Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 106 Luo Hu Can't Take It Anymore

Wang Shu stopped outside Mount Sumeru, hesitant in her heart, she encountered a bottleneck in her cultivation, she wanted to find Luo Hu.

Now Wang Shu has cut out four desires, which are the cultivation base of the quasi-sage peak.

Originally, cutting out the four desires was still at the late stage of the quasi-sage, but Wang Shu's cultivation was different, she practiced the only one.

Recently, Wang Shu has a feeling that she seems to be cutting out the fifth desire, but there seems to be something blocking her, preventing her from breaking through!

This made Wang Shu think of Luo Hu, how could Luo Hu be a sage, and the seven emotions and six desires were created by Luo Hu, so she would definitely be able to help her.

This matter is very important to Wang Shu, and it is related to future breakthroughs, but it is not important to Luo Hu, after all, Wang Shu is not a person of the magic way.

Wang Shu thought of the scene at the beginning, when Luo Hu asked her if she wanted to enter the magic way.

Wang Shu refused without hesitation, and now wants to ask about the magic way.

Even she herself felt something was wrong, after all, she was not a member of the magic way, which undoubtedly widened a gap.


Wang Shu recalled a sentence in his mind!

"Pindao can accept you as a disciple, are you willing?"

This was what Luo Hu said to her at the beginning. Thinking about it now, Wang Shu was still a little annoyed. He glanced at Mount Sumeru, and Wang Shu was ready to go back.

"True Monarch! Why don't you enter Mount Sumeru?"

The Empress was about to go out, and indeed saw Wang Shu, flew up to the clouds, and asked Wang Shu.

In the past, the generation of disciples of the Supreme Master Mount Sumeru all called Wang Shu a Taoist friend, but last time Queen Mother of the West said a word, they all changed their names!

At the beginning, Wang Shu blushed and left angrily, which made the Queen Mother of the West mistakenly think that the relationship between Wang Shu and Luo Hu was one step closer.

Therefore, these disciples all call Wang Shu the real king, which is Wang Shu's respectful title in the starry sky.

"Is your master in the dojo?" Wang Shu looked at the emperor and asked.

I was planning to leave, but now I was bumped into by Taishang, so there is no need to leave, just come in and have a look.

"Master is in Dazizaitian. If the real monarch has urgent matters with Master, I will report it right away." Taishang said.

For the uncertain identity of the teacher's wife in front of him, the Taishang dared not show any slights.

"No, I can go by myself, and I will let the Seven Emotions and Six Desires report, you have to be busy beforehand." Wang Shu said and walked in.

This move seemed to come to his own home, and the empress believed even more what Queen Mother Xi said. It seemed that Wang Shu and his master had really reached that step.

"That's fine, Zhenjun can do as he pleases." The Empress said, and then left.

Wang Shu's face turned red, what does this mean? What is convenience?

This is not her dojo, how can I be free!

Of course, the Taishang had another idea in his mind. His disciple might leave Mount Sumeru in the future, but if Wang Shu and Rahu were together, then he would be the mistress of Mount Sumeru.

Wang Shu is still very familiar with Mount Sumeru, and also knows the location of Da Zi Zai Tian.

The blushing on his face receded, Wang Shu first came to the Zizai Palace, and released his spiritual thoughts, but he didn't find the figure of seven emotions and six desires.

Then came to the Sanguangshen Pool in the back mountain again, where the two children were playing at this time.

Suddenly, when they saw Wang Shu coming, they all walked up to Wang Shu and saluted respectfully.

"Meet your wife."

"Get up." Wang Shu waved his hand, making the two children stand up.

"Master is in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​I will report right away." Qi Qing said.

Then it entered the Great Freedom.

Wang Shu didn't stop her either, she came here just to meet Luo Hu.

"Your Majesty, I'll pick some fruits for you." Liu Yu said with a smile.

Originally, the notification was very fast, and there was no need to entertain him with the innate spirit fruit, but Wang Shu's status was unusual.

Liuyu, as Rahu's close child, naturally knows where the innate spiritual fruit is,

There are also picking powers.

Not long after, Liu Yu came over with a gold plate, on which were two Renshui flat peaches and a bunch of purple gold grapes.

Renshui flat peach is an innate spiritual fruit produced by one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, and Zijin grape is a top-grade innate spiritual fruit.

"Young lady, quench your thirst first."

"Six desires are sensible."

Wang Shu was not polite. In Mount Sumeru, there were many such innate spiritual fruits, so she didn't need to help Luo Hu save money.

I'm afraid that in this prehistoric world, only Mount Sumeru has such wealth and power, and he can take out this kind of innate spiritual fruit to entertain people casually.

Zijin grapes are okay, this Renshui flat peach is one of the top ten innate spiritual roots!

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about here?" Liu Yu asked curiously.

Liu Yu was stunned when she heard about Wang Shu and Luo Hu for the first time, but it's a pity that she wasn't around to wait on her at that time, otherwise she would have known more news.

"Little girl, don't ask what you shouldn't." Wang Shu laughed.

Liuyu nodded obediently, and didn't want to say more.

In the middle of the sky, Luo Hu used the energy of the five spirits to assist the formation to resist the chaotic air flow. When he sensed the Qiqing coming in, he frowned.

