038. The United States and the West vilified Konev as a dictator and tyrant, and the presidents of the member states could not sit still and rebelled! (Please give me flowers and collect them)

As the news was announced, cheers rang out almost simultaneously in every household in Moss.

Everyone shouted Konev’s name in front of the TV, their faces full of excitement.

Everyone understood that these 137 reform measures were to save the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

Think about the fact that Gorba has only implemented 80 reforms in the past few years since he took office, and everyone knows it.

With each reform, Konev’s prestige in the alliance has risen sharply.

The Soviet-Bear people, who were originally confused, seemed to see hope in him.

As long as Konev was mentioned, everyone felt that if they held on, they would see Konev lead the Soviet-Bear Alliance to rise again.

While the Soviet-Bear people were cheering excitedly, some senior officials of the member states could not sit still.

“This is not reform, it’s killing us!”

“Crazy! He’s really a lunatic!”

“He implemented more than a hundred policies last month. He treats the country as a joke!”

“This guy is clearly targeting us!”

“He has blocked all the ways to make money.”

“Damn Konev, is there anyone who can get rid of him?”

“In this era, you still want to save the economy? Freedom and democracy are the future!”

“Such a Soviet-Xiong alliance can’t stay, it’s just a waste.”

The presidents of the small member states cursed and were scared to sweat.

They knew that if they followed the Wumao country and did not give up the economic control, it would be a reminder to everyone that they had more say than Wumao.

This situation left them with no choice but to curse.

Of course, there were also some people who would rather die with their positions and money.

At night, the agents who had been prepared quietly came to the homes of these hard-boned people.

The next morning, these people were dealt with by soft-boned people.

Immediately afterwards, three member states announced the resignation of their presidents overnight.

Although they did not state the reasons for the resignation and the subsequent arrangements, the presidents of all member states knew that resistance was a dead end.

Facing a decisive new president like Konev, no senior official dared to think any more.

And Konev’s heavy-handed action was not over yet.

Under the expectation of the people of the whole country, the first announcement to combat corruption was issued just two days later.

A long list of senior officials of member states were all charged with treason, corruption, and smuggling. Without exception, all were sentenced to death and executed immediately.

The assets confiscated from these corrupt officials were as high as 1.3 billion rubles, all of which were taken away by Konev and put into the Soviet Union Relief Fund to help the poor.

As soon as this announcement came out, Konev’s prestige soared, and the public’s support was also increasing.

But the lives of senior officials became more difficult.

As the heavy-handed attack was launched, the innocent officials did not feel anything special.

But those officials who have something to hide and have dirty hands are living on thin ice, worried that someone who is against the situation will come to their door one day.

Under such pressure, they all try their best to prove that they are innocent.

Many officials who were not doing their jobs have also started to go to work on time.

They dare to leave work only after finishing various affairs every day.

After all, in such aIn the high-pressure civil service environment, this money can even be said to be exchanged for life.

Once you are not careful, you may be caught by the inspection team under the Konev government.

When that time comes, follow the template of Konev’s sentencing.

Treason, death penalty.

Collaboration with the enemy, death penalty.

Increased amount of corruption, death penalty.

Money-for-power transaction, death penalty.

For these senior officials, life has never been so difficult.

If you don’t work hard to make achievements, the next person to be caught by Konev may be yourself! .

During the days when Konev hit hard, all senior officials felt that this was the most difficult time since they took office.

Everyone said that new officials start with three fires, but they didn’t expect Konev’s fire to burn endlessly.

This high-pressure state has become their daily norm.

For some senior officials, the originally easy work and easy money-making days are completely over.

Now we must not only be cautious, but also work diligently, and even beware of the infiltration of Western forces.

Otherwise, one day we might be caught as a negative example.

Konev’s series of strong measures have achieved great success in China.

Naturally, this also made those Western countries furious and began to criticize and smear.

Posters against Konev can be seen everywhere, even in public toilets.

Western media are constantly reporting, and the news station of the Eagle Sauce has published more than 20 different copywritings.

Each one is accusing Konev of brutal massacres, illegal detention, and depriving citizens of their right to speak.

There are also many people who directly shout for a reward for Konev and seek “justice”.

This is not just the Eagle Sauce, the British country in NATO also portrayed Konev as a ghost in the mist.

Specializing in taking Soviet bear people away from their homes at night and early morning for slaughter.

The Gallic country went a step further and released ten different forms of propaganda films, comics, and music works.

These cultural works are all strongly smearing Konev. Some portray him as a murderer, some as a dictator, and even a version of him as an alien monster.

Various ugly and dark images of Konev appeared in front of the Western people.

This sudden massive propaganda made even ordinary people who didn’t care about politics curious.

Who is this Konev?

What kind of person is he?

How bad is he?

Such propaganda has had an unexpectedly good effect in the West.

PS: If the flowers exceed 1,000, I will continue to update. If the evaluation votes exceed 60, I will continue to update. Please give me flowers, collections, and data support.

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