Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1191: a group of followers

Chapter 1191 A group of followers

The child said, "Uncle Bailey, there is a problem, my mommy respects you as a predecessor, so it is not good to say too hard, I will ask first, today is my mommy's first jewelry exhibition, national broadcast Foreign audiences can also see the live broadcast. You openly smashed my mommy at the jewelry show. If it proves that Megan copied the mother, I have to fight with you for a reputational infringement lawsuit!"

Bailey stunned and furious, "Megan can't copy it!!"

"My mommy, it is even more impossible to plagiarize!" The little face of the children's painting is calm. "I am sinking, in front of the national audience, the next bet, if my mommy plagiarizes, I will withdraw from the entertainment circle!"

The live room was blown up! !

"Children's paintings, things haven't been clarified yet, you are calm and calm."

"National good son, this is not called to play, oh my God, I originally wanted to go to sleep. I will finish this jewellery show."

"Children's paintings will always support you."

"After retreating, I will retreat. I have already retired. I have been playing a dog blood drama. I have no acting skills. Who is rare in the entertainment circle."


The night mausoleum is expressionless. "If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, all the property of AG, donate Hope Primary School, Heart Disease and Neuropathy Fund!"

Gu Xie, "If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, Gu Xie will always quit the entertainment circle."

Lin Xiaojuan, "If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, Lin Xiaojuan also withdraws from the entertainment circle!"

At night, "If Miss Shen plagiarizes, I will be in the night... no more peach news!"

Everyone, "..."

Three silly, are you funny in a serious sentence?

Is it funny?

At night, I have a calm face. "It makes sense. Is this not a difficult thing for me?"

Everyone, "..."

you win!

Chen Wei said, "If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, all the profits of BG donate to the Red Cross!"

Yunan said, "If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, I Yunan withdraws from the jewelry circle."

Gu Si Ge said, "If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, my ghost... our family... donate 10 billion roads to improve urban infrastructure."

Lei Junjie said, "I am also going to follow the trend. If I plagiarize, I will donate 10 billion to the international refugee camp."

This time the live room was really blown up.

Children's paintings and night tombs are the closest people to Shen Qianshu. They use their own reputation and property to support Shen Qianshu. No one can say anything, only people feel blind love.

No matter what, trust your family.

However, since the night of the mausoleum, if Shen Qianshu copied it.

A lot of people are coming out.

Gu Xie, Lin Xiaojuan, Ye Yifan, Yunan, Si Ge, Lei Junjie, all have head and face, Gu Xie is the Taishan Beidou in the entertainment industry, Lei Junjie is the live platform of Taishan Beidou.

They use their reputation, career and money.

They have been betting.

I bet on the face of the national audience.

What kind of trust is this so that they can say these words without hesitation.

Shen Qianshu was moved to the heart, so unconditional trust gave her a feeling of a sea god, and this group of men and women formed a strong protection circle around her.

Bailey was stunned.

He may not know who Lin Xiaojuan is, who is the night, but he must know who is the night tomb, who is Yunan, who is Gu Xie, who is Lei Junjie, these people, have stood up, with the honor to guarantee Shen Qianshu Innocent.

Shen Qianshu smiled. Under the light of the ocean background, the mermaid looked up and showed his pride.

(End of this chapter)

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