Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 79 The Scary Patriarch Styx

Mount Sumeru, the Palace of Freedom!

All the disciples were stunned, except Queen Mother Xi, who knew in advance, Taishang Mozu and others, all looked at Nuwa in shock!

This is cruel enough!

Void Mirror!

This is the supreme treasure of the master. I heard that even the master has not fully grasped the power of the void mirror, and what kind of treasure the void mirror is, has not yet been figured out!

Anyway, the Void Mirror is not an innate treasure, at least it is an innate treasure!

No, it might be the Chaos Supreme Treasure!

But in short, the void mirror has no specific grade, but it has supreme power, which can reflect attacks!

In ancient times, saints were all ants!

But there is a treasure that can allow you to break this myth, and this treasure is the Void Mirror!

Because the void mirror can even reflect the attacks of saints!

If a quasi-sage fights against a saint with a void mirror in hand, he is basically invincible!

The saint can't hurt him, but he can't hurt the saint either!

The attack of the saint can be reflected by the void mirror!

Therefore, the grade of the Void Mirror has not yet been determined. This is a powerful treasure!

I just don't know if this void mirror can reflect the attack of the heavenly realm, if it can, then the grade of the void mirror will definitely not be lower than the Chaos Supreme Treasures such as the Mie Shi Da Grinding Machine and the Good Fortune Jade Plate!

Therefore, these disciples were shocked.

The Heaven Demon Ancestor also looked at Nuwa in surprise, a female disciple, it is cruel enough to make such a request!

Sure enough, in terms of ruthlessness, women are still ruthless!

"You want a void mirror?" Luo Hu looked at Nuwa and said indifferently.

He didn't expect that there would be disciples asking for the Void Mirror, which was one of his trump cards!

Nuwa had already thought up her words.

"Master, I don't know what I want, but my senior sisters already have mirrors, and my disciples are also female disciples, so I also want mirrors, so it's only fair!"

Nuwa said seriously.

Luo Hu looked at Nu Wa speechlessly, could this mirror be the same as the normal mirror?

Such a powerful mirror, can you still use it to look in the mirror?

Luo Hu didn't know what his two women were saying in private at this time, but he knew that the void mirror might not be safe.

"The Void Mirror can be given to you, but on special occasions, you have to give it to your teacher!" Luo Hu said.

The Void Mirror possesses supreme power. Others don't know it, but Luo Hu knows that the Void Mirror can definitely reflect the attacks of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

Therefore, in the future battle between Luo Hu and Hongjun, the void mirror must be indispensable, otherwise, the chance of winning will be reduced by 10%!

Even if there is no Great Mill, the Void Mirror cannot exist.

From this we can see the importance of the void mirror to Rahu.

"Okay, disciple agrees." Nuwa said happily immediately.

Luo Hu shook helplessly, took out the Void Mirror, and gave it to Nu Wa.

Next, it's time for Patriarch Styx.

Patriarch Minghe was the most straightforward, kneeling down directly: "Master, this disciple wants that purple sword!"

Luo Hu's face instantly sank.

The other disciples were horrified!

If Nuwa's request surprised them, then Patriarch Styx's request directly terrified them!

Isn't the purple Excalibur the same mysterious little sword?

What kind of treasure is this?

This is the real treasure in Luo Hu's hands. Luo Hu still has to rely on the Purple Excalibur to fight against Hongjun and others!

Without the Purple Excalibur, Luo Hu would lose 40% of his chances of winning!

Rahu may not have any treasures,

But the only thing that can't be without the Purple Excalibur!

This is a treasure for turning the tables!

"Master, you also know that disciples also use swords. In this way, you will give the disciple the purple sword, and the disciple will give you the Yuantu Abi in his hand!"

Patriarch Styx said with a smile.

Luo Hu didn't speak, just slapped Patriarch Styx away with a slap.

"You go outside to calm down first, and then come and talk to the teacher!"

The tragic Patriarch Styx screamed, and he was already outside the hall!

The other disciples couldn't help laughing.

"Seventh Junior Brother, are you looking for excitement?"

"Senior Brother Seven, your courage is admirable to Senior Brother!"

"Seventh Junior Brother, Master's sword is given to you, do you dare to take it?"

"Seventh brother, your second brother, I also use a sword, did you see that I asked Master for the purple sword?"

The brothers and sisters are deeply affectionate, and each of them is mercilessly mocking!

A moment later, Patriarch Ming He walked in with half of his face swollen.

"I think about it for a while, and the God Killing Spear is more suitable for me. In fact, I always like to use guns!" Patriarch Styx said solemnly.

"Really? Don't force it!" Luo Hu said lightly.

"It's not forceful at all. This disciple is born with a special affection for guns, and has always wanted to own a sharp gun!" Patriarch Minghe said firmly!

"Forget it, seeing that you love spears so much, I will give you the God-killing Spear as my teacher!"

With a wave of Luo Hu's hand, the God Killing Spear appeared in his hand, and he gave it to Patriarch Styx.

After receiving the God-killing Spear, Patriarch Styx stroked it affectionately.

"It's really a good gun, disciple, thank you for your kindness!"

After distributing the treasures, Luo Hu said lightly: "Okay, you all got what you wanted, go back, and practice hard!"

Luo Hu immediately issued an order to evict the guest!

But Taixuan stood up directly, then took a step forward and knelt down: "Master, you forgot about the disciple."

Looking at Tai Xuan's humble appearance, Luo Hu wanted to slap him.


"What do you want?" Luo Hu asked.

Taixuan said with a tragic face: "The relationship between the disciple and the master is a treasure that can be described. The disciple only wants to stay at Mount Sumeru and be by the master's side!"

"I have a boy by my side, so I don't need you," Luo Hu said.

"No, Master, you need disciples!" Taixuan knelt on the ground and shouted!

Luo Hu stood up, walked down, and came to Taixuan's side.

"Want to occupy Mount Sumeru? Okay, here you are, I already have a new dojo for my teacher!"

Luo Hu stared closely at Taixuan and said.

"Thank you, Master, for fulfilling everything!" Taixuan was very moved.

Luo Hu thought to himself, there is a fart dojo, and Bu Zhoushan has not recovered yet?

And even if it is restored, how will Houtu live there?

He, Luo Hu, has a wife, and will Wang Shu let Houtu stay in Buzhou Mountain?


Buzhou Mountain seems to be the legacy left by Pangu to Houtu!

"Okay, let's all go back." Luo Hu looked at Taixuan: "And you, after a while, I will move away as a teacher to make room for you!"

"Thank you, Master, for your kindness. This disciple will go back to the Supreme Demon Palace first."

As Taixuan said, he left Zizai Palace, and after turning a corner, he arrived at the Supreme Demon Palace!

Stopping, Taixuan looked at the other brothers and said, "Everyone, come to Mount Sumeru often as guests in the future!"

"Third Junior Brother, you are ruthless!" Taishang Demon Ancestor nodded. .

Master Tongtian said with some reluctance: "Taixuan, you have changed. If you leave, you will have no company for my brother. Or I will stay in Mount Sumeru for my brother in the future."

"Haha, just kidding, Mount Sumeru will be the center of the Demon Cult in the future, brothers and sisters, please don't come here in the future!" After Taixuan finished speaking, he quickly walked into the Supreme Demon Palace!

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