039. The Soviet-Bear Alliance declared war on Lithuania and Georgia. Independence is invalid, either return or fight!

Many people naturally think that except for their West, other places are full of barbarians, massacres and thugs.

Only the West is a peaceful paradise.

It is for this reason that many Western countries have only gently guided and hundreds of civil organizations against the Soviet-Bear Alliance have been born.

They spontaneously marched in the streets, holding high the banner of democracy, calling on more people to respond to them.

At the beginning, Konev thought that dealing with corrupt officials only required implementing policies well, and the subsequent work should be simple.

Unexpectedly, the number of corrupt officials in the Soviet-Bear Alliance far exceeded his expectations.

The initial plan was to publish news at the bottom of the front page of the newspaper every day, and photos could be attached at the beginning.

But on the second and third days.

As the investigation deepened, more and more big fish were found, and even the second page was not enough.

This series of iron fist actions not only cleared out the termites in the government, but also directly replaced a group of cadres trained by themselves.

The strategic significance of this is self-evident.

A few days later, Konev felt that the time had come, and his status in the hearts of the Soviet-Bear people had improved a lot.

At this time, as long as he issued a call, everyone would respond actively.

In this way, he could also free up his hands to deal with those member states that had already run away.

He had previously declared the independence of those countries invalid and did not recognize their positions.

But such disputes are never settled by words.

Those independent member states believed that the West was supporting them behind the scenes.

And they also had the army as a backing, so they felt that they did not need to worry too much.

Besides, they had the agreement signed by the Gorbachev government in person, and the law was backing them up.

Now that Konev had issued this order, he had become the unreasonable party.

While they were preparing, Konev was also studying the legal provisions of these countries.

Just like the previous reform of the lifelong system of officials, Konev seized power by relying on the army and won prestige by relying on the support of the people.

He used open conspiracy to break through the shackles of interest groups bit by bit and promote the great revival of the Soviet-Bear alliance.

Now, what he needs to do is to start revising the laws related to the Soviet-Bear Alliance and its member states.

According to the provisions of the Soviet-Bear Alliance, each member state has its own laws, which are equal to the laws of the alliance.

They have their own law enforcement agencies and management departments, but more importantly, all member states have the right to freely withdraw from the alliance.

This right has given the West too many opportunities to take advantage of.

It can be said that this weak law driven by external forces has led to the Soviet-Bear Alliance being manipulated by the West.

If the Soviet-Bear Alliance wants to achieve a major transformation, this law is a thorn in Konev’s heart.


There is no room for negotiation on this matter.

Konev directly convened a meeting of the alliance to discuss the abolition of this law.

Five meetings were held in a row throughout the day.

From sunrise in the morning to the moon in the middle of the night, the meeting lasted.

In the end, the Soviet-Bear Alliance issued the “New Member State Law”, which directly deleted the clause that member states can freely join or withdraw from the alliance.

The law clearly states that the laws of the Soviet-Bear Alliance are higher than the laws of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.All member states’ laws have absolute priority.

Member states will no longer have independent laws, and management rights are more like autonomy and economic privileges, rather than national rights.

Moreover, the law requires all member states to implement it.

As soon as the newly enacted law came out, it immediately caused a sensation in society.

At first, the public was not clear about the meaning of this law, but as some visionary people analyzed and interpreted it, the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance exploded in an instant.

The introduction of this law is simply depriving member states of their right to survive.

Now everyone realizes that the economic reforms led by Konev before are nothing at all.

Compared with this law, it is the highlight.

This law almost weakens the rights of member states in various aspects such as economy.

People even began to call Konev a leader or mentor, which are far better than the president.

Konev’s status in the hearts of the people has been on a rapidly rising path and cannot be stopped.

When the Soviet-Bear Alliance was hotly discussed nationwide, several member states near the Baltic Sea were already in chaos.

They all had independent ideas and even had independent actions.

Therefore, the President of Georgia and his team learned that the Soviet Union issued a new member state law.

Because they knew very well that this was an illegal action!

They understood that if the Soviet Union dared to do this.

It would not only be a domestic political struggle, but a naked military provocation.

If the independent member states objected, the Soviet Union’s army could use artillery shells to negotiate with them at any time.

After the meeting, the President of Georgia contacted the leadership of Liwan without hesitation.

At present, the situation of the two independent Soviet Union member states is almost the same, like a community of destiny.

If one of them can’t stand the pressure and returns to the Soviet Union, the other will completely lose the opportunity to struggle.

More importantly, Aisha and Weiya had already announced their independence a month ago and specifically notified the Soviet Union.

Now Aisha and Weiya must be very anxious.

If they become independent at this critical moment, it will undoubtedly be a slap in the face to Konev.

If such an iron-fisted president is angered, the consequences will be disastrous, and almost everyone can foresee that they will be trampled by millions of troops.

But if the declaration of independence is withdrawn, all the previous preparations will be in vain, and Western forces will never let them go.

It can be said that the two countries are in a dilemma.

Therefore, the actions and results of Gru and Liwan will greatly affect the attitudes and actions of other member states of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

On the same day, Liwan and Gru successfully connected the president’s secret communication line and started a telephone conference.

“Hello, President Velika of Gru, I am Natas, President of Liwan.”

Velika responded friendly: “The situation is complicated, and the telephone conference is also helpless, otherwise I will definitely come to greet my good partner in person.”

Both of them felt helpless, after all, there is the Soviet-Bear Alliance in the middle.

If you want to meet now, it will be extremely difficult and the risk is also amazing.

After a few greetings, the two quickly turned to the main topic.”The Soviet-Bear Alliance has gone completely crazy now. That massacrer Konev promulgated a new law for the member states this morning.”

“Once this law came out, it was simply a declaration of war on us!” Velika was furious. Hearing a few words about the law of the new member states, he couldn’t help but get furious.

“Konev is really a lunatic! We are already independent, why does he still want to control us?”

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