Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1052: Floor ammunition

Chapter 1052 Manchus Ammunition

The wind whistled.

Throughout the jungle, it was like a flaming mountain. The mountains were full of flames, and there were gunshots and ammunition everywhere.

Meng Qichen was in the jungle, his eyes were cold. He looked at them through the sights and watched them running. Like the cheetahs in the jungle, they ran very fast, as if they were slower, they would be slaughtered by the people behind. This speed is terrible.

The thorns continue to hit their limbs, but no one cares.

The mechanically cold female voice kept ringing.

Some people were injured, some died, and the number is constantly decreasing.

Beckett asked, "Meng Qi, why don't you shoot?"

Meng Qi looked at Beckett coldly. "The sniper's bullets are very precious. If you can't guarantee a shot, don't shoot them indiscriminately. This is a waste of resources. You heard the system playing, are the three of them injured? ”

Beckett thought, it seems that the same, the bullets hit so much, but no one was hurt, this is very embarrassing.

"Meng Qi, you are so calm."

Meng Qi lowered his body and his face looked extraordinarily gloomy in the sun. "A group of blind people."

He seemed very dissatisfied with everything, with a painful and suffocating coldness. Beckett shuddered and didn't say anything. In the jungle, the Milshi team was against Shen Qianshu and Monica. West is chasing after.

In a mountain, they lost their traces.

They seem to have lost their tracks for a moment.

"Who saw them, snipers, talk!" Millhi said, his heart was very dissatisfied, the sniper had been playing for so long, but a bullet was not hit, it was too much.

Waste ammunition.

It’s a waste of ammunition.

This group of people are stupid, stupid!

He should not trust them.

The sniper rifle should be held in your own hands.

Today, it is useless to say anything.

"Someone saw them?"

Her voice was very cold, with anger, no patience, many people were eliminated, and the number of people was getting less and less. Cher's tactics had been led by quilts except for problems, but there was no way.

Milsi is very upset.

"Let's go back, they are not here." The rest of the team, have gone looking for another direction.

Millhi said, "A bunch of waste!"

She is the captain. Several people around me didn't pout with her. She didn't have to say anything to her. It also fueled her anger. "I watched them running in this direction, they must be here, look for it!"

Not far away, several girls are also looking for.

"Search every inch, every tree, and find where they are."


Shen Qianshu was very quiet. At the moment she was hanging on the tree. As long as Milsi looked up, she could see her. There were only two people around Milshi, and the rest were in the distance.

Monica and Moshi are on the other side, not by her side.

Shen Qianshu narrowed his eyes, and his endurance was particularly good. Suddenly, she fell silently, her legs were sandwiched by a girl's neck, and she suddenly twisted a girl's neck.

The mechanical icy female voice rang.

The girl was eliminated.

Milsi, who walked in front of him, only felt that his back was cold, and he turned back. Shen Qianshu rushed over, and Milli screamed, and the muzzle was directed at Shen Qianshu.

In the midst of a thousand miles, Shen Qianshu took her wrist, and the muzzle turned, facing the sky, and a row of bullets sounded, and Shen Qianshu held the barrel.

(End of this chapter)

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