Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1093: Thousands of troops meet each other

Chapter 1093, Qianjun Wanmai Meets

There can only be one person living here. In the night mausoleum, there is no money. He keeps saying that he wants to kill Shen Qianshu. In fact, they are helping them in the dark. They are not obvious at all. They just have a little mistake, can’t hit, and expose their position. Help them get the sniper rifle.

All of this is done seamlessly.

If his brother does not come, he can continue to cover.

Until Shen Qianshu won.

Or maybe, after a miss, he will kill Shen Qianshu. Who knows?

However, my brother is coming. He can't let his brother get involved in such a tragedy. Only Shen Qianshu is dead. This is the end of his life. His brother will live. If Shen Qianshu is alive, his brother will die.

He knows too much about the night tomb.

In order to sink thousands of trees, he will certainly be willing to die, but he does not want to, he is not willing to watch his brother die.

Cher and others are afraid to expose, and everything has to wait for snipers.

Mosi also armed with sniper rifles, observing everything around him, decisive battle, always in the ruined city, because there are many materials here, it is also easy to fight here, the entire ruined city, is a very large cover.

Shen Qianshu’s arm was bruised. The injury was not transmitted by the system. Because it could not be judged, it was a minor injury. Just after the grenade exploded, a stone hit her arm.

The pain was almost broken, and a hole was broken, and the blood flow was not too much.

The night mausoleum took out the medicine from the equipment bag and gave her a simple dressing. Shen Qianshu squeaked, "pain, pain, pain."

"I am lighter." The night glance looked up at her and found her eyes shining brightly at him. The beautiful eyes were like the starlight in the night sky. He could see God.

She... has become a bit different.

He doesn't like her changes, but he feels gratified.

She should have been like a carefree girl who didn't need to grow up in her life. She just needed to stand behind him. He would shelter her from the wind and keep her innocence and purity.

She should not have come into contact with the dark side of the world.

Yuling said, "I am not good!"

Shen Qianshu looked at him blankly, and the technology was super good. "Sir, you are all good, you are my little honey, seeing you, the whole world is sweet."

Monica, "..."

Moses, "..."

Miss Sister’s sweet words are the envy of the skills, even if they are envious of hate, even if Monica is everywhere, hooking up the hearts of the teenagers, not like Shen Qianshu... sweet.

The night tomb was expressionless, and Monica almost laughed.

Even if the younger sister is so sweet, Miss Jeff has no fluctuations inside, hahahahahaha.

Although laughing too exaggerated, Monica still laughed.

Shen Qianshu glanced at her, grievances watching the night mausoleum, the pink lips gently whispering, the tone is very small, "Mr., you have no reaction at all, people will misunderstand you do not love me."

The night mausoleum glanced at her with a blank expression, wrapped in gauze, and slammed it with a force. Shen Qianshu snorted, tearful, too cruel, and said at night, "Who is not far away, Qianshan Water comes to see you?"

"It's you!"

It is you, it is you, it is you!

"How do people think about how others matter, I know myself..."

He paused and closed his mouth.

Shen Qianshu’s eyes lit up, like two peaches flashing, and he stared at him. “Do you know what you are? Say, say, listen, want to hear, sir...”

(End of this chapter)

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