Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 108 Wang Shu is shy, remove the shackles

Wang Shu's face turned red in an instant, reddened to the neck, glanced at Luo Hu, and said coquettishly, "I hate it, I'm gone."

How could Wang Shu continue to stay here, he was so ashamed to death.

Luo Hu didn't stop him either, he actually let Wang Shu leave, otherwise, he would be a little uncomfortable, after all, thinking of those crazy things, Luo Hu couldn't help himself.

At this time, Wang Shu would not object even if he was strong, but Luo Hu felt a little sorry in his heart.

It's good to buffer it.

Wang Shu left Mount Sumeru, but when he returned to Mount Taiyuan, he found that Luo Hu hadn't followed at all, stomped his feet angrily, turned and entered the palace.

Luo Hu also walked out of Mount Sumeru, and he kept watching Wang Shu enter Taiyuan Mountain before turning his eyes away.

At this time, Wang Shu has completely entered his heart, and Wang Shu will definitely be his wife in the future, and there is no need to separate them from each other in the future.

Before, Luo Hu didn't try his best to help Wang Shu, but now he really wants to help Wang Shu with all his strength.

What a great hatred to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?

That being the case, that woman must not be allowed to live. Now that Chang Xi has entered the Wu Clan to deal with her, Luo Hu understands that with Chang Xi's strength, he may not be able to kill Xi He.

Although it is possible to win, it is absolutely impossible to kill, so another powerful person needs to be sent there.

It is impossible to send disciples, after all Taishang is still planning to kill Taiqing, so Taiqing cannot be distracted.

So there is only one choice.

After counting with fingers, Da Zi Zai Tian's formation has the help of the energy of the five spirits, and it can last for nearly ten thousand years.

In other words, Luo Hu can stay outside for nearly ten thousand years before going back!

In an instant, Luo Hu disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the West Sea.

According to calculations, Ao Zheng is in the West Sea, and the purpose of Luo Hu's visit is very simple, that is to let Ao Zheng assist Chang Xi in the future Lich decisive battle!

With Ao Zheng's help, killing Xi He is as easy as pie!

In the West Sea Dragon Palace, in a secret realm, Ao Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, and then walked out of the secret realm.

"Your Majesty, you have left the customs." The Dragon King of the West Sea happened to come to report something, and saw Ao Zheng coming out in a hurry.

"Master is coming, hurry up to greet him."

After Ao Zheng said a word, he left the Dragon Palace and came to the surface of the West Sea.

A demonic cloud slowly flew over, and Ao Zheng knew that it was Luo Hu who came.

The next moment, the Dragon King of the West Sea also appeared on the surface of the sea, fighting respectfully behind Ao Zheng.

The Dragon King of the West Sea was a little shocked just now, so he was a step slower.

The magic cloud dissipated, and Rahu landed on the surface of the sea.

Ao Zheng hurriedly greeted him, and saluted Luo Hu respectfully: "Welcome the master to come."

"Welcome the Demon Ancestor to come to the West Sea." The Dragon King of the West Sea also said hastily.

Luo Hu nodded, and then followed Ao Zheng into the West Sea Dragon Palace and arrived at the main hall, where Luo Hu naturally sat on the main seat.

In the West, no matter where Rahu went, he was the master. After all, the whole West was his, and he was the master. No one dared to call him the master in front of him.

"Master, I have suddenly descended to the West Sea, what can I order?" Ao Zheng asked.

"There is also one thing, about Taiyin Zhenjun Wangshu, do you know about the deception of masters and extermination of ancestors in the starry sky?" Luo Hu said lightly.

Ao Zheng naturally knew about this matter, it was a big event that caused a lot of trouble in the prehistoric world!

But at this time, why did Luo Hu mention such a thing?

"What does the master mean?" Ao Zheng asked cautiously.

He didn't know what Luo Hu meant, after all, this matter had nothing to do with their Mount Sumeru.

But Luo Hu brought it up now, so there must be something to do. Before he knew what to do, Ao Zheng was worried about asking what he shouldn't ask.

The Dragon King of the West Sea on the side didn't dare to speak, and stood respectfully with his head bowed. He selectively forgot what Luo Hu said!

Sometimes, pretending to be a wooden man,

This is the experience of the Dragon King of the West Sea.

"Wang Shu will be your mistress from now on." Luo Hu said majestically.

"What!" Ao Zheng was shocked. Although he knew that the relationship between Wang Shu and Luo Hu was unusual, he did not expect it to progress so quickly.

Immediately, Ao Zhengming realized that Wang Shu became his mistress. Doesn't that mean that Wang Shu became the mistress of Mount Sumeru?

This is the lineage of Mount Sumeru. For a while, Ao Zheng was furious. He had nothing to do with the bullying and extermination of the ancestors before, but it is different now!

If Wang Shu becomes the hostess of Mount Sumeru, then the matter of Wang Shu is a matter of Mount Sumeru's face!

How could this deceitful thing happen? Even if it happened, it should be resolved as soon as possible. There is only one end for Xi He, and that is death!

"Master, Xiaolong understands, so go and kill Xi He, and take revenge on the mother!"

Ao Zheng's face was dark, his body was full of murderous intent, his physical body and cultivation were at the top of the prehistoric world.

"Don't be in a hurry. When the Lich fights, you can help Chang Xi." Luo Hu said.

Although Ao Zheng was angry and wanted to kill Xi He impatiently and protect Mount Sumeru's face, but Luo Hu had other arrangements, and he could only abide by them.

