Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1094: Large slaughter dog scene

Chapter 1094 Large slaughter dog scene

Women are spoiled, and they are all self-taught.

Monica couldn't stand it anymore, the big butcher dog scene.

"I know that I love you more." Monica said, "Miss sister, are you satisfied? Can you not abuse the dog? We have enemies outside, can we be serious?"

Shen Qianshu looked at Monica with a puzzled look. "You and Mo Xi usually show love, what do I say, I am not eating dog food?"

"Miss sister, the girl's revenge is not so strong, not at all cute." Mosi said.

"Oh, you are not qualified to say that you are the least cute."

The night mausoleum looked at their mode of getting along, like an old friend, slightly frowning, and there was not much time for Qianshu to come here. How could they be so good with them? Are they the majors?

Everyone has a watch, and many things are not easy to ask directly. If it is really a major, Black Rose listens, it is awful, and can directly kill.

Monitoring is everywhere, they can't even find out where the monitoring is.

Shen Qianshu and the night mausoleum gave Monica, Mosi changed the class, they came to monitor, Shen Qianshu naturally took the sniper rifle and smashed it down. This is a kind of conditional reflection. These patterns are all these days.

She skillfully adjusts the sniper mirror, kneeling on the ground, posture standard, motionless, is simply a perfect sniper.

Night Mausoleum, "..."

What have she experienced these days?

Why are you shooting, so accurate?


There are too many doubts in his heart. Shen Qianshu observes around and carefully looks at every corner of the circle. Their position is not a secret. If they have been lurking in the ruined city, they must have seen it.

Seeing it, you won't necessarily come over.

Their sniper rifles, bullets are more than Meng Qi, with the cover of sniper rifles, they have no chance of winning.

Night Ling wants to find out the location of Meng Qi, he probably knows there, but Meng Qi has not been out of the way, Mosi has changed the medicine for Monica, it is the most basic medicine, it has to be changed frequently, the medicine is not too good. it is good.

Monica's wound was deeper. Fortunately, there was no inflammation. After the unwinding, it was a **** suffocation. Shen Qianshu licked her lips and Monica swallowed two anti-inflammatory drugs. "Miss sister, observe your right front, I think they are There."

"it is good!"

The night mason leaned against the wall, wore a night vision device, and watched with a telescope.

The night obscures everything.

A figure flashed across the opposite corridor and disappeared. Shen Qianshu saw it. But this position is not good at shooting. There are not many bullets, and she does not want to waste.

"Have you seen Meng Qi?"

The night tomb shook his head, "No."

Mosi said, "Miss husband, Meng Qi has a special affection for you... You are here, even if he started to help Miss Sister, I am afraid I will shoot a young lady now."

Monica said, "Only one person can survive the whole game. You and the young lady are all dead or living alone. Meng Qi must be thinking, Miss Sister is dead, you can survive."

This kind of psychology is not difficult to guess.

Yuling said, "He doesn't dare!"

No matter what he thinks, he doesn't dare!

The night passed, and they went to cover the second room, to avoid bullets coming in. Everyone could rest for a while, and Moses was watching the night.

This intersection was originally a shop, selling clothing, they are uniform uniforms, there are some clothing hanging in the store, Shen Qianshu thinking about whether to change clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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