Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 107 Luo Hu's magical ventriloquist

In the great free sky, chaos is filled with aura.

Under the World Tree, a man and a woman are exactly Luo Hu and Wang Shu.

Luo Hu took a step, came to Wang Shu, and hugged Wang Shu's slender waist with both hands.


Wang Shu was thinking about something with his head down, suddenly felt his waist heat up, and then saw a pair of hands sticking to his waist.

look up.

Wang Shu suddenly blushed.

Luo Hu actually made such a rude move, you must know that Luo Hu is the ancestor of the devil!

The most noble existence in the prehistoric world!

What is he trying to do?

Wang Shu thought in her heart, but her body didn't have any sense of resistance, not even subconscious resistance.

In Wang Shu's heart, she seemed very satisfied. Luo Hu stopped her waist!


Originally, Wang Shu wanted to say something symbolically and euphemistically to evade the words. After all, she likes Luo Hui, so naturally it is impossible to push Luo Hui away.

Wang Shu's heart was delighted by Luo Hu's actions, and he secretly cursed that the elm lump was finally enlightened.


The words did not come out.


The mouths were tightly kissed together, Luo Hu took Wang Shu into his arms, and explored Wang Shu's mouth with a jerky ventriloquist.

Although Luo Hu was a virgin, he had watched martial arts action movies on some islands in his previous life.

How powerful the saint's mind is, although he has only seen it, but once he deduces the content of those actions in the previous life, he instantly becomes familiar with it.

The ventriloquism also gradually became proficient.


There was a roar in Wang Shu's mind, and it was blank for an instant, what he wanted to say, what he wanted to resist, all were forgotten.

She froze.

It's just that she felt the movement of her mouth like a spirit snake, which made her eyes a little blurred.

As soon as his body went limp, if it wasn't for Luo Hu's strong hands to hug him tightly, Wang Shu would have been lying on the ground softly.

Luo Hu used his superb ventriloquism after calculation to explore Wang Shu's mouth. His hands were not idle, and he was also... (a hundred characters omitted)

For some reason, Wang Shu's mind began to become sober, extremely sober.

Even so, feeling what Luo Hu did, Wang Shu didn't have any resistance, but enjoyed it very much.


Fifth desire?

Wang Shu was startled, she actually felt that her fifth desire seemed to be cut out, at this time?

Could it be...

A kind of comprehension appeared in Wang Shu's mind, it was not Wang Shu's comprehension, but Luo Hu's comprehension!

But they haven't had yin and yang intercourse yet, why do they have this kind of comprehension?

Could it be because of... ventriloquism!

Wang Shu's fifth desire is oral desire, but Luo Hu unexpectedly used this method to help her get rid of her desire!

In fact, Luo Hu was helping Wang Shu, he just couldn't help it!

But Luo Hu himself didn't expect that he would be self-defeating, so he accidentally helped Wang Shu, breaking through the bottleneck of her fifth desire.


Luo Hu felt a heat appearing in his abdomen, and thought frantically in his heart: Do you really want to come?

At the same time, Luo Hu felt that Wang Shu's breath began to fluctuate, and a demon appeared in the back of Wang Shu's head.


The demon heart appears, it is Wang Shu's demon heart.

Luo Hu was taken aback, what does this mean?

Even if you are doing this kind of thing, you can still break through. This breakthrough depends on the occasion!

His whim wasn't random, and he didn't expect to encounter such a thing on a whim for the first time.

"Mazu, I...didn't see anything."

At this time, Bai Lian happily flew out of Moxin Island. Her injuries had fully recovered, and she wanted to tell Luo Hu, but found that Luo Hu and Wang Shu were...

Immediately, Bai Lian's stunning face blushed, she turned around and entered Moxin Island again.

Luo Hu got bored and stood up, Wang Shu actually wanted to cut out the fifth desire at this time,

What a disappointment.

And Bai Lian, why did she appear out of nowhere? Isn't she repairing the foundation?

Glancing at Wang Shu, the flush on his face had receded at this time, and a strong aura exuded, as if he was at the pinnacle of a quasi-sage!

The devil's heart was beating thumpingly, four imprints on it were clearly visible, obviously Wang Shu had already cut out four desires.

Next, what Wang Shu wants to cut out is the fifth desire. As long as Wang Shu succeeds in cutting out, then Wang Shu's realm will reach the holy realm named by Luo Hu!

Luo Hu turned around and went to Moxin Island, the barrier with Wang Shu had been broken, so he could do it whenever he wanted in the future, not in a hurry.

Luo Hu showed a smile, it was a happy smile!

As a demon ancestor, Luo Hu had never smiled like this, but today he was very happy, very happy.

Arriving at Moxin Island, Bai Lian's face was still ruddy.

"Mazu, my foundation has been completely restored." Bai Lian said respectfully.

"Well, yes, the quasi-sage can be expected!" Luo Hu laughed.

Bai Lian looked at Luo Hu's smile. At this time, Luo Hu was like a male god under the sun, approachable and approachable.

She knew that Rahu was not like this before. The former Rahu refused people thousands of miles away, and exuded majesty and danger from him.

Thinking of the scene she saw just now, Bai Lian's face turned rosy again.

Could it be that Mozu returned to Moxin Island because he bumped into him and lost interest?

Thinking of this, Bai Lian's heart trembled.

"Mazu, Bailian just... just..."

It's only been a while, but I didn't say why.

"Bai Lian wants to go out to experience some experience, and ask the Demon Ancestor to agree."

Bai Lian wanted to leave Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​she was worried that what would happen next time?

