Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1053: Non-mainstream sign

Chapter 1053 Non-mainstream signs

In the midst of a thousand miles, Shen Qianshu took her wrist, and the muzzle turned, facing the sky, and a row of bullets sounded, and Shen Qianshu held the barrel.

"She's here, she's here!" Milsh yelled, and the girl who had just reached her front was turned back by Monica, and Moshi was shot at her belly.


Shen Qianshu saw that Milsi had fallen slowly, and blood ran out of her abdomen. Her eyes were wide, as if she was unwilling, and looked at Shen Qianshu.

The creeps are stunned.

Shen Qianshu picked up the firearms, followed Monica and Moshi, and left.

Xue Er and others only saw the figure flashing and flickering. They immediately shot at the figure in the jungle. The gun was particularly urgent, and the bullets flew like money.

Suddenly, a mechanical female voice reported.

"Moses, injured!"

This incident was a cheer for the teenagers, a feast, and finally injured a person. Mosi licked the wound on his arm and did not put it in his eyes. It was just a stray bullet, and she was unlucky.

Shen Qianshu didn't have time to say anything. Several people hid under the intimidation of bullets.

Shen Qianshu hurriedly pressed Mosi's arm. Monica took out the hemostatic medicine and gauze from her backpack, sprinkled a layer of hemostatic medicine, and bandaged her. Fortunately, it was not too much blood.

Shen Qianshu asked, "Are you hurting?"

"No pain, what is this hurt?" If it weren't afraid of blood on the leaves, and revealed the whereabouts, there was no need to dress up. After a while, they didn't wait for them to breathe and heard the sound.

Then, the system broadcasts.

Milshi was seriously injured.

Shen Qianshu lowered his voice. "She didn't die."

Monica said, "Every time I lose my fighting power. We can't fight like this. It consumes too much for us. We must get a sniper rifle, or we will die."

Moses also knows that Monica is telling the truth.

If they fight this way, they have no chance of winning, and they don’t mean anything. In the end, they will kill them. After all, the number of opponents is large and evenly matched.

Monica and Moses are indeed more powerful than them.

Whether it is shooting, reaction, or command, they are a bit more powerful, but they are not weak. If they go so far, their physical strength will be lost. Some people will be on the wall.

Shen Qianshu said, "Let's find a place to hide."

Monica said, "I know a place that is especially suitable for hiding."

Moshi and her looked at each other and saw each other's meanings. Several cats were walking around and deliberately avoided the crowd. It was very far from the location of the incident. After a while, they went to the river.

"I probably know where the snipers are, there is a place that is blind, they can't find it!"

Monica and Mosi, Shen Qianshu three people quickly entered a mountain, the mountain is repaired like a bomb shelter, and is very hidden, if you do not step on the map early, generally do not know this place.

A few people went into the hills and walked all the way down, pressing down the voice. "We are so obvious."

Moses looked at Shen Qianshu. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't find out, we all wore military uniforms, almost exactly the same. Why do they recognize us?" Shen Qianshu remembered a very important thing.

Moses suddenly realized that she and Shen Qianshu both looked at Monica's non-mainstream hair.

(End of this chapter)

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