Chapter 1082 Crazy Kiss

"Shen Qianshu!" A roar, breaking through the secret!

Shen Qianshu is stupid.

The night anger is unstoppable, Laozi never sleeps, breaks through the heavy points, endures the smell of sulfur, almost suffocates in the pipeline, and sees you with a thorn, you are a shuttle bullet to return me?

Thousands of troops came to see each other. The reward is almost shot by the wife in the mountains, which is the unacceptable ending of the night mausoleum.

Shen Qianshu’s mind is blank.

This familiar voice, let her return to heaven from hell, and from heaven, almost fell to hell.



"Do you want to murder your husband?" The nightling roared.

Monica, "..."

Moses, "..."

Lying in the trough, what is mixed into the selection team?

What, what?

"Miss sister, have you shot the lady?"

"Oh, no, it’s so full of energy, it must be half dead."

The two couldn't help but open the mocking mode.

Shen Qianshu came back and excitedly rushed over, "Mr.!"

The night mausoleum was blindly swept by Shen Qianshu, and was swept in the arm. There was a sharp pain. When he stood up, he saw Shen Qianshu rushing over. He had not had time to react, and he was thrown down by Shen Qianshu.

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Fortunately, he fell on a tree trunk, Shen Qianshu hugged his neck, his legs caught his waist, like a koala bear climbing on the night mausoleum, the wet kiss fell, like It is the puppy who is licking his own master, constantly kissing the night tomb, falling a sticky kiss on his face, and crying with joy.


Her husband, her husband is here.

Shen Qianshu wowed out and cried while kissing the night tomb. The tears and nose were all stuck in the beard of the night tomb.

"Sir, how come you come."

Well, I am sorry, I came, I was almost killed by you!

"I am scared to death."

It’s not awkward, watching you shoot a girl, and come back with a goodbye before dying. Isn’t I scared by you less than you?

"I was besieged by dozens of people, they are fierce."

Well, you are also very fierce.

"Sir, I am worried that I will never see you again."

Well, I was almost killed by a shot.

"I miss you every day."

Oh, the way you express your thoughts is a bit special and you can't accept it!

"do you miss me?"

The nightlings took a deep breath and looked at her tearful face. He raised a finger and pointed at her chin, pushing her face away.

Your tears snot, and I have a look on my face.

Shen Qianshu, "..."

The night mausoleum couldn't bear it, tearing off the hustle and bustle, directly using the sleeves to wipe Shen Qianshu.

"I miss you."

Shen Qianshu was soft and sour in his heart, and tears had to come out again.

Her husband is so good.

Handsome and su, Mr. came, she suddenly felt safe.

Yuling raised her hand and rubbed her head. Unfortunately, she touched a hat. He suddenly raised his head and kissed her stupidity. The lips soaked in tears were slightly salty.

He doesn't take it anymore.

This is his princess.

He finally found her.

A heart has also fallen to the bottom of my heart. As long as she is by his side, whether she is born or dead, he feels at ease. It seems that she has a sustenance. Shen Qianshu forgot to play in the rain, forgot the crisis and forgot everything.

In her eyes, there is only the night tomb.

In her heart, only the night tomb, she frantically responded to the kiss of the night tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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