After he entered the Great Freedom, he basically had important matters, and generally no one would disturb him.

What happened to Qi Qing this time? Did you forget the rules.

"Master, I hope Miss Shu will come to see you." Qiqing said respectfully.

"Well, let her in."

Qi Qing hurried out, but Luo Hu felt a little puzzled, why did Wang Shu come to him at this time?

Luo Hu remembered that it hadn't been long since he came back from Mount Taiyuan!

Could it be that Wang Shu sensed his own thoughts?

No, even if you force yourself, you can’t compromise. The relationship between a man and a woman must wait until after three sermons.

Luo Hu thought in his heart.

If Wang Shu knew what was going on in Luo Hu's mind, he would definitely become angry from embarrassment.

Wang Shu took the initiative once, but it can only be done once, and it is impossible to do it again.

When Wang Shu walked into Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​the first thing he saw was the giant tree supporting the sky.

Do not!

This is not supporting the sky, but piercing the sky.

Looking at the giant tree in front of her, Wang Shu felt a little puzzled, she couldn't figure out the origin of the giant tree.

There is even a trace of chaotic air flow, flowing from the chaos to the Great Freedom.

Fortunately, there is a formation, and the special energy of the five spirits, which blocked the chaotic airflow.

"Why do fellow Taoists have time to come to Mount Sumeru?" Luo Hu asked lightly.

Luo Hu's face is handsome, but his face is always cold, which Wang Shu is not used to.

Especially after Rahu became a saint, his face was even colder, and his smile had never been seen before.

"Greetings to the Demon Ancestor." Wang Shu saluted Luo Hu.

Luo Hudang even supported Wang Shu, but did not let Wang Shu bow down.

Wang Shu's face turned red instantly, and he quickly withdrew his hand.

Luo Hu looked a little embarrassed, and then said: "In the future, you and I will meet alone without being too polite."

Wang Shu's heart felt sweet, her mind was full of fantasies, and she even analyzed this sentence layer by layer.

Does this mean that Luo Hu accepts her?

Thinking in Wang Shu's mind, he was a little stunned for a while.

Luo Hu was not in a hurry, although there was a hole in the sky, but with the formation and the energy of the five spirits, there was no major problem.

Now what Luo Hu appreciates is Wang Shu's face and graceful figure.

Luo Hu didn't know why Wang Shu's face gradually turned rosy, but Luo Hu was stunned unconsciously.

The blushing face is like a ripe red apple, tender and tender.

"Actually, you don't have to wait until the third lecture to accept Wang Shu. Wang Shu probably won't refuse!"

Luo Hu thought wildly in his mind, since the last time Luo Hu figured it out, the emotion between a man and a woman is more difficult to suppress than the heart demon!

In addition, Luo Hu is not suppressing now, which makes Luo Hu's ideas more and more bold.

He is an ascetic cultivator of the Dao Dao, a great power who devotes himself to the Dao and vows to prove the Dao.

I don't know much about men and women.

Even in his previous life, Luo Hu was a serious virgin, and at that time he didn't have anything he wanted.

No house, no car, no savings, no family background, no background!

Although he also had money in his hand to look for "so what", but the world was severely punished, and Luo Hu didn't dare to go, so that he was a virgin when he crossed.

It's different now!

He is the demon ancestor, one of the most noble second ancestors above the prehistoric world!

house? No, Luo Hu has a chassis with an unknown number of trillions of miles, and has an independent world.

car? Luo Hu has the first magic dragon between heaven and earth, who can match it in the prehistoric world?

money? In Luohu's hand, there are several innate treasures, more than a dozen top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and inexhaustible innate spiritual roots!

Family background? Mount Sumeru is the most powerful force in the entire prehistoric world!

Backstage? Luo Hu has no backer, because he is the big backer of the entire magic way.

With such a strong family background, Luo Hu felt that it should not be a problem for him to have Wangshu, and Wangshu seemed to be more interesting to him.

In the past, Luo Hu might not have understood, that time Wang Shu should have waited for him to say marry her, but he said something about accepting her as his disciple!

Thinking about this now, I feel mentally retarded!

At this moment, everything in the world seemed to stop.

It seems that only Luo Hu and Wang Shu are left in this world.

Quietly looking at Wang Shu's blushing face, Luo Hu couldn't control his heart.

The beauty is in front, her blushing face is lowered, her exquisite figure is completely set off by the white dress.

It was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered at the door.

This is a naked white rabbit.

Distractions arose in Luo Hu's mind, and the desire between men and women exploded in an instant.

At this time, Luo Hu understood why it is said that the seven emotions are above the six desires.

On the relationship between men and women, don't say anything about suppression, Luo Huo cultivates the way of magic, he can do whatever he wants, there is no need to suppress it!

Rahu is the ancestor of demons, but Rahu has another name.

The ancestor of desire!

Is there a Huanxi Buddha among the Buddhas?

Xuanmen also has the method of double cultivation.

Demonic ways naturally also have yin and yang complementarity, of course, evil spirits harvest yin to nourish yang, and harvest yang to nourish yin!


forget about it.


Luo Hu took a step forward and came to Wang Shu's side.

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