there are many treasures, each has its own use, Rahu could not give it to his own disciples.

In fact, Rahu has already bestowed some treasures, such as the best innate spiritual treasure, the Lihuo Seal, which Rahu gave to the Queen Mother of the West.

The ultimate innate spiritual treasure Hunyuan Banner, bestowed by Luo Huo on Taixuan.

The ultimate acquired merit, the Lingbao Shi Demon Seal, was bestowed by Rahu on to the Empress.

The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in Tongtian's hands, in fact, if there is no Luohu, it is impossible to fall into Tongtian's hands.

In the North Sea ice cave.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor looked at Yuan Hong in front of him, naked to the waist in the ice, the biting cold, even a quasi-sage, could not bear it.

But Yuan Hong persisted, did not fall down, his body was trembling, his whole body was flushed, but his face was pale!

"How can you achieve a positive result without going into adversity? Hong Er, as a teacher, you will leave in the future, and you must practice Hunyuan Nine Revolutions!"

The voice of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor was cold and heavy.

The voice rang in Yuan Hong's ears, like a heavy burden on his body. This is the seventh time that the Demon Ancestor of Heaven has come to the ice cave and said this sentence.

Mixed Yuan Nine Turns!

These four words were deeply engraved in Yuan Hong's mind, and he would never forget them, because his master placed his hope on him.

Silent answer!

Because Yuan Hong responded to the Demon Ancestor of Heaven with actions!

Suddenly, Luo Hu's voice sounded in the ears of the Cangtian Demon Ancestor. After listening, the Cangtian Demon Ancestor suppressed his impetuous heart, and he had time to continue training Yuan Hong.

Cangtian demon ancestor Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's realm, it is easy to train Daluo Jinxian, Cangtian wants to do his best during this time to help Yuan Hong improve a small realm!

Keeping his realm untouched will make Yuan Hong's heart restless and cause flaws in his physical cultivation!

In the hope of the sky, the demon ancestor of the sky will not allow any flaws.

Among Luo Hu's disciples, there is only one person who can achieve the ninth turn of Hunyuan, and that is Xiongba.

As for Xuan Gui, he is not yet a disciple of Luo Hu, and now, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven doesn't know about Xuan Gui.

"Strengthen the body with the power of the demon heart, solidify the body with the air of ice, and demonize the body with the power of Zhou Tian. Hong'er must remember that if he wants to raise the body to the level of the innate spiritual treasure before being quasi-sage, he needs to borrow the power of all things. , all available power!"

The Heaven Demon Ancestor said calmly from the side.

Yuan Hong persisted in the cold, he didn't dare to be negligent, he didn't want to disappoint the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, so he had to work hard and firmly believed that he could succeed!


Beyond Mount Sumeru, Wang Shu stopped.

Thinking in my heart, I am hesitating, should I enter or not?

Although there is something to do, it is not urgent, she does not know if Luo Hu is in Mount Sumeru!

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