She said she was going out to practice, but in fact, Bai Lian wanted to stay on Mount Sumeru, and she wanted to become a descendant of Mount Sumeru.

No matter how high the cultivation base is in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​it is useless, but Mount Sumeru has fun in the wild.

Danger, pleasure and opportunity coexist, Bai Lian knows this.

"Well, you have already cultivated to Daluo Jinxian. You are also a great power on top of the prehistoric world. It's good to go out and experience it." Luo Hu didn't stop him.

Bailian's cultivation is above the prehistoric, as long as she doesn't meet the quasi-sage, her life will not be in danger.

You must know that the body of the white lotus is the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus.

"Stay in Mount Sumeru for a while, communicate with the Supreme Master, and then travel to the wilderness."

"Bai Lian receives the decree!"

Bai Lian left Da Zi Zai Tian.

Sitting cross-legged beside the Sanguangshen pool, Luo Hu couldn't help but see Wang Shu's shadow in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Divine thoughts are released, under the World Tree, Wang Shu is breaking through, the devil's heart is beating, the law of the sun is converging, and the infinite chaotic spiritual energy begins to gather towards the devil's heart!

This is Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​and there is no innate aura. It can be said that Wang Shu can break through in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​which is definitely the best place.

Feeling that Wangshu's aura gradually stabilized and the progress of the breakthrough was progressing smoothly, Luo Hu felt relieved.

The fire in the belly gradually dissipated.

Luo Hu started to run the Beginning Magic Sutra, and when he was excited with Wang Shu, he discovered something.

One time of excitement, it turned out to be a coincidence that opened his path of seven emotions!

Luo Hu realized the seven emotions and six desires, and he also created the method of cultivating the seven emotions and six desires, and he perfectly cultivated the six desires to the extreme, reaching the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

However, this is only the beginning of the seven emotions and six desires, not the end.

The way of the seven emotions and six desires is to cut out the thoughts of six desires and achieve Hunyuan respectively!

Then cut out the seven emotions, this is the way to prove it, and it will be the right result!

Luo Hu has always been in a state of helplessness, and he has never been able to find out the way of the seven emotions.

You must know that if you don't practice the way of the seven emotions, he will gradually fall behind Hongjun, which is what Luo Hu doesn't want to see.

Now, Hongjun wanted to kill Luo Hui, but Luo Hui wanted Hongjun to become a demon.

Although Luo Hui's idea is more terrifying, it is not impossible, all spirits may be possessed by demons, and although Hongjun will be the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven in the future, he may also be possessed by demons!

Six desires: life and death, ears, eyes, mouth and nose, seven emotions: joy, anger, sorrow, joy, fear, desire and hatred.

Rahu's path of six desires has been completed, and the next step is the seven emotions.

Entering Taoism with Wangshu, Luo Hu actually comprehended desire.

This desire is not the six desires, but a desire, a desire that covers all desires, including lust, and even the six desires!

The arrival of Wang Shu helped Luo Hu, allowing Luo Hu to perfect the six desires, and use this to cut out the lust and embark on the path of the seven emotions.

The general outline of the Beginning Magic Sutra sounded in Luo Hu's mind, and the sound of the Magic Sutra traveled through his body, revolving around the ten heavens.

Lust is the basis, embark on the path of the seven emotions, cut out the seven emotions, and prove the fruit of the great way!

Luo Hu's heart is like a mirror, and his understanding is clear. At this moment, his understanding seems to have been improved several times!

Rahu's realm is slowly improving!

Before, Luo Hu could barely break through to the late stage of Hunyuan Da Luojin, but now Luo Hu began to understand lust, which actually made his realm stable.


Luo Hu opened his eyes, he stopped and continued to comprehend.

Unexpectedly, just a little comprehension of Qiqing, a thousand years have passed.

This is just stepping into the path of the seven emotions, and it took such a long time, Luo Hu just felt that a moment had passed.

In his mind, Wang Shu has already started the last step.

Luo Hu appeared next to the World Tree, watching Wang Shu cite the Demon Heart to cut out the fifth desire!

The devil's heart was beating, accompanied by endless chaotic aura, and the powerful chaotic aura formed a phantom!

Appearing above the devil's heart, this is Wang Shu's phantom, no, it should be the body of desire, 90% similar to Wang Shu!

Gradually solidified, after ten breaths, the body of desire became a reality.

Wang Shu opened his eyes, and there was a sharp look in his phoenix eyes.

The next moment, Wang Shu's ultimate innate spiritual treasure Taiyin scepter appeared in his hand!


With a loud shout, the Infinite Taiyin Law was attached to the Taiyin Scepter, and it was quickly chopped off.


Desires are separated, and the body of desires becomes an independent body.

In an instant, a terrifying coercion emanated from Wang Shu's body.

At this moment, Wang Shu cut out the fifth desire and became the most holy state.

The body of desire entered the devil's heart, and then returned to the body. Wang Shu then looked at Luo Hu, his face flushed instantly, thinking of the madness before, he was very shy, and felt ashamed to see Luo Hu.

Luo Hu saw his most shameful appearance.

Also, Luo Hu actually touched her...

For a moment, Wang Shu lowered his shy cheeks and played with the corner of his long skirt.

At this time, the extremely powerful Goddess Wangshu turned out to be like a girl next door who was just in love.

But this kind of Wangshu is even more beautiful and indescribable. The beautiful face is a work of ingenuity in the dark.

"Wang Shu, why don't we come again?" Luo Hu came to Wang Shu's side, and blew softly in his ear.

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