"Xiaolong will definitely kill Xihe at that time, and the Xumi Mountain lineage will not lose face." Ao Zheng said firmly.

Luo Hu nodded. Although Ao Zheng's words were a bit blunt and harsh, what he said was the truth. If Wang Shu was just like him, then Luo Hu could ignore this matter.

But it can't be done now, he and Wang Shu can be considered to have confirmed the "relationship", this kind of thing must not be brought to Mount Sumeru.

This is about the face of Mount Sumeru, as well as the face of the demon ancestor Rahu.

Having already told Ao Zheng what to do, Luo Hu stopped mentioning this matter.

Ao Zheng still has a sense of propriety in doing things, Luo Hu understands this in his heart, and Bi Ao was the first to follow him.

"Where is the dragon who discovered Yingzhou Island? Call him up."

When the Dragon King of the West Sea heard this, he was shocked. He didn't expect that Luo Hu would personally reward him!

You must know that Ao Zheng has already rewarded Bobai, but he never asked Lian Luohou for a reward.

Although Luo Hu did not mention the word reward, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

"Xiaolong is going to summon him now." Said the Dragon King of Xihai and walked out.

After a while, he returned to Dragon Palace with Ao Bai by his side.

"Greetings to the Demon Ancestor!" Ao Baidang bowed respectfully to Luo Hu.

"You discovered Yingzhou Island. I owe you a lot of credit. I have to reward you and tell me what you want." Luo Hu said majestically.

Although it was only a small early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, he discovered Yingzhou Island, which shows that Ao Bai is extraordinary!

Moreover, Ao Bai has contributed to Luo Hu, and there is a world tree in Yingzhou Island, which is equivalent to finding a treasure of chaos for Luo Hu!

"Xiaolong dare not ask for treasures, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor has already rewarded Xiaolong." Ao Bai said respectfully.

Although he was excited, Ao Bai didn't dare to be greedy, he was facing the demon ancestor, and besides, Ao Zheng indeed rewarded him with treasures.

"As far as I can tell, Ao Zheng's reward does not represent my reward." Perhaps Luo Hu was a little happy because of Wang Shu's matter, otherwise, with his character, he wouldn't say so much.

Ao Bai hesitated. At this time, he dared to ask for nothing, so he couldn't help looking at Ao Zheng for help.

"Master asked you to speak, then you can speak as much as you want." Ao Zheng said.

With Ao Zheng's words, Ao Bai gained a little courage, and said respectfully: "Xiaolong's cultivation level is low, and he can't use high-grade spirit treasures. Xiaolong wants to cultivate normally."

"Hmph! Presumptuous!" Ao Zheng's complexion changed, and he immediately let out a deep drink.

Ao Bai knelt down facing Ao Zheng with a plop, his face turned pale in an instant.

He knew that his request was a little too much. He had to know that his cultivation was not going well, and it was the way of heaven that was suppressing the Dragon Clan.

Such a request of his would undoubtedly embarrass Luo Hu, but Ao Bai wanted to give it a go.

He has already been bestowed with a top-grade innate spirit treasure by Ao Zheng, so he doesn't ask for the spirit treasure, but only wants to be able to practice normally, and he also wants to become a Daluo Jinxian one day!

"Your Majesty, calm down, Xiaolong deserves to die." Ao Bai immediately kowtowed.

At this time, Ao Bai didn't dare to use his strength, for a moment, blood flowed from his forehead.

Luo Hu stopped Ao Bai with a wave of his hand, and said softly, "I have already said it, and I will naturally satisfy any request you have."

"Master, this son is rude, please don't take it seriously."

Ao Zheng knew that if Luo Hu helped Ao Bai, it would be against the way of heaven, and it would be unwise for a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Luo Hu shook his head, this matter was not difficult for him, to resolve the restrictions of a Taiyi Golden Immortal, the Dao of Heaven did not dare to quarrel with Luo Hu.

Luo Hu pondered because the entire Dragon Clan, if they wanted to use the Dragon Clan in the future, they would not be able to do anything with such a low level of cultivation.

Therefore, Luo Hu thought about how to resolve the restrictions of all dragons.

But there is no rush now, after Da Zi Zai Tian improves, there should be a solution.

The Demon Ancestor of the Heavens became the Dao of Heaven, so he naturally knew what the bottom line of the Dao of Heaven was, so Luo Hu could do things that were not conducive to the Dao of Heaven in the wild.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the Primordial Heaven Measuring Ruler appeared in his hand, and Luo Hu slapped Ao Bai Void.

There was only a crisp sound, as if some chain was broken.

Ao Bai instantly felt a burst of clarity, as if he was about to break through the stage of Taiyi Jinxian early stage!

"Thank Mozu for breaking the shackles." Ao Bai hurriedly knelt down to thank him.

Luo Hu didn't say anything, but winked at Ao Zheng, and then the two disappeared into the West Sea Dragon Palace together!

"Ao Bai! You are acting recklessly. How can you make such a request indiscriminately. If it is not for His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, I am afraid that the Demon Ancestor will be angry." The Dragon Queen of the West Sea said fearfully.

"It's a bit reckless, Dragon King forgive me." Ao Bai nodded.

"But it's good, your shackles have been removed by the Demon Ancestor. From now on, you can practice quickly, and sooner or later you will reach the Da Luo Jinxian. In this way, Xihai can be regarded as having a Da Luo Jinxian in charge." The Dragon King of Xihai laughed.

"Xiaolong will definitely live up to the Dragon King's expectations!" Ao Bai said firmly.

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