There is love in the human world, and there is affection in the human world, but can affection and love only be between people?

Dead objects absorb the essence of the sun and moon and become essences, and living things are harmed and fall into death. There is no clear boundary between life and death.

Therefore, Fang Yang boldly guessed that any emotion derived from the heart is love.

Loving the opposite sex is love, loving singing is love, and loving playing basketball is love. As long as it is love, it can trigger the rules of the Hengyu world.

Rules are not living things, so how can they tell what the love emanating from people's hearts is aimed at?

Although Fang Yang is a ruthless person, he also has love.

He loves the Chaos Treasure, the Innate Treasure, the Innate Spiritual Treasure, merit and luck, cultivation, and himself... He has too many things.

As long as Fang Yang feels that the things he loves are people, and he loves all things with the same thoughts of loving people, he will naturally arouse the laws of heaven and earth.

Fang Yang's idea is to release his love to his heart's content, trigger the rules of heaven and earth, and thereby improve his conduct.

Although he became enlightened, he was only enlightened in a different way. Without the blessing of heaven, his own realm would only be at the level of a person with great supernatural powers.

His room for improvement is still very large.

Fang Yang left the human world in a flash and entered a hidden place in the heaven.

Then, he sat cross-legged, inspired the love in his heart, and started practicing.

What he envisioned was difficult for others, but not impossible for him.

The cultivation system of the prehistoric world pursues absolute reason. The higher the cultivation level, the less caring about love, hatred and hatred.

Fang Yang's state has surpassed that of a great supernatural power user who killed three corpses. This state gives him a strong ability to control emotions.

If he wants to like something, he can like it quickly. He doesn't want to like a thing and will never have feelings for that thing.

All his hopes, all obsessions, all his loves turned into love.

His love is like a tide, and love is like a tide that surrounds him and Hunyuan Daoguo.

Two connected trees rose from the ground, and in an instant their branches and leaves were luxuriant, and their crowns covered the sky and the sun.


A pair of pair of birds flew in from afar and stopped on a branch. The two birds were very affectionate and affectionate.

The birds are in pairs, and the surrounding green water and green mountains are glowing with endless spring. The mountains are laughing, the water is laughing, and the sky is also laughing.

In a daze, Fang Yang also stood in front of the bridge of love, with Hunyuan Daoguo standing on the other end.

"This is love, so familiar yet so strange! It's been a long time since I've experienced love."

Fang Yang smelled the breath of love and felt the urge to immerse himself in it.

If he were in the prehistoric world, he would never have such an impulse. But in this great world of Hengyu, under the influence of the rules of heaven and earth, he was more or less affected.

However, this effect had no effect on Fang Yang. It can only deepen Fang Yang's desire for enlightenment.

"Come on! Let me see how the rules of the world help people improve their cultivation."

Fang Yang thought, and a stronger and more intense wave of love came from his heart.

Immediately, he felt that the space and time around him suddenly became viscous, and time was slowed down to one ten thousandth of its previous size.

Immediately, an indescribable, indescribable, and indescribable force came down.

Fang Yang felt like the hairs on his hair were exploding, as if he was being targeted by some terrifying entity, and a shuddering feeling filled his heart.

He didn't really feel anything, his reactions came from his sixth sense.

The sixth sense is not a spiritual thought, nor any specific feeling, but comes from the instinctive reaction of living beings to danger.

Just like when I was a student, I didn't see the existence of the class teacher, but when I knew the class teacher appeared, my vest would get cold unconsciously.

"What kind of existence is it? Even Ancestor Hongjun would not make me feel such despair."

Fang Yang was shocked in his heart but very calm on the surface.

At this time, there is no use panicking. When you don't know where the other person is, it's best to pretend you don't know.

This feeling lasted for half a stick of incense, and Fang Yang felt like he was on pins and needles every moment, but he still persisted.

During this half-stick of incense, he thought of many possibilities.

It is true that Hengyu World was born under the Great Dao, but this does not mean that Hengyu World has no master.

The prehistoric world has the spokesperson of Heaven, and the world of chaos has the spokesperson of Dao.

No matter how powerful the spokesperson of Heaven is, he is still the spokesperson of Heaven. He can easily defeat Fang Yang, but cannot cause fatal harm to Fang Yang.

In this way, it is not difficult to guess who the danger Fang Yang sensed came from.

"Is it the one from the Chaos Palace? This is impossible, even Pangu has not returned. The essence of the First World War is actually the war between the Dao Spokesperson and Pangu. If he really returns, the prehistoric world will have been shattered."

Fang Yang's heart was pounding, and he breathed a sigh of relief until the thorn in his back disappeared.

He just felt that he would be pressed to death by someone's hand at any time. Fortunately, he was not really pressed to death.


The next moment, that mysterious power swept across and sucked away all the love from Fang Yang.

At the same time, a large wave of luck fell from the sky and poured into Fang Yang.

"Luck, it's actually luck!?"

Feeling this familiar power, Fang Yang was surprised and happy.

He never expected that the love he sent out would be taken away, and he never expected that the existence in the dark would send down luck and reward him.

At this moment, Fang Yang was really sure that the eyes that were looking at him just now belonged to the spokesperson of the Great Dao.

If the spokesperson of the Great Dao did not take action personally, he might still be in the state of harmony with the Dao like the old ancestor Hongjun at the beginning.

Even if he was in harmony with the Heavenly Dao, he would be restricted, not to mention being in harmony with the Great Dao.

"Above the saints is Hongjun, above Hongjun is the senior Chaos Demon God, above the senior Chaos Demon God is Pangu and the founding spirit... The Dao has no end, and my cultivation is still far from the peak existence!"

After Fang Yang had this realization, he accepted the rewards of the Great Dao with all his heart.

The Great Dao rewards not only luck, but also a cultivation method. This method is a method to refine luck and improve one's cultivation.

After receiving this method, Fang Yang didn't know what to say for a while.

After Jiang Ziya and Yang Jiao became saints, they naturally learned from the Great Dao how to use luck to improve their cultivation.

The method rewarded by the Great Dao is very similar to the method learned by Jiang Ziya and Yang Jiao, and is suspected to be a pre-version of the version passed down by the Great Dao.

The Great Dao version of the method is relatively crude in its utilization of luck, far inferior to the 2.0 version taught by the Great Dao.

"No, it's not just luck, but also blessings, the blessings of the Great Dao!"

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