Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1193: Face licking

Chapter 1193 hits the face 啪啪啪

Is this woman?

She sneered in her heart.

Shamelessly, she copied her work.

This incident is particularly uncomfortable. On the way, some people in the company told her.

Made a lot of noise.

Friends who have good things, have synchronized the video to some foreign websites, and have fried the pot in foreign countries. This is a very bad plagiarism. Netizens also made in English letters and French subtitles for live broadcasts abroad.

Shen Qianshu said, "Megan, Bailey said, I am copying your work, it is better, let's take a look at it."

The guide gave the camera to Megan. She looked very powerful. She was pressed against the gas field. But Shen Qianshu did not show weakness at all. "Yunan, come on."

Yunan came to power. "To be fair, you can also invite a jewelry appraiser."

The jewels of BG and B were taken up and placed on a clean plate. The three sets of jewels were almost exactly the same, and the naked eye could not be distinguished. Megan looked at the next eye and saw Lu Mengxi.

"Meng Xi, are you willing to help me identify?"

Lu Mengxi is well-known internationally, just as Megan has a little friendship, Lu Mengxi naturally can't ask for it. On the stage, Yunan and Lu Mengxi together identified two sets of jewelry, mainly looking at materials.

The styles are almost the same, and it has long been determined that one person must have copied.

If you are reluctant to say the same idea, look at the jewelry material.

Yunan slightly twisted his eyebrows.

The same.

Anyway, just to identify the jewelry, can not get her, Lu Mengxi is also happy.

"Exactly, the micro-designs and materials of the two sets of jewels are exactly the same. Even if the concept is similar, this is not possible. It must be copied by one of them."

Lu Mengxi said.

Yunan nodded, agree!

Lu Mengxi is very excited, this time will definitely make Shen Qianshu unable to turn over.

The B home was designed a year ago.

BG was founded less than a year ago.

Whoever copied it, at a glance.

The live room is also awesome.

"The group of people who guarantee the innocence of Shen Qianshu, your face hurts, oh!!!"

“The Red Cross and Hope Primary School will receive a lot of money.”

"Gu Xie, children's painting, remember to quit the entertainment circle."

“Shen Qianshu still has a face-mixed jewelry design circle. If I were her, I should have retired. It’s too shameful, it’s too shameful.”

The live broadcast room has sung.

Bailey took out their discussion, video, and evidence a year ago, all with dates, on the big screen, proving that they were a design a year ago, Bailey asked, "Miss Shen, your proof of design. What?"

Shen Qianshu smiled slightly. "Megan, before I give proof, give you a last chance. Is this all your design?"

Megan said, "Yes!"

Megan's face is unchanged. "I don't know if you ask this. What is the point? This is really our design. I don't know where you got our design."

"You lied!" Shen Qianshu said in a deep voice. "Five years ago, we participated in the Diamond Concept Contest. I have had a relationship with you. Megan, have you forgotten me so quickly?"

Megan's face was wide.

Almost horrified to see Shen Qianshu.

Shen Qianshu said in English and Megan, "I said what you said to me in the past, I said, I am a little girl, what kind of concept contest, just an idiotic dream, like an ugly duckling, came to the swan group, You gave me nothing, but that time I got the first place in the concept contest, you got the second place, then my name candy!

Little fairies, there are updates today! ! ! ! Add a more monthly ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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