Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1081: I almost killed my husband!

Chapter 1081 almost killed her husband!

Everyone went to the direction of Monica and Moses. Shen Qianshu quickly ran to a body, took her backpack, and began to pick up the useful ammunition of his team and put it in his backpack.

The countdown started, and she ate all the things she had eaten.

Monica and Mosi slammed the West, and Shen Qianshu smashed six backpacks, including the backpacks of the group of teenagers who left, and the battle came to an end. The remaining bombs were not much, but the six packs were also very fat.

Shen Qianshu just had to go back. Unfortunately, she was discovered by a young girl. She immediately shot at Shen Qianshu. Shen Qianshu sank and quickly rushed over, raised her gun, a clean and neat move, and took her The bullets were all unloaded.

The girl screamed and knocked down the guns of Shen Qianshu. The two men wrestled close.

"I have trouble, you don't care about me."


Outside the high wall.

The night mausole heard clear bullets, and all the people who worked for them heard it. The hearts of the people sank and there was a fear. The armed men began to come and rush, and they were all driven away.

The night Ling looked at them and did not pay attention, and lowered the voice, "Don't expose me."

He climbed into the pipe through a blind corner cover.

After climbing into the pipeline, the sound was louder, and he couldn't move. Although he didn't know where the pipeline was going, he knew that it must be inside the high wall, and the guns were so dense.

Thousand trees must be frightened.

Wherever she has experienced the bullets, she must find her earlier.

The armed men quickly went out, and the night cemetery followed the pipeline and continued to climb forward. His sense of direction was always good. In this pipe, he smelled the smell of sulfur.

Explosives... a lot.

Mu Yuan must find the stronghold of the black rose and destroy it. Otherwise, it will be the place where he and Shen Qianshu buried their bones.

For him, the pipeline is very small, it is difficult to climb, but he has no choice but to climb.

In the middle of the way, there is also a direction, there are different welding places, the night to choose the left side, and continue to climb, fortunately to manage the air circulation, not to suffocate and die.


Shen Qianshu and the girl played hard, the firearms were knocked down, and the night vision device was not down. Shen Qianshu smashed a few feet. Her fists and feet were practiced, and it was not as good as a training dozen. Year girl.

But she is not a disadvantage.

The girl stared at the gun. She had no communicator, no way to inform others, but also came over and equipped. The girl slammed into the firearms on the side, and Shen Qianshu also rushed over.

The girl’s hand just touched the gun, and Shen Qianshu stepped on it and stepped on the back of her hand.

She backhanded a knife and inserted it on Shen Qianshu's calf.

Although Shen Qianshu avoided a little, and was scraped together, the girl kicked Shen Qianshu out and hit a hard place. Shen Qianshu quickly got up, the girl rushed over, and the two of you kicked me. Play together again.


When Shen Qianshu stabbed the girl, she fell to her equipment bag, and the girl saw the fierce light, riding on Shen Qianshu, and the knife pressed down hard.

Shen Qianshu clasped her hand with both hands.

Girl, "Oh, go to hell, go to hell..."

Her strength is particularly large.

Shen Qianshu looked at the tip of the knife and poked her eyebrows. She was going to poke into her eyebrows. She was forced to use force. The girl’s tip pointed to the direction and stabbed into the soil. Shen Qianshu grabbed the equipment. A pistol outside the bag, against the girl's temple.


She pulled the trigger, the bullet penetrated the girl's temple, and the blood suddenly splashed Shen Qianshu's face. She closed her eyes subconsciously, and Monica and Moshi's voice came from the earphones.

"Miss sister, are you okay, Miss Sister?"

"Do you say goodbye is our goodbye? You don't die, your doorman is close at hand."

"Shen Qianshu, go back."

"I am still alive!" So close shot, she was almost shocked, Shen Qianshu suddenly opened the girl, her eyes wide, seemingly dead.

Shen Qianshu picked up the equipment bag.

Monica said, "Scared me, saying that you are more arrogant than me, and that God is politely saying goodbye."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

If you are being chased, can you not vomit?

The cold mechanical female voice rang and one more person was lost.

Shen Qianshu sighed in front of the girl, sighing her hand, covering her eyes and letting her body close her eyes. This is what she can do, the greatest gentleness.

Shen Qianshu picked up the M4 and the pistol. The pistol was still very useful. Sometimes, Shen Qianshu noticed that a black shadow was approaching. It was coming from behind her. The moonlight tonight was particularly good. It was shining in the bushes and the shadows were really true.

Shen Qianshu has a horrible bone. Why has he not fired yet?

She turned around and did not see the person open. She quickly raised her arm and fired a gun. She looked at it as a big man, and she was very embarrassed. Shen Qianshu swept a vague thought at the moment of shooting.

This is not a beautiful girl, but a young and slender teenager.

Where to come to a hustle and bustle Hu Dahan strangely mixed in.

Hu Dahan was particularly agile, almost hitting the bushes at the moment when Shen Qianshu shot. Shen Qianshu was facing the black shadow, which was a random sweep, and the bullet of the pistol was lost.

She lifted the M4 and was about to shoot.

"Shen Qianshu!" A roar, breaking through the secret!


Explosively ask for a monthly ticket, I will continue to write a manuscript, what awkward, good night!

Then today, that is, on the 17th, at 7:00-8:00, I read the live broadcast in QQ, when there are questions about the text, publishing, film and so on, etc., you can come and play me, we will not see you. Oh.

(End of this chapter)

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