020. The Soviet-Bear Alliance reforms the highest Soviet-Egyptian regime, eradicates corruption and oligarchs and establishes the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to control it! (Please collect)

When Konev said this, everyone present held their breath for a moment.

If he is a tyrant, he seems to be able to blow up the member states that have forcibly separated.

But he can also be said to be a wise ruler. He is young but he doesn’t accept flattery. He is determined not to seek personal gain and wants to develop the Soviet-Bear Alliance!

Cardro swallowed his saliva, and his admiration for Konev became more obvious.

The moment he was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he instantly felt that his hard work in the past years was not in vain.

Even if Gorba only had eyes for the flattering Sheval.

Even if Sheval even caused the geopolitical strategy of the Soviet-Bear Alliance to collapse.

But he could only be a deputy minister who was ignored by no one, and all his effective efforts were taken away by Sheval and no one helped him.

A stream of heat rushed to the top of Cardro’s head, who trusted the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his heart was beating wildly at a frequency never before!

He had waited for this day for too long, and this recognition directly made Cardro have the idea of ​​obeying Konev unconditionally in the future.

He felt extremely honored to work under such a capable and iron-blooded president!


Cardro coughed lightly, raised his chin and roared like a soldier with a firm and deep voice: “Yes, I promise to make those five countries change their minds!”

Konev looked at Cardro’s resolute eyes and could clearly feel his fighting spirit and determination.

“I am optimistic about you.”

“This mission is not easy. We have arrested more than 9,700 spies in those five countries.”

“Before, these spies had completely infiltrated the top leaders of those five countries.”

“Although the people who pose the greatest threat have been eliminated, there are still many maggots hidden in the dark that will jump out and affect the recovery of our Suxiong Alliance.”

“You’d better be prepared for unexpected situations. I hope you and your men can complete the task safely.”

After Konev said this, Cardro was extremely excited.

In his heart, even if he had to sacrifice his own life, he had to stabilize the five member countries for the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance.

At least the first step was to make the Black Bear and White Hair countries, which had a clear desire for independence, change their policies and give up independence from the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

Konev looked at the determination in Cardro’s eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

If the top leaders of the Soviet-Bear Alliance were all such talents, Western forces would never be able to infiltrate.

Konev was very determined to appoint talented and loyal people.

Konev looked at the senior officials present and could feel that the light in their eyes became brighter.

And all this was because Konev in their eyes did have the ability to lead the Soviet-Bear Alliance forward.

Even if Konev was just standing here, the aura he exuded also excited everyone present.

If you want to say, this is the natural presidential temperament.

Even a simple back view can make people feel solid power!


Konev picked up another document that had been prepared for half a year and looked at the high-ranking officials present who were all looking forward to it.

“Before,Former President Gorba’s own wishes and personal character and more complex reasons. ”

“Former President Gorba once signed a document to abolish the absolute ruling status of the Soviet-Bear Alliance and implement a multi-party system. This also led to the rise of the opposition and local factions. ”

“This series of documents directly led to the current member states being ready to move. So I am announcing now!”

“The new government abolishes the multi-party system signed by the former president next door and restores the Soviet-Bear Alliance’s sole ruling status!”

“The Soviet-Bear Alliance will be the same as before, the only legitimate representative of all the member states.”

For the power that Gorba gave away in a muddle, Konev was not afraid of offending the top leaders of the member states, and directly ordered it to be abolished and restored to its original state.

Only in this way can the Soviet-Bear Alliance regain control of the development of the entire alliance and completely lead the future development direction.

“And! The Soviet-Bear Alliance enjoys the highest ruling status, and the alliance law of the Soviet-Bear Alliance has the highest legal power. ”

“If the laws of the member states conflict with the laws of the Soviet-Bear Union, the laws of the Soviet-Bear Union shall prevail…”

When Konev spoke of this series of measures, the entire parliament hall was extremely quiet.


Absolutely strong!

This strong style is in sharp contrast to the previous cowardly Gorbachev administration.

Before, Gorbachev, who was completely brainwashed by the West, listened to Yakov, the Minister of Propaganda, who he thought was the most advanced talent.

Yakov’s series of wrong strategies directly led to the Soviet-Bear Union’s steps getting worse.

But now, Konev has taken his first In one day, the key to the current problems of the Soviet-Bear Alliance was found.

And for this key problem, a solution that can be used to treat the symptoms was also made.

Even if this treatment has a wide impact and will cause dissatisfaction among many member states.

But the tough Konev did not hesitate at all.

Everything is moving forward for the greatness of the Soviet-Bear Alliance again!

Then, Konev’s expression became more serious, and he calmly said the more important reform approach:

“During the Gorbachev administration, many of the Soviet-Bear Alliance’s external and internal powers were delegated to local or member states.”

“The decentralization of these powers directly led to the chaos of the entire country, so I announced that the military, diplomatic, legal and other powers of the member states must be adjusted comprehensively.”

“All relevant powers of all member states will be taken back, and only the Soviet-Bear Alliance, that is, us, are qualified to make judgments!”

“Decentralized power and a chaotic and complex environment will only lead to maggots growing wantonly in dark corners. ”

As soon as Konev said this, everyone in the parliament hall felt a huge pressure.

Taking back the power that the member states have already obtained means that those presidents of the member states who have just had their fill of being presidents will become commanders without troops again.”

Not to mention those presidents, even those who are not vested interests feel very strong.

This forced deprivation of rights will definitely cause unrest in the member states.

If it were someone else, the top leaders of the Suxiong Alliance would think that this power recovery would definitely fail.

But now the person who proposed this measure is a Konev..

For the sake of the entire Soviet-Bear alliance, he even dared to directly slaughter the disintegration faction supported by the West!

This tough style has a strong deterrent effect.

Even if there are many dissatisfied people in the member states, they dare not joke with their lives in front of Konev.

Then, Konev looked at Putin, deputy director of the KGB Intelligence Agency, who was sitting not far away.

“Comrade Putin, if the Liwan country launched a strong opposition, what action will the KGB Intelligence Agency take?”

Putin answered without hesitation: “No one can split the Soviet-Bear alliance, not even the president of the member state.”

“If he really does that, then I guarantee that he will either withdraw the action or physically disappear.”

PS: Updated, more updates if the flowers exceed 1,000, and more updates if the evaluation votes exceed 100. Please give flowers, collect, and point the data is still being updated.

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