Mount Sumeru, in the Palace of Freedom, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven looked at Luo Hu with a smile in his eyes.

"Brother, if you and sister-in-law have no place to go, the Demon Mountain is still empty that day, why don't you go to Tianmo Mountain?"

The Heaven Demon Ancestor said solemnly, suppressing the smile in his heart.

Luo Hu turned around slowly and looked at the Heaven Demon Ancestor. He was a little moved at first, but the next moment!

", I'm sorry, I can't help it anymore, were kicked out of Mount Sumeru too!"

The Demon Ancestor of Heaven laughed, with tears in his eyes, thinking that he was calculated to touch Mount Sumeru at the beginning, and now it was Luo Hu's turn!

This is still kicked out by his own disciples, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is amused to think about it.

"Tianmo Mountain? Don't worry, I will never go there!" Luo Hu snorted coldly!

The touch in my heart disappeared without a trace in an instant, this was completely a joke of myself.

"Brother, do you have a place?" Cangtian Demon Ancestor asked.

"Not yet." Luo Hu said.

"Brother, are you going to move now?" Cangtian Demon Ancestor asked with a smile.

"Hey, why don't we go to Tianmo Mountain first!" Luo Hu said with a sigh.

Luo Hu found that the only place he could go to now was Tianmo Mountain, which was the ashram of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, and it was also an excellent paradise.

"Brother, don't you want to go?" Cangtian Demon Ancestor was taken aback and said directly.

"I'm in a hurry, I've decided for my brother, I can still go to Tianmo Mountain for a while!"

Luo Hu said and nodded, feeling that he was right!

But the next moment, the Azure Demon Ancestor stood up directly, and then walked out to the gate of the hall.

"Brother Tianmo Mountain still has all kinds of formation restrictions. If the elder brother enters, the younger brother still needs to refine the formation talisman, but the older brother should not worry, the younger brother will refine it in at most ten thousand years."

After the Cangtian Demon Ancestor finished speaking, he quickly left the Zizai Palace, and then entered the Great Zizai Heaven.

Rahu's mouth twitched,

Obviously, there is no need to think about Tianmo Mountain, it is impossible to go.

At most ten thousand years?

Why don't you say a Yuan Hui?

Didn't you see that scoundrel Taixuan didn't want me to stay at Mount Sumeru for a day?

Also, in less than ten thousand years, the top ten worlds will come over. At that time, is there a dojo?

Wang Shu is still in seclusion, Luo Hu doesn't intend to wake Wang Shu up, he knows Wang Shu's character.

After so many years of marriage, Luo Hui has never met Wang Shu, and it's not because Wang Shu wants to help Luo Hui!

Now Wang Shu is probably cultivating crazily, and in the future he will use Yuan Yin to help him break through the realm!

Although this breakthrough method is very evil, it has to be said that this method is very effective.

Wang Shu's greatest wish is to help Luo Hu, and Luo Hu will follow Wang Shu's wishes at will, and will not force Wang Shu to do anything.

As soon as he thought of using Yuan Yin to break through the realm, Luo Hu unexpectedly had an extra figure in his mind.


Luo Hu shook his head, what was he thinking? How can you think of Houtu?

Although obtaining the Yuan Yin of Houtu may allow him to break through one big realm, or two big realms one after another!

But he, Luo Hu, would never do such a thing!

Even if he was really set on fire by the powers of the top ten worlds, he couldn't do such a thing!

right! Never do this!

But think about it again, I am a devil, how can there be so many well-behaved people!

Thinking in his heart, Luo Hu stood up and looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain. It seems that Buzhou Mountain still needs to be rebuilt, and he will settle in Buzhou Mountain in the future.

Although Houtu may also be in Buzhou Mountain, Luo Hu will never think too much about it. As the ancestor of the devil, he is a teacher...



Zizai Palace trembled, and Luo Hu woke up from his fantasy, with surprise in his eyes!

Wang Shu is about to leave the customs!

The terrifying force of swallowing emerged, if it is not stopped, the aura of the entire Mount Sumeru realm might be taken away by Wang Shu!

With a wave of his hand, Luo Hu directly opened the void tunnel, attracting infinite chaotic airflow. With Xihe's realm, he can completely refine the chaotic airflow for cultivation.

Endless chaotic air flow poured out and poured into the backyard of the Palace of Freedom.

The two disciples who stayed on Mount Sumeru, Taixuan and Xiong Ba both felt this kind of movement, and hurried to Zizai Palace.

I am seeing the infinite chaotic airflow converging.

"Master, is Master's wife going out?" Taixuan asked in surprise.

Rahu nodded.

Taixuan was overjoyed, the teacher's wife had left the customs, wouldn't this indicate that the teacher would move soon?

move place?

Master Shizun has nothing to take with her, and she can't use the word moving to describe it!

"What kind of realm is Master, this momentum is very powerful!" Xiong Ba asked.

"The peak of the Dao Realm of Heaven." Luo Hu said with a smile in his eyes.

Looking at it now, Wang Shu is really accompanied by a supreme opportunity, otherwise, how could his cultivation progress so fast?


The chaotic airflow swallowed the air, and a beautiful figure slowly walked out of the backyard.

Beautiful face, noble temperament, wearing a long white dress, the most beautiful woman in the world!

"Congratulations, Master, for leaving the customs!"

Both Tai Xuan and Xiong Ba bowed down and congratulated each other!

Wang Shu glanced at Luo Hu, then came to the two disciples, and said softly, "Get up!"

Both Taixuan and Xiong Ba are discerning people, they both walked out of the Palace of Freedom silently.

Without Tai Xuan and Xiong Ba here, Wang Shu threw himself directly on Luo Hu's body, hugging Luo Hu tightly.

Luo Hu stretched out his hand (The book will be sealed, so I won’t describe it.)

Outside the palace, Luo Hu and Wang Shu walked side by side in the clouds.

"Luo Hu, why don't we go to Chaos and set up a dojo?" Wang Shu looked at Luo Hu, asking for Luo Hu's opinion.

About moving out of Mount Sumeru, Luo Hu also told Wang Shu, but Wang Shu was not angry with Taixuan at all!

It felt as if it should be taken for granted, which made Luo Hu a little confused.

According to Wang Shu's thinking, Taixuan is Luo Hu's disciple, and it is reasonable to inherit Luo Hu's dojo, there is no disobedience or disobedience.

"Go to Chaos Standing Dojo?" Luo Hu thought for a moment.

In fact, Luo Hu had already started to find a reason in his heart. It was impossible to set up a dojo in chaos. He was the ancestor of the primordial demon, so how could he set up a dojo in chaos?

Is it like Hongjun?

Although he is the Taoist ancestor of the Taoist sect, he has made the Taoist sect intrigue!

"You can't go to chaos, the magic way has strong luck, and currently there is no disciple who can suppress such a strong luck, we need you and me to stay in the prehistoric world!"

Luo Hu directly added Wang Shu, which made Wang Shu also directly cut off the idea of ​​​​Chao Chao's dojo.

"If you don't set up a dojo in the chaos, there is no suitable place in the wild, and all the good caves and blessed places already have owners."

Wang Shu said lightly: "Although you and I are strong in cultivation, if we compete with the juniors for the dojo, I'm afraid we will become the laughingstock of the wild."

"Actually, there is a place that is quite suitable!" Luo Hu said slowly.

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