Although the three major races of the Hengyu World were created by the Creator Dragon God, the three worlds of heaven, demon, and human where the human race lives were not opened up by the Creator Dragon God.

These three planes all appeared together with the Hengyu World, and the rules within them have long existed.

In the past, the human race was controlled by the heavenly race, and the human world has always been a vassal of the heavenly world, causing the luck of the human world to flow into the heavenly world. The lack of luck in the human world has led to the delay in awakening of the rules of the human world.

Fang Yang added fuel to the fire and spent 1.6 million years to allow the human race to break away from the heavenly race and preserve the luck of the human world.

After the luck returned, the rules of the human world that had been dormant finally awakened.

The rules of a world are like the settings of a book. No matter how smart and talented the people in the book are, they can't get rid of the settings.

In fact, the reason why it is difficult to prove the Dao of Hunyuan is that it is difficult to break the rules.

The fact that Yangmei Daxian can prove the Dao of Hunyuan has a lot to do with his origin from the Chaos Demon God. If it were someone else, it would never be as smooth as him.

Fang Yang wants to conduct experiments related to "love" in the human world. In addition to wanting to gather humanity, he also wants to explore the rules of the Hengyu world.

The best way to defeat the many gods in the Hengyu world is to use the rules of the Hengyu world itself.

Fang Yang gave an order and summoned the followers he had cultivated in the Hengyu world to launch a preaching activity that swept the entire human world.

This is the first time that the Wusheng Sect has preached in another world. Before, the Wusheng Sect only secretly fanned the flames and spread news that was unfavorable to the heavens.

This preaching is mainly to expand the scope of "love", extending love from "male and female love" to "brotherly love", "brother-sister love", "family and country love", "world love"...

He does not think that "male and female love" is narrow, but people in this world seem to value "male and female love" too much.

Ling Feng, Tong Zhou, Feng Linglong and other gods are indeed surprising in their obsession with "love", and other creatures in the Hengyu world also put "love" first.

Not long ago, the Master of Samsara complained to Fang Yang that his underworld was often attacked by immortals and demons.

With the cultivation of the Master of Samsara, of course he would not be afraid of these immortals and demons, but the underworld was often attacked by immortals and demons, which also gave the Master of Samsara a headache.

Once, a carp spirit that had just transformed gathered a group of mountain spirits and wild monsters to break into the underworld and attack the gate of hell in order to save her husband.

I don’t know what the carp spirit was thinking. With the strength of the Qi Refining and Spirit Transformation Realm, it wanted to break into the underworld and snatch ghosts from the underworld.

Of course, the carp spirit did not succeed. Before entering the gate of hell, it was beaten to death by the Black and White Impermanence.

However, this happened more than once. Every once in a while, there are immortals and demons attacking the underworld.

What’s more, there are also people who swear to destroy the world because they can’t be with the person they love for several consecutive lives.

If the master of the wheel of reincarnation had not been strong enough, the underworld would have been turned upside down.

The master of the wheel of reincarnation was so angry that he wanted to create a force to kill the love-brained.

Fang Yang persuaded the master of the wheel of reincarnation to give up this dangerous idea.

In the prehistoric world, there are love-brained people like Yao Ji and Lihua Fairy. In the environment of the Hengyu world, it is normal to have more love-brained people.

If the master of the wheel of reincarnation wants to kill all the love-brained people, wouldn’t he have to kill 80% of the creatures in the Hengyu world?

If the master of the wheel of reincarnation does this, let alone whether he can pass the level of Hongjun Patriarch, it will be difficult for him to become a god.

Therefore, whether for himself or for the master of the wheel of reincarnation, he must educate the creatures in the human world.

Under the hard work of the Wusheng Sect, many stories about love have spread.

"Soul Lost at Wanshou Mountain", "The Story of the Three Pure Ones", "Deep Love for Son", "Master Wen Died at Juelong Ridge", "Tongtian and Duobao", "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother"...

These stories all happened in the prehistoric world. Some of them are even closely related to saints.

Since the stories are basically true, the Wusheng Sect slightly beautified them, making the stories more appealing.

In order to improve the status of other loves, the Wusheng Sect also tried its best to belittle love.

"Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan", "Xinyue Gege", "Seven Fairies of Joy", "Dorgon", "Iron-hearted God", "It Doesn't Matter Who the Father Is" and other plays were brought out by the Wusheng Sect.

In the plot, Wang Baochuan and Dorgon have never enjoyed the sweetness of love. They have been abused by the people they love, and their bodies and minds have been damaged, and none of them have a good end.

After the launch of these plays, the status of love has obviously been reduced a lot.

It is true that Hengyu World sings praises of love. However, no matter how great love is, it cannot compare to fate.

If you lose your life, you will not only lose your love, but also the man you love with your life.

So, Wushengjiao planted a seed of doubt in the hearts of the human race that doubts "love is supreme".

Did Wushengjiao do nothing at this point?

No! This is just the beginning.

In the third stage, Wushengjiao began to spread the truth that "no woman in your heart, draw the sword and become a god".

From "The Legend of the Evil-Breaking Heroes", "The World of Beauty" to "The Legend of Jiang Yuyan", a series of stories have expressed the theme that only by putting aside love can you achieve success.

These stories are specifically for treating love brain, but Fang Yang is not satisfied with this.

There are two types of education, one is spiritual education, and the other is physical education.

Spiritual education can only make some people understand the meaning of preaching. Only physical education can truly spread the truth to believers.

Fang Yang chose a combination of physical education and spiritual education.

He sent many masters to the human world to create disasters for those who love brains.

Of course, the Wusheng Sect did not do it by itself, but pulled the target human race into the plot according to the script of preaching.

In this way, not only the love brain was dealt with, but also the efficiency of Wusheng Sect's preaching was greatly improved.

Seeing that the status of family affection, friendship, and patriotism in the hearts of the human race is getting higher and higher, while love ranks lower and lower.

While Fang Yang was happy, he was also observing whether these loves could improve the strength of the cultivators.

The result he got was that they could!

Not only love, but other loves also have the ability to improve the cultivation of cultivators.

However, the realm that these loves can improve is very limited, which is much worse than love.

Fang Yang is not in a hurry, because the view that love is supreme has been spread in the Hengyu world for countless years, and it is not comparable to other loves at all.

What he wanted was only to prove the existence of love.

"There is love in this world!"

Fang Yang understood this and immediately had a new idea in his mind.

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