021. Su Xiong State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission controls strategic resources for people’s livelihood, reforms the economy and opens up to private capital! (Please give flowers and collect)

Putin’s tough attitude was deeply recognized by Konev.

Now the Soviet-Bear Alliance has undergone a major purge, but it is still very chaotic.

At this time, gentle handling will only exacerbate the turmoil.

Tough tactics and direct suppression of power can have obvious effects.

Konev will not define these methods too much.

He only cares about whether the final result can make the Soviet-Bear Alliance strong again.

After Putin reported the next action, Konev knew it was time to complete the last step of the purge.

Washing away a large number of pro-Western senior officials is just the beginning.

After those senior officials were shot, there are too many power vacancies in the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance.

Regardless of size, every vacancy is coveted.

In addition to the senior officials within the Soviet-Bear Alliance, the Western forces of the Eagle Sauce and the Northern Alliance are even more closely watching these vacant positions.

If they can take advantage of this juncture to insert their own people, then these people will be difficult to detect.

These people can even climb up all the way, just like Gorba Yeluqin and others before, and directly influence the situation of the entire alliance from a high position.

However, Konev had anticipated this half a year ago.

Konev stood up, looked solemnly at all the senior officials in the parliament hall and said: “Today, everyone has discovered that many faces who have never been here before have come.”

“All those present now are the elites of our Suxiong Alliance.”

After a slight pause, Konev said calmly: “Next, I will adjust the positions of some of you to better deal with the situation that the Suxiong Alliance will encounter in the future.”

After Konev said this, the eyes of everyone present were fixed.

They all became nervous, because this meeting will determine their next official rank!

Konev then said loudly: “Comrade Chegeva, Deputy Minister!”

Chegeva, with a big beard, immediately stood up and replied straight: “Here!”

Konev looked at the energetic Chegeva with a satisfied look on his face: “After careful consideration, the organization appointed Chegeva, the former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Security, as the Minister of the Ministry of National Security of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.”

Chegeva was shocked. He himself did not expect that he would be the first to be named by Konev.

He did not expect that he had just taken office for less than half a year, and now he was directly upgraded to the Minister of the Ministry of National Security!”

After a moment of shock, Chegeva immediately replied loudly: “Thank you for the organization’s trust in me!”

“Chegeva will fully fulfill the duties of the Minister of National Security and make the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance safer!”

After he finished speaking, Konev took the lead in applauding.

The entire parliament hall turned into a sea of ​​applause.

More than ten seconds later, Konev pressed his hand, and the whole audience was instantly silent.

After Konev nodded with satisfaction, he shouted again: “Comrade Anmushika! ”


Anmushika jumped up from his seat and stood straight.

“After a long period of observation, the organization decided to appoint Deputy Director Anmushika as the Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Suxiong Alliance!”

Anmushika then replied loudly: “Thank you for the organization’s trust in me. I have worked harder to convey the will of our Suxiong to the hearts of the Suxiong people.”After Konev nodded with satisfaction, he continued to appoint the people he had arranged.

The entire parliament hall applauded continuously, and everyone was full of energy, enjoying the great harvest after the successful purge.

Such an appointment is not only a reward for the previous high-level leaders of the alliance, but also Konev is building his own faction.

Only when his subordinates are all his own people can Konev be reassured.

However, such appointments are not all promotions.

Some high-level officials who had a good relationship with Gorba or Yeluqin were all removed by Konev.

At least in the positions of director and minister, they are all high-level officials close to Konev.

Even if the officials who were removed were capable, they were arranged by Konev to marginal or insignificant positions for observation.

If the other party is really fine, then Konev will consider re-employing them later.

But Konev would rather kill 10,000 people by mistake than let go of any signs that will spread Western ideas in the organization.

This meeting lasted a full 4 hours.

Now the high-level power system of the Soviet-Xiong Alliance has been completely firmly controlled by Konev.

It is a pipe dream for Western forces to infiltrate Konev’s power network again.

After all, the new high-level officials are very clear that the benefits they are getting now come from the strong-handed Konev.

If one day they are really not loyal to the alliance, it would not be surprising if Konev chopped them off.

Four hours later, the entire appointment and removal process was finally completed, and a total of 271 people were transferred to new positions.

When everyone thought that the meeting was about to end, Konev calmly said to them:

“In addition to personnel transfers, this meeting also has a very critical strategic policy.”

As soon as Konev said this, everyone present looked at him.

Now the high-level of the Soviet-Xiong Alliance has just completed a major change, but Gorba’s series of wrong policies are still continuing.

This means that the chronic poison that Gorba gave the Soviet-Xiong Alliance is still taking effect.

If we just change people without quickly solving those wrong policies and changing the effective correct direction, then the Soviet-Xiong alliance will not start to improve immediately.

Then Konev said loudly: “I hereby propose that the Shuxiong Alliance establish the Soviet-Xiong Alliance State Assets Committee, referred to as the Soviet-Xiong SASAC.”

The senior officials present had never heard of this department, nor did they know what its role was. Many people were confused.

Konev then explained: “The State Assets Committee serves the country’s strategic resources.”

“Strategic resources are such as oil, natural gas, minerals and grain. These important resources related to the lifeblood of the country must be fully controlled by the Transport Alliance State Assets Committee.”

“The circulation of these commodities is determined by the State Assets Committee, and a small part can be released to the private sector for circulation to balance the planned economy.”

“Other ordinary commodities can be traded and circulated normally among the private sector.”

The targeting of Konev’s proposal of this State Assets Committee is already very obvious.

Before this, it was because the Gorbachev government closed a large number ofKey strategic resources were lost.

This led to the serious decline of the national army in the later period of the Suxiong Alliance, and the various national productions were also greatly restricted.

When everyone was thinking about this new department, Konev continued to ask: “I am now proposing a plan to establish a national assets committee. You need to seriously consider it after the meeting and give at least three useful economic proposals at the next meeting.”

“We need to formulate a series of economic reform plans for the Suxiong Alliance as soon as possible!”

PS: Updated, more updates will be added if the flowers exceed 2,000, and more updates will be added if the evaluation votes exceed 100. It is still being updated and I need some data support.

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