Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1192: Grab the baby's limelight

Chapter 1192 grabbed the baby's limelight


"Is this group of people crazy?"

"If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, God, God, how much is this for social welfare."

"Ha ha ha, if Shen Qianshu plagiarized, I will withdraw from the barrage!"

"If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, I will exit the keyboard world."

"If Shen Qianshu plagiarizes, I donate a month's living expenses to the Red Cross!"


If the barrage is smuggled, Shen Qianshu plagiarizes.

Less than three minutes.

If Shen Qianshu plagiarized, he rushed to the hot search first.

This is a rare honorary defense battle.

I don't know who brought it, but it caused the reputation war between China and France.

"The reason, a Frenchman, standing on our land, yelling at our designers for plagiarism, is too much, who gives them the courage."

"No matter who is right or wrong, so many people are standing in the trees, I have to stand up and sink!"

"How much charm does Shen Qianshu have? Why do everyone come out to protect her reputation?"

"If Shen Qianshu really plagiarizes, this jewellery show is fun."


Bailey was circled and a little angry. In everyone's decision, there was an ominous premonition. He seemed to provoke a lot of people, a jewelry designer, and people from all walks of life.

She really copied.

Megan's design drawings have been out for more than a year.

The children's drawing is very angry, with a mouth open, "a group of followers!"

It is obvious that he is domineering outside to find the scene for Mommy.

It’s easy to follow the trend and accept it.

A group of people are coming to follow suit.

I am so angry.

Take the baby's limelight away! ! ! !

As a professional actor, how can it be robbed of the limelight.

"Uncle Bailey, I hope you can afford my mommy's reputation loss!" Children's paintings continue to brush the sense of existence.

Bailey said, "Megen's design picture, it was a year ago, your BG was not established until one year. I don't know where you got the map of Megan. You must be plagiarized. Friends of the country, we are very reasonable, not swearing."

"Your designers, plagiarism, domestic jewelry works, have repeatedly followed suit, and several of them have copied our new works every season, we are all in court."

"I am a reasonable person. Plagiarism is plagiarism. Even if you all use honorary guarantees, she is also plagiarized!"

Shen Qianshu has just been touched by a group of friends.

Hearty and sour.

At the moment, I heard Bailey’s words and smiled. “Okay, let’s wait for your beloved Megan to come over!”

Megan soon came over. She and Bailey came together to develop the business in China. They have been doing market research. People came and the products came up.

"Wow, the climax is coming, who is copying?"

The whole people pay attention.

The number of people in the live broadcast room rose directly. Lei Junjie received a call from the technical department. "Lei, the server is paralyzed, too many people."

"Change, buy, buy, repair, repair, must hold!"

This is a lot more than the last time Shen Qianshu exposed Yang Bo's heat.

Shen Qianshu, the fire was a mess.

Megan is an American woman. She looks like she is in her early thirties, her facial features are deep, her makeup is exquisite, she wears a professional suit, and she is very angry. The B family also brought their own jewelry samples.

Bailey greeted Megan, her face was very bad, looking at Shen Qianshu.

(End of this chapter)

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