Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 109 The Mutual Calculation Between Duobao and Taiqing

Luo Hu and Ao Zheng returned to Mount Sumeru and came to the Palace of Freedom. Luo Hu wanted to ask Ao Zheng about some things.

Regarding the matter of the dragon clan, although Luo Hu can also control the dragon clan, after all, Ao is the Dragon King of the dragon clan, and it is not good for Luo Hu to control it strongly.

When Ao was in the West Sea Dragon Palace, he found out that Luo Hu had other things to do. Now that he is back in the Zizai Palace, it should be that Luo Hu has other orders.

Luo Hu didn't speak, and Ao Zheng didn't dare to say anything, just stood here respectfully.

After a while, Luo Hu said slowly: "The Dragon Clan has been chained by the Dao of Heaven, this is because of the war among the three clans that was robbed at the beginning of the Long Han Dynasty."

At that time, Zulong was so crazy that he poured the water of the four seas into the prehistoric land, submerged the entire prehistoric continent, and connected the four seas into one.

Even Luo Hu was a little surprised at the time. After all, this kind of pouring into the wild is second only to destroying the world.

The way of heaven has not destroyed the dragon clan, and it is considered to be a lot of luck, so the shackles are set so that all the dragon clan cannot practice normally.

Even if you practice ten yuanhui, you may still be a Taiyi Jinxian. This is the shackles of the dragon clan.

Ao Zheng listened, he didn't speak, but he had a feeling in his heart that Luo Hu seemed to want to remove the shackles from all the dragons!

But if this is the case, it will undoubtedly stand against Tiandao, and it is still the meaning of crazy provocation, which will make Tiandao madly punish Luo Hu.

I don't know it in my heart, and I dare not speak out, so I can only listen to Luo Hu's words quietly.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hu said: "There is a way to dissolve the shackles of the Dragon Clan, but it is to make the Dragon Clan lose their freedom for a short time. You are the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan. You should make the decision on this matter!"

Ao Zheng was taken aback for a moment, he thought right, sure enough, Luo Hu really wanted to dissolve the shackles of all the Dragon Clan, this would cause big trouble!

"Master, if you break the shackles of the dragon clan, you will have to confront the way of heaven. For the sake of the dragon clan, it's not worth it for the master!" Ao Zheng said hastily.

In Ao Zheng's heart, even the ten thousand dragons did not lower Luo Hu's safety.

In Ao Zheng's heart, the Dragon Clan is always just an outsider, but Luo Hu is different. In Ao Zheng's heart, he is not only a master, but also a master!

"Don't worry, I have my own way to fight against heaven." Luo Hu said softly.

Ao Zheng shook his head and said: "Master, not only Heaven will deal with you at that time, but even Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Ancestor will deal with you together. Master must not do this!"

"The sky has become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I have my own discretion in these things."

"Think about the matter of the dragon clan. Although the freedom is restricted for a short time, in the future, you can let the dragon fly as high as the sky."

"After Da Zi Zai Tian is promoted, let 90% of the real dragons of the Dragon Clan enter Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​and I will refine a dragon gate for the Dragon Clan, so that the prehistoric Dragon Clan has usable generations!"

Listening to Luo Hu's words, Ao Zheng realized that Luo Hu had already made an arrangement, and Dang Li said firmly, "Master, you can make your own decisions about the Dragon Clan. Xiaolong completely obeys the master's decree."

"Well, well, you can step back and practice hard." Luo Hu waved his hand and told Ao Zheng to step back.

Ao Zheng left the Zizai Palace respectfully, while Luo Hu looked to the north, and pinched his fingers to calculate.

The Demon Ancestor of Heaven is still pointing Yuan Hong, looking at the situation, Yuan Hong will not come back unless he is raised to a higher level!

This is an obsession, and Luo Hu can understand it, otherwise, when the Heavenly Demon Ancestor becomes the Dao of Heaven, the Heavenly Lineage will be weak, and the right to speak in Mount Sumeru will inevitably decrease.

Although Luo Hu didn't want to see it, the way of magic is cruel, as it should be!

If you are also a fish under the avenue, then you must strive for the upper reaches.

Fighting for the front, once you embark on the road of cultivation, there is no way back!

It was right for Azure Demon Ancestor to do this, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to help these two nephews openly!

However, Luo Hu will also pay attention and help the Demon Ancestor of Heaven to find the other two four monkeys.

This will gradually equalize with his lineage, although the way to balance is difficult,

But not impossible.

Luo Hu's bottom line is that members of the same family do not fight each other, whoever strikes first, Luo Hu will kill first!

In this matter, Luo Hu will never be soft-hearted.

Sun Yuan, Yuan Hong, and Luo Hu all valued them very much. They will be the guardians of the Demonic Dao in the future, and they will be an indispensable part of the Demonic Dao.

Therefore, the higher the achievement, the happier Rahu is.

It's just that if the demon ancestor of the sky is like this, it will put a lot of pressure on Yuan Hong, which is unfair to Yuan Hong.

But there is no fairness in the world, and what's more, Yuan Hong's contribution now will definitely get rich rewards in the future!

No longer thinking about this matter, Luo Hu entered the Great Freedom, looked at the world tree, and the things above the tree crown, Luo Hu couldn't think about it.

The intimidation of Dao made Luo Hu very helpless, he had nothing to do, he could fight against Heaven, but he couldn't fight against Dao!

There are nearly 10,000 years left, enough time for Luo Hu to see the opening of the sky again!

Every time Luo Hu sees the scene of opening the sky, Luo Hu has different perceptions. Perhaps Pan Gu's cultivation base is too deep, and every ax contains Dao rhyme!

Among the great powers known to Luo Hu, Pan Gu's cultivation is the closest to the Dao!

Maybe Pangu has already reached that step, or maybe Pangu may be about to reach that step, and Dao Dao will make the last move.

Luo Hu thought of the last ray of light, and it was this ray of light that was an important blow to Pan Gu's fall!

Climbing up, Luo Hu once again entered the journey of history, and he once again watched Pangu create the world.

What do you want to learn from it, especially, at the moment when Pangu finally fell, whichever look is what!

The last time Luo Hu saw it, he felt that Pangu had discovered his existence, and that look was sympathetic to him!

But back then Luo Hu remembered that Pangu's eyes were a kind of fraternity!

Why do I feel differently every time I watch it?

What exactly does this mean?

Luo Hu didn't want to be confused, otherwise when he reached Pangu's stage, Da Dao would not even have the confidence to attack him.

That is to say, he is even worse than Pangu, and may not be able to fight back.


On Kunlun Mountain, the appearance of Duobao made Kunlun Mountain lively.

As a treasure hunting mouse, Duobao is naturally very familiar with the fairy beasts and beasts on Kunlun Mountain.

This caused primitive dislike and primitive arrogance. At the beginning, he always thought that he was the authentic Pangu, and he disdained to communicate with those people who were dressed in forests and armored.

Look down on even more.

Although Pangu's authentic reputation has disappeared, the original arrogance has not faded, but has become stronger.

Therefore, for Duobao, the original is very disliked.

Taiqing is waiting to see Duobao, because Taiqing wants Duobao to do one thing for him.

Just after returning to Mount Sumeru to find out about the situation of the Supreme Being, he always had a premonition that the Supreme Being was plotting to kill him!

Taiqing had to defend, so he started from Duobao.

It is not feasible for Tongtian to specify. In Taiqing's eyes, although Tongtian will not kill himself with Taishang, he will not object to Taishang's approach.

"Duobao, you have been in Kunlun Mountain for many years, and you have made great progress in your cultivation. The Taishi Demon Sutra you have cultivated is also the top heart sutra of the Great Desolation. However, it is due to your hard work that such achievements can be made."

"If it wasn't for the third younger brother you have already worshiped as a teacher, Pindao will definitely accept you as a disciple."

Under a fairy root, Taiqing looked at Duobao and said solemnly.

Duobao's complexion changed, and he immediately said respectfully: "Master Bo Miu praised Duobao's qualifications, I know best, if there is no Taishi Demon Sutra, I am afraid that there is no current state!"

Duobao actually cultivated to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian in a short period of time, it can be said that the progress is rapid!

"Don't be too humble, your hard work and talent are all in the eyes of poor Taoists!" Taiqing looked appreciative of his talent.

What is Duobao's body?

Treasure hunting mouse, but it is still a mouse, and it is the ancestor of the mouse. His mind is not so high.

Hearing what Taiqing said, he already knew something, it must be that Taiqing wanted something from him, and wanted to ask him to do something.

But Duobao won't say it clearly, since it's too clear to say it, then Duobao won't say too much.

"Master Uncle, Duobao's heels and feet are low. Fortunately, the master has mercifully accepted him as a disciple, and he is also fortunate to be taught by the Master Uncle. It is really a blessing!"

Duobao was filled with emotion, and some of them praised Taiqing.

This made Taiqing happy, and secretly praised Duobao for being sensible. Of course, Taiqing would not lose his original plan because of this.

"This Taishi Demon Sutra, you have only practiced part of it, and you need a supplementary scripture, in this case, the cultivation speed will be faster!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Duobao pretended to be surprised, he knew that the main event might be coming soon.

Seeing Duobao's expression, Taiqing was very satisfied, and immediately said: "All the Taishi Mojing is in the hands of your Taishang Grand Master, and the auxiliary skills you lack are in Pindao."

"Master, please be merciful to this disciple!" Duobao immediately knelt down and begged.

Taiqing nodded, and said: "The exercises that complement each other with the Taishi Demon Sutra are the three volumes of the Huangting Sutra, which can be given to you by the poor Taoist. You must practice hard!"

Duobao quickly thanked and said: "Thank you, Master, if you have anything to do in the future, Master can give you instructions!"

"It's nothing, it's just that there is some misunderstanding between Pindao and your Grand Master Uncle, you need to help Pindao to see what the Taishang has arranged in Buzhou Mountain!"

Taiqing revealed his true purpose.

Duobao knew that there would be such a place, so he immediately said: "How could this be so, don't worry, master, my nephew will definitely help the two masters resolve their grievances!"

"I don't know these three volumes of Huang Ting Jing?"

Taiqing pointed at the center of Duobao's eyebrows, and in an instant, a ray of light shot into the center of Duobao's eyebrows, and the three volumes of Huang Ting Jing appeared in Duobao's mind.

There is no trace of falsification in this scripture, but how could Taiqing help Duobao like this? In the future, Duobao will be a demon, and he is a Taoist Taoist, so they will naturally go to confrontation!

These three volumes of the Huang Ting Sutra are not so easy to cultivate. With fellow practitioners of the Taishi Demon Sutra, the progress is fast in the early stage, but in the later stage, you will definitely blew yourself up. It is not so easy to want to be a Taoist demon fellow practitioner!

Duobao was overjoyed, of course he was always on guard against Taiqing, Taoism and demons were different, maybe Tongtian would not be wary of Taiqing, but Duobao would.

Be careful, it's the character of the mouse!

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